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Those shoes are awesome! I love that you can swap out the bits and pieces!!! Very cool lb.

btw, I have a little free time coming up and was thinking of making a day trip down to Indy. Perhaps in late sept. LB / VR you guys down for a coffee klatch? VR I think I owe you one!

Aug 3, 09 6:21 pm  · 
Ms Beary

My little inflatable pool in the backyard deflated today. :( Likely, a squirrel put holes in the tube. I guess summer is almost over. Hmmm, not sure how I feel about that!

Aug 3, 09 7:59 pm  · 
vado retro

awesome although i don't know why you'd want to waste free time coming to indy!

Aug 3, 09 8:10 pm  · 
liberty bell

September would be great, manta. I've got a houseful for most of August - I'm really looking forward to it - but it would be great to see you when things calm down. We can do some project tours, maybe (if I have anything under construction by then).

I LOVE Julia Child and she was definitely an early role model for me - her courage to try things, ability to not get upset when things didn't come out quite right, and obvious pleasure at pouring a glass of wine and sitting down to enjoy your efforts were an inspiration. I'm planning to go see the movie with a girlfriend soon.

DubK and Dapper, I'll post images of the bus stops shortly - getting a new rendering done as we speak.

Aug 3, 09 8:57 pm  · 

yay lb's bus stop! go! go! go!

Aug 3, 09 9:11 pm  · 

manta, louisville's not much farther than indy...

and the ideafestival is in september...

Aug 3, 09 9:13 pm  · 

oh and...

Aug 3, 09 9:18 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yay! Looks just like you, Steven, with that slightly sarcastic sense of humor!

Aug 3, 09 9:20 pm  · 

Ha it does look like you SW.

LB - I wanna see the renderings too. I remember them being cool.

Manta - perhaps... if you don't mind I can stop by Indianastan and visit too?

Anyway, I've worked the entire day working on my back yard river pebble project and am about to pass out. It's coming along quite nicely. I meant to take photos to post but I guess that will have to come at later date as it's too dark to snap any at the moment. Time to go take a shower. Night all.

Aug 3, 09 9:31 pm  · 
vado retro

why don't WE go to chicago???

Aug 3, 09 9:32 pm  · 
vado retro

steven great job on the maker's mark campaign!

Aug 3, 09 9:33 pm  · 
liberty bell

Aack, wait, vado, Steven's not a big fan of Maker's. How about congrats on the Bulleit campaign?

And to you vado: great job on the Playtex 18-Hour Bra deal! You're working hard to make the workplace better for EVERYone!

Aug 3, 09 9:47 pm  · 

ha ha ha! (re: aquisition of the playtex account)

tuna, the more the merrier! we should ALL go to indianastan!

vado, I will never discourage anyone from heading to the city of big shoulders -- but as it happens, I may have some "business" in indy anyway, so I would kill two birds with one stone!

Steven -- actually, I think I like yours second best so far, after snook's! But whoever put themself in the bedroom gets my vote, too. Was that DapperNapper? Everyone should just hang out in the bedroom, drinking.

Aug 3, 09 10:08 pm  · 

as a side note re: mad men --

I do think it's the type of show that especially appeals to architects, as the show is centered on the creative side of advertising, and the way these people have to pitch their ideas to the client companies (and provide mockups, and plenty of smooth talkin') is really similar to the way architecture design meetings go. Lots of parallels -- except we don't get to do it drunk!

(lb -- I really do think that you, especially, would like the show... the female characters are really fascinating!)

Aug 3, 09 10:11 pm  · 
liberty bell

toasteroven, I went back and looked at your (and everyone's) madmen versions: your similarity to a software engineer is in the short-sleeved dress shirt. My dad is a metallurgical engineer and ALWAYS, even in winter, wore short-sleeved dress shirts.

But in your case, you're sorta wearing it ironically, so it's cool!

Aug 3, 09 10:25 pm  · 
vado retro

thanks lb. actually is was maidenform... here's a taste. inspired by the ladies of archinect...

Aug 3, 09 10:29 pm  · 

Hi beary!!! sucks about the pool.

I love Bulleit, have i mentioned that before?

Hope everyone has a good day. I plan on it!!!

Aug 4, 09 8:13 am  · 

very amazing that tschumi responded to the op-ed. wow.

i am drinking right now. but its ok cuz i am working too, and that makes it alright.

congrats on bus-shelter job LB. i hope you do document construction. also hope you make a killing on the project as the designer/builder !

Aug 4, 09 10:00 am  · 

Just got off the phone with the mechanic - blown valve gasket cover and a recommended timing belt change while they're in there ($$). I've had bad luck with mechanics lately (and no space/tools to do my own work) but since they work for Click and Clack I have high hopes.

Aug 4, 09 10:58 am  · 

LB - thanks! - I normally don't wear short-sleeved shirts, but if I did, I'd wear them with a plaid tie. I liked the pants with that outfit, that's why I picked it. oh - and congrats on the bus shelter!

SH - I've always related better to women anyway - maybe this is just another piece of that puzzle.

ugh - I'm not in the mood to do work today... I was in NYC over the weekend visiting mrs. toaster's relatives (mini family reunion). I like the city, except in the summers you feel really disgusting if you've either been in the subway or anywhere south of central park for any length of time. plus all that traveling in a short period of time, the sea of people everywhere, and intense interactions with family I still feel like I'm trying to impress make me really tired.

I did have a nice walk in riverside park ... didn't get a chance to visit the high-line, though. I'm there a couple times a year, so maybe next time.

Aug 4, 09 11:15 am  · 

I didn't even realize but my boss mentioned to me that she saw my
letter to the editor in our local paper today, i was like what letter.

then i remebered that i had recently done a form/template email that was sent to me via (i think Moveon) re: highway funding. Apparently the Sun picked it. Neato, or something..

See here last letter at bottom.

Oh and in civic related news my first CRA advisory board meeting is in about 2 weeks.

Aug 4, 09 11:29 am  · 


so you feel disgusting being anywhere below 59th street in new york?
that's odd..i feel gross going anywhere above 14th street...but not really. but there ain't much reason for me to go above it fo sho.

did anyone see the new apple commercial for a new app that shows points of interest in different cities? i've wanted to do an architecture based app for a while..but i don't know how to go about that... but wouldn't it be great to have an archinect map that combines multiple individual that you can locate yourself in a city and then see what architecture gems may be just around the corner..or favorite bookstores or whatever? think that'd be pretty awesome.

Aug 4, 09 11:51 am  · 

we were discussing our idea for an iphone app in the office yesterday: marco polo. you've lost your phone, you yell 'marco', the phone answers 'polo' from under the couch cushion. anyone with the technical know-how to make that real, have at it...

warning: people with relatives named marco should not use this app.

i like the architecture points-of-interest, lars. i'd pay money for it. who should we tell?!

Aug 4, 09 1:11 pm  · 

steven starr took his first steps yesterday!!!! While he's not yet fully ambulatory up on two feet, it is only a matter of time before crawling is history. Hmm, do I teach him golf or bowling first?

Aug 4, 09 1:35 pm  · 

lars - in the summer parts of lower manhattan smell like rotting garbage - esp. chinatown and the lower east side. midtown is no air and idling traffic - it doesn't smell as bad, but you end up feeling really dirty.

Aug 4, 09 1:37 pm  · 

congrats, little steven starr! I read somewhere that babies are skipping the crawling stage now due to not being put to sleep on their bellies -- any truth to that rumor? I mentioned it to my mom and she said "that doesn't make sense, after the first couple months they can turn themselves over onto their bellies anyway" but then again she raised her kids in the pre-SIDS era.

Aug 4, 09 2:12 pm  · 

toaster...well that's tru. living in chinatown i can definitely agree that the sidewalks stink 24-7

steven. not sure how to get it done...otherwise i'd do it. to me it could be something like a base map that you could also add other users info to...architecture related or not... like the google maps we created a while ago. maybe like an architecture map/twitter. you could have certain peoples feeds that you'd follow if you found you shared the same tastes.. ie. you could toggle on restaurants or bookstores or whatever as well of people that shared the same interests as you in cities you weren't familiar with. i'm sure this will exist soon. i'd start by talking to google personally..cause they got all the maps already.

Aug 4, 09 2:27 pm  · 

louisville got 6" of rain in 1.5hrs this morning. now it's dumping again!

Aug 4, 09 2:29 pm  · 
liberty bell

Pouring here too, Steven, and i got to a client meeting only to find their house had no power so they had decamped to a friend's house - we postponed!

Aug 4, 09 2:33 pm  · 

Is it weird that I (being Mid 20's), don't have any interest in the iPhone and apps, etc? I just want to be able to make and receive calls and once in a while take photos when I don't have a camera with me. I've become more and more low-tech it seems and kind of like it that way.

My brother dropped a bomb on me the other day when he said "you're going to end up like that old architect you told me about that calls you over to fix his computer when he accidentally hits the INSERT button and tells you 'its eating the words!'" I hope this isn't true...

Aug 4, 09 2:36 pm  · 

I have zero interest in the iPhone. When I've been travelling with people, I do find that it's useful, but it's no more useful than my ordinary way of life -- just slightly faster (ie, right now I google-text when I need a phone number; on the iPhone you look it up on google, on the web-interface. Actually they probably do take about the same amount of time). I never need directions anywhere and print them out ahead of time if I do. I guess I just lead a simpler life. When travelling I think it definitely helps, but I guess I'm just too cheap & I value size too much. If I could have a postage-stamp phone I would. Especially if you could "text" via speaking into it, and it translated your speech into words that it texted to someone... wouldn't that be amazing?? This needs to happen!

The last two times I have purchased a phone, I kept saying "don't you have one that DOESN'T have a camera???" and both times the salesteenager just looked at me utterly blankly. The last time, I lost. :(

Aug 4, 09 2:43 pm  · 

I also have the feeling that if I had a blackberry or iphone or whatever, all I would do is check my email constantly. I already check it too much as it is. Isn't it such a relief when you take a vacation and you don't have an internet connection for a week? Now what if you had that stupid phone with you constantly? You could never get away...

Maybe I AM a luddite! Hermits run in my family, I guess I should be wary.

Aug 4, 09 2:45 pm  · 

tree, Golf, definitely Golf; big money, bowling; beer guts, schlongs, and nasty foot funk.

Aug 4, 09 2:48 pm  · 

i'm old school too when it comes to gagets - I don't want a swiss army knife that tries to do everything but does nothing well. I'd rather had a dedicated camera, phone, gps device, and computer... i also like leaving my phone at home sometimes or turning it off - too many calls from clients/bosses at 9pm when I'm off the clock.

Aug 4, 09 2:49 pm  · 

i was the same. for a long time i enjoyed that my phone just did phone. but now i have shazam! (i.e., identifies any song just by sampling it for a few seconds).

Aug 4, 09 2:55 pm  · 
liberty bell

Steven, you + shazam! = me smiling like a dork - you must have so much fun with that!

Aug 4, 09 2:58 pm  · 

it's kind of the most amazing thing ever in the universe.

Aug 4, 09 3:00 pm  · 
liberty bell

Without a doubt. Now if we could just shazam! our health care system....;-)

Aug 4, 09 3:13 pm  · 
liberty bell

Aw hell, new page.

Aug 4, 09 3:13 pm  · 
Aug 4, 09 3:31 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

That's comic gold, Slart.

Aug 4, 09 3:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hilarious, Pixel!! I want to go to wherever that sign is ;-) !!

Aug 4, 09 3:40 pm  · 

Dapper - I hope you're referring to the "Its eating the words!" comment, not my low-maintenance/low-tech tendencies. The architect is about 3 times as old as me, so I have no problems with him being unfriendly with the computer. He was my mentor for IDP, so now you guys know why I didn't go for the electronic verification system method and went with the paper and slow-mail method.

Aug 4, 09 3:50 pm  · 

The sad part is, that's what I say in my head every time I accidentally hit the insert key...right before realizing what I've done and cursing, yet again, at its needless existence and awkward location.

Aug 4, 09 3:54 pm  · 
liberty bell

Ah yes, insert was one of my personal hells, to the point that I finally popped the key off and just had the exposed tab underneath - never accidentally hit it again.

Also, forgive me, but I can't stop watching this and laughing my butt off:

Aug 4, 09 4:04 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Yes, that's what I was referring to. Is there a legitimate purpose to the insert key?

Aug 4, 09 4:07 pm  · 

Hey tree,

I say bowling. But i never really got into golf except for mini-golf. I like the obstacle course/POMO aspects of a mini golf course.

Also, it is cheaper. Bowling i mean.

Aug 4, 09 4:27 pm  · 

Oh and LB,
Kitten mittens!! I was laughing my ass off when i saw this. And i can't wait for the season to start, Probably my fav show on tv. Well a close tie with 30 Rock.

Aug 4, 09 4:29 pm  · 

SW - That app would be handy for keys, glasses and hair clips. Could someone please work on this invention?

TK - even though I hate golf with a passion, I say go with the golf choice. Will help with future networking.

Aug 4, 09 4:36 pm  · 

LB: video is unavailable... I'm a big Sunny In Philly fan, and was singing the Day Man song for about a week after the first time I saw it!

Aug 4, 09 6:12 pm  · 

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