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WK - Interview #6 as in at the same place?! I thought it was unheard of when I had to interview 3 times at one place.

Jump - Looks like my trip to Japan isn't happening this year. Sigh...

puddles - I'm actually impressed by the amount of money donated to charity. I like the idea of making the numbers visual. Shouldn't be too difficult to make it a parametric 3D graph though. That would be interesting too.

Sep 22, 09 12:33 pm  · 

now I know why Meier made all his buildings monochrome - it wasn't about the interplay of light and shadow - it was so that the clients wouldn't make him spend three months doing "it needs to be a little more yellow.- no, make it orange, but not too orange - wait, no - can I see it green now?"

Sep 22, 09 12:54 pm  · 

Oh and yes, interview #6 with the same place. At this point nothing surprises me anymore, so I just do whatever they want. They did send me a statement of their benefits yesterday though, which I take as a good sign.

Wish me luck! I'll report back later...

Sep 22, 09 2:24 pm  · 

Sep 22, 09 3:05 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

So, Reason #21323382382938 why I hate doing nice things for people.

I gave someone a ride yesterday. Getting out of the car, I specifically said "Roll up the windows please."

Today, I go to my car to rummage for that pack of cigarettes with the hidden mystery cigarette tucked into the corner and to get a lottery ticket out of there...

And I open my car door to two inches of standing water inside of it. There was literally a small lake inside of my car.

Well, now my car doesn't turn on at all and none of the electrical seems to work.

What do I do?

Sep 22, 09 3:31 pm  · 
brian buchalski

time is just flying by...i just had one of those anxiety ridden dreams (but not quite scary enough to be nightmare) where i was concerned because next week was already feb 14. but then i woke up & realized that would be valentine day and that's a long ways away.

so i figured i must have gotten my months confused and i must have been concerned about sept 14...except that was already over a week ago (what did i forget. i think i blame this thread. anyhow...try to avoid monday afernnoo naps.

Sep 22, 09 4:18 pm  · 

I was just flipping thru the yellow pages...letting my fingers do the walking....and looking at the titles in the upper left hand corner...and came across " SEX SHOWER" it is almost as good as Storm Porn...

Sep 22, 09 5:45 pm  · 

Actually I looked again and it says "Sexual Shower"

Sep 22, 09 5:46 pm  · 

WK - Good luck!

Sigh, I really did want to see Japan and Korea again, but its not in my cards. Of course, this is related to the thread I started recently regarding the deed. Its not my deed, but I still can't enjoy my trip with that hanging over my head. I just changed the dates for next year and paid some fees because of it. I wish I learned to just let things go.

Sep 22, 09 6:49 pm  · 

Snook, should i ask what a sexual shower is?

Also, Orochi, sucks, flooded interiors always end up smelling like funk and mold. Speaking of which there is a guy at work, and every couple of days when he will walk by me, i get the whiff of sour hair or not fully dried clothing. I find it noticeable but perhaps, no body else does. I always felt rude bringing it up, even to other co-workers.

Sep 22, 09 7:07 pm  · 

Orochi, call up your regular mechanic and get a recommendation for a guy who specifically does a lot of mechanical work. Get it towed, maybe see if the window-jerk has AAA you can use, and go in there knowing how much you're willing to spend to diagnose it (but don't say the number til he asks, and even then knock it down by $50 or so for contingency), because electrical work is done by the hour, billed whether they find the problem or not. Fixing it will be a whole other lump of $$$. I know normally with car repairs the money you pay for the checkup gets applied towards the fix, but electrical work is special. Good luck, I gave a car to charity because of electrical buggers. Hopefully since the cause of the problem is obvious, the solution will be too.

Sep 22, 09 7:15 pm  · 

sorry, that should be "get a recommendation for a guy who specifically does a lot of electrical work."

Sep 22, 09 7:23 pm  · 

Interview Six went swimmingly. Perhaps I will get a Lucky Number Seven....even an Easy Eight... maybe a Nice Nine... perhaps we'll even stretch it out to a Terrific Ten!

Sorry, a bit loopy this afternoon...

Sep 22, 09 8:31 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

I like how the storm porn mixes well with my problem.

If storm porn is weather imagery and storm intercourse is the actual occurrence of the storm... then I've just spent an hour shopvac'ing storm seminal fluid out of my car.

Found my last cigarette, though, it was safe and sound in the passenger seat pocket! I also won 11 dollars playing the lotteriez.

Rationalist, great advice. My "what do I do" was more or less a question of vindication rather than mechanical fixings.

Luckily, I keep a pickle jar with what use to be 3 sticks of butter stuffed in it for just this reason. Let's just say the awful neighbor won't be using his front door until he buys a dozen gallons of bleach.

Yey for butryic acid.

Sep 22, 09 9:38 pm  · 

Just stopping in to say satnding for 14 hours in one day does not a happy melty make.

Time for some cheesecake and then some sleep so I can do it all again tomorrow.

I'm still alive

Sep 22, 09 10:02 pm  · 
liberty bell

Ugh, melt, your poor feet! I hope you get some sitting time tomorrow!

Sep 22, 09 10:26 pm  · 

that sucks good luck getting the smell out if you managed to get the electricals fixed.

Wonder K I'm sure they were impressed (again). Was it the same guy interviewing you? Perhaps he's just hitting on you. Doctor perhaps ;)

jump I'd love to come and give a lecture. Pay the airfare and I'll give all 4. Nodding optional.

LB have you recovered?

Sep 22, 09 10:38 pm  · 

yeah nam and sarah. my little bro came to japan for my wedding 12 years ago (or is it 13?), and never left. i had a friend who was in charge of entertainment for the city and he asked me if i wanted to join a troupe of performers. i was tempted but introduced my bro instead. he jumped at it. before that he was home nurse and took care of parapalegic and was kind of burned out.

so there you go. he ended up getting degree in japanese at uni here and recently married and had child. we talk on phone most days, which is really totally awesome. sucks for my mom though.

if interested, a friend of his made this video a few years back, and it is viewable here on u-tube. he is better than the video i think, but i am biased. what is awesome is that this is how he supports his family. which is pretty cool in my book.

Sep 22, 09 10:46 pm  · 
vado retro

that video is great, jump!

Sep 23, 09 12:07 am  · 

cheers vado. he is totally awesome in person. i am trying to convince him to make a show like speedmouse, but he seems to like it better working the streets.

hard to believe 2 kids from the wrong side of the tracks in small town canada would grow up to live in japan and do totally the opposite kinds of jobs we were destined for. says something about the power of north american culture, doesn't it?

Sep 23, 09 1:44 am  · 

happy birthday Orhan!!

Sep 23, 09 3:06 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

happy birthday to orhan.

I drank a bottle of Corzo for you.

Not really but my car started working again at around 1 am... so i went to the liquor store in celebration. Just checked my calender and forgot I'm headed to Santa Fe for another 10 days in October.

I don't really want to drive to the nearest international airport as my airfare to ABQ would go up 300 dollars if I fly out of the nearest regional airport.

Deciding whether or not it is worth it to pay this helicopter pilot I know to fly me the 50 miles to the real aiport-- he's gonna charge me like a 125. I could frankly hire a limo for that much but it wouldn't be as pimp.

For someone who makes almost no money, I find ways to parrtt-tay. But I have a lot more financial freedom since I quit smoking weed. I'm still refusing to pay my bills though.

On the the tentative schedule? If i can scrape up 1300 dollars by December, a business "friend" needs passengers for a yacht trip to Patagonia. Debating if I want to spend two months going to Antarctica.

Sep 23, 09 3:37 am  · 
liberty bell

farmer, you beat me to it - Happy Birthday abracadabra!

Sep 23, 09 8:04 am  · 

Happy Bday Orhan!!

Orochi, Patagonia, i wouldn't even think for a second. But then again i have been needing to do some serious traveling for a bit. Plus, i hear you on the financial freedom thing.

Jump, I can't believe your brother supports his family that way. So cool!

and melt what the hell were you doing on your feet for 14 hours??

Sep 23, 09 8:42 am  · 

Jump, did your brother go to clown college?
Or just always been an entertainer?

Sep 23, 09 8:48 am  · 
liberty bell

jump, I'm totally in awe of juggling, balancing, unicycles, the whole thing. It taps into some very primal part of us to see someone use their body in such a graceful, confident way. One question: how the hell does he get DOWN from the pyramid/rolling tube configuration?! I assume it's a controlled jump, but man. As someone who has nightmares about height and unstable surfaces, it just scares me.

Sep 23, 09 9:00 am  · 

lol, LB. he used to just jump down- as far as i know that is what he still does. he fell once in last 10 years. no worries.

no clown school, just growing up in loud scottish family. both of us are quite happy to perform in front of crowds. i think it is a gene that prevents feelings of shame or something ;-) my wife hates it in me, but it works for my bother.

nam, my bro is quite good, but he wasn't at first. he joined troupe of performers and they taught him how to do a show and then he learned on the street how to really do it. it took about 10 years to become good. like any job real skills take time. same as architecture really.

for first 2 years he lived with my wife and i, and practiced and made nothing at all. so we paid for his food and he worked hard to not need that crutch. it worked. it is still hard job but so far so far...

happy b-day orhan! sorry i didn't notice.

Sep 23, 09 9:36 am  · 
liberty bell

How awesome, too, for your daughters to have a clown for an uncle.

Sep 23, 09 9:44 am  · 
vado retro

happy abra birthday, orhan!

Sep 23, 09 10:56 am  · 
liberty bell

For those of you who like to listen while you work, I've just discovered The Moth, story tellers galore!

Sep 23, 09 12:07 pm  · 

hi all just came back from a site visit, and well I need a drink

Sep 23, 09 1:26 pm  · 

i didn't just come back from a site visit and i need a drink too!

Sep 23, 09 1:34 pm  · 
vado retro

Paul is a daddy!

Sep 23, 09 1:49 pm  · 

thanks everybody... party at paul's..;.)))

Sep 23, 09 2:23 pm  · 

they added faux doric columns... I'm still in shock and disbelief

Sep 23, 09 2:29 pm  · 
brian buchalski

doric columns are awesome! you should have thought of them yourself...sounds like a missed opportunity.

Sep 23, 09 2:40 pm  · 

puddles ftw

Sep 23, 09 3:05 pm  · 

Faux doric columns?! Sounds like you need MORE than just a drink, techno... yikes.

Sep 23, 09 3:36 pm  · 

Faux doric columns! Maybe I need a drink too.

Happy birthday Orhan AND baby boy Petrunia! Perhaps we should refer to him as Small Floating Green Head :o)

Sep 23, 09 3:51 pm  · 
brian buchalski

from now on i'm putting faux doric columns anywhere i can get away with it. real doric columns would just be silly, but fake ones somehow seem appropriate these days.

in other news, are you an american? born after 1955? what does a trend like that portend?

Sep 23, 09 4:11 pm  · 

no, no puddles, clearly the ones that can't decide whether they're doric or ionic are the winners. Because accuracy doesn't matter when you're just trying to evoke that classical feeling.

So they say awards are overrated, but honestly I'm not finding that to be the case. I'm getting way more interest in my work, more calls, and more freelance off the press from this than ever. Actually WonderK, a former WonderRoomate saw my post about it, checked out my work, and tossed me a potential project. So thanks to you as well for the hookup! Plus, I've got an interview scheduled for tomorrow and one for next week. Both or either may turn out to only be freelance, but I'm finally feeling like I've drummed up enough freelance work to survive off of, to the point where I've started writing potential firm names down so that my independent projects could someday become the foundation for something more permanent.

Sep 23, 09 4:18 pm  · 

I'm still having faux nightmares... the drink help though. To see for yourself check out the Jobsite pic of the day thread

Congratulations on the increased interest rationalist, although if the buzz about your award continues it may be hard for them to employ versus you stepping our on your own. Good luck

Oh wait this is post no.7777 for me

Sep 23, 09 4:51 pm  · 

Am I the only one that thought the bit where the platform collapses as he's walking away the coolest thing ever? Tell me he planned that and its part of the show because thats brilliant. And I don't say brilliant often.

Sep 23, 09 5:44 pm  · 

Which WonderRoommate? I have several. In any case, that's awesome. Hope it works out for you!

Sep 23, 09 5:59 pm  · 

rationalist, yay, good for you! These things always ramp up slowly and then I bet, one day, before you quite know it, you'll wake up and find yourself a functioning self-employed happy environment graphic designer!

I, too, am beginning to dream up firm names, and am winding up STUMPED. I know exactly what I want it to evoke, and I'm super picky about what I DON'T want, and the result is that I am stuck and can't seem to think of ANYTHING good. I wish I could toss it out to the TC regulars, but I'm afraid of compromising anonymity. Argh. Oh, the things I could ask for advice on, if only I weren't worried about pesky anonymity.

Sep 23, 09 7:53 pm  · 

slart, yeah i think so. Seemed to much a perfect comic ending..

Sep 23, 09 9:06 pm  · 

nite all

Sep 23, 09 9:06 pm  · 

just a counterpoint to puddles "news"

Sep 23, 09 9:31 pm  · 

manatary is it important to have a name to start? Take a cue from automatic drawing/writing and just use something, anything rather informally until the right one emerges. Hopefully that helps and you get to keep the anonymity as well... shoot I don't even know who you are!

Sep 23, 09 9:58 pm  · 

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