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Dapper Napper

- n, I read that article yesterday and was reminded of one of the main annoyances of my semester abroad. My travel buddy, though a fellow architecture student, was not what you'd call a museum person. She'd walk full speed through the galleries, snap some pics, and then it was off to the gift shop. Louvre, Musee d'orsay, Centre Pompidou, etc. didn't matter, same formula. After a while we just agreed to meet in the gift shop at a set time. I had go back later in the semester and do the louvre by myself which was much more enjoyable with no schedule.

Aug 5, 09 5:36 pm  · 
liberty bell

Killer app, vado.

So Obama wants moms to go back to school: what degree should I get? I'm thinking nursing, since my ProPractice professor always told us the demand for nurses would never run out, and then I could be a healthcare architect with street cred. Of course, I don't really want to go back to school, but Obama wants me to: can I really say no? ;-)

Aug 5, 09 5:49 pm  · 

i think the reason you want an iphone, n_, may be because you, like me, are NOT a techie person. it's really not techie-feeling, just nifty. the technology is invisible, as all technology should be.

re: taking pictures at museums versus lingering. it's better to just do your lingering over pictures in books or online, after all, isn't it? you snap the pic in the museum just to show you were there and to take note of the setting in which the picture lives. then, of course, you can also study your own picture later, in the comfort of your own home or your hotel room, if you can figure out what DSC20xxx number the best shot was.

lots of damage in louisville yesterday, but very little for me. wet basement, no biggie. the library lost 10s of 1000s of volume, 3 bookmobiles, all of their servers, multiple other vehicles, including the library system director's own new car. university of louisville was closed yesterday and today because 9 buildings were flooded. friends of mine had big losses. LOTS of flooded cars.

it was such a freak storm: flash flooding caused by 6 1/2 inches in about an hour and a half! craziness.

louisville will be fine, though. that's our 100+yr rainfall so we're safe for another century! ya'll come!

Aug 5, 09 6:57 pm  · 

Wow, sounds like fun Steven. I'm bracing for when monsoon season hits down here... right now it's 111 out, but the forcast makes it sound like the fun stuff'll start at the end of next week.

Aug 5, 09 7:29 pm  · 

unless the once in a hundred year thing becomes annual event as result of global wierding, steven! weather has become scary topic.

about salary, i would have no problem going to employer and talking about pay if i knew someone less skilled, less experienced etc was making more. it isn't personal it is business, and can be totally casual without stink at all. unless your boss doesn't really understand what a business is about.

if the timing isn't right, i can understand, but that doesn't mean it is ever bad time to talk about your expectations and so on. it needn't be deciding factor for quitting, etc, but willingness to talk money the same way we talk about tschumi's greek-ity museum is i think an essential part of being architect. we are service industry and as such we are all guiding our own careers in a way most people do not. so we should feel comfortable talking to our employers and business partners about money in direct way. no acrimony required. and certainly no waiting on annual reviews.

Aug 5, 09 7:48 pm  · 

Hmmmm...invisible technology. Your post just made me want an iPhone even more, Steven. I'm also obsessed with the level application. Well, I don't know if it's an application or if it automatically comes standard on the iPhone. My friend has an iPhone and she always uses the level to make sure that things are leveled. It makes me oh-so jealous as she shows off her ability for an impromptu leveling verification. Oh, imagine all the things I can verify if they are leveled or not if I can ever get my hands on my very own iPhone.

I just realized that I misspelled 'techie' on my post above. Apologies.

I'm a turtle in museums. I like to walk slowly and absorb as much as possible. To read the descriptions. To write down the different mediums used if the combinations strikes me. To smell the rooms. To pay attention to both the flooring used and the ceiling finish. I realized a few years ago that my pace annoys people at times so I tend to go to museums by myself now. I think its best for all parties involved.

Aug 5, 09 8:30 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Yes, I have an Etsy site with a few items: {url=]my shop on etsy[/url]

Or become a fan on facebook: On facebook

Aug 5, 09 8:33 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Oops, here. my shop on Etsy

Aug 5, 09 8:39 pm  · 

i've mentioned this site before. Ponoko

Aug 5, 09 9:40 pm  · 
Ms Beary

nam, I'd like to know more. Does your friend have a webiste?

My internet site hasn't had too much traffic yet. I guess it is only a few weeks old though. I also do custom orders, I'm working on a bunch of pieces for a wedding right now. So much fun!

Aug 5, 09 9:46 pm  · 

Nice to hear n_ I always thought I was the poky one when it came to exhibits. I always get annoyed when I go with people who breeze on through.

I'm probably the last person who has seen this, but can anyone say Oopsy?

Aug 5, 09 10:12 pm  · 
brian buchalski

the more that women think of "equality" with men in terms of money, the more they lose.

reminds me of an old zen phrase: the tighter we squeeze, the less we have

Aug 5, 09 10:42 pm  · 
vado retro

straw that jewelry. killer app babe. just killer.

Aug 5, 09 10:44 pm  · 

that is interesting point of view puddles.

raising 2 kids as single mother i think my mom was quite right to be pished that she lost out on about enough money to buy a house just because she was female.

so seems good starting point to me. would you like women to focus on something else? or just something more?

Aug 5, 09 11:13 pm  · 
brian buchalski

2 kids or a house? do we really want to evaluate our lives in such terms?

i'm not sure how to answer you on that jump. but having personally come from an american perspective where everything success or not success is defined in dollars and having now lived aboard for several years in a mélange of caribbean & european cultures i can't help but see some tangible differences on the ground.

that's to say that there are some places where men and women might be considered equal, but nonetheless, very different...and oddly enough everybody seems more content with those circumstances.

i've speculated that certain classes of america (think upper middle class professionals which includes most professionals) have already slipped into an ear of post-gender where relationships are defined as collegial or friendship first (certainly before anybody would dare anything romantic...because that would acknowledge gender if not lawsuits) but has this really evolved beyond gender? or have the girls simply learned to behave like the boys? stealing the obvious habits of smoking cigars & dismissing lunch as for wimps? usa is just over 200 hundreds years old but in its rush to patriotism has it irrevocably linked money & masculinity? that might be a silly question...but maybe it would be more appropriately ridiculous if it wasn't still so taboo for a man to wear a skirt to the office.

and even in this effort to describe "post gender" america, there is still at least one choice/opportunity available to women that men don't get. women can have children. men (despite all the gains of women in the workplace) still have to hope that a woman will let him have a child. how do you put a dollar price on that?

personally, i don't think there is really that much discrepency in salaries directly related to gender. i once worked in financial advisor job fro a couple of years and nearly half of my clients had a woman spouse with a higher salary than the man. i've also had more women professors and almost as many women bosses as i've had male. my sense is that individual discrepencies have for more to do with the specifics of any given situation (as some have alluded to above) than any kind of mass sexism at play. but i suppose that sense everybody feels "they are underpaid" this is just one more excuse for some people to feel they are slighted.

Aug 6, 09 12:24 am  · 
brian buchalski

ooh...i've ritten so much tonight that i think i might have sobered up. back to the bar for last call?

Aug 6, 09 12:25 am  · 

i would happily join you for a drink, puddles. could use one.

in my mums case it was institutionalised and not hidden. all women were paid less than men. no one thought it was wrong. that was just the way it was, same as how until not so long ago a woman was not allowed to vote in canada, nor even get a loan at bank to start business. in each instance the inequality was clear.

what you are talking about is different. that is elite people who are able to control their own lives more than most middle/lower class are able. for them equality can be an exercise in personal philosophy, but for the poor who are made poorer because of gender i think the issue lingers as something more tangible...

i do know exactly the type of persons you mean though. most of our clients are in financial industry in toyko and are very well educated and wealthy and both husband and wife make very good salaries based on performance and all the rest. i don't know if gender plays role for them but seems not a large issue. i don't get the feeling that the women are any less feminine for all of their wealth though. maybe i haven't met the right (wrong) people yet.

Aug 6, 09 3:31 am  · 

I probably didn't get a job with the firm in Long Beach because of how much I said I wanted to make. I know this, and I knew it when I said it. But if they can't afford to pay me what I'm worth, why try and work there? I didn't go through 2 years of graduate school to make less than I was making before I went. Point being, I'd rather be unemployed than ripped off.

Steven that sucks about the Louisville Library. Sadly, I think jump may have a point....not that it will rain like that every year, but I think we will start to see some global weather anomalies happening more frequently.

Aug 6, 09 3:32 am  · 

lol @ vado - neat bastardisation of the terminology!

I seem so far between posts here - I'm more busy on my vacation than when I was working. We bailed on a trip to Toledo yesterday evening to go to a concert, just before heading out the door we got a text saying one of the top billers weren't going to be there so we the 2 hour drive didn't seem so appealing. So we did what anyone would do - went for a beer.

Aug 6, 09 8:53 am  · 

Oh and before the beer we went to see Funny People. Wow what a turd of a movie. The critics seem to love it. Loads of people have gone to see it - but trust me, it's a stinker. For the record it's not funny

Aug 6, 09 9:05 am  · 

Morning all,

Archi, good to now. I have actually thought about going to see it. However, the movie I really want to see is Moon (with Sam Rockwell)..

Anyone seen it? I know Paul said he liked it.

And Puddles, to your question
[i usa is just over 200 hundreds years old but in its rush to patriotism has it irrevocably linked money & masculinity?[/i]

I would say yes, we have. It is (just part of the reason) why so many (esp men) in my opinion take jobs that they don't really want. Personally, satisfaction more than money i am coming to learn is key. Although, i will be the first to admit (per my current job) that good money can help to make a "bad" job more satisfying....

Aug 6, 09 10:36 am  · 
Ms Beary

Wow, you guys are still talking about gender inequality. How bout this... Are men taught to fake it till they make it? Exude confidence even if they don't have any? Women are taught to seek reassurance, and in general are not as apt to take risks or stand up for themselves?

Aug 6, 09 10:46 am  · 

i wish someone taught me to fake it until i make it. i am more woman than i knew.

Aug 6, 09 10:51 am  · 

fake it until you make it is universal, isn't it?

Aug 6, 09 11:36 am  · 

can't say i'm good at 'fake it...', as i'm more likely to seek reassurance AND feel guilty about what doesn't measure up. but 'fake it...' is what i've learned is supposed to be the way.

Aug 6, 09 11:38 am  · 
Ms Beary

No, Steven, I'm just now learning that. Good news, it works!

Aug 6, 09 11:38 am  · 

yup fake it, worry constantly worry that everyone will figure out that you really don't know anything. But shhhh don't tell anyone

Aug 6, 09 1:34 pm  · 

indeed i lie to others and myself all the time regarding my amazing level of self-sonfidence and capabiltiies.

Aug 6, 09 2:33 pm  · 

the problem is when you start believing yourself...

Aug 6, 09 2:35 pm  · 

For some reason this conversation about "fake it til you make it" reminds me of poker. What most people don't realize about poker - house/family games do not apply here - is that the majority of the time you don't actually see the winning hand. So the decider of who wins the pot is not always based on what you have, but how you play your hand against the others' perceived hand. You can bluff (fake it til you make it), slow play (you've already made it but faking to string them along), or play the exact value of your hand. A lot of interesting metaphors there.

It all falls down, of course, once you get caught red-handed bluffing. In poker, this can still be taken advantage of, by making others think you're a very loose player that bluffs often. The metaphor ends there because in life, it just makes you look like a fool that can not be trusted.

Aug 6, 09 2:46 pm  · 

or maybe i am lying now?

Aug 6, 09 2:55 pm  · 

Nam, are you like the Four Guards from Labyrinth?

Aug 6, 09 3:00 pm  · 

something like that, pixel.

Aug 6, 09 4:58 pm  · 
Living in Gin

RIP, John Hughes. Gone way too soon. :(

As somebody who grew up in 80's suburbia, I find that his films capture the essence of that time in my life far more than anything Michael Jackson ever did.

We won't forget about you, John.

Aug 6, 09 5:31 pm  · 
Living in Gin


Aug 6, 09 5:32 pm  · 

sad about the good mr. hughes. i liked his movies. very angtsy in fun way.

about sexism, i recently watched series called medieval lives by terry jones (monty python) and in episode on "damsals" he pointed out that women in the dark ages were expected to do the same work as women, including running castles and defending against invaders as war-leaders. there were even female sheriffs.

according to terry the male/female split is a phenomenon that did not come round until the renaissance, in part because there was a growing population again (after recovery from black death) and also because well basically the pricks got into power and that was that.

i think we are now heading to other extreme. don't see it as being about money, but access to positions of leadership. this last is the last big hurdle but clearly we are as society heading that way. now if only more women would be encouraged to take an interest in science instead of paris hilton...

Aug 6, 09 8:13 pm  · 

Jump much of what I've read is of a similar view point, however states that the Middle Ages was the start of the polarisation of the roles of men and women, and how it pinged on social values as well. Interestingly because of this legacy some philosophers believe it has severely affected tainted the optic that we view history ie. from a male dominant perspective.

I should jump on a plane to Japan, I could see some interesting conversations over coffee with you.

Aug 6, 09 9:54 pm  · 
Living in Gin
Aug 7, 09 5:52 am  · 
vado retro

well, hello there archinect.

Aug 7, 09 5:52 am  · 

Yeah we are back from the time warp...

Aug 7, 09 6:09 am  · 

how di dmy post get ahead of your two?

Aug 7, 09 6:10 am  · 

Oh, so it delete the posts during the time warp. Interesting. Its almost like it never happened.

Aug 7, 09 6:19 am  · 

Maybe it was all just a bad dream.

Aug 7, 09 6:40 am  · 

There was a time warp? Was it like a black hole of posts or what?

Aug 7, 09 6:47 am  · 

All post, discussion, features etc from the last 2 weeks simply dissapeared for a couple of hours

Aug 7, 09 7:11 am  · 
liberty bell

You know I'm pretty certain I posted some brilliant and hilarious things this morning, but they seem to have disappeared? ;-)

Aug 7, 09 8:18 am  · 

Whoa! When I posted that before, LIG's picture was ahead of mine. Now my post is ahead of his. There IS a time warp going on! I wonder when this post will appear.

Aug 7, 09 8:18 am  · 

OK something's gotta give....look at our time stamps. I just posted at 7 pm. It's 12 noon here. Unless Archinect is now on GMT, our posts are going to be crazy today!

Aug 7, 09 8:18 am  · 

huzzah for sillyness

Aug 7, 09 8:18 am  · 

OMG! nam's post is up there! Hang on, let's see what happens when I hit "submit"....

Aug 7, 09 8:25 am  · 

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