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Oh I'm so easily amused!

Aug 7, 09 8:25 am  · 
liberty bell

OMG WONDERK!!!! You reversed time!!! You truly ARE a super hero!!!

Aug 7, 09 8:25 am  · 
liberty bell

Wait, I mean you fast-forwarded time. Right? Wait....dang this whole time travel thing has always confused me. Are there two WonderKs now? a re there two of me? Is my parallel time self wearing better shoes than this one is?!

Aug 7, 09 8:25 am  · 
liberty bell

When it's the 7th again am I going back to being one person?

Aug 7, 09 10:29 am  · 

it is nice to have an excuse to listen to this masterpiece every once in a while!

Aug 7, 09 10:29 am  · 

This is absolutely outstanding. I wonder what time it is now.

Aug 7, 09 10:29 am  · 

....time for coffee (morning in land of rising sun, just now)

glad all is well and time re-asserted itself.

archi, yes you should jump on plane to japan. coffee is brewing (see above)

Aug 7, 09 10:54 am  · 

We should be back in the present now. I think.

Aug 7, 09 11:09 am  · 

Thanks again Paul. We love you and Archinect. It was kind of fun seeing the posts go up though.
Discombobulating, but fun.

Hi everybody. I just got back from an acupuncturist.

Lets all have a good weekend,

Aug 7, 09 11:39 am  · 

well my post got completely swallowed. I'm not too sure what I said or if it was important - I'm just glad things are the way they are again.

running off to the music festival - we've decided not to camp out at the venue grounds like the other 2/3s of the concert goers

Aug 7, 09 11:42 am  · 

Working yet?

Aug 8, 09 4:42 pm  · 

Oh look, it is. That post worked. I couldn't post at all last night.

Thanks Paul!

Aug 8, 09 4:42 pm  · 

TESTING....TESTING....1,2,3,4,5,6,....."can you hear me?"

Aug 9, 09 2:26 pm  · 


YAY!!!! Looks like everything might be back to normal.

Aug 9, 09 3:39 pm  · 

"Hello! UFO!"
-street vendor in beijing trying to a) get your attention, and b) show you the cool floating toy saucer thing he was trying to sell...

i've been a bit busy / disconnected from internet so i must've missed most of the server transition hiccup. some pics from the past week, with family in South Florida:

Mom's backyard, last Sunday

Brother's daughter, Avery Reese (youngest of 2 girls)

Bro and co. recently added a Shitzhu/Maltese mix to the family, Sasha...seen here sleeping after getting chased around by the girls for a while (family also includeds a girl weimeraner, a boy cat, and of course a wife/mom)

I mentioned previously (?) that Meredith and I are designing a house for my brother and his family. This is their lot - 1.5 acres, on the suburban fringe near larger lots with horses and so forth. We met with 3 builders this past week, who will each bid the job and let us know the word in a week or so. From preliminary reviews we seem to be under budget, but we may make some changes to come even further under budget in order to make room for some snazy finish materials and appliances...

View from a friend's balcony, from their apartment in Brickell, Miami

Aug 9, 09 3:47 pm  · 

that sounds great AP. i am looking forward to see your design built. consider yourself very lucky. most people never get to build anything during their entire life. that is not counting the projects they play a major role designing and project managing under big firms.

yesterday i have drove my best friend (pointing to plans) who is recovering from a major surgery to the job site of the house he has designed for a meeting with the owners (hats) and the contractor (leaning over the table) and the landscape architect (left.) the house has 360 views on top of a hill. very expensive and luxurious, needless to say. part of the top echelon malibu economy.

just few weeks ago i have seen another similar scale and budget by an another friend which was very different (completely cast in place concrete)

meanwhile, i am doing this (before and after) for my welder friend's 14k budget, a 75 sq, ft addition and new face to a 600 sq. ft house. trust me, these 'spanish' homes are not what you think they are but thin walled sprayed ceiling cheap aluminum sliding window fake casitas. we have tons of them in south central neighborhoods. what we did is a great use of few thousand dollars.

it is all architecture and adventure and beautiful conversations with my friends. architecture unites us all, here in archinect too.

Aug 9, 09 6:57 pm  · 

cool post orhan. two nice projects! i am so jealous of the large sites in north america. we have been doing series of projects (one finally getting ready to be built) where we have to fit american sized houses and rooms into japanese central tokyo properties. an incredible learning experience but so frustrating. feels like i am learning to be an architect all over again.

Aug 9, 09 8:02 pm  · 

thanks jump,
did you see this? he is the one coming to visit you. thanks again for your time..

Aug 9, 09 8:18 pm  · 

Cool AP! Lovely post Orhan, nice job on that small project! Although with regards to what jump said, as I get older, I've come to realize that I do much better with limits. But I'm sure jump could use a break from small sites! I don't consider myself a phobic but wide open spaces leave me a bit befuddled.

I just watched Life as a House for the first time ever and I was surprised to learn how sad it is. Not a bad film though and I'm glad to see Hayden Christensen acting a little bit. Then of course I started thinking about architects in movies - my favorite so far may be Joseph Gordon-Leavitt in 500 Days of Summer, which was terrific, BTW - and I was wondering if there was a definitive list. Didn't we have a thread about it once? A Google search surprisingly did not turn up a list. I will blog one if we can muster an effort. So far I've got:

The Fountainhead - Gary Cooper (obligatory)
My Life as a House - Kevin Kline (sort of, his job was a model-maker)
Indecent Proposal - Woody Harrelson
The Namesake - Kal Penn
The Lake House - Keanu Reeves (ugh this was so bad)
500 Days of Summer - Joseph Gordon-Leavitt

...Gosh I know there must be more than this. What I love is that in most of them, at least as far as I can remember, they were disillusioned or put out or struggling in some way. I was thinking that I should make a documentary about the unemployed ones. Maybe I'll write a screenplay! LOL.

Aug 9, 09 9:10 pm  · 
Found it!
Aug 9, 09 9:20 pm  · 

wonder, I finally have something for you. Last known address still work?

Aug 9, 09 9:33 pm  · 

There's a french one ... funny ... maybe the dinner party? Hmm.

And Hannah & Her Sisters -- or whichever Woody Allen has two women, both wanting to date the same (lame) architect...

Aug 9, 09 9:35 pm  · 

You can add the new Meryl Streep movie to that list, apparently. Just watched the trailer -- it looks good! Bonus, Steve Martin is the architect!

Aug 9, 09 9:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

Just got back from 500 Days of Summer - I TOTALLY adored everything about this movie! The production was gorgeous, this crazy blending of eras and styles, and Joseph Gordon Levitt who was in every single scene was phenomenal as always, I've never seen him in something I didn't like. It's a lovely, lovely movie, and the whole architecture angle was just frosting. Beautiful story. Glad you enjoyed it too, DubK.

I think i get to see the beautiful surfaces here in the next 18 hours or so...

Orhan I enjoyed your posted tour of projects above. I also love the - rendering? photo montage? - of the little project you're doing. I enjoy working with existing houses more than anything.

AP be safe in all your travels! I also have a beautiful niece named Avery.

Aug 9, 09 10:04 pm  · 

hey orhan, i want to go visit jump!

Aug 9, 09 10:07 pm  · 


the director's previous 3 movies were all awful:

something's gotta give (terrible, even in german)
the holiday (terrible, too many 'dumb american' stereotypes)
what women want (terrible, overly predictable)

Aug 9, 09 10:13 pm  · 

@holz were you by chance dragged kicking and screaming to those movies? They are all date movies and being a complete a utter helpless romantic I loved all those films. The holiday perhaps least of all but what women want did make me squint a few tears, although I still don't know why.

@Wonder K I'm willing to go with you on this definitive architect + film list, I've seen a good deal of them and am planning to see the rest before the month is over. I'll post the list if you do and maybe a snippet review of the architecture

@Orhan, impressive project. I've always found greater challenge and subsequently satisfaction from smaller more complex projects. I'm not sure if it's professional youth but larger green field sites both intimidate and sadden me.

@Liberty - I sent you a link via facebook of a random find via stumbleupon. It brought a snicker to my face and thought I'd share it.

btw concert was awesome, the weather was great

Aug 9, 09 10:51 pm  · 
vado retro

i liked something's got to give. the holiday was unwatchable. julie/julia got a mixed review on fresh air. i recommend listening to the 1989 interview that terri gross did with julia child. what a joy that woman was.

Aug 9, 09 10:54 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oooh, I've gotten so angry at various archinect things in the last half hour!!!!

vado, I'll tell you over coffee this week (w/our special guest) why your comment about women's breasts made me angry, if I need to.

Time to go watch my son's new lava lamp, which is surprisingly soothing.

Aug 9, 09 11:19 pm  · 



i gravitate towards foreign flicks, art house and documentaries

Aug 9, 09 11:30 pm  · 

Lb, nothing serious i hope?
Hi all.

Aug 9, 09 11:53 pm  · 

holz, I know -- I only deigned to watch the trailer because of the actors, but in the end I actually *liked* the trailer. Surprising!

What Women Want was AWFUL -- but not as bad as the Family Stone, which I actually thought was the same director (hence not want to watch the trailer) but it turns out that was by some other hack director.

Anyway, on the strength of WK's endorsement above we made a spur-of-the-moment decision to go see 500 Days of Summer tonight and I REALLY liked it. Excellent! I hadn't heard the best reviews of it, but I thought it was one of the better films I've seen this year. The acting is SUPERB.

Aug 10, 09 3:06 am  · 

I want to see julie & julia - but I'm a little upset that they didn't include julia's years as a spy in sri lanka.

that would be interesting, julia child as 007...

Aug 10, 09 9:25 am  · 

Morning everyone! Rode the motorcycle in to work today - its amazing how if you start the day with an enjoyable 15 minutes everything else seems to fall in line right behind it. And yes Vado, my neck and back are fine!

@TO: wow, she was a spy? gonna have to hit up the wikipedia machine to read more about that!

Aug 10, 09 10:03 am  · 

TCers, give me an honest opinion of a sofa I might buy for my newly-wed brother and his wife for their new house. What do you guys think of Tillary Modular seating? Because of the modular style, they can add more pieces down the line. The back-pieces are not attached and can be moved. The good part about that is that its flexible and appears open and clean. Personally, I don't like huge overstuffed sofas with large backs (which is what they will inherit unless i do something about it). I didn't like the idea of the large overstuffed sofas sitting in an open, clean space (in their newly constructed house). Of course the negative is that since the back pieces are not attached, they may move a bit unless up against the wall.

Aug 10, 09 10:53 am  · 

Good morning all.

Pixel, that is exactly why i much prefer my bicycle commute to catching a ride with my carpool, when it rains etc. Those coup elof minuted alone before work to clear my head and enjoy the view, the weather my city...

Slart, I personally am a fan of modular sofa styles. Plus, that one has pretty sweet modern lines.

Aug 10, 09 11:14 am  · 

I'm waiting for my boss to finish his morning rounds to all the projects to have my talk about leaving to teach... damn it's hard to work with the butterflies in my stomach. not like there is any unknown outcomes, but I'm still nervous and have been for the last month. The anticipated freedom might be the cause of this angst.

Aug 10, 09 11:36 am  · 


read here

that's how she met her husband... they worked for the same government agency during WWII (the agency which eventually became the CIA). I've heard the movie leaves this out entirely - they make her out to be a bored diplomat's wife or something - or at least that's the impression from the previews...

Aug 10, 09 1:30 pm  · 

manta > Yay! The Portland address I sent you will work.

TK > it is nervewracking, I can remember that feeling myself, but I have to believe that they will understand.

Oh I'm so glad you guys liked 500 Days of Summer. I thought it was just so fresh and original, and JGL is downright adorable. (I heard that young men don't like to be called "cute" so I'm trying to avoid using that word, I know "adorable" is still a little too close to "cute" but in this movie, it was true.)

lb > have fun with Surfaces!

Pixel and nam > ditto on the bike commute theory. There's just nothing like having that wind on my face to calm me down....

Slart > all I have to say is DAMN you're buying your brother a couch?!? I mean, yes! It's great! You are an excellent gifter. Well done sir!

Aug 10, 09 1:42 pm  · 

Here's a photo from the Bridge Pedal I participated in yesterday in Portland. If it's not clear from the photo, this is I-5... Portland shuts down all the bridges to car traffic for this event every year, including the Interstate bridges!

Aug 10, 09 1:57 pm  · 

went well... my initial request for $$ was rejected as expected (it was 2x my current hourly a). Now I get to wait for their counteroffer.

Aug 10, 09 4:24 pm  · 

went well... my initial request for $$ was rejected as expected (it was 2x my current hourly a). Now I get to wait for their counteroffer.

Aug 10, 09 4:34 pm  · 

Slart, while I love modern sofas the absolutely truth is that that sofa looks exceedingly uncomfortable to me. One must perch at either of the ends, as there is no back, thus rendering one unable to relax. Even with the back, the sofa would be way too deep for me, as I have average length, female legs and most sofas of that style are way too deep.

What height are your bro & his wife? Do you know whether they will like a modern sofa? My family are all pro-modern and do not like the over-stuffed look either, but they would be extremely upset with me if I bought them something I thought they *should* like or *should* have in their house, especially if it wasn't comfortable which to them (and myself) is top priority, regardless of style. Personally, my family would be upset with me for buying something that large / important that they hadn't had a say in -- a sofa defines a sitting room and it is often one of the most used pieces of furniture in the house. If they don't like it, it will be a burden to them and could bring uncomfortable thoughts that you are trying to instruct their tastes via your purchase.

I don't think you're trying to do this, you seem very thoughtful and kind given all your previous posts, but I guess I'm just warning you as to how it could come off. Your family may be very different from mine of course!

To my family, a sofa is a very personal purchase.

Aug 10, 09 6:43 pm  · 
vado retro

julia child was in the oss. in her interview, however, she said that she was relegated to being a file clerk. that sofa is super deep. which would be fine for napping on etc. but maybe not for when the older folks (like me) come to visit...

Aug 10, 09 6:47 pm  · 

Orhan - those are some great projects. Thanks for sharing. How many sq. ft. is the one on the hillside going to be? That thing is huge.

Pixel - I hear you on the wind in your face aspect. I would thoroughly enjoy it more if the streets I take on my way to work were paved properly. Can't tell you how nerve wracking it is to have to dry to dodge various potholes and uneven pavement. Not fun.

Slart - While I think it's a great notion that you want to get your brother and sister-in-law a new couch I tend to agree wholeheartedly with what manta says. Are you sure they're going to like it b/c it is an important piece? Have you actually sat on it for an extended period of time. I was told by one of my instructors in school you should always sit/lay on the piece you intend to purchase for something like 10 minutes. Everything feels comfy at first. To me it just doesn't look comfy at all. There is no sense in purchasing something just b/c it looks good. The seat is too wide (although I think couches are actually meant to be laid on) and the back cushions look too low. I would also be weary that they would not stay in place over time. My two cents. Either way I think it's totally awesome what you want to do for them.

Aug 10, 09 7:31 pm  · 

There is a pothole at the very top of my street that is so deep I literally can't see down it. Actually, it's not even a pothole -- it's a hole in the surface asphalt to the side of a manhole, and the asphalt simply doesn't exist in a place where it is suppose to cover the manhole shaft. Every time I bike there I am desperately afraid my front tire is going to catch on the suddenly non-existent street surface. Ugh.

Aug 10, 09 7:43 pm  · 

I didn't want to force it on them, so I did actually send them a link to the sofa website before I even posted on here. They definitely need a new one though, but they probably won't get it on their own if I don't interfere. It doesn't necessarily have to be that one, I'm still looking. It just caught my eye and personally, it felt comfortable for me and we're exactly the same size. And I really like the idea it being modular and being able to expand on it. The room really needs something with clean lines...

Aug 10, 09 7:53 pm  · 



I don't know how much you know about CCA, but it's a great school w/ brand new (beautiful!) facilities, access to great faculty and innovative architects from the whole bay area... omg you HAVE TO APPLY.

Aug 10, 09 8:15 pm  · 
They definitely need a new one though, but they probably won't get it on their own if I don't interfere.

If they wouldn't get one themselves, then maybe they don't see it the same way as you?

Again, I think you seem super kind from all your posts on here, but I feel you might be completely unintentionally treading into the Arrogant Architect Danger Zone...

Aug 10, 09 8:31 pm  · 

Haha...OK. Let me clear this up. They're using an old bed as their sofa right now. Once they move into the new house, they will "inherit" the old sofa that looks quite literally something like this:

They are both in their mid-20's. I don't think you need to be the stereotypical arrogant architect to make sure this doesn't happen.

Aug 10, 09 9:32 pm  · 

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