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Speaking of cryzko Orochi haven't seen him in awhile.

Also i was inspired to Google the meaning of your name.

I assume you knew it referred to the legendary 8-headed and 8-tailed Japanese dragon that was slain by the Shinto storm-god Susanoo???

Anybody else?

Slart, never heard of Magic 8ball Wed..

Sarah 6 hours does seem a tad too long.

Dec 2, 09 2:57 pm  · 
liberty bell

Well my afternoon of work just imploded: my printer died. Made a horrid grinding noise and died. I threw it around the room a few times but that didn't seem to help! vado, I see that you called right in the midst of the tragedy so it's better that I didn't answer - the barrage of swearing might have pierced your eardrum. (I'll call you back in a bit.)

So now I'm resigned to buying a new printer. Guess I can stuff it in my stocking and pretend I didn't really spend that bit of cash right now!

Dec 2, 09 3:12 pm  · 

Ah, I can't stay away from Archinect. I gotta stay away to be productive...

Nam, I was referring to one of the "articles" by the same guy that had that hilarious e-mail exchange. He basically responded to every e-mail he received on Wednesday with something from a magic 8 ball. Without anyone knowing that but him. And they think he's an ass. I thought it was a good idea.

Printers are not that expensive anymore are they? Unless LB you're talking about HQ color ones that do 11x17s.

I posted on another thread about taking the GREs around the same time as my AREs. But I'm so scared to take them. I feel like I'm going to fail miserably. I did well on the SATs and was good at math at point in my life, but architecture school and years of working has left my academic test taking confidence in shambles. Any words of encouragement?

Dec 2, 09 3:42 pm  · 

none other than i am in same boat re: GRE. Except even more screwed as I took it once before to get into grad school and am annoyed that i would have to take it again to get into a new program just because 5 years have expired.
Especially since i always sucked at math sections of standardized tests.

Dec 2, 09 3:47 pm  · 

LB, just was talking about frank fantauzzi and wondered if you ever crossed paths with him at cranbrook. My lecture tonight is titled 'learning from detroit' and I'm exploring the more inventive side of urban decay as an excuse to show:

Detroit. Demolition. Disneyland.

Dec 2, 09 3:57 pm  · 
brian buchalski

gre is a piece of cake. you guys will smoke it.

last time i checked, i think they were practically giving away inkjet printers if you bought a couple of ink cartridges.

Dec 2, 09 4:09 pm  · 

the good news is I finally have a reason to start calling multiple product reps again - the bad news is many of my contacts no longer work at these places anymore and they are so understaffed that no one is getting back to me.

Dec 2, 09 4:28 pm  · 

thanks puddles,

That is what i am hoping for..

Dec 2, 09 4:44 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

correct nam, what I really like about the story is the fact that hero defeated the monster by getting him tanked.

there was no grand noble aspiration or battle or nothing-- just trickery and booze.

in other news, i have fully given up on everything i think.

Dec 2, 09 7:28 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Orochi, I ALWAYS read your name as orecchi, which means ears in Italian.

Dec 2, 09 9:18 pm  · 

Hi everybody. I'm getting a cold. It sucks.

I'll be in Seattle this weekend... after much schedule wrangling, I believe we've arranged to have an "archinect brunch". Let me know if you want in on it...

Dec 3, 09 1:51 am  · 
liberty bell

Good morning everyone.]This is really cool.

Dec 3, 09 8:54 am  · 
liberty bell

Ooooh, that was precise linking!

Dec 3, 09 8:54 am  · 
brian buchalski

that iceberg/fantuazzi stuff was old when i was young so it must be really old now. in some respects, detroit really hasn't changed much in the past two decades.

Dec 3, 09 9:14 am  · 

hey! a poll where doctors and attorneys suck more than architects.


Dec 3, 09 11:45 am  · 

from my local AIA page :

"Job Postings
Accelerate your career search by browsing targeted recruitment efforts.

Submit a posting.
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Job Title

There are currently no job postings.

If you would like to add a job, click on the "Submit a posting to the Job Posting" link above."

This is in a very large city. There has been about 1-2 posts hanging around there for the last few months (both for something related to architecture but not quite architecture, if I recall -- like engineering technology or something) and I guess even they've finally bit the dust. The posts stay up on that page for 30 days by the way, so there hasn't been anything new in 30 days. (sigh)

There hasn't been anything AT ALL for my city on the archinect job boards since I started looking at them months ago (before I was even laid off). My city's construction scene is seriously in the shitter.

I need to start looking for something totally non-architectural, I guess... any ideas for relatively high-paying gigs that require problem-solving smarts, communication skills, and creativity?

I thought I might try the teacher thing like Sarah. Might be worth looking into...

Dec 3, 09 11:50 am  · 

On the upside, I may have an in at a firm whose work I really like. I guess I might have to scramble this weekend to get the portfolio in order.

Dec 3, 09 12:08 pm  · 
liberty bell
Per year, every 1,000 architects average 105 accidents and 72 speeding tickets. They may make a living at the drafting table, but on the road they can't seem to draw the line.

Anyone else got any "draw the line" jokes? I may start a dedicated thread if we get enough of them.

Dec 3, 09 12:31 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

I got banned?

Dec 3, 09 12:46 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Whoops nevermind but I can only seem to post to like 3 threads.

Dec 3, 09 12:50 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i prefer drinking & driving to drinking & drafting. what's everybody else's excuse?

any ideas for relatively high-paying gigs that require problem-solving smarts, communication skills, and creativity?

become a's definitely a relatively high paying gig

and finally after more than three years of perseverance the happy holiday music season thread has crossed the 100 posts threshold. i never thought i'd say this...but i'm really proud of that thread. might be my best work yet on archinect!

Dec 3, 09 12:51 pm  · 

lb - i had a few bosses that tailgated like you wouldn't believe, lean on the horn and weave in and out of traffic at the very last second.

every firm i've worked for, principles had traffic tix. i also know of a firm that builds them into their annual budget.

Dec 3, 09 1:14 pm  · 

I solved who Zug is.

Hi Zug!

Dec 3, 09 1:55 pm  · 
vado retro

i was just by someone on facebook "if i had ever even been to a museum!" wtf.

Dec 3, 09 2:01 pm  · 
brian buchalski
zug is an island
Dec 3, 09 5:33 pm  · 

I have finally figured out Why Mrs B....doesn't trust my driving.....I'm and AIA Architect....well at least for another 27 days.

Dec 3, 09 7:39 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Steve Martin is playing an architect?! This could be good.

Dec 3, 09 10:18 pm  · 
vado retro

lb i met some of your clients tonight. they were raving about you! i just smiled and nodded in agreement!

Dec 3, 09 11:15 pm  · 
liberty bell

WHO? Give me a clue. Oh wait - I think I know. Modern house? Garage extension and Kitchen/Family Room remodel?

Dec 3, 09 11:33 pm  · 
vado retro

no it involves canines!

Dec 3, 09 11:52 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh, yay! They're super cool. I was just working on their drawings a few minutes ago, until Daily Show came on!

Dec 3, 09 11:54 pm  · 

curious question of the day :

if you HAD to choose, would you rather :

design your own house for yourself, or
have Peter Zumthor design a house for you?

Dec 4, 09 2:16 am  · 
brian buchalski

i have no desire to design a house for myself. but the opportunity to be an annoying client until zumthor (or any architect for that matter) gives up & fires me sounds like it could be fun.

Dec 4, 09 7:44 am  · 
liberty bell

I'd rather have Zumthor do it. Then I'd modify it on my own, as I've done with my houses to date.

Dec 4, 09 8:04 am  · 
brian buchalski

oh wow, this sounds like the makings of a new tv show next season: who wants to live in a cave with a billionaire?!!

Dec 4, 09 8:13 am  · 

Would it be too egotistical of me to say I'd rather design and build my own house? I respect his work, but there might be some architects I might ask before him, including some architects that are not currently living. Currently, I am saving up money to buy my own property and build my own house (possibly a renovation of an existing house in the city).

Also, its definitely not the first time that article has come out about architects being in the top worst drivers, is it? I definitely remember reading about that years ago when architects were in the mix between students, doctors and lawyers.

Anyone read about the possibility of paper/ink that fades within 3-5 days? Apparently most paper copies at the office are for one time reads. I had this image in my head of all the messy papers on my desk all of a sudden turning all white, like something from "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind." That would be awesome.

How hilarious is the scientists' revelation that All guys watch porn?

Dec 4, 09 11:26 am  · 
brian buchalski

that's almost as good as the structural engineers determining, after a careful study, that the ideal material to build a tree out of is wood. apparently alternatives such as steel, concrete, porcelain, taffy, etc just all had failings when shaped into trees. go figure.

a self destructing document is an interesting idea. i hadn't thought about ink on paper but recently i've been wondering if there's a market for a kind of .SDF (self destructing file) similar to a PDF electronic file. you see it once & then "poof" it's gone. i think of this because i've been downloading some of the rental movies via apple's itunes store and i think it's pretty handy. after you watch it, then the movie file disappears freeing up the 1.5 gigabytes of space that it otherwise would have occupied on your hard drive.

Dec 4, 09 12:51 pm  · 

puddles - that is an awesome idea to have more digital files destroy themselves. I have a mental disease that will prevent me from deleting/throwing away shit I don't need. I have about 4 backups of my old schoolwork, 99% of which are files used in the process and 95% of which I SHOULD (if without this disease) be able to delete guilt free since I'll never open them again in my lifetime. And don't get me started on old e-mails. But instead I have to constantly buy external hard-drives.

I know this amazingly cool/awesome artist that actually made realistic looking sticks (like the kind you find on the ground in forests) from plywood boards. I had an interesting conversation with him why he didn't just use found sticks. So I guess he still used wood. So I don't know where I'm going with that one.

Dec 4, 09 1:20 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i have a hard time deleting files too. and it's twice as bad since i started backing everything up a few years. now i've got multiple copies of stuff that i don't need...just in case the laptop dies, dropped in toilet, stolen, etc.

i initially thought that renting movies like that via itunes was a dumb idea until i tried. my only complaint is that they are expensive ($5) for only 24 hours of viewing access. i think you should get a least a weekend/48 hours out of it & the price should be comparable to the old $1 video rentals. it's not like they are a physical product that needs to be shipped, stocked, & checked out by a store clerk...there should be a huge profit margin in renting out virtual files.

the other aspect of the SDF is for privacy of communication. you could send it to somebody knowing that after they viewed your writing once that it was obliterated.

Dec 4, 09 1:48 pm  · 

have you ever listened to zumthor talk? I'd get really annoyed with him in our first meeting.

btw -what's up with this proliferation of the "climate change is a hoax!" posts as of late. I keep feeling like the global warming deniers are just using this as a means to subvert any criticism of conspicuous consumption (as it seems like they are the same characters who want unregulated free markets).

it's incredibly perverse what they are doing... framing advocates of sustainability as shrill extremists who are trying to fleece us, while at the same time making people feel ok about buying shit we don't really need.

Dec 4, 09 3:28 pm  · 

i havent been here for a while.. :S

Dec 4, 09 5:04 pm  · 
vado retro

lb yeah theyare cool. lauren had an opening at the dean johnson gallery along with some other people. i didnt know it was her work until i was there for about an hour or so. drank too much free wine, though.

Dec 4, 09 5:28 pm  · 

i tossed a box of floppy disk into the recycle bin just the other day cause I knew there was no way in Hell I was going the information to another storage formatt. Thinking about it I don't know if my floppy
drive works in my old computer it might have filled up with micro-dust which for some strange reason finds its way into the internal elements of all computers.

Dec 4, 09 5:50 pm  · 
brian buchalski

it's not that climate change is a just doesn't really matter. assuming that the human race is still around in another two thousand years, i suspect by that either we'll have...

1. moved onto space stations/another planet or
2. realized there was nothing to be done about changing the will of mother nature or
3. things just aren't that different after all.

whatever scenario plays out, i imagine that future generations will find our concerns about, for example, gas mileage to be as silly as we currently think primative societies were for worshipping multiple gods.

if we want to be optimistic, then there is probably some kind of technological quantum leap hanging around the corner that we can't even fathom right now. or if we prefer pessimism, then we'll assume an fundamentalist fervor in persecuting those who commit any environmental sins such as choosing bottled water versus tap. worst case, we start executing these offenders in death camps.

i've embraced a variety of outlooks in my own life and truth be told me behavior really isn't that different one way or the other.

and yeah, wow, it's amazing how much dust accumulates inside computers.

Dec 4, 09 6:07 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

WooHoo! I AM smarter than a fourth grader. I got a 282 on the test, which is scored 100-300, with 240 passing. Thats like a 90 or something, right? I so rocked that test. Just think, I could be moulding the future of America........

Dec 4, 09 7:32 pm  · 
liberty bell

Congrats, Sarah!

You guys had some fun here today while I was up in critiques at Ball State warping young minds. Or more truthfully, confusing students and pissing off tenured faculty.

Dec 4, 09 10:08 pm  · 
liberty bell

And Slart, it's not egotistical at all. You *need* to do your own house, we all do. I've renovated two already and would be happy to act as a client/curator for one project.

Dec 4, 09 10:10 pm  · 
vado retro

went out to some first friday art openings. its almost like you live in an urban environment sometimes. saw some good stuff and some beautiful people. now i'm home cuz im bushed and broke.

Dec 4, 09 10:49 pm  · 

sat through about 10 housing projects today about 50% were inpiring "fun" spaces you could imagine living in.

I'd have Zumthor design a house for me, but judging on the time he takes I suspect when it was complete I'd be bored with the idea and choose to sell it. But it would make a great investment. Strange but I've never seen any houses he's designed

Dec 4, 09 10:59 pm  · 
Or more truthfully, confusing students and pissing off tenured faculty.


Dec 5, 09 12:21 pm  · 

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