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brian buchalski

i drove over a turtle today just to see if it's shell would crack. it did...and the cool part was that its guts squirt out like a kind of sideways geyser.

and yeah, i'm still alive

Aug 25, 09 8:51 am  · 

i drove over a turtle once, i felt bad cause from my side
view mirror it looked really painful.

first day of my last semester!!!
and then i can study architecture finally

Aug 25, 09 9:11 am  · 

wow strawberry. cool on the award, and sounds like your friend gave good advice.

about the mentally ill person, i think steven has it right, there is a limit to what you can do. my father told me exactly the same thing once in similar situation and i recognised it then and now as one of those things that everyone needs to learn, that sounds easy, but is incredibly hard.

my da was social worker for long time before it burned him out an he switched to running hospitals for a living, so he really knew what he was talking about.

holz i am impressed you know that about us. you make our office sound quite alright. i would apply here too if i didn't know better ;-)

Aug 25, 09 10:00 am  · 

The cool thing is holz simply laid out the facts...

Aug 25, 09 10:23 am  · 
vado retro

a collective congrats and a collective hang in there, everyone.

n_____ i hope we meet. we will drink better beer.

Aug 25, 09 11:05 am  · 

Oh Straw, I'm sorry you are having to go through this. I would hope that if I were in a similar situation I would have the backbone to try and help my friend too, but I don't know. I think that you are a very generous person for engaging him and trying to get him help.

If you'll indulge me a mini-rant for a minute, this is what's been giving me panic attacks lately:

...My old roommate, with whom I lived for 2 whole years, got our deposit back from our last apartment on July 20. She said she mailed my half to me shortly thereafter but it never showed up. She then tried to transfer it from her bank to mine - twice - but they wouldn't let her. She then said she would mail it, again, with tracking on it.

This was 2 weeks ago and I haven't heard from her since. I made the mistake of telling her to "take your time" sending it because I was OK with money, for now. Well "take your time" does not mean "don't send it" but it hasn't shown up. I'm headed back down there to pick up my stuff this weekend and I know she knows this, but she hasn't responded to my emails or calls. The thing is, my BFF is her CURRENT roommate - and my BFF is picking me up from the airport. So at this point I'm in the difficult situation of telling my BFF to take me straight from the airport to her place so I can ambush my old roommate/her current roommate for my money.

The only options I have are to send her a strongly worded letter from a lawyer friend (ridiculous that I would have to consider this) or call the police: technically I think she committed check fraud because she signed my signature on the back of the deposit check to cash it. I wouldn't have cared had she sent me my money, but she hasn't.

Part of me really just hopes that she's too lazy to respond to me (she's never been a big communicator) and is expecting me to pick up the check this weekend. But a little acknowledgment would be nice! It's certainly not like she's hurting for money, she usually gets her parents to pay for half her stuff anyway....

....So I guess that was a full-blown rant, not a mini. Sorry. I'm going to go back to trying not to have another panic attack.

Aug 25, 09 2:17 pm  · 
brian buchalski

oh...i was just kidding, i didn't really drive over a turtle this morning. it was somebody else who drove over the turtle. and it didn't happen this morning, but a really long time (like 20 years!) ago. but the shell did crack and guts did squirt out.

dumb question...but are palm trees made out of wood? i've never heard of palm tree wood being used for anything.

Aug 25, 09 2:26 pm  · 
liberty bell

DubK: I'd text her/voicemail her that you will be in town this weekend and will come to pick it up, at a specific time, so at this point she should NOT try to mail it again, and if she won't be there when you plan to come by to get it then her current roommate can let you into the apartment on the way home from the airport to get it so she should leave it on the counter. Be very specific. If that falls through, do you have a lawyer friend who won't charge you for a letter?!

Aug 25, 09 2:27 pm  · 

To add insult to injury, I just looked up her Twitter and found out that she was actually IN PORTLAND visiting her parents this weekend, so I could have met her and gotten the check from her in person, but she didn't bother telling me. Tell you what, you think you know somebody...

And yes, I have lawyer friends who will write me a letter. I'm waiting for advice from one right now.

Aug 25, 09 2:47 pm  · 

I am in a similar position with someone from work.
This person and I aren't particularly close but we were always friendly and a few weeks ago she came looking for a co-worker of min looking very distraught.
Long story short she ended up asking to borrow some money from me (not much but more than i really wanted to) and was suppose to pay me back the next monday. Seh kept on asking for an extension and now almost a month later she still hasn't paid me back.

I have a number of emails exaplining her situation (and acknowledging that she owes me money) bank fees, overdraft etc. I spoke to her friend and my co-worker, who said that this isn't the first time something like this has happened.

I am getting kind of pissed, but end of day what am i going to do??
But what gets me is I knew better but went ahead anyways because she seemed like she really needed the help.


Also, toast, I posted a link to your hyperlocal journalism thread, that might be of interest.

Aug 25, 09 2:54 pm  · 

nam and wk.

i used to have a roomie that would constantly be late with the rent...
(rent being 900 in one place/person and 1300 in the other) often i'd pay it for him and wait weeks for him to pay me back...other times he'd write a rent check and it'd bounce...taking out his money and making the check overdraft from my account... bounced check thing happened i believe 5 times or so in two years. the kid also had a marijuana and coke habit that he was fortuneately able to maintain the whole time... <heavy sarcasm> we're finally even up more or less.. (i actually owe him 100 dollars from the security deposit since the whole thing went to me to divy out to four guys...)

him owing me money put such a strain on our relationship... i found myself losing my temper all the time for the slightest things and apologizing didn't help that he is one of the laziest people i know and amazingly awful at cleaning... but he did make my website and may help with some others...

bottom line. people owing people money always sucks for one or both. i look at the whole experience as karma building or something. if i had to do it again i probably would because the kid was going through a rough stretch... so i know what you're going through and don't envy your positions.. but you'll hopefully be the better person for it...and can hope that others would do the same for you with patience.. (even though you'd probably never be so irresponsible as to put yourself in that position)

anyway good luck..lots of empathy here.

Aug 25, 09 3:14 pm  · 

Well the cat's out of the bag. My good friend in Cincy is a lawyer and she's put out a fat Facebook message to her friends in LA asking for help on a pro-bono project. Something's up, I don't know what it is, but I will be getting my money this weekend, come hell, highwater, or LA's finest. ****melt, hopefully you won't have to be a party to this action but maybe.

Aug 25, 09 3:15 pm  · 

Thanks lars and nam....

The sad thing is, she's a responsible girl. She knows better. I actually watched her sue her LAST landlord for poor living conditions to get their LAST security deposit back. So I don't actually think she's trying to rip me off, I think she's a good person, but something must be going on. Lame.

Aug 25, 09 3:19 pm  · 

That [b]SUCKS[b] DubK!!! I really hope it all gets settled before Friday. Perhaps threatening her with overdraft charges will get the fire lit up under her ass. If not, just bring some popcorn and I'll gladly sit and watch. Unless you need me to stand behind you and look tough. I've been working out ya know. ;-)

nam - I hope you get your money sometime soon. That really sucks.

Aug 25, 09 4:49 pm  · 

thanks for the empathy all...

work is over off to home then the laundromat

Aug 25, 09 4:57 pm  · 

I have spent the last week wandering around in an Audi Show Room....damn I want and A8....but I will have to win the Lottery First...and besides I doubt if they get good gas milage so it be sitting in the diveway for people to admire

Aug 25, 09 8:03 pm  · 

Ok, guys. NEVERMIND and CRISIS AVERTED. I just arrived home to find a check in the mail from my old roommate... 's mom? Whatever, I don't care, I have my money now so I'll shut up.

It is kind of hilarious that I picked today to hyperventilate about it though. While it was sitting in the mailbox, LOL.

Anyway, I think that just goes to show....if I didn't have you all here, I'd probably have a lot more panic attacks. So thanks for letting me share!

nam, if you want me to pay it forward, I'll fly down to Florida and knock some heads around to get your money back :o) Just let me know. I'll be watching the Discovery Channel...

Aug 25, 09 9:51 pm  · 

Glad to hear the check was waiting for you in the mail and the crisis was averted. YAY Discovery Channel. Off to switch some laundry and to read.

Nite all

Aug 25, 09 10:00 pm  · 

I'll let you know Dub.
nitey nite all.

Aug 25, 09 10:35 pm  · 
ice ahoy!
Aug 25, 09 11:19 pm  · 
liberty bell

Can I just tell you guys this?

vado is awesome.

Aug 26, 09 1:07 am  · 

awww, teddy...

Aug 26, 09 2:47 am  · 

that's too bad dubK, i was looking forward to hearing about melt's breaking out a cat of whoop ass....!

Aug 26, 09 5:57 am  · 

Good morning,
I kno wholz, on eof my co-workers told me when i got to work this morning.
RIP> Lion of the Senate

Aug 26, 09 8:09 am  · 

:'o( Teddy!!!

Aug 26, 09 9:33 am  · 
vado retro

an awesome dandy, you mean. :P Thanks for having me over LB. it was great to hang out with you last night!

Aug 26, 09 9:45 am  · 
liberty bell

Hey, vado, YOU were the one who used the word "dandy" to describe your undergrad self! I was just listening! That shirt WAS nice, BTW.

Aug 26, 09 11:33 am  · 
vado retro

i did? i must have been drinking.

Aug 26, 09 12:01 pm  · 

sorry for the stress DubK. It's easy to freak out when nobody's telling you anything, I know.

Well, after my very eventful/promising monday, I've struck out on all my follow-up calls today. A couple of people were really nice about it, said how I was obviously very qualified and they'd keep me in mind if anything came up, etc... but I'm realistic about how likely that is to do me any good. As in, it's not.

Aug 26, 09 1:05 pm  · 

rationalist, don't let it get you down too much. Think of what jump said further up the page... think of all the really talented people that are sending their resumes and portfolios to places, and good people like jump and others would love to hire, but they just can't. There's just no extra work. Chin up, you'll find something eventually.

On a totally unrelated note, having recently become addicted to the Discovery Channel, I have started watching Man vs. Wild. I know I know - I'm late to the game. But OH MY GOD Bear Grylls is HOT. Except when he does stuff like eat raw sheeps' hearts... that's gross.

Aug 26, 09 1:17 pm  · 

What cracks me up about his show is how he always inevitably east something raw and gross at least once a show.
One of my favs is squeezing out water from the plant matter (ie pre-shit) found in a dead camels stomach.

Aug 26, 09 2:01 pm  · 

I will try again, since the first time didn't seem to go throguh
Dubk he always does that, inevitably at least once a show eat something raw or gross or both.

My fav was when he squeezed water out of the plant matter (pre-shit) in a dead camels stomach, while in a desert.

Aug 26, 09 2:07 pm  · 

I will try again, since the first time didn't seem to go throguh
Dubk he always does that, inevitably at least once a show eat something raw or gross or both.

My fav was when he squeezed water out of the plant matter (pre-shit) in a dead camels stomach, while in a desert.

Aug 26, 09 2:08 pm  · 

I will try again, since the first time didn't seem to go throguh
Dubk he always does that, inevitably at least once a show eat something raw or gross or both.

My fav was when he squeezed water out of the plant matter (pre-shit) in a dead camels stomach, while in a desert.

Aug 26, 09 2:10 pm  · 

I will try again, since the first time didn't seem to go throguh
Dubk he always does that, inevitably at least once a show eat something raw or gross or both.

My fav was when he squeezed water out of the plant matter (pre-shit) in a dead camels stomach, while in a desert.

Aug 26, 09 2:13 pm  · 

I will try again, since the first time didn't seem to go throguh
Dubk he always does that, inevitably at least once a show eat something raw or gross or both.

My fav was when he squeezed water out of the plant matter (pre-shit) in a dead camels stomach, while in a desert.

Aug 26, 09 2:13 pm  · 
liberty bell

Ack, nam, are you OK?!

DubK: How have I never seen this man before?! Now my whole afternoon is shot and dangit, I had a lot of work to get done...

Aug 26, 09 2:14 pm  · 

where the hell is my post and why is the thread seeming to be caught in a time warp..

Aug 26, 09 2:14 pm  · 

dubK - I had a man-crush on bear grylls for a while... he somehow manages to be both cute (because he gets genuinely excited about what he's doing) and rugged/confident at the same time. two traits that draw me to certain people...

rationalist - at least you're getting nice people in your follow-up calls - these contacts might not pay off immediately, but are definitely good in terms of building up your long-term network of helpful people in the the arch community. In my case, a few ended up eventually either offering positions several months later or recommending me to friends at other firms. yeah, not having a job sucks, but if you are good, people will remember you.

Aug 26, 09 2:17 pm  · 

nam, I'm looking at your posts... all of them! :o) But yeah, the site was just acting up for bit. Humph.

lb, you're checking him out now, aren't you? You should hear his cute little accent. He pronounces "glaciers" like "glass-ee-ers". Tee hee.

FYI: Joe Biden's tribute to Teddy Kennedy at the Department of Energy was amazing. It made me weep.

Aug 26, 09 2:19 pm  · 

Rationalist - I hope you get something soon. Toaster is right, at least you are getting freidnly feedback.

DubK - Bear Grylls in indeed HOT!!! I really can't believe you didn't know about him until just recently... I mean, he's totally your type ;o)

Aug 26, 09 2:23 pm  · 

Rationalist - I hope you get something soon. Toaster is right, at least you are getting freidnly feedback.

DubK - Bear Grylls in indeed HOT!!! I really can't believe you didn't know about him until just recently... I mean, he's totally your type ;o)

Aug 26, 09 2:23 pm  · 

ass LB just pointed out on my Facebook page and as i acknowledged i am apparently an idiot.

a new page was started and I ddin't realize..

Aug 26, 09 3:11 pm  · 

sorry for all the double posts.

Aug 26, 09 3:11 pm  · 

woops typo first word should read as

Aug 26, 09 3:12 pm  · 
liberty bell

<3 <3 <3 <3 We love you, nam! <3 <3 <3 <3

Aug 26, 09 3:16 pm  · 
Aug 26, 09 4:04 pm  · 
Aug 26, 09 4:05 pm  · 

damn - beat me to it.

Aug 26, 09 4:16 pm  · 


i've always been of the opinion that bear gryls is incredibly irresponsible...i admit i've only seen his show a couple times..but i feel as though he appears to create alot of his own life threatening situations to make the show more interesting..but would be the last way you would really survive the original situation he his in... specifically his propensity for jumping into water...especially when he does flips jumping into it.

as someone who has done wilderness adventures and such in far less secluded areas i know that one can be in danger very easily without doing anything additionally foolish...and it would seem to me that if anyone were to try and learn actual techniques from this show that they may go into the wilderness with a knowledge base that could unneccesarily put them in danger.

this is the same feeling i get from watching that show where they build a house in a single episode for a single family in less than a week. i've always thought that show was great in that it provided for a family in a horrible situation, but horrible for our profession and most likely horrible for the family. for one it teaches the public that a complete house can be put together in a week and for two the family must be receiving a house that is not well constructed due to the amount of time things took...and three if the same amount of resources were actually put towards a major crisis wouldn't it be amazing how many more people could be served?

anyway..end of rant.

Aug 26, 09 4:38 pm  · 

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