
Thread Central

brian buchalski

television is like magic in that it is built for deception...don't watch it unless you want to be fooled

oh...and i ate turtle guts once...after cracking open the shell and squirting them in my mouth

Aug 26, 09 4:50 pm  · 

You are definetly right. He does specifically create (recreate) surivival challenges.
Plus, he actually has a team with him.

Whereas Survivor Man doesn't.

Puddles, what is with the turtle guts? Something psychic?

And anyone seen LIG?

Aug 26, 09 7:35 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh, Marvin Windows catalogue, why do you thwart me?!

Aug 26, 09 11:26 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh, my mistake. Never mind.

Aug 26, 09 11:32 pm  · 

i have decided to never talk to clients when tired again. cranky architect is just not a good image to be projecting. ;-)

Aug 27, 09 12:42 am  · 


good call. i think i almost got fired for being cranky the other day.

although i'm hella stressed these days w/ everything on my platillo.

if anyone in seattle has a gun, btw, i'd like to use it to shoot myself as i jump off the aurora.

Aug 27, 09 12:49 am  · 

holz, WTF!? There's no shooting AND jumping! It's like you're really trying to hurt yourself!

Interview today went well... great even! And they want me back for an interview with the department head! Yee haw! Fingers crossed everyone... I really think this is a good fit for me, and I'm kind of excited about it. Feeling hopeful!

OMG Bear Grylls just bit the head off an uncooked frog. Jesus.

Aug 27, 09 1:00 am  · 

Sweet jesus, now he's doing push-ups without pants on. I love the Discovery Channel.

Aug 27, 09 1:09 am  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

hi all - i don't contribute to thread central very often, but i thought some of you regulars might be interested in my new blog:

it's kind of random right now, but I'd appreciate your thoughts or comments.

Aug 27, 09 4:18 am  · 
liberty bell

Nice blog, agfa, I enjoyed it. You're in my menu bar now.

Aug 27, 09 6:32 am  · 

Morning all.
agfa, me too.

Good luck Dub and Holz too much work?

Aug 27, 09 8:30 am  · 

agfa8x - nice blog

DubK - Awesome. Good luck and as always I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Holz - You really are beginning to worry me. Please hang in there. Things will get better, it's only a matter of time.

jump - I hear you... I'm surprised I haven't gotten fired for my cranky days, b/c when I'm cranky, I'm CRANKY.

nam - I think LIG is busy with finishing school and thesis.

Not much going on in my life. Just trying to get everything in order so I can leave for the West Coast without anything looming over my head.

Aug 27, 09 8:48 am  · 
liberty bell

holz, the only kind of gun I support is a Transmogrifier Gun, which might come in handy in your over-stressed situation.

Aug 27, 09 9:07 am  · 

lb, holz

since we're talking c&h technology, i strongly suggest one of those new c&h time machines so that we can go back in time and warn holz
about the stress to come. just a suggestion

c&h tech

Aug 27, 09 9:24 am  · 
Ms Beary

Bear Grylls is MY celebrity boyfriend! Back off y'all. Seriously, I say glass-ee-ers out loud to myself at least once a day, everytime I glance up at the snow capped peaks, I guess. So funny that it came up on archinect.

I'm working retail/sales today and tomorrow. I think I will have a good time, maybe find a piece of myself that has been absent for awhile. That is all I seem interested in doing lately.

Aug 27, 09 9:32 am  · 

straw, are you signed on w/ a temp agency? how did you get a 2-day retail gig?

Aug 27, 09 9:36 am  · 

lars, nam - who cares! - he does push-ups pantsless!

I am looking forward to the beginning of the school year - archinect seems to get a little more <a = "">interesting</a> around fall. that and the school blogs are starting back up again...

I need more non-cynical excitement about the future of architecture.

Aug 27, 09 9:53 am  · 
Aug 27, 09 9:54 am  · 
Ms Beary

manta - my friend owns the store.

Aug 27, 09 9:55 am  · 

Yeah I have noticed before as well. I think between a combo of school blogs, long nights in studio with needed breaks and people researching or looking for help on papers/projects Archinect does generally get not just more traffic but more interesting content during spring fall.

Aug 27, 09 11:05 am  · 

oh and Calvin and Hobbes were my guiding spirits for much of my youth.

I always particularly liked this one strip. Can't find an imag eof the strip but found the text,.,,,

Calvin It took hundreds of years for these woods to grow and they leveled it in a week. It's gone. After they build new houses here, they'll have to widen the roads, and put up gas stations and pretty soon this whole area will be a big strip. Eventually there won't be a nice spot anywhere. I wonder if you can refuse to inherit the world? Hobbes I think if you're born, it's too late

It made me think about ecology etc at a younger age.

Aug 27, 09 11:21 am  · 

holz, I am also opposed to the shooting and jumping. But the bridge pic makes me homesick... :(

Aug 27, 09 12:04 pm  · 
brian buchalski

archinect gets better in the autumn because of the college football thread. everybody loves notre dame!

Aug 27, 09 12:05 pm  · 

nam, et al:

i'm fine. too much work. i'm basically working 2+ full time jobs w/ all the work i've got going on, and it's taking a major toll. at least the outside work stuff is balancing out the banality at real work.

lb - i would love a transmogrifier! man, i haven't read any spaceman spiff in years! thanks for the memory jog!

rationalist - yeah, i love that bridge. actually, the suicide barrier goes up any day now. it's really fugly (and not just because i support someone's right to take their own life - it's really hideous)

Aug 27, 09 12:10 pm  · 

lalalalalalalalalalala, got my fingers in my ears and am refusing to engage Touchdown Jesus...

oh, and holz, I'm under no illusion that something that SDOT puts out with "2010" stamped on it will come out at the beginning of 2010 :) better for me that way anyway, nice long contract.

Aug 27, 09 1:25 pm  · 

Fun blog agfa. I'll put it on my Reader.

Not feeling so hot today but trying to work out the energy to go on a short bike ride. I've recently gotten into a daily schedule that includes breakfast, coffee, email, bike riding, and blogging. It's good to have a schedule when you've got nothing otherwise.

holz, rationalist - there's a suicide barrier?!? Wow.

Strawbeary, it's OK, Bear is a little too dirty for me anyway. Nevertheless, he inspired me to email my Scottish ex-boyfriend and see what he's up to.

Aug 27, 09 2:19 pm  · 

hi all. I'm in LA. My head is spinning. I'm here in the middle of some wedding activities and it's awesome.

LA folks please please contact me via email or TC to meet. OA + WK especially - you are on the list!!

Aug 27, 09 6:42 pm  · 
Ms Beary

wonder k, I'm picking up what you're laying down.

Aug 27, 09 7:21 pm  · 

my oldest made a low stool out of cardboard to match the cardboard coffee table she made last year

and just for fun, here is image of festival last week amongst the really high density part of the housing area i live in (i live in 5 story building a block away, not these monsters). anyone who says corbu got it ALL wrong just don't know enough. fantastic place to live. buildings are ugly but life is good.

Aug 27, 09 7:47 pm  · 

Good news is get to work on a boat house...ya a boat house. Return clients want me to come to an understanding with a 14' X 20' structure....It is an awesome opportunity. So off to check it out early in the morning with the Contractor and try to figure out the ground rules. Oh we will be blessed with the issues of the inland wetlands commission, and the planning and zoning cause I'm sure everything is non conforming. There is an existing structure so I'm sure we can stumble our way thru the project with the good guidance on an Attorney. I find local commissions are always more careful about what they say in the presence of an attorney. Wish me luck....other than that I have been doing more wandering around the Audi/Lotus/
Saab showroom this week.....have 30% drawings under the belt.

Aug 27, 09 7:50 pm  · 
liberty bell
For puddles.

BTW, has Archinect been loading painfully slowly for everyone else the last few days?

Aug 27, 09 8:27 pm  · 


Strawbeary your last post was one of the most fun sentences i have read recently. Just lyrically or something.


Aug 27, 09 8:56 pm  · 

nam, I agree. Strawbeary reminded me of one of my favorite phrases ever: "you better check yoself before you wreck yoself" LOL. Still makes me giggle.

Moving, even a little bit, just sucks. All those address change forms... ugh. You know, I heard that when somebody moves in Beverly Hills, they can just pick up the phone and dial the "Concierge of Beverly Hills" who proceeds to set up all their cable, electric, everything for them? Taxpayer money, folks. Oh the crazy things it is used for....

Aug 27, 09 9:12 pm  · 

I'm still alive - getting ready for my trip to Portland via LA. Tonight I ran errands and met with my friend who is looking after my cats. Still have tons to do and not enough time. ARGH!!!!!

Aug 27, 09 10:25 pm  · 

Project Runway WTF????? Are you kidding??

any thoughts from anyone else who watched it??

Aug 27, 09 11:01 pm  · 
liberty bell

manta we should probably do this on the Inevitable Project Runway thread.

Aug 27, 09 11:14 pm  · 

Yes, please don't give away Project Runway stuff here! I don't have access to Lifetime so I can only watch the shows several days later online :o/

Aug 28, 09 12:19 am  · 

my little one's first haircut. she is SO proud of it!

Aug 28, 09 7:52 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh my god!!! Look at how big she looks!! Beautiful.

Aug 28, 09 7:54 am  · 

Hi all.

Yes, I think archinect has been painfully slow the past few weeks. That's perhaps why the majority of my postings have been done on Thread Central.

Jump - cute kid!

nam - Happy early birthday!

I think I missed Steven Ward becoming a partner. Congratulations, big man. That's a huge accomplishment.

It's my understanding the ****melt, DubK, and architechnophilia are having a mini reunion and driving long distandes together (maybe LA to Portland?). Is that correct? Am I making this up? Have my skimming abilities lost all sense of understanding? If you are making a moving drive together, good luck on the drive. I'm sending you 'no flat tire' juju your way.

I've been spending the past few days with my parents who flew in from Brasil to bid me farewell. God, I love those two people. It's amazing how they can easily put things into perspective for me. I think I'm going to stop calling them Mamita and Papito and start referring to them as my Oracles.

I leave for my seven day drive to Seattle tomorrow. Route: Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota (super excited for the Badlands!), Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Seattle, my apartment, Ikea. It will probably take me a few weeks to set up internet (because, I'm generally lazy about stuff like that) so I might be MIA for awhile.

I wish everyone happiness and job security over the next few weeks.

Aug 28, 09 7:55 am  · 

Good luck N- sounds like a fun roadtrip!!!

Steven, yes congrats are in order both on partner and your little girl's haircut..

Morning all.

Aug 28, 09 8:10 am  · 

My God do Archinectors produce beautiful kids. Love the new haircut on the little one SW. Love the chair design jump. She looks so happy and so proud.

n_ You are paritally correct. I am flying into LA tomorrow to help WonderK move her stuff to Portland. In the process, the two of us hope to meet up with Atechno. There are a few obstacles we have to overcome but I am optimistic it will happen. Hence a Wonder(ful)-Architechnophilia-Melting ;o) Glad to hear your parents came to see you off. Your drive sounds awesome, I am so envious, as I've always wanted to drive through the northern states. Is there anyone going with you? Be safe and have a wonderful trip. Sending you "No Flat Tire" juju to you too.

Aug 28, 09 8:25 am  · 

steven i totally missed that bit of news. awesome!

cute hair cut too.

cheers, melt. cool thing is that she designed the chair/stool herself. i only helped her figure out how to make it and was construction assistant.

road trips across big countries are so much fun. i been across canada twice by car and from mexico to north dakota just the once. always fun, that kind of trip. badlands are very cool indeed n_.

fun trips to all.

Aug 28, 09 10:13 am  · 
liberty bell

n_!! I'd liek to humbly suggest that you try to head through Craters of the Moon National Monument on your way through Idaho. It's beautifully desolate.

I'm jealous. I love a road trip.

Aug 28, 09 10:24 am  · 

facebook is apparently very concerned that I haven't been using facebook. My "friends" might not know what I am up to.

Aug 28, 09 11:19 am  · 
liberty bell

Exactly what *have* you been up to, toaster?! Anything illicit or gossip-worthy?

Aug 28, 09 11:24 am  · 

n_ you are partially correct as *m said, I'm in LA for a wedding and will be here until early Monday morning. If you are still around you are more than free to join us, we'd love to make this a more-the-merrier thing. Big Green Head included!!!

Aug 28, 09 12:34 pm  · 

Jump - you may not remember and you probably said this just to be nice, but I may take you up on the offer if I visit Japan. I didn't think it was going to happen any time soon, but its fast becoming a realistic trip this year. I can't wait to see Kyoto again...

And here is a mind-boggling coincidence: I met my brother, (who lives in another state) on Interstate 95 WHILE on the road - completely unplanned. To add onto that, I was coming back from a different state altogether after visiting my uncle who just had surgery (They don't know the results yet, but lets hope for the best). My brother's new wife took pictures and here is proof:

*Disclaimer - For those that ride or may ride in the future - it may not be visible but I am wearing full gear for safety. The shoes are not sneakers but shoes designed for riding. I have knee and shin armor, as well as armored shorts, all underneath the jeans. Ride responsibly!

Aug 28, 09 12:44 pm  · 

awesome, slart! I want badly to ride a bike but fear it is not in my future for the alarm it would cause some of my possible-future-family-members, due to two deaths in their family from riding. I have always loved motorcycles but you can't deny their accident rates. Very, very glad to see you riding safe! That's a sweet bike, too! Where do you put your stuff that you're carrying around?

My bf once ran into his father randomly in the Houston airport, both were laid over at gates next to each other, going to completely different places, with no knowledge that they were each travelling at all, let alone through the same space at the same time. Random!

Aug 28, 09 12:56 pm  · 

Hello fine people :)

news from oe land;

- my body is still recovering from getting pummeled by the surf last weekend. good fucking lord. goddamned beautiful.

- Uncle teddy died. poor fat drunken bastard.

- Saw inglourious basterds last night and I think my conscience is in a coma.


Aug 28, 09 1:29 pm  · 

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