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Sarah Hamilton

Brrr seventeen?! It was 27 here yesterday morning, but should be high sixties come Saturday.

Remember that logo I posted a few months back, well we've jumped and got paid for our first job yesterday. It's a lot of work on my part - making business cards, craigslist ads, flyers, write-up sheets, a website ( which I'm still figuring out) getting quoutes making appointments, sheesh. And we only made thirty bucks last night, but she tipped us five and is very satisfied. I still have to get the artcles for the llc in place. I'm a bit behind.

And abram slept in a big bed for his nap yesterday. I am so proud of him. You wouldn't think it'd be a big deal, but he'd cry everytime I tried before.

Dec 10, 09 9:50 am  · 

sounds great Sarah look forward to hearing more, especially Abe and his big bed.

Liberty the invitation is open whenever you are ready

Dec 10, 09 10:39 am  · 

lb - that's tropical compared to mn's negative digit weather today. too cold to go sledding in the fresh snow. at least it's bright and sunny!

Dec 10, 09 10:58 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yay I made my first website! Sure it doesn't have any fancy buttons or things like pages but itsgot a picture! I'm incredibly proud of myself. What do you guys think? I'll keep trying to built more I to it; it's more of a placeholder until I can figure out how to do more. Yay!

Dec 10, 09 11:27 am  · 
brian buchalski

i love congress. they're busy introducing legislation for college football championships

yet when the fed government is the victim of what amounts to a multi-trillion dollar wall street swindle they remain silent: "We spend hours and hours and hours arguing over $10 million amendments on the floor of the Senate, but there has been no discussion about who has been receiving this $3 trillion," says Sen. Bernie Sanders. "It is beyond comprehension." (courtesy of rolling stone of all places)

...and people call me delusional when i tell them that america is collapsing. go figure.

Dec 10, 09 11:29 am  · 

Sarah you did it! Nice work! :o)

jump, is that in Japan? That reminds me of the cathedral in San Francisco, did Tange do that one too? I can't imagine he did...

puddles... yeah. I don't think we're collapsing, I think it takes a lot for that to happen, but Wall Street is seriously screwed up. And nothing has changed since those big banks failed or took TARP money. Jon Stewart had on Andrew Ross Sorkin last night - he wrote a book called "Too Big To Fail" - and Jon asked him, what has changed? And Sorkin said, "nothing". There's no regulations, no new laws, nothing. I know health care is important, I know Afghanistan is important, and I know jobs are important, but hello? Can somebody look at this problem, please?

Hope you are all well.

Dec 10, 09 12:38 pm  · 

Hey Wonderk and N_
Glad to hear things are moving along...

Congrats Sarah...

Dec 10, 09 12:43 pm  · 

All bankers and wall street traders should be licensed to protect the 'health, welfare, and safety' of the public! It would be great to force the fatcats to deal with an ethics board for their swindling of the trillions! Yes, we do need more bureaucracy!

Dec 10, 09 1:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

I fucking hate sketchup.

Dec 10, 09 1:46 pm  · 
brian buchalski

I sketching hate fuckup.

Dec 10, 09 1:59 pm  · 
liberty bell

BTW, puddles, you're not delusional at all. Is the country you're in better? Because I'm near to giving up on this one.

Dec 10, 09 2:36 pm  · 
vado retro

acccording to nomi prins there is another potential bubble building and that involves the same banks that were bailed out. it seems they are using some enron like accounting to appear to be making profits by buying up other financial institutions shuffling money around and sitting on bailout money rather than lending it which is why it was given to them in the first place.

Dec 10, 09 5:30 pm  · 

WK, he did some work in san francisco so could be tange.

yes this one is in tokyo. 1960's metabolist period. pritzker prize winner at his prime.

Dec 10, 09 8:40 pm  · 

I backed into a parked car yesterday....thank god there was no one in it at the time. Crazy thing is I didn't even know I backed into him.
I was at a job site and had a fricking heavy box of samples to drop off to the contractor so I pulled into the site drive and well there was a big ass tractor trailor delivering steel framing and metal decking for the building so I couldn't park on site so I backed out on to the street while is at a steep incline and moderately busy. I guess I was to concerned about getting wacked by someone cresting over the hill and wacking me. Anyhow I hit the car smashed in the drivers door and went ahead parked the car went to job meeting and an hour later come out and the police is there asking the Job Super..who had been on the site....kinda a Arlo Guthrie senerio. We walked over to the car and the Super says ya it is red paint, must have been the tractor trailor...So I walked up the hill looked at the rear of my red Jeep and said I don't see any damage, then upon looking closer noticed alot of I backed into the kid. I caught up with the kid told him it was me and collected all his information. Called the police officer and left a message on the answering machine. Then called my insurance company and told them what happened. Then figured I better stop by the police station and talk to officer oppey... Walked thru the front door and was face to face with the guy.
I said, "Just the guy I need to talk to, "I'm the guy who hit the parked car." Well he was busy listening to some other local citizen complain about someone being an 'asshole' so I had to wait me turn. When he finished he walked me into his inner office asked me a few questions. Then we went out and looked at my car and he side I'm just going to give you a verbal warning cause it sure looks like and accident to me......I wanted to say thanks Santa, but I held my breath and said thanks Officer.

To make the guys envy me...I have a Brazilian and a Dane sleeping in my house tonight and their both female...

Dec 10, 09 11:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

snook, sounds like you had a good day and are heading into a good night!

I had a mom's night out with the girls tonight - it was fun and I didn't drink too much.

Dec 11, 09 12:06 am  · 
vado retro

if it was a moms' night out, i hope it was with girls. but you never know.

Dec 11, 09 6:59 am  · 

Morning all,

I have my Christmas work party tonight. Open bar and I have a beautiful lady to go with me. Yeah!!!

Hope you all have a good day. I think it is going to be slow in the office today.

Dec 11, 09 8:47 am  · 
liberty bell

I'm critting all afternoon up at BSU again. I need to start charging for this! Not really though.

Dec 11, 09 9:03 am  · 

do you have a beret and scarf? give em a bit of flipadelphia!

Dec 11, 09 9:05 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Anybody have an embroidery machine? I need 2-4 shirts emblazened with our logo and don't want to do 100.

Wish I had a Christmas party to go to. Husband doesn't even have one at work. Maybe I should through one, but'd have to be tonight and that's awfully short notice.

Lb, you should definatly go critting in character; which doesn't matter.

Snook, did you get the counters done?

Dec 11, 09 9:22 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

@vado: acccording to nomi prins there is another potential bubble building and that involves the same banks that were bailed out. it seems they are using some enron like accounting to appear to be making profits by buying up other financial institutions shuffling money around and sitting on bailout money rather than lending it which is why it was given to them in the first place.

didn't watch the video as I am work, but I've heard the commercial market bubble is about to burst - as their loans aren't due until this coming year (unlike mortgages - they get a few years before they have to pay anything). anyone sitting on - and have funded - unleased large-scale commercial space built within the past few years is going to be screwed unless something happens.

I think smaller-scale commercial properties are going to be fine - it's the gigantic spec projects that are going to run into trouble because they haven't found enough tenants - unless they get creative and turn some of that space into other uses... could be an interesting bustler competition - turn the glut of vacant commercial space into something useful?

Dec 11, 09 10:33 am  · 

As a UF alum an Gainesville resident Orochi I thank you..

And is that the new rick rolling? Do love the song though...

Also, flipadelphia.. Hahah. Danny De Vito on Ritalin was hilarious.. Tying shirts sleeves together with his teeth

Dec 11, 09 10:33 am  · 

oops - you meant financial bubble...

Dec 11, 09 10:36 am  · 

SH - hahaha, my father does. I think it does 6 or 8 at the same time.

and what does this mean "Also, flipadelphia.. Hahah. Danny De Vito on Ritalin was hilarious.. Tying shirts sleeves together with his teeth" I'm completely lost.

Dec 11, 09 11:58 am  · 

Beta made a reference to flipadelphia which was something from last night's episode of Always sunny in Philadelphia on FX.

Hilarious show if you have never seen it...

Dec 11, 09 12:05 pm  · 

Ah, I did make a connection between Danny DeVito and the show, but I didn't watch last nights episode. It happens to be one of my favorite shows but I only get to watch the old ones because I follow it online (no cable for cheap slarti).

Dec 11, 09 12:20 pm  · 


That would actually be my preferred method for watching most tv, but as I am on an old Mac Powerbook and running OS 10.3.9 I cannot run Hulu, or any other video site that requires Flash 10...It ain't supported for my old machine,.

Dec 11, 09 1:29 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i wasn't even really referring to a bubble. the stuff going on now between wall street and the fed bank & treasury is practically theft in broad daylight. it's pretty remarkable that congress can authorize billions in bailouts, yet if they inquire where it's going or attempt to audit, the fed & treasury respond by telling them to get lost.

think about that, american tax dollars are now going almost directly to the bonuses of wall street execs. everything that is supposedly paid for with taxes (roads, schools, etc) languishes with neglect, yet a handful of well connected bankers are doing better than ever.

it's so blatant that i can't help but wonder if "the powers that be" are trying to coax the american people into rioting on wall street.

and, yeah, i'm still alive.

Dec 11, 09 1:33 pm  · 

yeay! i just won an ebay auction for an iBook! not exactly the top of the line, but for $251 who can complain, especially when it has $150 worth of software that I need? Now I can return the dell that I borrowed from former office and not pay them $290 for a machine that doesn't do anything (ie no software). All I really need this machine for is giving my lectures via powerpoint or acrobat, so speed and memory isn't important.

Dec 11, 09 8:46 pm  · 


The cherry counters are done, and the Danish Friend was impressed as was the Mrs. Although for two different reasons..the friend because of the look of danish design... the Mrs...cause I cleaned up aftewards...(Hope you didn't spit your coffee out.) We salvaged the wood from a country store over ten years ago....I hauled it home in the back of my Jeep and figured out a way to use it in the kitchen. My cabinet builder helped me install it and I sanded and finished it eight years ago (so it was time). I can't tell you the name of the product I used but it is the same product used on salad bowls if your into turning wood. It is a twice a day coating with in between sandings of (320 grit), then wiping with a micro cloth before resealing. Actually Mrs. B knows the labor and was thankful I did it when she was gone.
Oh ya they had a grand time in NYC and now there at a womens sleep over.....where all the women talk about there husbands...this one is international style since our Danish friend went with her.

Dec 11, 09 10:11 pm  · 

Shit...I'm working on a project and well the floor plan is not working with the elevation....bummer! I'm sure it doesn't happen to anyone else hanging out here...including Puddles.

Dec 11, 09 10:13 pm  · 

Puddles, bye the way you think the Harvard Law School is going to keep Howie Jackson as the head of the Law Shool?

Dec 11, 09 10:14 pm  · 
liberty bell

snook, I saw over on the mural thread you got a new big job - congrats, man! It's good news to know some of us smaller guys are hanging in there. On the red tie thing, I recall Pat Schroeder years ago, before her foot-in-mouth issues last election year, saying that women who are about to be interviewed on camera should always wear gold earrings to give them some sparkle - because when you've been up all night working on legislation (or design) you need to fake the sparkle that is missing from your eyes and skin.

I'm WHIPPED from judging a competition at BSU today. Good work, strong projects coming out of that school. And my two co-jurors were a blast.

Dec 11, 09 11:39 pm  · 

I'm still alive.

Started a new job the other week, am already working 11 hours days on a regular basis. Am assured by boss repeatedly that this is not normal, that I just happened to come in at a crunch time, but... well, we'll see. Either way, the work is pretty exciting, I have clients that people actually recognize for once. But, there is a crazy political situation going on there. I would actually love to be able to get some opinions about it, but the fact is that my identity is not as anonymous as I would like so don't feel as comfy as I used to sharing work stuff. :(

Dec 12, 09 2:45 am  · 

that's the problem when you are famous rationalist... no way around really. Sorry about the late hours, but as long as you are enjoying it.

In other news I just found out that the guy who took over for me in Montserrat has resigned before the end of contract. I'm not sure the circumstances surrounding it but I'm actually quite vindicated. That I wasn't the only one loosing my mind down there. And is actually the 2nd of my old staff that has resigned in 18 months since I've left. Not to make it about me or anything (wink wink)

Dec 12, 09 10:20 am  · 
assured by boss repeatedly that this is not normal, that I just happened to come in at a crunch time

yeah - I've heard that one before - good luck with your new job!

I think there are some ex-philly (and planning-interested) people around here who might find this interesting:

Philly gains population?

Dec 12, 09 10:22 am  · 

rationalist, you can always email for advice! That's what I do -- and many thanks to yourself, lb, steven ward, vado, and abra who are always extremely kind and generous with their help.

Dec 12, 09 12:17 pm  · 

Argh, I can't stand that ARCHITECH phillips norelco shaver advertisement!!!

Dec 12, 09 12:17 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Manta, maybe the aia should sue them.

Wish I could go to crits. I email UTA aboout it several times but never gotaresponse.

Snook you should post pictures. I'm quite curious. Mykitchen is do e in a nice beige and maroon cracklefinishwith Formica butcherblick counters. It's lovely.

Dec 12, 09 3:39 pm  · 

I must say I bought that shaver - way too close a shave. But then I was never one for close shaves anyway, one can't really feel like an architect without a little facial stubble

Dec 12, 09 4:52 pm  · 

sarah you need to become friendly with the teachers and ask directly not e-mail. strange but if you were working in local office they would probably pay more attention to you. per-sychology is a strange buggery thing isn't it?

fingers crossed the hours are not permanent feature of the job rationalist. awesome that you are doing what sounds like fun job though!

Dec 12, 09 8:00 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh techno, you bought it cause it said architech didn't you. And jump, I don't know any profs. I didn't go to the school. I never thought about my unemploymen as being the issue, but it does make sense.

Dec 12, 09 9:01 pm  · 

Sarah you know me so well - I'm such an archi-Nerd

Dec 13, 09 2:20 am  · 

atp, seriously? those commercials are friggin annoying...

nothing wrong with a close shave. i'd grow a beard if i didn't think they were so gross. but i despise shaving - it's the biggest waste of every third/fourth day for me.

Dec 13, 09 2:29 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I just went over budget on husband. I bought him a Braun 7 series shaver. He neededa new one, and all the research said this was the best. Glad I got it on sale for 200 bucks. Got him some gevinchy play as well. I was only supposed to spend 100 dollars, but it's my house cleaning money and I worked hard for itand I can spend it how I want. (/crossed arms, put footdown)

Dec 13, 09 9:30 am  · 

sarah i imagine not knowing anyone is the real problem. lack of employment may make them wonder about motivations but once someone knows you they can decide based on you as a person.

i have no idea how to make those kinds of connections. the job i have at uni comes from a friend who teaches at the school. there were no advertisements. a phd from one of japan's ivy league was requirement, but since my friend did his phd at same school as myself and at same time as kinda all just worked itself out. they wanted someone just like him, so he called his peers and literally over a phone call i had a job in about 5 minutes.

disgusting how the world works isn't it?

Dec 13, 09 10:24 am  · 

You have to know someone, Sarah. But the good news is, you can GET to know them pretty easily -- just start getting involved at the school. Go to the lectures, hang around afterword and strike up conversations. Go to the year-end shows. Go to the critiques -- these are all open events, the more local public attend the happier the school is. No need to feel like it's a closed circle that you can't enter without an invitation. If you want to get involved with academia, the first step is to just get involved.

Dec 13, 09 10:30 am  · 

yea let them know you are interested. I was invited to a few critiques (actually one of the first ones was at MIT when I was graduate student) you do that enough and someone will take notice and you'll make the next step. I was lecturing straight out of grad school right before I was wrangled to go to Montserrat.

Dec 13, 09 11:58 am  · 

Hi everyone. I smoozed (splg?) with co workers at my holiday party. Me and the missus even chatted with the hiring manager for a possible promotion down the line.

I almost always have a 5 oclock shadow. And i only shave off my mustache every couple of months..

Dec 13, 09 1:19 pm  · 

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