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liberty bell

melt, my only experience with healthcare interior products has been that products that *are* allowed to be used specifically in healthcare say so on the product (this was for fabric for patient room divider curtains). You might select what you want then check with the product rep and literature.

Dec 21, 09 9:52 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

To add to LB, my only other experience is from reading the back of lysol cans.

And the best advise I learned from that is "non-porous."

As far as fabrics go, the only name that comes to mind in either Herculite or Sure-Chek.

Dec 21, 09 10:08 am  · 
vado retro

so yesterday i drove over to a place called illinoize. not chicago but a place called charleston. its got like ten thousand people. there is a university called Eastern Illinoize there. My exgirlfriend probably not future wife got a call from them about a faculty job there. Since she hasn't been able to visit I buzzed over there to check it out. That campus has some very nice mid century modern ish buildings on it. i knew they had a new predock building but was surprised at how much i liked the other buildings on campus. its typical for universities to keep redoing the signature style of the campus but, EIU had examples of Gothic Revival, Art Deco, Modernism and some contemporary work, as well. The sleepy town is the birthplace of Gregg Toland, cinematographer of Citizen Kain and Burl Ives!

Dec 21, 09 11:03 am  · 
liberty bell

Cool, vado! Glad your fact finding mission was positive!

Dec 21, 09 11:10 am  · 

that is an interesting image, vado.
For some reason I find it vaguely sexual.

Dec 21, 09 12:45 pm  · 
liberty bell

It's the flush, nam. As well as, maybe, the way it's sticking straight up.

Dec 21, 09 12:56 pm  · 

Thanks LB -
I guess my biggest issue is the walls. I think the best bet would be to go for wallcovering in the treatment, sterlizaton and lab areas as it's a lot easier to maintain and helps prevent dings/scratches and the like over time. Unfortunately the client is so far looking for the most cost effective attack in the short term. This leads me to believe he'll forgo my recommendation even though it may in fact be more cost effective over time. I was hoping for some requirements but have not yet found any. Guess I'm going to have to figure out another way to persuade him.

Orochi - Do either of those companies do wallcoverings as well? We're don't have any real need for fabric as it's only a dental office.

Cool building vado. Glad you had a succesful fact finding mission.

Dec 21, 09 1:14 pm  · 
liberty bell

Actually I would think vinyl wallcovering could be a very cost effective solution AND easy to clean. Certainly better than paint!

Dec 21, 09 1:24 pm  · 

get the aia healthcare guidelines, that may provide some additional information when it comes to finishes. make sure the flame spread and the smoke development issues are considered as well if you are using some kind of covering.

Dec 21, 09 1:56 pm  · 
brian buchalski

well i wasn't sure it was even possible today with the low winter solstice sun but i did manage to get a bit red/burned at the beach. only took 4 hours (no sunscreen since i'm already a bit dark). given how much time white people have to waste on sun bathing i'm really surprised that they're not the least dominate race on the planet in terms of science/technology/etc & other time intensive endeavors. go figure.

Dec 21, 09 5:00 pm  · 

Puddles I could so be on a beach in Rio....but have to wait till the Mrs obtains her US Passport, which takes about 4 weeks from filing time. We filed it today. So guess we will wait till after Marti Gras, when the airplane tickets take a dive and well the weather is actually better for this pale skinned irish norsk bald headed sunburning freak!

My method is lather up with heavy sunscreen, buy losts of beer on the beach and stay under and umbrella as much as possible....but I do love the feel of warm sand on my Arshe! It beats the hell out of I have skied most of my life. I guess that is what happens when you become a Senior Citizen. (aarp)

Dec 21, 09 5:22 pm  · 

It tends to vary on what kind of healthcare facility you are working on. If it is an in-patient situation there are more requirements due to infection control vs. an out-patient facility, which you have a bit more leeway. But for the most part you want materials that are durable and easily cleaned. Everything should be able to be wiped down and you want to look for materials that are fairly moisture resistant.

I'm not sure what exactly you are working on but if you give me an idea I can give you a list of what materials we typically specify.

Dec 21, 09 6:11 pm  · 
liberty bell

Wow, pmarch, so helpful! Welcome!

Dec 21, 09 6:53 pm  · 

LB -I bought some liberty bell stamps to day and though of you!

students are lucky! they get a break between semesters. It seems the most intense time for us teachers.

Dec 21, 09 7:09 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

I wished the results to the swiss minaret thing would be posted already.

I tend to like to stay out of the sun. I go from pasty white to burlap sack brown in a few hours.

I'm like a quarter native american-- and I get this bizarro orange golden brown tan. Like french fries that stay in the fryer too long.

Dec 21, 09 7:43 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

*melt, maybe start here?

Dec 21, 09 7:52 pm  · 

Thanks pmarch and WELCOME!!!

Thanks everyone - I actually worked in my pop's dental office when I was not only was in high school but in design school too, so I'm very aware of the need for hard surfaces. Am I the only one who feels this is a no brainer anyway? Hopefully the client will trust me enough to go with what I propose. I'm also hoping the fact that my both my pops and my bro are dentists will add value to my opinions. We shall see, I'll keep you posted.

Thanks Orochi. I'll definitely take a closer look at that issue tomorrow. Funny how I went to school for interior design but didn't really learn about finishes in school.

Anyhoo - I'm pooped. Nite all.

Dec 21, 09 9:38 pm  · 
Living in Gin

From page 5 of my portfolio:

Dec 21, 09 9:42 pm  · 

hi everyone I'm in Cleveland and apparently I left the sun in Jamaica. I've been here 2 days and I've not seen the sun since. I sure it hope it comes out tomorrow. Anyway.

*m I may be able to assist you. I've done a few healthcare buildings myself some to uk standards. But as pmarch has mentioned it does have alot to do with what type of facility it is.

Dec 21, 09 11:35 pm  · 

Wow, nam, thanks for the nod.

melt, sorry I'm late to the party, I would also say wallcoverings, but maybe see if you can use one that's not straight up vinyl... surely there's a safer alternative? Unfortunately, as much as we all love that "new car smell" of vinyl wallcoverings, it turns out that off-gassing of chemicals isn't exactly the best idea for a health care facility...

Dec 22, 09 1:57 am  · 

toasteroven, excellent article... thanks for the link!

Dec 22, 09 2:01 am  · 

Hi Pmarch,

Thanks for sharing and welcome.

No problem WonderK like I said, inspiring..

Morning all. Anybody seen Fantastic Mr Fox? Me and the missus are going to see it tonight. I am especially excited about the stop motion.

Dec 22, 09 8:07 am  · 

Dubk - Already on that. I can't believe you would think I would do antything less :o) Keep your fingers crossed I can sneak it in, as the client is all about $$$

GIN - LOL!!!

Dec 22, 09 8:34 am  · 
brian buchalski

ha! as someone who hates dogs (and by hate i mean i wish they would all die now, immediately, yesterday would be even better) this is some fascinating news:

Polluting pets: the devastating impact of man's best friend

ha ha...go ahead & hate my suv now all you envrionmental whacko friendly doggie lovers!

Dec 22, 09 11:33 am  · 

interesting, but what happens when your dog eats fish-based natural foods?

but dog foods are made over from the left over renderings not fed to people and grain byproducts. the process maximizes the calories taken from these things.

but i wish they would have interviewed an actual scientist to discuss the results of the survey. who cares if dogs are 'anti-depressants'?

and how does man sack up against that? americans eat over 200 pounds of meat a year. but when you throw in everything else, a person's footprint is devastatingly larger than a hummer's as well...

Dec 22, 09 1:23 pm  · 

LiG - was that a group project?

Dec 22, 09 1:34 pm  · 
brian buchalski

the last sentence in that article about pets was brilliant,

"Rabbits are good, provided you eat them," said Robert Vale.

people eat a lot of food. if you really want to be an "environmentalist" then you need to start obliterating people. the nazis were good at this...why aren't they celebrated? environmentally speaking, auschwitz was brilliant.

maybe we're not ready to start killing people yet in the name of the planet. but we could at least start with dogs.

Dec 22, 09 3:55 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn
Jazz that's not exactly jazzy (all strings)


I really wish sound reproduction and recording didn't kill the violin family for much of the 20th century.

Dec 22, 09 4:47 pm  · 
liberty bell

I invited a client with three small children to spend the day at our house today - they are getting drywalled today and honestly I don't know how the mother has so calmly managed their major gut job project thus far w/o resorting to Valium vodka cocktails at 9am. So they spent the day here and it was fun chaos, about 4pm we broke out the wine and now they've all left, my husband is out of town, the house is quiet and I'm considering finishing off the bottle.

This year has sucked donkey balls. I'm so ready for things to get better. I mean I know we'll weather it, and I have a wonderful healthy family which is the most important thing, but man. What a fricking train wreck we've ALL been through!

Dec 22, 09 6:06 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

So, all that accounting work I've been doing has netted me an iPhone with a years worth of service as a bonus!

Dec 22, 09 6:40 pm  · 

I think I'm going to apply for the Virgin Planner job in Utah. Then I can get a bakers dozen of wives.

Dec 22, 09 7:01 pm  · 

we're on deadline and this psycho calls my direct office line at 7pm with nothing but a ticking clock on the other end. W-T-F

Dec 22, 09 10:31 pm  · 

wow. is that supposed to be motivation?

Dec 22, 09 10:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

Jeez, that's really obnoxious. Like enough to not work with that person ever again obnoxious. Was it a consultant? It would be funny from your best friend or brother, but not a consultant.

Dec 22, 09 11:20 pm  · 

actually, LB - that might be a useful tool for consultants who are not getting things to me on time...

Dec 22, 09 11:49 pm  · 
brian buchalski

is exactly why i find it very annoying when passengers start clapping as soon as a plane touches the runway. you're still moving really fast and until it stops there is still a chance of ending up in the sea/ditch/neighbor's kitchen/ etc. if you must applaud, please wait until the plane has safely stopped.

thank goodness i'm not flying anywhere this season.

Dec 23, 09 7:51 am  · 

Just read that today I was wondering if you or Archi would mention it.

LB, i hear you. I hope to spend the next year laying plans making moves. Not just struggling (even if as you said alive and well) like so many people i know this year.

I saw Fantastic Mr. Fox yesterday. I loved it. Better than i imagined. Wes Anderson films always remind me of the dioramas i use to make as a child. This film even more so, with it's stop motion animation style.

Dec 23, 09 8:02 am  · 
liberty bell

I loved Fantastic Fox too, nam. Saw it over Thanksgiving with the bot and his little friends. It was kind of adult-themed for them, but they still loved it even though they didn't catch all the true angst of it. It's the best Wes Anderson movie in awhile, I'd say.

Dec 23, 09 10:00 am  · 

Yeah i agree. Although i did like The Darjeeling Limited. Mainly because I was getting ready to go to India. And it got me all excited.

One thing that jumped out at me was the whole hard cider thing. Maybe it was from reading the book as a kid but I always thought hard cider was some sort of distilled liquor. However, when i grew up and started drinking i found i hated cider which was too sweet and too beery for me. I have asked many people about this and as far as they know that cider (the English) kind is the only kind.

Does anyone know? Is there a non beer type of cider that is distilled? I know in Brittany they drink Calvados which is the closest I have been able to come to finding my imagined drink from childhood.


Dec 23, 09 11:18 am  · 

yeah - obnoxious.

anyway - onto more positive things:

I like it when the principals post to these forums with useful commentary about our field from a management perspective. We need more of that.

Dec 23, 09 11:33 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm making my first prime rib roast today/night. The pineapple vodka turned out nicely. I kept the stronger part ofthe batch for myself, but am giving my friends the infusion and only a bit of the pulp pressing. It was a bit of work, but any worth it usualy is.

Dec 23, 09 3:09 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wierd. There's a special on PBS about Helvetica typeface.

Dec 23, 09 3:25 pm  · 

Hi Sarah,

I almost watched that a week or so ago. And for some reason I am surprised that this would be your first prime rib roast.

Dec 23, 09 3:50 pm  · 

i love this architect Mazzanti

i love the library in colombia, and i love this project, from what i can see, it's remarkable

Dec 23, 09 8:19 pm  · 


gary hustwit's helvetica came out a few years ago and a friend was kind enough to give me that as a gift, instead of anything FLW.

i haven't seen his new one, objectified, yet.

Dec 23, 09 9:05 pm  · 

Class is officially over as of 6pm today. Only one person failed to make the deadline. now I have a dozen papers to grade by Tuesday. Since it looks like we'll be snowed in for the next few days, I'll be fine. Then there is and of next semester to freak out about.

Just spent the evening alphabetizing my arch/scape books - they look better now.

LB - is your finger okay? do you have a good story to justify the ER visit?

Dec 23, 09 10:04 pm  · 

TK - a month ago, i re-organized by country. it's a little easier that way, for me anyhow.

enjoy the, um, 12-24" of snow!

Dec 23, 09 10:37 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

powerball tonight.

If i win, i'll set up an archinect scholarship program. i'll pay for 20 masters degrees if they promise not to make architecture that is douchey- I'm okay with little-to-no douchey or full on jersey-shore-style d-bag.

Dec 23, 09 10:45 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yes, tk, I sliced open my finger opening a can of whoop-ass. Four stitches plus a tetanus shot!

Good news is I don't have to wash any dishes for at least a week.

Dec 24, 09 12:03 am  · 
vado retro

here's hoping everyone has a safe and happy holiday!

Dec 24, 09 7:47 am  · 

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