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vado retro

i have reached my worry threshold. i can't possibly care about anything else...

f'd up economy
global warming
global cooling
world hunger
world poverty
endless war
endless occupations
lack of education
childhood obesity
extinction of polar bears
abandoned pets
is this a mole on my back or what?

and the band played on....

Dec 5, 09 3:58 pm  · 
snook_dude forgot Sarah Palin...and her next run for President because she really wasn't interested in being just Vice President.

Dec 5, 09 4:44 pm  · 

went to see coop himelblau installation yesterday. it was massively underwhelming. they are boring artists in 2009. in 1969 the same piece would have been awesome. but it isn't 1969 so, yeah it pretty much sucked. quite like their architecture though. amazing stuff.

after that we went to see UP in 3d. pretty cool. my kids had already watched 3d movie so they were old hands at it, but i enjoyed the new incarnation, especially the preview of avatar.

i would design my own house of course. has zumthor ever designed a house apart from his own?

Dec 5, 09 7:21 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

yes and they are surprisingly conservative and bland.

Dec 5, 09 9:04 pm  · 
...conservative and bland.

i think i would like that, given a lot of architects' tendencies to make houses so overwrought.

Dec 6, 09 6:55 am  · 
RIP Malcolm Wells
Dec 6, 09 10:02 am  · 

Orhan, i wish i could take the ferry to most of my destinations.

Also, i wanted to see Up. But I haven't been good about seeing movies this year. Although i did just watch most of Bruno Fri night. Eventually the singly focused gay jokes just got boring..

Still catching up with friends in town for the holidays, plus my lady has been sick, since returning from NYC.

How everyone else's weekend go?

Dec 6, 09 10:12 am  · 
liberty bell

I just had a spectacular fall: with a cup of coffee in one had I tripped over the dog's toy, reached for my desk to catch myself but instead knocked a box of files off and kept going, reached for Brian's desk chair to stop myself which of course rolled forward, dropped the coffee cup on the chair seat so it flung coffee around the office but didn't break (yay!) and continued on to pretty much faceplant on the floor.

Now Brian watched all this and his voice was full of serious concern when he asked "Are you OK?!" But here's how terrible I am: were our roles reversed, my "are you OK?" would have betrayed a delightful "Oh, man, that was hysterically funny to watch!!" along with the question.

Sometimes the time aspect of "comedy = tragedy+time" is pretty instantaneous.

Dec 6, 09 10:28 am  · 

good grief! i take it you ARE ok?!

Dec 6, 09 11:51 am  · 

wow lb. Sounds almost Laurel and hardy(esque).

Hope you and the office are ok.

Dec 6, 09 12:28 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Too bad you didn't get that for YouTube.

I feel like a genius. I just figured out what to do with the leftover egg stuff after making French toast. Providing you're a dat kid like me and used cream, you can add more sugar, put it into a ramikin in water bath and bake at 250 for over an hour. I forgot it was in the oven but it turned out to be a deliscious custard. Yumm.

Dec 6, 09 12:37 pm  · 
vado retro

be careful lb. thats how us old folk break our hips!

Dec 6, 09 1:06 pm  · 

LB - Not quite the same, but I've been wanting a distraction from a weekend full of work and I was inspired by your trip. Enjoy

Dec 6, 09 3:14 pm  · 

Sarah sounds delicious.... Reminds me of the Iron Chef i watched last night. The secret ingredient was eggnog..

Dec 6, 09 3:48 pm  · 

Liberty I really hope you are okay. Although you seemed to make quite a journey before hitting the ground. There is a measure of quality in someone's character when they are able to find the comedy is something like that, and laugh at themselves. Good on you

Dec 6, 09 5:21 pm  · 

Liberty...."I have fallen and I can't get up" Ouch! we be tied to the system..... Thanks for being there Mr. Liberty!

Dec 6, 09 7:49 pm  · 

On another note: Mrs. B is going to become a USA Naturalized Citizen on December 17, 2009. We have been at this since 2001, before 911. We went for our final interview last Thursday and they decided I was a good enough that is cool. So I guess I will not be relocating to Brazil. Although I would like to if I were extremely rich. and that is not going to happen in this life time.

Saturday we looked at a project which is going to be alot of fun, an 1815 house with and unfinised addition. The owner and his wife are friends and they have come to the conclusion they need help. Under normal conditions I would run but he is an industrial designer inventor.....extremely creative...and what they have done is actually amazing. So we be stepping up on this one...cause of the friendship and well the potential of the project.

On another note....I'm looking at a 1700's house on Monday which might also be a kick as fun project .... that is if your not into Modern.

Oh I'm hanging home doing, "Honey Do Projects" as the Lady went to Nyc to meet up with a Friend from Denmark who will arrive here on
later in the week.

While the Lady is awaqy Sanding and refinishing our Cherry Wood Countertop in the Kitchen. Something which takes time and is a messy Process. Me and the dogs we don't mind. Thing is all has to be inplace before the return of the Ladies.

Dec 6, 09 8:04 pm  · 

not much to go on, and not much on interiors... his writings have some interior shots of his beton house...

haus annalisa (his wife)

haus raeth

haus zumthor

haus gugalun

spittelhof apts

Dec 6, 09 8:17 pm  · 

you gotta love it when a real life CEO FAIA comments on some threads critical of his firm, and then throws down the AIA Code of Ethics...

Dec 6, 09 8:57 pm  · 
liberty bell

It *was* comedic and slart your comic is PERFECT! So hilarious. I've never been good at drawing comic-like figures and yours of me is spot on.

Yes I'm fine though vado you're right - a broken bone or at least a nasty sprain could easily have come from this fall! But it was very funny. neither laptop got coffee spray so I feel fortunate.

Sarah that is so thrifty and smart. I hate throwing away perfectly good food and turning it into something else is always a bonus. I never, ever throw away bacon fat, and talked with a professor last week about using it on sandwiches! Which I've never tried but a thin scraping on a BLT would just add that bacon-ey goodness to every bite.

These renderings on Space Invading are so LebbeusWoodsian and evocative. Love them.

Dec 6, 09 9:02 pm  · 
liberty bell

Jeeeezus holz where do you find this stuff?!? Amazing.

snook, congrats to Mrs. B!! I get absolutely giddy and teary-eyed when I hear of someone taking that citizenship oath. I'm a sap, but I hold dear the ideals of what being an American means and love to hear about others embracing them. Yay! Make sure to tell us when the ceremony is so we can send her a big welcome.

Dec 6, 09 9:05 pm  · 
liberty bell

beta, throwing down the gauntlet! I just went and read those threads, neither of which I have paid much - any - attention too. It begs the question: is ANY publicity good publicity?

Dec 6, 09 9:11 pm  · 

Liberty....Bidgeport Connecticut December 17...8:30 am... which mean I have to get my bottom out of bed around 5:00....walk the and scramble out the door (I love connecticut). There will be fireworks....not that day but the next...we be planning a big party!
Mrs. loved by many. The love of those here is even more special. It was a big moment when the interviewer said everything looks have paid your taxes.....whoo...whooo!

Dec 6, 09 9:39 pm  · 

bettlebaby they look like KKK....

Dec 6, 09 9:41 pm  · 

i read the aia ethics, the portions regarding the profession and colleagues, so am i missing something? saying someone's work sucks, is unethical??

Dec 6, 09 10:05 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Saying someone's work sucks is unethical when their work is the epitome of everything good and american filled with values.

It's very unchristian to even bring up all the previous, current and pending lawsuits that local governments have, are or will file against these behemoths that have broke budgets and the research around them was fundamentally fraudulent.

Talking bad about sports (namely football) is a sin because football was given to us by god. Just like SUVs, St. Augustine grass and processed food products. What kind of values do you have, beta?

Gosh. I am so choked up with shock that you could slander such a company with such impeccable values that I'm going to have to take a big sip of Coca-cola to swallow down the Doritos dust and sadness I feel.

Gosh, why can't anyone have values these days and are proud to be american, a real football-loving american. I am just so upset by your lack of values that I am going to cry into my Bud Light and hope to God that my tears don't dilute it's great tastes that never fills you up and never lets you down.

I hope my ride home in my Escalade to my 8600 square foot home in the prestigious "fox hole downs golf course, a gated community" will let me see the light and let me think about my values and your values.

Dec 6, 09 10:40 pm  · 
vado retro

dont hate cuz you cant duplicate!

Dec 7, 09 12:43 am  · 

what is the thread that the CEO objects to? his company seems successful so why does he even care? did you point out that he is slightly overweight or something? cuz that would be rood.

great images holz. i know most of those but a few are new to me, which is great. his residential work is really well done, if typical swiss-y. i guess that is not the stuff that he built his reputation on...i hope he goes through the process and does do a house in usa. am very curious to see what he comes up with for that part of the world.

Dec 7, 09 2:27 am  · 


i don't think his residential work is overly noteworthy.

but his public work is definitely where he shines. and that seems to be a rarity, as most architects seem to do great houses but fail to carry the same effect to public work or larger commissions.

the raeth haus has a botta-esque feel that kinda weirds me out, mostly cos i'm not a big fan of botta.

Dec 7, 09 3:09 am  · 

just a hunch, holz, but is the raeth older than the others? maybe it is sort of botta-ish (or at least appears to come from the early/mid-80s ticino era) because zumthor was swiss, responding to a particular environment, and hadn't fully found his own thing yet?

Dec 7, 09 7:26 am  · 

orochi, sometimes you drive me crazy but today you got me laughing pretty hard. cheers!

Dec 7, 09 7:27 am  · 

orochi, i know, i am providing aid and comfort to the terrorists. perhaps i should do more lovin, so i dont have to leave it....;(

Dec 7, 09 8:05 am  · 

;(```` <----tears of an architect, for losing my religion, er, [b]values[/]...

Dec 7, 09 8:14 am  · 

holz great image set, I knew most Zumthor's housing/multi-unit dwellings but had never seen a single family house so that's for that. There seems to be visual stylistic leaning with his private buildings that say his civic ones, and I agree the public space is where he shines. Rather brightly in fact.

I've been sniffly all weekend. Nothing beyond that so I suspect it is the changing weather no agreeing with my sinuses. But I have to be all healthy and better because I fly to the future/not yet mother-in-law then to the significant other after (Miami/Cleveland) for the holidays. This year will be a snowy white Christmas for me... yeah! Must remember to pack my architect's essential (that I rarely use in Jamaica) - my black scarf!!!

Dec 7, 09 8:39 am  · 
brian buchalski

i just put up a small holiday tree...& then proceeded to spray paint it black. i spray painted some flowers black too recently. i think maybe i'm goint through a goth phase...

Dec 7, 09 9:03 am  · 
liberty bell

Somebody please tell me I suck. I'll feel as if I've arrived!

techno, maybe for the holidays you should have a black scarf with one slim red line thread line around one end, asymmetrical.

Snow here today. Lovely and quiet for me to Sketchup all day.

Dec 7, 09 9:16 am  · 
vado retro

those zumthor projects could do with a few minarets!

here's the problem with such meaningless terms like VALUES and ETHICS the values of a corporate architecture firm who will somehow be able to with a straight face defend a energy sucking, sprawl inducing, gridlock guaranteeing, thousands of pounds of garbage per event aftermathing, as good for the economy or the community, etc rather than admitting that the project really serves as an ego building, status reaffirming, tax write off for some redneck billionaire is UNETHICAL.

That said I love football. But, these stadiums have consequences. the new stadium in indianapolis runs a deficit and the old stadium they tore down still is being paid for? wtf? and that retractable dome is maybe open twice a season. good value there...

There has to be something else. There really needs to be a CIAM equivalent. something that architects who actually do have ethics and values can get involved with to address the real issues of the day.

Dec 7, 09 9:29 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Puddles, maybe it's just a Stones phase.

Dec 7, 09 9:33 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

Vado, that was the point of my rebuttal.

While I am usually for downtown and urban-center-oriented schemes, sports stadiums never make sense.

I'm all for things I may not necessarily agree with morally, culturally or ethically if they make sense on paper. In practice, well no one can ever guess how things will actually unfold in practice.

The problem with firms like HKS is that they use questionable policy and economic analyst firms that basically outright lie about the economic feasibility of such projects. Anyone who has to sell such a huge investment... and then to sell it with a pathos appeal like "Everyone loves football!" are not doing anyone a service.

The biggest scam about stadiums is that it makes all these firms and team owners shitloads of cash at the expense of the public. And city commissioners are string along and essentially forced to approve such projects because of this whole "sports are necessary and sacred" argument.

Now, I'd be less inclined to be such an ass about it if that every single person who works for the stadium, plays in the stadium and owns the teams who play in the stadium was actually forced to live within the city limits of the hosting city. But the fact is, most of the people do not.

HKS is probably a really good firm but I dislike anyone who manipulates local governments to spend insane amounts of cash on public-private projects that have the same economic and cultural impact of vertical ghetto schemes.

Dec 7, 09 9:44 am  · 

snook, I second the congrats to Mrs. B..

Regarding stadiums et al. They are generally a huge waste of tax payer monies going towards a private enterprise. And thus as a taxpayer i am generally not supportive. For instance Jax gave a bunch of money to the new Jaguar stadium to get them there, and now because of economy and the size of Jax the team is considering moving..
In general I think public monies shouldn't go to those kind gf big projects using huge tax payer subsidies unless, affordable housing, schools and other infrastructure.

Although obviously a need for redevelopment of some urban areas requires public/governement support.

Dec 7, 09 9:56 am  · 

is it 'Deconstructivism' or 'De-Constructivism' or ? (Wikipedia thinks the former)

Dec 7, 09 10:15 am  · 

Barry i would think with all the emphasis on deconstruction and linguistics, grammatology etc that the hyphen would be important...

Dec 7, 09 10:41 am  · 


the raeth haus is much older than the others (1981) but that was done just a few years before the roman ruins shelter ('86) and his atelier ('86). somewhere in between was quite a leap.

Dec 7, 09 11:06 am  · 
vado retro

yeah the team owners hold these cities hostages with the "if we don't get a new stadium we may have to relocate" argument and so to finance new stadiums cities raise the sales taxes on the city dwellers with higher sales taxes and on the business owners with taxes while most of the people who come to the game live in some gated community up north which has dirt cheap taxes. meanwhile the city needs to upgrade all its infrastructure etc to allow these hummer driving suburbanites access to the big game! i call bullshit.

Dec 7, 09 11:23 am  · 
liberty bell

You guys should head on over to the HKS thread where the alleged CEO of HKS is getting huffy at beta to make these arguments.

Seriously, it can't really be him, right?

Dec 7, 09 11:26 am  · 

lb, funny thing is, i am not the be all end all green guy, there are much better people to baste this turkey.

Dec 7, 09 11:29 am  · 
liberty bell

I just can't believe a real CEO of a huge firm would waste time defending themselves against five-year-old accusations of "sucking".

I mean, I waste all day here, and I'm a CEO (sorta), but come on.

Dec 7, 09 11:35 am  · 
vado retro

as the profession is currently framed, one can't really blame the architects for producing ghastly projects and then defend them with the flaccid reasoning of economic development etc...afterall, its a business and you got to meet payroll and afterall wouldn't be exciting to design a Jerry Jonestown massacre with the worlds largest jumbo tron. or wouldn't it be cool to design a city in a desert of nothingness. same difference. we've got no critical moral architectural compass to lead us away from this bullshit. we go to school and develop ideals but when we hit the marketplace we find that we are drafting up white boxes for strip mall developers. Architects need to circle the wagons and not just some greenwashing LEED ap circle either. any firm can greenwash the most unethical project. no, it needs to go beyond that. There needs to be an organized resistance. there needs to be Architects Against Meaningless Architecture!!! Who's with me? Noone? i thought so....carry on.

Dec 7, 09 11:37 am  · 

the problem with the AIA code of ethics, and all professional organizations, is that we/they know all to well, where the use of should and shall belongs, and unfortunately for most of the public they are unaware of the implications - well, with the obvious exception of lawyers...

Dec 7, 09 11:48 am  · 

i'm thinking of going to get that cougar, palin, to sign my pick a part.

Dec 7, 09 11:49 am  · 

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