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brian buchalski

to dr. jeff masters wunderblog which includes a nice section cut (via satellite) of hurricane bill

Aug 21, 09 11:51 am  · 

dubk - that's a good area - it's a bunch of old brick warehouses which are currently occupied by self-storage, an auto-body place, a martial arts place, and a bunch of artist studios. Moshe Safde's offices are literally right on the other side of the commuter rail tracks... it is almost exactly a 15 minute walk to harvard square.

lars - yeah - union square has completely changed just in the past 3 years... when we lived there it was giant brazilian families living out of tiny apartments - now it's mostly scooter-riding hipsters... $1100 is about what you'd expect for a studio or tiny one-bedroom in the area - but I've personally never paid more than $600/person for an apartment.

the main drag in JP is also nice - there are many "up-and-coming" neighborhoods in Boston - I'm currently in love with Roslindale. it's a little more suburban feeling and sedate than other parts of boston but the main square is really charming and has some interesting shops and good restaurants - and is right next to the arboretum ... It's one of those places (along with west roxbury) that no one really knows about or how to get there... completely untouched by tourists and college kids...

Aug 21, 09 12:21 pm  · 

I liked West Roxbury when I was living in the old bean. You're right that it's less tainted by the almighty hand of The College Kid.

LB and VR -- you're correct -- but there's a problem. I may have gotten myself into this one.

The original building is a developer's shell, somewhat unfinished and not very well documented in the first place. There have never been any record drawings produced. The closest drawings we have are the developers crappy schema that they included in the leasing documents -- listing the sf as 2024. In fact, the space does not match that crappy drawing -- you can tell just by standing in it. I therefore recommended to the tenant that they include some clause that the final rentable sf be determined by record drawings to be completed of the space "as-built". (Yes I know I'm not supposed to say "as-built" but there's no other good way to say it!) Hence this clause was put in -- referring (presumably) to the measurements and drawings I myself will be completing next week -- so that everyone can agree on final rentable square footage.

This is why it's a bit of a grey area to me... is it necessary for me to actually correct the "architect" referenced in that clause? Again, I am not a party to this agreement.

(Even though I kind of hate these little quirks, I kind of love them, too. I kind of enjoy contractual questions for some weirdo reason. I like to know things for certain.)

Aug 21, 09 1:40 pm  · 
vado retro

how are you calculating your s.f.? are you using boma or what?

Aug 21, 09 4:43 pm  · 

Vado.... a boma sound like something you might want to smoke out of (well in my younger days). Now a boma is just a bumma!

Aug 21, 09 6:18 pm  · 

just turned in my 'live forever' entry. that was fun! quick 'n' dirty.

and now they've extended the deadline, darn it, so i'll have to wait even longer to see what people submitted. that's actually what gets my interest most.

Aug 21, 09 9:04 pm  · 

I thought about doing that comp, Steven, but when I tried to come up with an idea, I literally was blank. Couldn't do it. Designer's block, maybe, or maybe I just thought that someone that famous would end up the same way as the rest of us eventually do, and I wanted to leave it there. Anyway, I'm excited to see what you came up with!

Aug 21, 09 9:42 pm  · 

ooh, good luck Steven! I submitted my thesis into the AIGA (Re)Design Awards (note to beta: check them out with regards to the identity), and for publication in a book. No clue when I'll find out anything about either... the AIGA competition has one "people's choice" award that the website says will be up for voting in early August, which we're clearly past. Frustrating, because I am very curious.

Aug 21, 09 10:08 pm  · 

thanks, wk and rationalist. sheesh, if people like rationalist see it, i'll probably be embarrassed. it's a cut'n'paste mess - very elementary graphics. i had just enough time to find a type/size that would still (almost?) be legible on the 1200x800 format.

actually, all i had was an idea - and almost immediately. but then not really the time for the follow-through. so they got what i could pull together over a couple of lunches at my desk.

it would be ironic if i were to win: i'd actually do better than my billable rate!

Aug 22, 09 7:41 am  · 
brian buchalski

speaking of death &'s a nice little podcast on the subject as a design studio in the netherlands tackled the issue

i really like the last one, that allows you to signal in case you come back to life

Aug 22, 09 11:34 am  · 

hello TCers! don't mean to barge in here: just wanted to ask if any of you have difficulty in falling asleep, and staying asleep. Would like to know any methods you use to fall asleep and stay asleep, as i am a chronic insomniac (at times). Goodnight and sweet dreams!

Aug 23, 09 12:07 am  · 
liberty bell

It's nice to see you on TC, farmer!

When I can't sleep, it's usually because I'm worrying about stuff I've been procrastinating taking care of. Getting up and making a list of things I have to do tomorrow usually helps. Also, reading a novel sometimes helps. TV and computer use is NOT a good idea - it alters your brain to think it's daylight (too early for me to remember the right term - something to do with melatonin).

My best relaxation method is something I learned in the hippy-dippy meditation days of my 5th grade gifted class (!): lay on your back, and starting with your toes, tighten the toe muscles, hold for a count of 5, relax them. Then tighten your feet muscles, relax, your calves, relax, etc. all the way up your body. I use this technique in the dentist chair sometimes - it helps you think about something that's NOT whatever is racing through your brain!

Aug 23, 09 9:30 am  · 

hey LB, not sure if these have any play in USA, but in japan brad pitt is in some funny commercials with a champion sumo wrestler. anyway i thought perhaps you might get a kick, cuz the guy is perfect in this odd bit part : here

the product is for cellphones.

Aug 23, 09 9:44 am  · 
liberty bell

Thanks jump. I think one of the reasons I like Brad Pitt so much is he seems very willing to laugh at himself. Two examples: his "kidnapping" on Jackass, and a magazine interview I read years ago in which he explained that the night before the interview, having just flown back from Mexico, he got hit with Montezuma's Revenge (is that a non-PC term these days? That's what we called it growing up.) and spent the night throwing up in his hotel room. He said something to the effect of you might be this huge global star but when it comes to vomiting it's just you and the cold, cold bathroom floor!

Aug 23, 09 10:21 am  · 

I thought Montezuma's revenge was from the other end? I could be wrong but I'll check with the missus she's good with these random medical questions.

I fly to San Fran tomorrow morning no idea where we are staying yet but that's half the fun. Then to LA by Thursday hoping to meet up with the Wondermelting - wish me luck.

Aug 23, 09 10:53 am  · 

Hi all,

Visiting with a old friend in from San Fran this weekend.

Also, going to a friends party for their 1st year old. Bocce plus beer, i think for the rest of today.

farmer, Insomnia is hard. The only thing that ever really helps me is self-massage and meditation..

What tcers do this weekedn?

Aug 23, 09 12:09 pm  · 

thanks liberty bell: lists are excellent to objectify things and get them out of your head, where they shouldn't be. I like to try and think about my breathing by hyperventilating ever so gently and laying in bed very very still until sleep returns.
I am also familiar with your relaxation technique which I learned a long time ago, too and that helps.
thanks, nam, for your input, too!

Aug 23, 09 1:28 pm  · 
liberty bell

OK, so are ALL Dutch people totally beautiful with sexy accents to boot?! Dang.

Aug 23, 09 8:23 pm  · 

hey slart,
I just saw your namesake on tv...

Aug 23, 09 9:35 pm  · 

Greetings TC et al-
Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. I just had a bittersweet moment. I was driving home from my brother and sister-in-law's house this evening on on the exit ramp I saw a young girl and her dog standing by there with a sign. 99% of the time I ignore the individuals that do such a thing but the young dog totally tugged at my heartstrings, that and it being dark already. Most of them are gone by the time the sun goes down but she and the puppy were just standing there. I immediately drove to the grocery store, got two cans of dogfood and drove back. Parked my car and brought her the dog food and gave her $10. Her dog was adorable. Little 5 month old boxer. She told she had to give her momma up. She also told me she's staying at her grandmother's house for the time being but her grandmother is barely getting by either so this is how she gets food for the dog. She's been looking for a job for a while but hasn't found anything.

Then she really broke my heart when she told me she may have to start dancing, like her grandmother had to at one time just to get by... but then tried assured me she wouldn't do lap dances. At t his point I think I broke down in tears. I tired to remain strong, but I just couldn't. What was really sad is she was assuring me that she'd be fine b/c there are people like me out there. I told her to pay it forward when she could and she assured she always did. Hopefully she was telling the truth, that I didn't just get taking for a fool. Something tells me though that I didn't. What sad times we are living. Please let this end soon.

Aug 23, 09 10:26 pm  · 

hotels booked. Rental cars booked. Will call Wonder K by afternoon. Will try to check in on TC by mid week.

atechno on the west coast!

Aug 23, 09 11:12 pm  · 

****melt, that story shows your character. I applaud you for your generosity and compassion.

farmer, I totally have issues sleeping right now. That hasn't always been the case, but I've had a tumultuous past year and my mind has been running in a million different directions. My sleep has been really restless with frequent wide-awake spells that last for a few hours (usually 2 am to 5 am). I'll try the meditation technique described above as my techniques don't usually work (counting slowly, reading, staring at my ceiling, etc.)

I saw Diana Krall last night at the Hollywood Bowl. Goodness, that place is amazing.

I finished my travels and arrived home a few hours ago. My next few days include packing like hell and then driving to my new city 2400 miles away in Seattle.

My favorite Brad Pitt commercial.

I hope everyone is doing well.

Aug 23, 09 11:41 pm  · 

Oh ****melt... you are such a good person. I know this already because you spend your vacations helping me move, but your story made me cry. To be honest, any time I see or hear of a person with an animal in distress, I cry. Here in Portland I've had to stop myself from crying in public a few times, because apparently the homeless population here has a high percentage of pets - I see them a lot, and I hear they take very good care of them, despite being homeless. Every time I see one, I wish I could help them but I know I need to take care of myself first.

I think a true mark of a person is how well you treat animals. I saw a headline the other day about a guy that killed 4 of his girlfriend's cats in NYC - including a couple of KITTENS - and I actually wished he would be beaten to death, just like he treated those poor cats.

Moral of the story, please don't mistreat animals or I will punch you in the face.

Have a nice day! :o)

Aug 23, 09 11:55 pm  · 

about dutch people; that probably explains why i don't have any friends - they all hate me because i am hott.

Aug 24, 09 12:23 am  · 

hah wk, you woul get along well with my gramma...not. it is the damndest thing to reconcile because she is now a buddha-like fat and happy lady, hyper-christian and non-judgemental about it.

BUT when she was younger the way she dealt with too many kittens on the farm was to drown them in a barrel. she wouldn't do it now but i don't think she has any guilt over it. she killed lots of animals by hand back then. mostly for food, but sometimes just because there was nothing else to be done. she is 95 or something like that now so def a different age that she grew up in, but still....

Aug 24, 09 1:00 am  · 
Ms Beary

****melt, you melt my heart. It is always hard to know when to get involved... I helped a homeless person this weekend too... I believe you know who I am talking about. I know he probably manipulated me and lied to me, but I still think I did the right thing by helping him and giving him money even though I can't really afford to.

Speaking of insomnia, lately I wear myself out so much during the day I have to go to bed at 7 or 8 at night. Then I wake up at 2 am and can't get back to sleep.

Aug 24, 09 4:25 am  · 

Morning all,

Yeah for TCers doing good deeds!! Good for both of you melt and beary.
Shows a great big heart.

Hope everyone has a good start to the week.

My birthday is Sat...

Aug 24, 09 8:33 am  · 

'melt & 'berry , thats awesome. I've had to deal with homelessness on a very personal level (not myself, but a very close family member) and hearing stories like that really moves me. thanks so much.

been extremely busy lately, hence my absence from most internet activities - one of the groups I collaborate with on the side has a project that would be on display in three weeks but we haven't gotten any green light from the community groups that control the event or funding, and we were asked by a local paper to submit a one-image proposal for a local stalled site. plus trying to hustle on grad school stuff and have some vague semblance of a personal life. busy busy busy...

Aug 24, 09 9:32 am  · 

has there been any talk in the past on archinect about "hyper-local" journalism or neighborhood-centric community blogs? Just curious on how they might affect community development.

Aug 24, 09 11:28 am  · 

toaster; community benefits agreements are something that neighborhoods are increasingly becoming involved in, and by extension these typically involve a lot of community interaction and reporting; to keep everyone focused on the goals.

Aug 24, 09 12:05 pm  · 

Looks like I missed out on a lot the past week or so on Archinect

Nam - Happy (early) Birthday! So you watched the movie or somehow caught the old TV series? I was going to change my name back to Philarch, but then saw Philarct back on Archinect a week ago and decided against it.

n_ - You saw Diana Krall in person?! I'm crazy about jazz as it is, but I have this thing for female jazz singers.

farmer - I have problems sleeping, but for me its mostly a mental thing, not a physical thing. I could be physically tired and it could be way too late with reason to get up real early in the morning, but I still have this feeling like I should be doing something.

I got back from Kansas City the other day. Actually, I liked it quite a bit. Good barbeque, and I thought generally the buildings were well designed - the low-key, non-starchitect ones with contemporary proportions and lines. A bit too spread out (I walked a lot of it and ended up walking across highways at one point), but otherwise, pretty interesting

I stopped posting on the Unemployment thread because I felt it was getting off topic, and well I was on the road anyway. I didn't want to give it more attention by bumping it (like that Yellow shame thread *shudder*). I have this fear that if I feed trolls long enough, I'll become one. But I think the important thing to take away is that, there is no reason for irrational fear. Especially when there are real things to worry about, which in the end could make us better prepared.

Aug 24, 09 12:09 pm  · 
CBA for Brooklyn
Aug 24, 09 12:09 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

What a touching story Melt. There's so much suffering today and it's encouraging to hear of people actually reaching out.

Aug 24, 09 1:09 pm  · 

I caught a rerun of the recent remake with Mos Def...

Aug 24, 09 2:02 pm  · 

Saw this and thought liberty bell would like it:

Dan Savage shoots pilot for HBO

Also, I didn't get the AmeriCorps position, which I am OK with - at least I won't be going on foodstamps on purpose any time soon. I do have an interview with a real paying job that I think I am very well-suited for on Wednesday though!

Aug 24, 09 3:07 pm  · 

beta - interesting - is that for all of brooklyn?

- I just started a thread on the topic... I think I remember quilian posting something on his school blog a while back (that I was critical of) - I seem to remember that it was related somehow... can't seem to find it, though...

I do wonder if online neighborhood-centric sites are leaving out the voice and needs of certain demographics... namely the elderly and the poor...

anyway - I'll focus these and other thoughts to the thread. could you post that link to the thread?

Aug 24, 09 3:13 pm  · 

oh - and I thought I'd share this:

<a href "">Happiness: a Buyer's Guide</a>

makes the case that we can, in fact, buy happiness, but only if we spend our money on shared experiences and others.

Aug 24, 09 3:20 pm  · 

oh - and I thought I'd share this:

Happiness: a Buyer's Guide

makes the case that we can, in fact, buy happiness, but only if we spend our money on shared experiences and others.

Aug 24, 09 3:20 pm  · 

I just found out that a project I worked on won an UCDA (University & College Designers Association) award, which is not a huge deal on the awards circuit but nice just the same, AND that part of my thesis may live on in the real world, meaning a decent sized freelance contract for me. Is that a glimmer of hope I see on the horizon?

Aug 24, 09 6:51 pm  · 

Rationalist thought you might find this interesting? link

I liked the accompanying image

Aug 24, 09 6:57 pm  · 

that is fantastic rationalist!

good luck with interview wonderK

kind of related to job searching, but from other side - we have been getting lots of CVs and portfolios in mail lately and i guess entirely by chance we had two very excellent people write last week. BUT we have no work to hire them with. It was almost painful to have to write back. i mean, these people had it all together. really really good cover letter (a first in three years), nice portfolio, AND nice work. I am hoping some of the projects we have in pipe-line turn to reality cuz would be awesome to have talent in the office.

the real point is that for the offices that are able to hire right now i think it must be heaven. to have the pick of the best and brightest to work in office - how often does that happen? probably some really happy firms out there right now....and hopefully some amazing work from those offices in near future...

this silver lining brought to you by two cups of coffee and a small bit of german cake found in the fridge.

Aug 24, 09 7:54 pm  · 

Thanks jump! Was it German chocolate cake? Yummmmm.

You know that's a very good point... in a few years, will we start to see really amazing stuff from the firms that are able to hire people right now? I mean, I totally understand why I haven't gotten a job yet. It hasn't been right and companies, firms, etc. can have whoever they want. The organization with the AmeriCorps position actually hired someone who had previous experience in that kind of work. I did not have that experience - but in a down economy, and on any other day, I had a great interview and I might have gotten it. But like I said, this interview on Wednesday is for something I'm really passionate about, so maybe...

On a side note, it is a completely glorious day in Portland today. Beautiful. Earth rules. I hope we can save it in time.

Aug 24, 09 8:13 pm  · 

oh, no Americorps for DubK? Sad, that sounded like a cool position. BTW, I applied to a Portland office today that does some pretty nice work. I'm not banking on it or anything, but it would be interesting if the two of us finally ended up in the same city at the same time! The possibility of my thesis developing into something real definitely gives the northwest cities a leg up for me, and I flat-out told SDOT that if the contract was a substantial enough one I would find it in my best interest to be in Seattle again pretty soon.

I've been thinking about that too, jump. I've had several near misses where the position that a firm thought they had available evaporated for economic reasons. Because of that it's more likely that I'll end up at a firm that's not quite great yet, where I might have more opportunity to influence the design direction. It could be a good thing for them, or me, or both.

After my earlier post, I found out that another of my school projects might become real, funded by a company with some major resources. I may have to start blogging again or something, on the aftermath of the whole grad school experience!

Aug 24, 09 10:48 pm  · 


we are in the same boat. lots of good resumes coming in (and not anywhere near top firm in the city) but no work to support them. the work that's going on and where firms are hiring, tends to be soul-sucking, grind it out kinda work. so if we were in a position to hire, it wouldn't be the kind of work one would enjoy working on for very long...

rationalist, if SDOT turns anything around in less than 8 months, it's gotta be a record, and a miracle.

Aug 24, 09 11:08 pm  · 

DubK - Sorry to hear about AmeriCorps. I'll send you good juju your way for your interview.

Rationalist - Congratulations!

Slartibartfast - Yes, I saw Diana Krall perform. INCREDIBLE. I, too, have a big thing for female jazz singers from the obvious (Billie Holida, Carmen McRae, Lena Horne, Madeleine Peyroux) to the more obscure (Hope Waits, Laverne Butler).

I found a place in town that serves pitchers of PBR for $3. THREE DOLLARS. PITCHERS. OF. BEER*. FOR. THREE. DOLLARS. I'm totally getting drunk tomorrow to further procrastinate my packing! Hello, Irresponsible!

*Ok, cheap beer but beer nonetheless.

Aug 25, 09 12:40 am  · 

n, you forgot nina simone ! she is one of my heroes. brilliant strange and comfortable at the same time.

not chocolate unfortunately WK, but pretty good just the same. my girls left me a small bite in the fridge from their dessert last night. not sure if they wanted to...;-)

holz, yeah i kinda wondered about that. we are def not grind it out office but are too small and too new to have attracted much of this kind of talent so far. my partner and i don't have hangups about who designs things and who has ideas and all that so would be amazing to have designers on board who are better than us. i think that is actually best way to ensure longevity and also great way to keep things interesting....

Aug 25, 09 2:09 am  · 


you guys were listed as one of the 50 hottest (young) architects in the world! the yoyogi house is pretty successful - rest of the published work is not too shabby... you guys are on the map and there are lots of hungry, unemployed lackeys looking for work. if i spoke japanese, i am sure i'd have dumped my resume over as well!

it would be nice to work w/ good designers. i think the era of working w/ good managers and good administrators has been beneficial, but it's taken a massive toll. i'd like to surround myself w/ some better designers and less local alums, or just break out on my own and do some small projects and competitions.

Aug 25, 09 2:23 am  · 
Ms Beary

Another late night mind purge by Strawbeary hidden among the texts of TC: Everything happens for a reason. Someone from my old office called the other day and gave me word that one of my projects won an award. It is an unbuilt project, which made me think I might have a shot of getting my job back to see this high-profile project thru construction. I expressed this idea to a co-worker who called to congratulate me. He told me I needed my head examined if I thought I was ever going back there, that I should take the accomplishment and run. Thank god we talked and he reminded me of how much I hated that job, because the abuse of the alcoholism, compulsive lying, and irresponsibility that plagues that office.

This, combined with my recent daily experiences with being chosen by a seriously mentally ill friend (also an architect) as the only person who "understands him", but really, who has manipulated me into helping continue his manic spree, has opened my eyes as to how and why I get into these types of abusive relationships. I get addicted to the confusion and problem solving aspects, a good challenge to absorb myself in. I tell myself that I can handle things, that there are solutions and that the situation is manageable, when really it is out of my control and I should just stay out. In being in communication with the mentally ill friend, I recognized my behavior regressing back to what I suffered with for years with my alcoholic and psychotic boss - the frustration, confusion, obsessiveness, not sleep and eating on my part. My friend's mother found out we ere in contact called me. It was the worst conversation ever, and I will spare you the details, but she is a troubled individual herself who is very hurt, who yelled at me for interfering in letting her son to hit bottom (even if that means suicide). I thought I had a plan to get him committed: I told her she should report him as a missing person, and I would call the cops and let him know where he is. But she screamed at me that it would never work, her reason being that he has been arrested before but they always just let him go again. I thought otherwise, the difference now is that he is clearly confused, dirty, hungry and homeless, in a city thousands of miles from home I thought if he got in the authority's hands this way (before he ends up in jail for assault... or worse), they would give him a court ordered psych evaluation that would finally get him committed. Most importantly in my plan, is that it would be the state committing him and not a friend or family member because that has backfired in the past. When I explained my supporting thoughts, she then told me I should go ahead and implement my plan on my own without her if I thought it was such a hot-shot plan, clearly being very snotty to me. But you see I can't report him missing (he is not missing from me) and then turn him in too, can I? I expected better reasoning from a lawyer (she is), but there you go. Another friend did end up calling the local police department and asking them to help, but of course with the way the laws work they couldn't do anything until he harmed someone or himself. Anyways, the time framed passed and now we don't know where he is again. So as much as it hurts to remove myself from the situation, it is clearly more painful and confusing to stay involved and beyond my abilities to problem solve my way out of. Hopefully things will work out on their own. Thanks for the rant. Hope I didn't freak anyone out.

Aug 25, 09 7:25 am  · 

it may not seem clear right now, straw, but it seems to me that you've done the best you can by this friend and until he is stabilized and emotionally available as a friend again, you may not have all that much that you can offer.

when people to whom we have been close become erratic and lose control of their lives, it's tempting to think that we can regain the closeness or that the relationship has the power to change something...but you're right in recognizing that his problems are bigger than your relationship and that it could suck you down.

sounds like you've done well by him. when he's back, i think he'll know it. and then you can be a supportive friend again.

Aug 25, 09 7:43 am  · 

Sounds like you have a clear head about all of it.

Sometimes clarity comes late at night i guess.
Congrats on the project though!!

DubK. I "borrowed" your line "Beautiful. Earth rules. I hope we can save it in time." and put it as my Facebook status. Couldn't agree with the sentiment more.

Rationalist that is also very exciting news. Hopefully it all pans out and you get a job and some award winning projects to boot.

Morning all. I got a lot of sleep last night and feel good.

Aug 25, 09 8:39 am  · 

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