
Thread Central


Wonderk....I want to hear about your flowers now that you reside in the City of Roses.

Nov 25, 09 5:33 pm  · 

being a plumber is an awesome job if you want to MAKE MONEY!!!

it's actually pretty easy to do but most people are so scared of getting poo on themselves that they happily pay the professionals.

- thanks puddles.

Nov 25, 09 5:39 pm  · 

seriously, snook -- the low voltage runs are the biggest ripoff ever!

Those guys who install alarms -- they are SO overpaid, and it is SO frustrating to watch. Ugh.

Nov 25, 09 6:40 pm  · 

@sarah -

google has something called google sites that is free. i am using it for my class websites and is super easy (thanks for the heads up treekiller!). like a blog almost. not sure if it works well as a proper website but i haven't tried to use it for anything fancy myself. i believe there are others out there as well if you do a google probably will find something.

actually, making own web-presence is not expensive. like a hundred dollars a year to get a domain and space to park it....making website takes some time, though again blogs like wordpress seem to be pretty good as templates for quite good looking websites, and no need to learn any software.

based on our experience in tokyo i would say that old buildings kill profit and is better to buy land. maybe different where you are.

Nov 25, 09 7:11 pm  · 
liberty bell

manta do you dimension outlet locations on your elevations, or on your plans? Just curious.

Nov 25, 09 7:16 pm  · 

I used to dimension the hell out of outlets and lighting fixtures, but found myself wondering why when the electricians went in. An old spec writer/QS who used to go so far as to identify the length of cable needed between c/o, lights etc said she honestly thinks most don't understand our drawings. Based on the conversations now I'm really beginning to wonder.

Nov 25, 09 9:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Thanks jump. With the helpful advice of someone, I registered two dmians. I don't know the first thing about dreamweaver. I thought it would be simple like illustrator or indeaign but it's not. It's all codes and computer nerd stuff. My pal says she will help with that too!

Nov 25, 09 10:21 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

SH, I may get lambasted for this...

But download Firefox (if you're not already using it) and download this plug in called "FireBug."

When you go to your browser and hit the view source... your browser will generally not show you all the code or even the hidden code.

Firebug is a cool little tool that not only lets you see the code... but you can alter it in real-time.

So, if you like a little visual element that you see on a website... you select it, right mouse click on it and then hit "inspect element" after you install fire bug.

It will open a little dialogue window on the bottom of the screen and show you the exact code that comprises what that is.

You can then copy and paste it for your own website.

Nov 25, 09 10:43 pm  · 

sarah, you can view code of websites that you save as html in dreamweaver too. that is how i learned to make own website.

frankly i don't think it is worth the knowledge and would not bother learning dreamweaver or fireworks unless you plan to make a website again in the future. if you feel you have the time, as far as it goes fireworks is much like photosop and is relatively intuitive. dreamweaver is more like in-design and used to connect links to pages and so on. you shouldn't try to design a page with code because it is just too much work.

if you are happy with a simple site, wordpress seems the easiest to get going quickly. you may need to work out a bit of code but in general is possible to make a good website with no new knowledge.

for example this site is driven by wordpress:

there are quite a few out there that look nothing like blogs even though powered by the blog making software.

makes life easy i think.

Nov 26, 09 1:08 am  · 

SH, I second the wordpress recommendation. Sorry for not replying to your email---WonderK's response covered it so well that it didn't seem necessary.

And, um, for those not friended on facebook, there's good news.

Nov 26, 09 1:28 am  · 
liberty bell

Ooh, jump, that matsys site gives me the happypants.

Or maybe it's rationalist's good news that is making me feel so good, or maybe the mimosa I chose to start T-day with.

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Nov 26, 09 8:52 am  · 

Happy T day all,

I am getting ready to drive out to family with three of the dishes i made...

Congrats rationalist. Hopefully it works ot permanently.

Also sarah i concur with jump et al.

Wordpress and owning land not building are way to go..

Orochi at least you are getting the portfolio done/

Nov 26, 09 10:15 am  · 
brian buchalski

we've gotten some big quotes for electrical work down here. problem is that most walls here are solid concrete. quotes have comeback at, for example, $65k...then we add fees which bumps final price to about $100k...and then the really crazy part is that people pay it (sometimes without even complaining). life's a beach.

turkey is all prepped. nothing left but to grill, baby, grill!

Nov 26, 09 10:37 am  · 

are my happypants. they have kneepads!

Nov 26, 09 12:37 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm showing incredible restratint right now by not posting a picture of my crappypants

Nov 26, 09 1:37 pm  · 

mimosas sound delish. happy spanksgiving, TC (at least, those in the u.s. - the rest of yuns can just keep working!)

Nov 26, 09 2:13 pm  · 

happy Thanksgiving to those that celebrate it, and to those that don't... perhaps we should. I could do with a turkey sandwich right now, but finished with some fresh romain lettuce and sorrel chutney....hmmm!!

congrats Rationalist, well deserved. Make the most of it

Nov 26, 09 3:14 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i cooked a turkey. i ate it too. sadly not all by myself...i had to share with other people!

whisky time!!!

Nov 26, 09 3:44 pm  · 

Congrats on the freelance job Rationalist. That is such great news. Happy Thanksgiving to all those that celebrate. All are welcome at my house to partake in turkey day leftovers.

Nov 26, 09 3:58 pm  · 
brian buchalski

seems like there is an awful lot of thanksgiving threads this year. is the holiday becoming more popular?

Nov 26, 09 4:02 pm  · 

well, for the first time we got thanksgiving cards at work from other business people...

but, hey, didn't you dredge up all of those thanksgiving threads from past years, puddles?

Nov 26, 09 7:14 pm  · 

puddles is an anarchist! quick run away! (this would actually be funny if you were sitting beside me and could see me - alcohol would make it hilarious)

no turkeys here. i am gonna order a huge chicken for christmas dinner soon. has to be done in advance cuz nobody here has an oven and those that do are not using it to cook birds in any case. nope, this is a fry-pan culture and no getting around it. the local butcher knows me by now though and will only smirk a little bit when i order an enormous bird for the holidays...

glad you like his work, LB. andrew is an up and comer in my opinion.

fantastic news rationalist!

Nov 26, 09 10:22 pm  · 
le bossman

you know something? i just can't get into this thread. for the life of me, i don't understand why you guys think it's so awesome. 35,000 posts between the 12 of you? sheesh.

Nov 26, 09 10:55 pm  · 
le bossman come stay awhile, make it 13

. It is the personal side to architecture, an interesting way in view of seeing the profession through the lives of everyone else. Folks who have their own firm (Liberty, Steven & jump) whilst juggling the complexities of raising a young family. Those looking to start a firm (Mantaray and B3ta). The green crusaders Wonder K and Treekiller who in their tireless pursuit aim to fix the ecologies ills of our global soceity. The anarchists (vado, orochi and puddles) whose satirical ramblings offer a more real albeit twisted (or vice versa) view on things. Those that have stepped from the profession to persue other interests (SH, rationalist), and those on the periphery of architecture (*melt and nam). Then you have the returners in Just Why, n, et al and the recently consistent visits by toasteroven, holz, etc. Give it a try it is easily infectious like a sorrid soap opera.

Nov 27, 09 6:42 am  · 

sorridity is very dangerous.

this is the kitchen of the party, le bossman. you are welcome to sit down on the footstool. it is a strange place though, i give you that.

Nov 27, 09 6:51 am  · 
liberty bell

Oooh, the state architect license renewal website is ruining my day!!

bossman, TC and the rest of Archinect are my coworkers, since I don't actually have any.

Nov 27, 09 9:26 am  · 
brian buchalski

frankly, i don't think thread central is so awesome. i kind of detest it (or maybe it's just the characters here that i don't like)...but when you've been around the forum long enough and become tired of repeating yourself on other threads this is the place to say something without saying anything.

also, i don't think anybody bothered to read that long piece on trinidadian "liming" that i posted a few weeks back...but i think thread central might be something like a virtual space equivalent of a lime

jump, you could also grill your large bird (chicken, turkey, goose, etc) if you can get your hands on even a basic charcoal grill (a weber is perfect). i've done this the past couple of thanksgivings and its been very popular.

Nov 27, 09 9:40 am  · 

Liberty they didn't jack your fees this year did they? I'm anticipating our license fees will go up this year just because the State Budget is so far fricking in the hole thanks to we depend upon all those rich cats who buy and sell stocks at a profit to fund our state budget(capital gains taxes) and the Unions aren't budging and inch so all of us poor architects are going to have to kick in big time to bail out the poor miss-managed State Goverment. What I'm trying to say is the State Workers might not be able to buy their bmw this year.

Nov 27, 09 5:36 pm  · 

puddles.....glad to hear your still alive and your fingernails need to be trimmed...and what the heck is it with living on an island in the middle of Cambridge, is good!

Nov 27, 09 5:41 pm  · 

I though puddles was a pirate, not an anarchist...

anybody else avoid the malls today?

Nov 27, 09 7:20 pm  · 

mmm, that sounds good puddles. maybe next summer will try something like that with bbq.

we got us a convection oven that is brilliant. made cinnamon rolls with my daughters last weekend that were awesomely good.

thread central is kind of like the village grocery where reglar folk come to gossip. unlike other threads is not an angry place, and that is quite good thing in my opinion...

Nov 27, 09 8:23 pm  · 

Periphery?!? I always considered myself to be a part of the inner workings. Get it? Interior designer? Interior workings? Sorry. This is what happens when I hang out with my family for any period time. We're punny people.

Nov 27, 09 9:19 pm  · 
vado retro

i'm no anarchist. just a smart ass.

Nov 28, 09 10:13 am  · 

one man's anarchist is another man's pirate/smart ass. Saturday morning and I'm ready to go back into the darkness for a long nap. I just need to find some breakfast. I'll take a walk out to the garden to see if there is any home-grown lettuce

Nov 28, 09 10:23 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm definitely an anarchist. time to go destroy something...preferably something other people like.

Nov 28, 09 11:14 am  · 

Our Boys Love Turkey Day Desert: Frito Jack enjoying a little whipped cream.

Nov 28, 09 1:43 pm  · 

What a tongue:

Nov 28, 09 1:44 pm  · 

those are some gorgeous pups the last one has such sadness in his eyes - I just want to hug him

Nov 28, 09 4:01 pm  · 

achi....matisse has white eyelashes and he is a lover boy. We call him ghost dog cause he is a spooky kinda white cause of his dark undercoat. He also has those chocolate eyes that can melt any heart.

Nov 28, 09 4:39 pm  · 

puddles....if your morning the loss of the Big S.....I thought I should post this for you.

I have about 16 porno DVDs. My wife and I dont really watch them ourselves, so she is telling me we should just get rid of them. We spent atleast $30 if not more on each of them, so $10 each I see isnt a bad price for them. None of them are scratched, and they all work perfectly. I also have a box of porno movies only they are VHS. I will sell that whole box which is over 50 movies for only $25. If anyone is interested in taking them all off my hands in one shot, I will be more than willing to take some $ off of the price. If you would like to come buy these movies please email, or call me to set up a time to come purchase them. My email is [email protected] and my phone number is ...-901-0749. Hope to hear from yall soon. First come first served............

Nov 28, 09 5:14 pm  · 

holiday time, in addition to desserts, means lots of new toys...

Nov 28, 09 5:30 pm  · 

whoops, round 2:

Nov 28, 09 5:49 pm  · 

oh, and seeing as this is my first year owning a dog... is it all right to admit i watched the dog show on thanksgiving?

Nov 28, 09 5:52 pm  · 

I am definitely on the periphery.

Also, while i might not have read that piece on liming until now i am glad i did.

TC as one big liming sounds about right.

I am trying to be productive this holiday season. How about you all.

Nov 28, 09 6:25 pm  · 

cute dog postal - lol @ snook
I'm hungry to the point I can't see straight. Not sure what to have... not really feeling like I want to leave the house and I oddly have a craving for Quiche Lorraine. Maybe a look on one of those food/cooking threads might inspire me - although it would be easier if some one invited me over for dinner

Nov 28, 09 7:14 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

I have two job interviews 3 days before Christmas, scheduled 24 hours apart and they're 2800 miles apart from each other.

Nov 28, 09 8:05 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Oh and if I don't get a job in the next three weeks, I am leaving for Patagonia the 3rd of January for 5 months by boat.

Nov 28, 09 8:08 pm  · 

so what's your new years resolution then? Or does it change if you are by land or by sea?

Nov 28, 09 8:57 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

My New Years resolution is to start smoking pot again because life is unbearably miserable.

Food tastes awful, dancing feels lame, t.v. is thoroughly non entertaining, i don't like my music selection as much, people seem far less attractive, i realize how retarded most people really are, work of any sort is far less engaging and colors seem less vivid.

Nov 28, 09 9:22 pm  · 

hmmm I take you've only recently stopped. Give it time your receptors will return and you'll find that colours will be more vivid that you ever remembered, you'll see people for what they are, and well the music will be what the music is. Nonetheless you could be out on the open seas... the fresh air and fresh fish will do wonders

Nov 28, 09 10:37 pm  · 

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