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brian buchalski

i was kind of hoping everyone would get drunk this season & crash their car into a telephone pole or fire hydrant.

well, that's what i'm planning to do.

Dec 24, 09 8:31 am  · 


And that's the Situation.. hahah

Anywho. Happy Christmas Eve y'all. I am one of few stuck in office.

Good luck with that puddles.

And can i just say imperfector not. Woo hooo...

Dec 24, 09 8:40 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Prime rib turned out amazingly. Got enough left t feed another 6-7 people. Now I have to come up with a way to incorporate it into supper tonight; Christmas eve is always snacks for dinner. We open presents tonight! When does everybody else do it?

Merry Christmas!!!!

Dec 24, 09 9:39 am  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, we do presents tomorrow morning, and when I was growing up we had oyster stew as our Christmas Eve meal. My husband won't eat an oyster, so that's a tradition I've not brought into adulthood. Glad the prime rib was a hit! Remember what that famous female poet said: Eternity is two people and a ham (or prime rib).

nam, I'm working today, though not in the office. Meeting a client this afternoon.

Dec 24, 09 9:42 am  · 

Nam, I'm in the office too. Its not too bad because there is so much food. Heading out early though.

SH - Did jump ever get back to you on that japanese? Was I close or is it way off?

Dec 24, 09 10:38 am  · 
brian buchalski

thanks, but i don't need luck. i've actually gotten pretty good at driving into things when drunk...stationary objects at least...i might need some luck if aiming for a moving target.

Dec 24, 09 11:00 am  · 

slart I too am hopefully leaving a bit early.

Sarah we open presents Christmas morning. But me and the lady are doing ours tonight, because we will both be with our respective families in morning.

Dec 24, 09 11:23 am  · 

I was in the office til 4 this morning---does that count as working Christmas Eve?

Seriously, worked 19 hours yesterday, slept five, flying out in a few. This was not part of the plan. The awful thing is that there's still SO MUCH left to do on this project when I get back, but really all I want to do is sleep.

Merry Christmas everybody!

Dec 24, 09 12:27 pm  · 

Yeah nam, others that plane crash has really freaked out alot of people the last crash at that airport was in the early 60s, and I'm supposed to be flying back on that same flight, same airport etc. Wish me luck.

Anyway have to get to the store before the Xmas eve crowd gets crazy

Dec 24, 09 2:00 pm  · 
liberty bell

Thanks to a new friend of mine from LA, I found an amazing huge international food market right here in Naptown! It was a great place to be on Christmas Eve - crowded and crazy. We bought stuff to make holiday stir fry (I don't know, we're just making it up as we go) and some frozen pork buns and Japanese cookies. Could have bought a whole frozen octopus if I'd wanted to, it was bigger than a football!

Time to break out the nog.

Dec 24, 09 5:17 pm  · 

Merry so many I worked today...met with a prospective client at 12:30 and the meeting was a smash. Think we will be doing a job with these people and well the nice thing is they don't want to start construction till after Labor Day! So things will not be rushed, and well they are interested in Architectural Design.

I spent the rest of the afternoon at another house being sure the pipes didn't freeze as both furnaces in the house went on the fritz.
One furnace had run out of oil so after having the tech clean everything, we had to call for fuel and it was like 4:30. I ended up pulling out of the Drive at 5:10 and had a half hour drive home.

We had a traditional Brazilian meat, black bean and rice dish for dinner this evening. It is one of my only taste better if one is eating it in Brazil and my Mrs. B is preparing it there, because of the choices of Meat in Brazil opposed to Connecticut.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!

"Remember to not just look at the little picture, but to look at the big picture. As bad as 2009 was were all still standing."

My two best Christmas Presents was Mrs. B, becoming an American Citizen, and the other was having my refinance package for our house get approved. I have to sign the papers on Saturday.

Being positive about 2010!

Dec 24, 09 7:15 pm  · 

awesome snook!

is christmas morning here in tokyo-land. kids have school because this is not a christian country and i am in office for half day. not really working though.

we had small christmas dinner/party last night with friends and family. i bought a big ol chicken (no turkey here that i can find) and cooked that in oven with taters and carrots and such. also cooked apple pie and wife made scones with guest (we make our guests work). we have biggish kitchen by japanese standards but it was getting crowded.

good food and santa left some kool presents for kids. so everyone is happy. from tomorrow working from home til new years then off to the ocean and the mountains for some r + r.

fingers crossed 2010 is better year than last for all!

Dec 24, 09 9:34 pm  · 

i am surprising my wife with a home made charlie brownish xmas tree and some gifts, even though i am unemployed, but two years with no xmas tree would have really sucked major donkey dong. i am going to make pancakes and eggs, and coffee with cocoa, cinnamon and a dash of cayenne...

merry xmas christians. happy kwanza. and happy boxing day you, you, you cannucks.

Dec 25, 09 6:19 am  · 

If you looking for something to read which is not to heavy yet a bit inspirational you need to read "American on Purpose" written by Craig Ferguson, the late night TV Host. I'm sure Mr. Liberty Bell would get a fricking kick out of the book. It one of those books laid out with each chapter encompassing some part of his life. So you can pick up the book a most anytime and knock off a chapter without feeling like your spending a day with the book.

Dec 26, 09 8:54 am  · 
brian buchalski

a terrorist targets detroit? that's laughable...except i think most residents are actually flattered that someone thinks their city is relevant.

on second thought...i'm surprised more passengers don't attempt to blow themselves up upon landing in detroit.

Dec 26, 09 10:12 am  · 

Happy Belated Christmas to those who celebrate it, and to those that don't happy holidays.

Had our first "just us" Christmas with the missus it was great. In the morning we met with friends for breakfast then went home to open presents like 5 year olds. In the evening, together we cooked the ham and chicken with sweet potato mash and just sat around watching movies on the blow up bed.

But the best part of the holidays shows up today. One of my favourite tc'rs is coming into town... the missus and I are excited. We'll take pictures.

Hope everyone had a safe holiday... puddles how are those nails? I'll bring some snow back for you

Dec 26, 09 12:12 pm  · 

Puddles...if your missing snow...I can send some in a refrigerated envelope....along with 5 pounds of dry ice.

Dec 26, 09 5:48 pm  · 

Happy Holidays all.

Anybody else full yet?

Dec 26, 09 7:44 pm  · 

Teehee!!! Guess where I am?!?!?!?!?

Dec 26, 09 10:38 pm  · 
liberty bell

Jamaica! (melt, am I right?)

Dec 26, 09 11:04 pm  · 

not Jamaica but close to my heart!!

Dec 27, 09 1:15 am  · 

but we were vado-stalking but still no response

Dec 27, 09 1:16 am  · 

:'( Ya.... where the hell is vado? Anyone else wanna come for dim-sum tomorrow morning. I need a date.

Dec 27, 09 1:20 am  · 
vado retro

sorry i missed your call guys. i was out and about with an old friend of mine who is in town for the holidaze. man i was pretty close to cleveland earlier this week. well closer than i am now.

Dec 27, 09 2:35 am  · 

d@mn I should of called earlier. Where are you?? We are sitting up, sloshed and wishing we had more tc'rs in on the fun. The missus is partaking in the madness too. But we really to set up the archinect international conference meet up.... sometime soon, please, please.

Dec 27, 09 2:50 am  · 

Hi all. About to play Battleship with the missus in front of a roaring fire. And yes it's daytime.
Hey Tk does that ruin my carbon print?

Dec 27, 09 1:58 pm  · 
vado retro

tecno i was out early and didnt get home til about 2 a.m. man i m sorry i missed the party!

Dec 27, 09 2:00 pm  · 

Oh and Orhan welcome back. Bet Turkey was a blast. Glad the Nigerian didn't get you.


Dec 27, 09 2:00 pm  · 
brian buchalski

Thanks but no thanks on the 20+ years in Michigan have filed my snow quota.

I'm still stunned by the idiocy if the latest terror attack. Seriously...Detroit is probably the only city on the planet where a jet plane could crash and literally not hit anybody on the ground. Even the skyscrapers in the "dense" downtown are half empty. Moreover, the descent into Detroit metro airport (dtw) would likely cross right over Dearborn Michigan which just happens to be home to a large Arab & muslim population. This terrorist is a total moron.

And although I hate to say this, if Muslims keep pulling this shit then maybe we should start quarntining them in the security qeue at airports...otherwise I can envision a future in which passengers are reduced to flying in nothing more than their underpants as a "security precaution"...packed in like sardines, just like the old slave ships from Africa.

Dec 27, 09 2:05 pm  · 

Second Terrorist on plane to Detroit locked himself in the what is that all about. Your think he was
trying to light up his own methane?

Dec 27, 09 5:04 pm  · 

ok second amazing technomissusmelting night; lots of good food, drinks and laughter. And just when we thought it was over the snow fell about 3 inches in an hour... Vado you were missed but we'll do this again - I promise

Dec 27, 09 11:30 pm  · 

Glad you had fun. Keep rubbing it in why don't you.

But seriously. Anybody else wish it wasn't Monday. At least it is a short week.

Dec 28, 09 9:54 am  · 

[big pic intentional]


home with the shrub, nursing his ear infection and not sure if I can administer eyedrops by myself.

Dec 28, 09 10:08 am  · 
vado retro

love it, tk!

Dec 28, 09 10:40 am  · 

good luck with the kid.

Dec 28, 09 11:30 am  · 

the shrub took an early nap - being sick has shifted his sleeping pattern. So I get to do some work this morning (we'll see how long he sleeps).

My upcoming 20th HS reunion now has a facebook page to plan the shindig - the general comments are 'we are now officially old'. Guess I'll be back in Boston for thanksgiving this year.

Dec 28, 09 12:29 pm  · 
brian buchalski

20th high school reunion does not make you "officially old"...hell, you're probably not even 40 yet.

Dec 28, 09 12:46 pm  · 

sorry about the shrub tk hope he gets better soon.

Just had to say good bye to our house guest. I think she had fun I'm not sure - I'll have to look back at the pictures to be sure. Hope you are guys are having a good monday. Nam I'm going to be in Miami for 3 days fancy meeting halfway?

Dec 28, 09 1:23 pm  · 

hey all - I'm out here in the D -

It's really nice to see family and friends, but with all the storms that blew through earlier this year, half of the trees are gone and it's even more desolate than normal.

I'm not looking forward to whatever annoyances await us at the security line at the airport.

Dec 28, 09 2:22 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Treekiller, Abram had a nasty earache on Friday. We fnally rubbed lanacane on the outside of his ears and neck. Itseemed t work. He finally stopped crying and went to sleep at least. He's been fine ever since. I'm very thankful.

What were the eyedrops for?

Glad everybody else is happy and all.

Slart, I haven't emaled jump, and the Japanese lady here didn't tell me much.

Dec 28, 09 2:37 pm  · 
brian buchalski

via nytimes in addition to longer waits at security lines...

-pat downs at security
-only one carry-on per passenger which must be stored in overhead bin during last hour of flight
-nothing on your lap during last hour (including pillows & blankets)
-monitoring of bathroom behavior (better hurry lest the potty nazis get you!)

i really hope these are temporary instead of permanent precautions. i used to be pretty open-minded & tolerant but stuff like this is really making me hate muslims. why are they so cowardly about this stuff? if you really want to blow up an airplane get a rocket launcher & blow it up like any sane person would. this business of sneaking crap into airplanes via false teeth (or whatever comes next) is childish, chicken shit stuff that is just making everybody more annoyed while also failing to hurt anybody other that the terrorists themselves.

Dec 28, 09 3:15 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I just heard obama was called away during his golf game Hawaii. It wasn't family, so I wonder what now.

Dec 28, 09 5:37 pm  · 

sarah, the eyedrops were for an eye infection that accompanied the ear infection - the eye problem seems to have cleared up, but still having major head aches (on top of teething - one more canine to go and it's almost through)...

Dec 28, 09 6:46 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I do NOT envy you. Hope it goes quickly.

Dec 28, 09 7:06 pm  · 

i don't know if anyone plays chess, but days like these remind me of playing chess against a weaker opponent. you know, the weaker player makes you play horribly. well, that's what my current contract position reminds me of; a strong player, playing a weak player. they use revit, well, let me state this; they have revit and use it like autocad, no central file, no local file; just one file. doh!

Dec 28, 09 8:12 pm  · 

what were you looking for re japanese, sarah?

Dec 28, 09 8:56 pm  · 

well, speaking of airport security, they screwed me this Christmas. I was going through the security line, put my laptop on top of my sleeve in a bin to pass through the detector, whatever right, then a TSA agent comes along and takes the sleeve out of the bin and puts it in another. I'm slightly annoyed but can't really place why. When I get through, I take the computer and put it back in the sleeve and go on my way.

Fast forward several hours to when I turn the computer on to check my email... I don't recognize the background. Or the files. Because it's NOT MY COMPUTER. Seriously. The guy behind me had the exact same computer and turns out he had mine. So we had to express mail our computers back to each other, just got mine back an hour ago and am still pretty relieved that it's actually working.

Happy Holidays to all!!! (TSA agents excepted)

Dec 28, 09 10:52 pm  · 

Atechno - What do you mean you are not sure your house guest had a good time. What kind of smack are you cracking. OF COURSE SHE HAD A GOOD TIME!!!! Now if only she could have hijacked the two of you away with her when she had to leave.

Just got done seeing Avatar in IMAX 3D. One word.... AWESOME!!!!

Hope everyone had a great Christmas. TK, I hope your sapling feels better soon. Ear infections suck. I had them frequently when I was a kid and to this day want to cry in sympathy whenever I hear a little one is suffering with one. Anyway, I'm completely knackered. Time for bed. G'nite all.

Dec 29, 09 1:20 am  · 

nice of uvip to dredge up all of those old threads. kind of fun to revisit some of them.

Dec 29, 09 7:08 am  · 

right on steven: thank you, dredgebot!

Dec 29, 09 7:45 am  · 

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