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liberty bell

slart, the smart safe guy is the sexy guy, IMO.

I love random meeting stories. One ON the freeway is even better.

Aug 28, 09 1:45 pm  · 

LB - nothing terribly interesting, just trying to prevent our client from getting their ass handed to them by the building inspector.

you know... just another typical week at the office...

Aug 28, 09 3:01 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wait, slart. Do you have to fully undress and redress everytime yougo somewhere?

Husband and I are thinking about motorcycles. We've agreed on a 1949 indian scout. Looks cool and would be more of a joyrider. Funny thing is that my grandfather met my grandmother on an Indian.

Congrats Steven and dub k. Jump your daughter is certainly on her way

Steven your daughter has really big hair for a what, three year old? We trimmed abes bangs last week. They were getting into his food and the poor kid couldn't see. I was supposed to do the deed but I couldn't. Husband did the snipping and I cried just like a woman. I think I will be ok now that the first haircut is behind us.

Until next time.

Aug 28, 09 4:23 pm  · 

Awesome Slart. Where do you get the knee and shin armor. I didn't know they had special "sneakers" for riding. I may just have to look into those.

Aug 28, 09 4:26 pm  · 

Hey Sarah!

Good to hear from you.

Good night all. I am off work a bit early and it is my birthday weekend so hopefully i will be enjoying myself..

Aug 28, 09 4:38 pm  · 
vado retro

happy early birthday nam!

i was looking at indianapolis monthly today. lb and her partner had many award winning kitchens and baths highlighted! congrats!

Aug 28, 09 5:20 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i often ride in flip-flops...but then again, we don't exactly have anything like 60mph freeways down here either.

and for those who just want to try out a motorcycle for fun, then i suggest taking the motorcycle safety (offered at many harley-davidson retailers)...even if you never ride a motorcycle on the road, it will increase your awareness & make you a better driver of cars too

Aug 28, 09 5:47 pm  · 

manta - I have a magnetic tank bag & cargo net (you can see both in the pic) for shorter trips, and saddlebags & dufflebag for longer trips. Can't deny the percentage of serious injury and worse, but its just the way it is. In some ways, every time I'm out, it is an exercise in risk management (but so is everything else I guess). But if I wanted to be 100% car/moto accident free, I'd stay home. I'm also willing to bet that anyone calling or texting while driving a car is much more dangerous than any motorcycle.

SH - Yeah, there is a bit of time before and afterwards that I have to spend. My gear is low-key enough though to not stand out too much. Once in a while I go to business meetings on motorcycles (to NYC for example). I just have to slip into the bathroom and take out the armor under my pants and try to smooth out the helmet hair (not always successful).

*m - you can get them in pretty much any online store like Cyclegear or Newenough, but I try to go to local shops with stuff in stock. That way I can try it on and etc. Oh, and not quite sneakers. They're either called "riding shoes" or 3/4 boots. *Some of the riding shoes are too low to protect your ankles. Personally, I like the compromise of the 3/4 boots/shoes. Women have more options I believe...

Aug 28, 09 5:47 pm  · 

hi sarah!

LB, actually, I'm taking classes at the BAC this fall to finish my masters. I'm looking forward to getting the credentials so I don't have to "co-teach" studio there anymore.

I've been a little reluctant to admit I'm heading to the BAC due to its reputation around here and elsewhere, but having spent the past several years getting waitlisted at certain other local programs and never getting in I just felt like I was being strung along. probably not the best reason to go to a school, but my experience teaching there made me really love parts of the program and especially their mission (it's one of the few programs that actually practices social agency instead of paying lip-service to it - something that's extremely important to me)... it's not the perfect program by any means, but I'm pretty confident that I can make the most of my time there.

Aug 28, 09 5:55 pm  · 

Interesting, toaster! What year do you teach? There is a friend-of-a-friend of mine there. I did some juries at the BAC when I was living in Boston, also knew a few people going through the program at that time. From observation it seemed much the way you describe. A great benefit to the arch community, for sure, but somewhat of a mixed-bag results-wise. No need to feel ashamed though -- sounds like you are making a good decision! I, too, would love to teach & hypothetically thus will need my master's -- that "reqmt" really bugs me, I hate to say, because frankly I do not have the money for a master's and don't foresee a time when I will. Somewhat frustrating. Good for you for finding a way around the conundrum.

Slart, totally in agreement re : "risk management". Safety is something that can be practiced, to a large extent. The stuff that is out of your control -- well, it's out of your control... Both deaths in my SO's family came at helmet-less times, as is often the case. (Although, truthfully, even with a helmet they might have simply ended up paralyzed. One was a bad accident with a truck, whose fault it was.)

Aug 28, 09 6:17 pm  · 

slart, let me know when you know more.

cool, toaster. sounds like good way to get where you want to go.

Aug 28, 09 7:37 pm  · 

yay, the michael jackson competition entries are up!

lots of participation and interesting ideas. gallows humor, yes, but that's not the worst thing in the world.

since so many entrants used pseudonyms, any tc'ers willing to let us know which is their entry? mine is, of course, under my own name.

you could vote for me.......

Aug 29, 09 10:12 am  · 
vado retro

steven yours is great! the diy mitten memorial i like. i also like the share a bed entry quite a bit. just breezed through them though and havent voted for any yet.

Aug 29, 09 11:17 am  · 
vado retro

slart i thought you were ewen macgregor for a second.

Aug 29, 09 11:20 am  · 

thanks, vado!

i'm afraid mine is doomed in the 'fan favorite' judging, though. people are taking it seriously. one even called the idea "cheezy", as if that wasn't the point!

Aug 30, 09 6:50 am  · 
vado retro

the king of cheese. the monument could have been made of cheese. glittery cheese. the holes in the swiss cheese of course make a nod towerd the moonwalk.

Aug 30, 09 10:32 am  · 
vado retro

i'm listening to bob edwards weekend. i think this guy is such a great interviewer and am baffled why npr replaced him with steve inskeep. i really recommend todays show if you have time. its an interview with women's study professor bonnie morris who has written a book called The Revenge of The Women's Study Professor and talked about the history of women's studies and why it is an important part of any education. also, a this i believe with Margaret Sanger.

Aug 30, 09 11:53 am  · 

Hi all,
My birthday was fun and full of friends food and beer.

I was listening to an interview on NPR this morning with the man who is behind King of the Hill and was behind Beavis and Butthead.
Made me think, man i love NPR.

Happy Sunday all.

Aug 30, 09 1:38 pm  · 

happy b-day nam.

was my daughters b-day this week, so we had party yesterday. 14 9-yr olds (3 boys, 9 girls!) visited our home. we did 3-leg race and egg-on-spoon relay race in park in large front of our front door (thank you m. le corbusier for the housing in a park idea - totally rocks). my wife is awesome with kids and planing these things. even i had a great time.

i tried to listen to npr once, but the internets polizia said i am not allowed to access from where i am. sad.

Aug 30, 09 6:40 pm  · 

"the man who is behind Beavis & Butthead and King of the Hill" = MIKE JUDGE. !! nam -- everyone should know that name! ;-)

He is ALSO the mastermind behind "Office Space" and the upcoming movie "Extract", starring Justin Bateman, that I am very excited about!

Aug 30, 09 7:12 pm  · 

ooh yeah i love him manta, i just had never heard him interviewed.

Didn't know he was alos behind Office Space though.,

Extract looks good.

Jump, f-the police right?

Bye bye till monday.

Aug 30, 09 7:14 pm  · 

"Why does Autodesk have brain farts at 8:28 Sunday Evening, I want to go enjoy my weekend."

snookdude...white russians on the way!

Aug 30, 09 8:28 pm  · 
liberty bell

Most important, Mike Judge created Idiocracy.

I'm taking my friend to the airport tomorrow at 4:15am (we used to call this dawn's buttcrack), so good night all.

Aug 30, 09 10:35 pm  · 

i just had the worst kidney stone pain ever. it lasted four hours.
it made me sweat like i just took a shower. i had a kidney stone five -six years ago and i was not looking forward to another one.
pain level on the groin from 1 to 10 was 9.5 probably 10 being death or coma. it makes you want to rip out your guts.
i didn't go to ER for i know they give you pain medication and three hour and three thousand dollars later they release you after telling you should drink a lot of water. it happened to me just like that couple of times and they had me wait crowling on the ER floors. they didn't even suspected kidney stone until i told them what it was. after an x-ray, sure enough there was the 'rock' trying to get through a small tube. making the young dr. say 'hmmmn, you're right..,' and me 'fuck you.'
it just happens that we had the pain medication here and from the neighbors and after few vicodin and darvocet and sweat and tears, it slowly went away, leaving me hi and dry now in the middle of the night.
those of you don't know what kidney stone pain is, doctors say, equivalent of giving birth but duration is longer depending on the size. mine was 3mm in diameter and i threw it in the cement mix of the remodeling project i was doing. this one, if i catch it, i'll throw in the la river.

Aug 31, 09 4:20 am  · 

orhan, most excellent gallows humor. glad you are well clear of it.

nam, i would like to bypass the polizia but cannot figure out how to. someone recommended me a software that is supposed to be workround but totally did not work on my computer. so no hulu, no npr...and youtube keeps on trying to run in japanese! bloody internet wardens. i hate it when they show me they know where i live.

Aug 31, 09 4:46 am  · 

thanks jump.

what do you think of the elections and yukio hatoyama? we don't really hear much about what happens in japan as long as they run their economy with 'us' in mind! seems like that might change for the better for the japanese people and the workers.

Aug 31, 09 5:04 am  · 

Jump what Orhan asked.. Could you even vote?

And Orhan sounds ruff, at least you had pills.

Morning all.

Aug 31, 09 9:13 am  · 
liberty bell

Hang in there Orhan. As a child I watched kidney stones bring my dad to his knees in pain - and my dad is one tough farm boy. So I feel for you! Thank goodness for neighbors with Vicodin - I think that's a universal statement.

Aug 31, 09 9:25 am  · 

no i can't vote. it is the only privilege i am not allowed since i am not citizen (and don't plan to be).

sadly the new party is not really expected to do anything here as they have no real policies, and only won because everyone voted against the other guy. i don't think anyone really won because they were voted FOR. if you take my meaning.

but i am prepared to be happily surprised. it certainly is an enormously new thing. what i wonder is if the new leaders of the country will be willing to make hard decisions in the face of hard problems or keep heads in sand as has been norm til now. expect they will remain ostrich-ity. really really hope i am wrong.

Aug 31, 09 9:32 am  · 

orhan, be careful there, i had pain like that too - debilitating as all hell - and the giving birth description is a good one, but my pain turned out to be a partial small bowel obstruction, not fun.

Aug 31, 09 10:05 am  · 
vado retro
Aug 31, 09 11:17 am  · 

I'm not going to reference a specific thread (as it may or may not exist) but wanted to say this (which may or may not last)...

How can architects be valued by others when we don't value ourselves?

Yes, there are unpaid interns in other industries, but I would say the ones in other industries are targeted towards actual interns - temporary positions for the pupose of training - WHILE STILL IN SCHOOL. "Interns" in architecture are usually anyone that has not received their license, regardless of the fact that they may hold bachelors and even masters degrees with years of experience. If an unpaid internship position goes to someone in school looking for some real-world experience (to make a decision if this is what field they want to be in, or to pad their resume), I can see how even if they don't financially per se, they benefit in the long run. But realistically, are they hiring "interns" that are still in school looking to do those things - OR "interns" (legally and technically) that have degrees and years of experience, in distress about not having a job, hoping that it is their foot in the door? Can we talk about that without referencing a specific firm or thread without it being banned?

On a somewhat related topic: Why is every attempt at trying to validate our value as individuals and as a profession deemed too arrogant or egomaniacal? This downturn in our economy doesn't have to be an opportunity for cheap labor and taking advantage of those in distress.

And another tangent: Getting away from morals, ethics, and legality, I would personally financially support a website if it would mean the owner of said website didn't have to resort to not being able to question the content of advertisement displayed on the website as long as it contributes financially. Just saying

Aug 31, 09 1:43 pm  · 

before I forget: anyone else heading to the ACSA fall conference this October? Looks like I'll be there and I was hoping that some other 'necters might be there.

Aug 31, 09 1:57 pm  · 

thanks, jump, manta...

manta - ironically, I was co-teaching an advanced masters studio - my co-instructor is redoing one of our studios again this year, but it would be inappropriate for me to be involved this year.

The only reason I got the teaching gig was due to my co-instructor... I'm positive no one would have taken me seriously if she and others hadn't vouched for me.

IMO, it's extremely difficult to break into academia without credentials (even with years of teaching experience, several built projects, and "expertise" in the material being covered - which is part of the reason she brought me on) - I'm proof that it is possible, but only through the sponsorship and goodwill of others.

Aug 31, 09 1:59 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Jumping into TC for a second... Slart, you can buy advertising on Archinect. For a website of its caliber, it is pretty cheap.

I'm thinking about buying a campaign to advertise myself. Also, just to be an asshole. But this will mostly be a trolling-like effort. Think Angelyne.

A 100 dollars for a few thousand clicks? LOL-worthy enough for it.

Aug 31, 09 2:02 pm  · 
brian buchalski archinect angelyne...that is worth a $100!

Aug 31, 09 6:34 pm  · 
liberty bell

Salrti, I wanted to say I agree with you, I just don't have time to write more as I'm on a deadline.

Aug 31, 09 8:21 pm  · 

orochi - great idea, but make sure you make yourself look stereotypically pretentious...

@manta - more in regards to my teaching - My co-instructor was the one with the credentials, the impressive resume, and published work - they would never have allowed me to teach a masters studio on my own (it seemed more like they agreed to let me tag along as long as they got her)... which I agree with - I'm not qualified... after a couple semesters I felt that I really needed to finish my degree in order to have more credibility with the students. it's not that I didn't have anything valuable to teach, it just didn't feel right to me to be in that position - even with my soon-to-be-famous co-instructor.

anyway - I'm doing the school blog project thingy... I'm not sure how much time I'll have to post regularly, being that I'm a PM with too much responsibility, recently bought a house that needs work, and will be going to school in the evening... plus making time for my great loves: the wife, the family, and cooking... somehow I've always managed to make things work in the past. so - I'll be taking bets on how quickly I make myself sick.

I'm posting the school blog under a different name so I'll pop in here and fill y'all in.

until then...

Aug 31, 09 9:04 pm  · 

hi everyone - I'm back home. But not before having the most Wonder[ful] meet up with two archinecteurs. As you can see in the pictures I was hamming it up for the camera.

more later. I need some shut. First day of school in the morning

Sep 1, 09 2:34 am  · 
vado retro

Pictured. three of my favorites!

Sep 1, 09 7:09 am  · 
liberty bell

Mine too! What a beautiful picture!

Sep 1, 09 7:34 am  · 

I was reflecting last night on how it i sick how much my body still operates on a school types schedule Spring-Fall big break of a summer. Obvs i am not in school at the moment (hopefully sometime next year some time) but i still "emotionally" feel like my life revolves around that calendar.

Morning all.

Sep 1, 09 8:20 am  · 

morning folks

techno - it looks like you guys had
a blast

Sep 1, 09 8:33 am  · 

interesting development in my international relations class. I grew
up in the Uk right, elementary up to half of highschool. Now im in the US in college and i meet somebody who i went to middle school with
in the Uk, she's cute too! crazy little world we live in

and a question,
when you design something and its in line to get built
as an architect do help build the project?
Ive been thinking, i think i want to help build whatever i design
when i become an architect, is that normal?

anyway, have a good day guys

Sep 1, 09 11:10 am  · 

interesting development in my international relations class. I grew
up in the Uk right, elementary up to half of highschool. Now im in the US in college and i meet somebody who i went to middle school with
in the Uk, she's cute too! crazy little world we live in

and a question,
when you design something and its in line to get built
as an architect do help build the project?
Ive been thinking, i think i want to help build whatever i design
when i become an architect, is that normal?

anyway, have a good day guys

Sep 1, 09 11:13 am  · 

interesting development in my international relations class. I grew
up in the Uk right, elementary up to half of highschool. Now im in the US in college and i meet somebody who i went to middle school with
in the Uk, she's cute too! crazy little world we live in

and a question,
when you design something and its in line to get built
as an architect do help build the project?
Ive been thinking, i think i want to help build whatever i design
when i become an architect, is that normal?

anyway, have a good day guys

Sep 1, 09 11:13 am  · 


Sep 1, 09 11:15 am  · 

um, I'm missing something about the Orochi-banner-ad plan here. It would only be funny if it were somehow ironic that he was making himself look troll-like. But isn't he actually a troll? That's not ironic.

Sep 1, 09 11:24 am  · 

rationalist, for me it was the idea of somone buying adspace on Archinect to advertise themselves, their portfolio etc to find a job.
It would be "out of the box" thinking...

philarct, it is a small world. Something similar happened to me recently, where a kid i went to middle school with in St. Louis gmailed out of the blue. Not sure how he found my gmail account but still. It was cool to reconnect with him.

Re; your question, although i ain't an architect, if you mean by build like literally building (as oppossed to overseeing the work of contractors) i think you would be interested in more of a design build type firm...

Sep 1, 09 11:42 am  · 

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