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2nd what manta says, just show up to the crits and chat with the reviewers afterwards. I also scored a few jury invites through interviews when I first arrived in mpls. Another route is via the AIA, they often coordinate mentors for students. Once you get hooked up with a student, they may invite you to their juries. Then the ball is rolling.

(ps, if anybody in MN is reading this, and you want to be on some landscape/urban design juries this spring, drop me a note)

Dec 13, 09 1:25 pm  · 

ah there you go. easier than pie.

we do juries fairly regularly. last one was for travelling group of students who did studio for 2 months in tokyo. nice work. i missed final crit but my partner went and got to be juror alongside one half of the tezukas, which is pretty cool. got a very nice monograph too, which was a perk.

another group coming up this spring, same deal. all of the invites are casual, probably owing most of all to the fact that we are one of few academically minded english-speaking offices in tokyo. we come up on google more than others... anyway, yeah it all sort of snowballs. and it is in the end essentially blind luck and just being at right place at right time.

mantaray's and tk's advice sounds perfect. also can go to events. i attend art openings fairly often and my partner and i go to university events a lot. it is in the end the same crowd and they will get to know you. for example i met kengo kuma at 3 parties last year. not that we had anything to talk about...complained about lack of work in city for the most part, but still....

Dec 13, 09 7:05 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I can't figure out how you, steven, and lb go toart openings. First I don't know how to know when they are, and second, what do you do with your kids? Do your other halves not attend with you?

Dec 13, 09 8:06 pm  · 
liberty bell

Ugh, Sarah, I rarely go to art openings specifically because a child is such a terrible accessory to have at one! We do take him, and he's getting better-behaved as he gets older, but it's so painful (and the quality of art here in Naptown is so rarely worth the pain) that we don't do it often.

Hey, are you guys thinking of a second child anytime soon? Please don't answer that if you don't want to. I was going to say, I think with two kids at some point it gets easier because they entertain each other.

Dec 13, 09 8:17 pm  · 


(1) go to local galleries or museums/visit their website

-if you like what you see-

(2) sign up for their mailing list

(3) wait for postcard/email announcing the next exhibit

(4) go to the opening/closing party (kids/racecar drivers are welcome most of the time)

(5) drink plonk and pretend to be pretentious!

Dec 13, 09 8:17 pm  · 


i take my kids to everything and anything. my wife doesn't always go. have never had a problem with them anywhere, probably because both are girls. boys are bad (i was).

last week we went to see coop himmelblau show. was quite cool. they both liked it.

next month cecil balmond pops in to tokyo and we are hoping to go to opening of his exhibition. not sure if kids will like that one or not.

we have a good bunch of artist and architect friends who drop by all the time and the kids have learned that going out into the city on weekends is normal way of life. this became much easier when i put fairytopia videos on i-phone and found podcasts of popeye and casper...but in general they like hanging out with adults, and are happy to talk about artwork etc...

2 kids are def better than one LB. we are thinking 3 would be even more so, but not sure how to manage life without wife working for awhile. she took about 7 years off from work last time and was awesome - now all of a sudden there is more money and do we really want to give that up. we're trapped!

Dec 14, 09 4:13 am  · 

toasteroven - a bit late, but are you in Philly? I did read that article about the population growth. With the population growth, new bike lanes, new motorcycle parking, and neighborhoods generally getting better, I'm kinda liking the direction Philly is headed (Minus the casino possibly still in the works & education system). I still know way too many people with young kids about to enter school leaving the city (just across the city limits to stay out of the school system. You know, in some places people move into cities to get into schools with better teachers/resources. Not here.)

Ugh... I stayed up all night and couldn't sleep so instead of wasting time in bed, I just went in to work extremely early, planning to head out early.

While we're on the topic of kids and art shows and such, are 3.5 and 5 year olds too young for "The Nutcracker"? I thought it was FOR kids, but I've been told they're too young for it.

So what is going on with all those threads started by one archinect member? They don't seem like spam, but I think at one point there were a lot of them all at once. Did I miss something?

Dec 14, 09 7:51 am  · 
brian buchalski

people from large families are more fun. this is just a personal opinion, but i think it would be awful to be an only child. everybody should have a brother and/or sister.

also, my mother believed that if you had children within two years of each other then you could practically raise them at the same time. hence, my brother (18 months younger) felt almost like a twin during most of my childhood.

Dec 14, 09 8:34 am  · 

Morning all,

slart i wouldn't think that is too young. I mean there are a few small bits that could be "scary" but other than that...

Dec 14, 09 8:42 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Slart, I'd say it depends on the kids and the seats. If your far awayit migh be hard to see, and I almost always find the nutcracker borring. I like Peter and the wolf, though.

Tk, that's awesome. And lb, no we aren't. At least not if I can help it, but then we all know where planning got me last time.

I'm going to target today to buy a jar. I'm buying a jar and maybe a nice bottle. I'm making pineapple vodka for friends for Christmas. Wish me luck. I've never sliced into a pineapple before, it's always been diced for me by the lovely people at Dole.

Dec 14, 09 9:26 am  · 

The only advice I have is don't take off to much of the flesh when removing the skin..

Good luck.

Dec 14, 09 9:52 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

Potato peeler or orange zester. Cut the skin off as close as possible down to the flesh. You'll be left with the little polka dots of rough hairy and sometimes thorny bits.

To save as much flesh as possible, use a peller or grater to lightl cut off the outer layer. I'd recommend doing this over a trash can or a sink as pineapples "bleed" like a stuck pig.

To make a pineapple taste better, thoroughly rub and wash the whole pineapple under cold water before slicing. It will wash off some of the juice and leave it tasting less acidic.

I'd recommend a Hawaiian Gold (Natal Queen) or the Kona Sugarloaf.

The Natal Queen has a bright orange outside and has the best flavor. The Kona Sugarloaf is big and cylindical with a pale greenish gray outside. The Sugarloaf doesn't require you to core it.

Dec 14, 09 10:11 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh, dear. Apparently my husband bought another hot rod and has been working on it in secret for the last few months planning to give it to me/us on Christmas. Something on our car insurance bill looked off, and I found out the secret.

Dec 14, 09 12:41 pm  · 

Sounds fun. Can't wait to see pics.

Dec 14, 09 12:43 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Hey! I've been there! "honey, I'm home, and suprise I bought a car!" gearheads are all the same. It's a disease.

The pineapple I got is "super sweet golden pineapple.". How will I know I have to core it? Should I just core it anyway?

Dec 14, 09 12:59 pm  · 
liberty bell

It IS a disease, Sarah! I'm glad there are others out there.

Dec 14, 09 1:05 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

If the pineapple core feels really hard and woody then you should probably core it. However, you can just leave it in and guests can eat around it.

But core or not, it shouldn't be bigger than an inch in diameter. An apple corer should work.

Dec 14, 09 1:33 pm  · 

slart - nope.

I'm originally from the D - philly and Detroit used to get lumped together because they were at one time similarly sized cities that were shrinking (both had about 2 million people in the 1950s)... plus I used to think I was going into urban planning - hence my interest in both cities.

Dec 14, 09 2:00 pm  · 

if I had the $$$, I'd be a camerahead. Was just looking at used XPAN or a SWC. these are both about the same cost as a hotrod...

Dec 14, 09 2:02 pm  · 

sheesh, lb! and i feel guilty when i stop by the music store! i haven't managed expectations very well. i should have started the marriage with a car habit and then backed it down to just music and books...

Dec 14, 09 2:25 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Core mustve been ok. I was able to eat it (I figured that'd be the best way to tell). I used an electric knife to peel and slice it. That's hard work. But now there's a whole pineapple sittin in 4 cups of Tito's in my pantry. I hope it's good; that's a lot of vodka to waste.

Dec 14, 09 2:56 pm  · 
liberty bell

You guys may have caught on, I'm sick to death of talking about cultural intolerance, celebrity philandering, and racism. So I pushed a bunch of architecture-related topics to the top.

Dec 14, 09 3:18 pm  · 

i was about to start a thread called 'liberty bell cracks!' but then i saw what you were doing.

Dec 14, 09 3:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

Well sadly there is so little actual building or presentation of proposed buildings going on right now that I had to go to drawing and gingerbread houses for topics!

Let me go see what Space Invading has new and drool-worthy...

Dec 14, 09 3:33 pm  · 

did you get my facebook-mail this weekend, by the way?

Dec 14, 09 3:47 pm  · 

Hey guys. I have aWWTCD. I'll even give it to you in multiple choice form!

ex-Wonderman sent me a text message today: "Hi, how are things?" I should have expected it since our mutual friend sent out an email over the weekend. I figured it would trigger him. Should I:

A) Do nothing. Send no reply.
B) Reply: "Things are great."
C) Reply: "Great, thanks for asking!" Maybe add "How are you?"
D) Reply: "Things were great, and then you texted me."

(D is how I actually feel, but I doubt I will use that one. I'm leaning towards A, unless you guys think that a response is in order...I'm not a fan of C.)


And I have a BONUS question! This one's tougher so you'll get double-plus bonus points for it....

I have been talking to an eHarmony guy lately, and he seems nice, intelligent, eloquent, and like a really good person. EXCEPT he doesn't believe in man-made climate change, and sounds in his statements like he could be a borderline neo-con. Soooo, this is kind of a non-starter for me, for obvious reasons. Anyway, he asked me out to coffee this week and I declined, saying I was taking a break from eHarmony since I was stressed out by it and b/c of the holidays (which is all true, BTW). Then I wished him a good holiday and said goodbye, and that maybe he could ask me again after Jan. 1 and that I might change my answer. He seemed to think that this meant we could still talk over email indefinitely and I'm now thinking I shouldn't have included that last part. Should I:

1) Do nothing. Send no reply, even if he writes again.
2) IF he writes again, write back and include the part about me not willing to be with someone who questions the very basis of my life's work.
3) IF he writes again, write back and explain that I don't want to be contacted again before Jan. 1.
4) IF he writes again, reply that I would rather not speak to him again at all, with no explanation.

(Ugh. I thought by going online I'd avoid all this... apparently not.)

Dec 14, 09 4:15 pm  · 

LB, got a little bacon for you. (ps are you really going to change your archinect name?)

I'm entering that purgatory between teaching for the semesters, when students are busy studying or completing assignments, and when I have to grade everything. Guess that means I can focus on the syllabi for next semester a little bit.

Dec 14, 09 4:43 pm  · 


I will address the harder part 2 first.

I say go with Option 2
IF he writes again, write back and include the part about me not willing to be with someone who questions the very basis of my life's work.
Althoug maybe worded slightly differently.

As for part 1 re: Wonderman.

If you really have no interest in staying connected than just do so, by not replying..

Dec 14, 09 4:44 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

DubK, in the first I would say that if you have any plans of a future, including being simply friends, with exwonderman, then text back. Seems like you don't thoudgh, and as such you are under no obligation to respond. If you respond with D then you are opening him to text back "I'm sorry" and then you're stuck with more conversation with him. People don't text me back all the time and I assume they were busy or it got lost. No big deal.

On that bonus, I didn't think you were so clear. I took what you meant by break as just a no dates. Emails are not dates. With this one, if you do t respond he is free to assume that you really are busy and stressed out, and he will either wait or move on. No need to get hostle. And as for the global warming thing, there's always a chance at persuation. He'll, even I'm not convinced it's wholly our fault. I'll concede we may have hurried it along, but I'm not taking all the blame.

So now that I've admitted that to the TC crowd, will you still accept my advice?

Dec 14, 09 4:49 pm  · 

re: bonus Q, nothing sucks more then being single over the holidays, then dating an incompatible person that just won't work out. Play the field at the holiday parties/new years and have fun. I'm a fan of learning the truth from women, no matter how painful. Go with #2: tell him that being a climate-denier is not sexy and a huge turn-off, so he should not contact you again until he becomes scientifically literate and is willing to change his lifestyle to save the planet.

Dec 14, 09 4:54 pm  · 

Thanks for the advice. Sarah, it's not that I mind, everyone has their personal beliefs, for sure, but I *personally* don't feel comfortable attempting a relationship with someone who might constantly be questioning why my job, or my company for that matter, even exist. Because both are strongly based on global warming and the issues surrounding it. Not to mention, can you imagine trying to explain that to coworkers? Right.

I'm glad you all voted for the "do nothing" approach... because I've got better things to do than deal with these chumps, LOL. Back to work!

****Double-plus bonus points for nam, Sarah, and TK****

^ Those are the points. I've misplaced my gold star, hope that works.

Dec 14, 09 5:43 pm  · 


The operative term you used is 'wholly our fault' & "hurried it along', I can respect that perspective. That isn't the same as saying 'there is no such thing as climate change' or 'climate change is not caused by people'. Accepting that your actions do have consequences is mature, rational, and proves you are scientifically literate. It is also human nature to not want to take the blame. No, none of us are wholly at fault for climate change, lots of other folks probably have caused much, much more damage to the environment (starting with the previous president) then we will ever cause. (i just hope that your husband starts racing electric cars!)

Dec 14, 09 5:44 pm  · 

test ex-wonderman... start it: Hi Ray, (Not his name...but close enough to catch him off guard). Tell him your looking forward to the trip to New Zealand, and your delighted he won the Power Ball Lottery and he wants to spend the rest of his life wanting to fix the planet.
Then tell him it is nice to be with a guy who understands how to manage money.

signed Wonderwoman.....

ex-wonderman will get the message.

Dec 14, 09 5:47 pm  · 

lol snook.

i answered e-mail from ex this year after about 10 years or more of non-communication. my first thought was how did she find me. second thought was oh hell why not. third thought, after brief exchange of mails was that there was a reason we split up. she still drives me nuts. nice person just incompatible view of the world. which sort of answers the other question too. when someone thinks the world is one way and you don't agree and its a big deal for both of you then it ain't a good way to go unless you are both into arguing...

gonna go below 0C today in tokyo. shiver.

just watched morning news from america. healthcare is really going crappy eh. boyhowdy i could smack lieberman and friends. and im canadian!

Dec 14, 09 7:19 pm  · 
liberty bell

snook, you are diabolical - that would come in handy dealing with exes!

DubK I agree - ignore the text from ex-man. As to cyber-date guy, I agree with Sarah that he understood "maybe a date after Jan 1" to not preclude email conversations. But I think it's fair and reasonable to state in an email that you are concerned that your politics might be too misaligned.

I'm exhausted. Just sent off some renderings for a zoning meeting that have taken me much too long to do, now I'm wiped out. Is anything on TV tonight?

Dec 14, 09 7:51 pm  · 

'anatomy of a pandemic' sounds riveting, lb.

Dec 14, 09 7:55 pm  · 
liberty bell

Eek, a Wired magazine predictiion/science fiction scenario on a global pandemic scared the living crap out of me about 15 years ago. I'm going to look for a sitcom or something....

Dec 14, 09 8:42 pm  · 
vado retro

actually there may be a global pandemic but i was layin in bed yesterday listening to Speaking of Faith, a show i like although i'm an atheist and bill mckibben the founder of was on. 350 stands for the exceptable amount of co2 in the atmosphere, ie 350 parts per million. thats the tipping point. once we're over that the real trouble is gonna start. guess what? we are over it. did you know that a six degree temperature rise will result in 99.9 percent of living things dying? maybe it will only rise enough to get rid of our dumbasses because frankly the planet doesnt need us.


Dec 14, 09 10:59 pm  · 

eeek, jump 0C seems really cold for Tokyo.

Night all.

Dec 14, 09 11:33 pm  · 

Snook that is BRILLIANT. I think it would backfire though... it would be precluded on the idea that I'd deleted his phone number and all that. GOD I'd love to do it though :o)

I'm just biding my time until I find a permanent WonderMan. I'm taking the approach that I took to finding my job, so I'm trying to be positive and put out good energy while trying not too worry about it too much. Also, still planning for the house and the dog.. in no particular order, LOL.

I've missed you guys! How are things? Any babies or anything I should know about? Awards, jobs, what not? Is Steven's family still ridiculously beautiful?!? I know the answer to that one... Did liberty bell tell you I saw her last month? It was great! Brief but great. Also I saw SurfaceS and n_____ in the Sea-Tac area last weekend. Both are doing well. n______ gave me a holiday postcard that is awesome. And a chocolate bar! Woo.

Ok, just about time for the Daily Show!...

Dec 15, 09 1:54 am  · 
brian buchalski

it took me awhile to confirm this (sorry) but, yes it is true: elizabeth hurley does sell beef jerky via her website (under the "guilt free" snacks section in case you get lost checking out the swimwear).

Dec 15, 09 9:09 am  · 

let me ask you; does every kiss begin with kay?

Dec 15, 09 9:15 am  · 

As for the discussion regarding communication with EXes, I've been guilty of both contacting them and/or responding. I don't think its too bad, but the last one was about her getting engaged, so maybe that is the last time.

Perhaps this is reflected in my general FAILure in the relationship department, but I don't think its too bad to be in a relationship with someone that has different beliefs. I think it would be bad to constantly reinforce each others beliefs. My problem is, I meet people that adamantly believe that they shouldn't be with people with different beliefs.

I was about to post on the "Bonus" thread because I am getting a nice bonus this year. I took a pay cut for two years and my firm realized they overreacted because our firm did quite well, and I contributed to the firm's expansion in other areas for work. But on a personal note, I just got a notice from the IRS that I paid too little last year in taxes which is (OF COURSE) pretty much the amount I'm getting in bonuses.

Dec 15, 09 10:11 am  · 

slart, James Carville and Mary Matalin are one couple that comes to mind.

Dec 15, 09 10:20 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I love that slogan. I think it's creative. Just in case you're wondering, Kays is owned by the same people who own Jared's so those no reason to pay more.

Dec 15, 09 10:24 am  · 

i know it's probably way past it's prime, but i love this technique Tilt Shifting

Dec 15, 09 10:43 am  · 

my girls are still awesome, wonderk.

i hate the cheesy photo studio pix, but they had a blast the day we went - all giggles and goofiness - so it almost made it ok.

Dec 15, 09 12:13 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

i love that technique.

I got trashed for the first time in a week last night. and now I hurt all over.

I wish there was a device that could capture your emotions and then make you think them at a later date. Because I would take this feelling and apply it to all future wantings of drunkness.

my car now works. but nothing on the job front.

Dec 15, 09 12:15 pm  · 

not sure why that didn't work. code looks right.

oh well.

Dec 15, 09 12:17 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Has anyone worked for or know of Klingmann Architects & Brand Consultants?

They keep hiring planners (not sure if it is the same position or not) on a 3-month trial basis. Not sure if I really want to take a job in NYC and then get fired in 90 days.

Dec 15, 09 12:27 pm  · 

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