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SH, we didn't have the stove thing thank goodness. with oldest we let her get into trouble by doing mildly dangerous things with hope it would convince her to think a bit before testing stuff, but it was so nervewracking in the end for us, and didn't really teach her too much, so we just decided to be vigilant. i think girls are easier though. LB probably has great ideas for how to deal with boys...

thanks vado. i am surprised you saw those, they are on my partner's wife's facebook site. guess she musta tagged me or sumtin. ginormous swan boat (actually a ferry) was mildly disturbing but kids thought it was brilliant. i much more enjoyed the canoeing and the hammock cafe (tables but no chairs, just hammocks ( ! ) ) serving pretty good authentic italian food inside the woods next to the highway. japan is very surreal.

Jul 21, 09 11:16 am  · 

A hammock cafe? Brilliant!!

Jul 21, 09 11:21 am  · 

Nam - those are pics from some residential architecture book that I took a few weeks ago. The project is the Patel/Capoor Residence, by Guyon Architects Incorporated of Lexington, Kentucky. It won a 2009 Kentucky AIA Citation Award. My book budget is non-existent, so I snapped a few shots and searched the firm online.

Steven - we're making Jacksonville to Louisville the 2nd leg of our Miami to St. Louis trip. Meredith has family there so we're planning on arriving at night, staying at their place, spending the next full day/night in Louisville, then leaving the following morning. I'll email you soon...once we nail down an exact day...still up in the air as to when we'll leave South Florida.

I love eggs benedict.

Jul 21, 09 11:31 am  · 

congrats Dapper... stamp away!!! I had my first pre-registration meeting. It seems they are going to recognised my 7 years of professional service in Montserrat and discount me 12 out of the 24 months needed for my log book - so that is awesome. Plus I get to the do the remaining 12 whilst teaching - I just need to find a registered firm willing to hire, lest I'll be doing those hours free/illegally/immorally

Sarah, Abe's a smart one. I suspect he's copying what he sees and knows. Since he's around you alot he's mimicking those actions. I guess if/when he starts school around kids his own age he'll find other interests. But for now it seems cool - but I understand the concern over protective services - you never know whose watching. Also be free to ignore everything I've just said since I don't have kids half of the time have no idea what to do with them, because I think I'm the same age (mentally) as they are.

Jul 21, 09 11:34 am  · 
vado retro

my life should be lived from a hammock...

Jul 21, 09 11:38 am  · 

AP - My thoughts/prayers go out to you and your stepdad.

Dapper Napper - YAY!!!! That's is so amazing. Many congrats to you.

SH - GLad to hear you were able to escape for a little bit. I am in great need of a vacation from my life at the moment.

Because I think we could all use a little joy in our lives. Anyone, care to join me in a dance?

Jul 21, 09 12:02 pm  · 

am I the only one who didn't know that Enric Miralles was first married to Carme Pinos?

Great video *m did anyone see the guy at 0.55 completely fall and almost crack his skull on the pavement beneath the Eiffel Tower no less. Crazy French people

Jul 21, 09 2:22 pm  · 


manta, I sent you an email yesterday. Are you still receiving email? I have an address now, so please get back to me when you get a chance. Thanks.


Jul 21, 09 3:15 pm  · 

vado, can you watch movie comfortably from a hammock? would it be indoors?

thanks *m

manta, it is a great site,, but those comments, they get on my nerves, everything goes on archdaily, eveeerything,,, i really try not to read,, i also find it hard to find a project months after its been posted, but i blame my memory for that

Jul 21, 09 3:27 pm  · 

hey Rationalist and TC -

who are the whales of the exhibit design world other then Ralph Appelbaum and Rockwell?

Jul 21, 09 3:29 pm  · 

Lyn Rice isn't a whale, but he.worked with Applebaum and Diller Scofidio in the past and seems to have a fair amount of experience with museums, installations and exhibit design. Maybe larslarson can weigh in...

Jul 21, 09 3:42 pm  · 

whateva happened to Katze?

Jul 21, 09 3:48 pm  · 
vado retro

i can do anything from my hammock! i chatted with katze about a month ago. she is busy with her wine website enobytes!!!

Jul 21, 09 4:02 pm  · 

speaking of dance, these are the architecture students from black sea technical university in turkey doing region's traditional folk dance called 'kolbasti' after the final presentations. the dance is based on mimicking the animals. it is a very fun dance usually done with group of people like break dancers taking turns.

Jul 21, 09 4:38 pm  · 

Katze was/is a girl - damn Internet you never know who is whom.

Jul 21, 09 5:43 pm  · 

here comes the storm!

Jul 21, 09 5:53 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Whoa, TK. I love watching big storms, as long as there's no property damage or injury involved. I'll admit to getting a bit of a rush when I see a big blob of red coming toward my location on the weather radar. There's probably some alternate universe where I decided to become a storm chaser instead of going into architecture.

Jul 21, 09 6:12 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

oh TK, thats just a shower.

Jul 21, 09 6:18 pm  · 

my stepdad made it out of surgery! big win. the cardio doc managed to retrofit his ticker and keep his blood thin enough during the procedure to not clog the bypass machine (side story - the hemotology dept didn't back the procedure, and opted not to participate, so the cardio doc appealed to a pharmacist in the hospital to be on hand to administer the needed meds and oversee the whole anti-coagulation portion of the operation...a major aspect of the procedure, and perhaps one of the riskiest things involved...if his blood clotted during the procedure he would've died on the spot).
as it stands, he should regain a significant amount of his heart's function. he will still be doing dialysis 3x a week for the foreseeable future, but if his heart improves enough, he will get on a kidney transplant list. today's surgery was the biggest hurdle toward his recovery. thanks to everyone for your words and thoughts. they definitely mean a lot. orhan - i'd like to know more about that muslim prayer...

tonight's celebratory dinner:

sauceless veggie pizzas on fresh baked crust

Jul 21, 09 11:09 pm  · 

^a heart healthy meal!

Jul 21, 09 11:10 pm  · 
vado retro

congrats AP! man that looks tasty.

Jul 21, 09 11:13 pm  · 

AP congrats to the family and what are the chances of you sending a slice of that wicked looking pizza in my direction. It will go nicely with the world famous tuna fruit salad.

TK i agree with Sarah that does like a little puddle. We have a low category storm forming somewhere off the East coast of PR that could potentially turn BIG by the time it gets here. And big I mean hurricane... we could use the rain, but that's just ridiculous

Jul 22, 09 12:01 am  · 

hey, TC.

quick question re: inexpensive ($10 or less) wines...

any quality recs?

i'm not talking franzia or two buck chuck, but decent finds you've made @ trader joe's, whole foods, local store etc...

Jul 22, 09 12:55 am  · 

Dapper - Congrats!

AP - I'm glad to hear your stepdad is doing well. You and your family will be in my thoughts.

Orhan - I started to read the comments from your feature but had to stop due to their ignorance. I feel like I owe you an apology for their ignorance and intolerance. On the same note, fuck 'em.

Jul 22, 09 12:57 am  · 
vado retro

holz check out katze's enobytes website that i linked above. they have many wines listed in all price ranges that they have ranked. some of my inexpensive faves are bogle old vine zin, terrazas malbec, clines are good santa ritas are good. much good wine in that range.

Jul 22, 09 5:12 am  · 

What Sarah and Archi said.

Ap, awesome news. Glad to hear.

Hi N_....

And I second vado's terrazas malbec, reco.

Jul 22, 09 8:12 am  · 

i like that the weather map is constantly updating, every page on TC - or another thread dedicated to the weather in your location would be fab - should have an animated gif. now, how do i add that?

Jul 22, 09 8:44 am  · 

I was wondering the same thing beta. That's absolutely awesome. I wanna know how to add it too.

AP - So happy to hear your stepdad made it out of the surgery okay. Keeping my fingers crosed he'll be strong enough soon to get put on the kidney transplant list. Oh and that pizza looks quite tasty. How was it without any sauce?

Happy Wednesday All.

Jul 22, 09 9:06 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Holz, I really like Ecco Domani, and its only 11 bucks.

And guess what.... This morning, as I am cooking Abram an egg, he pushes a chair over to come see. He wants to stir, but he's on the left, and I am right handed. So he gets down, and moves the chair to the other side. I hold his hand and we stir. The eggs are cooked, and I turn off the stove, and move the pan. He reaches, I jerk, and grab his hand just as he touches the burner.

Luckily, it was a split second, I cook eggs on med. low, and its a very minor burn on the tip of one, maybe two fingers. Didnt even blister - just shaded over a bit. Maybe that will teach him.

Jul 22, 09 9:45 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, and AP, glad to hear about your dad. And a sauceless vegei pizza sounds an awful lot like foccacia.

Jul 22, 09 9:47 am  · 

AP - NICE. Dialysis is a pain, but I hope he recovers soon.

Is anyone else curious as to why during the eclipse, all the pictures show the moon being just the perfect size to cover up the sun? I mean, with all the crazy variance in distances and size in our solar system, what are the odds? It almost seems... intentional.

Jul 22, 09 9:57 am  · 
liberty bell

It's pure coincidence, slart, a happy accident - but the moon is moving away from the earth at about 2.5 inches per year, so that coincidence won't last long, or rather, forever.

Jul 22, 09 10:00 am  · 

vado, i was totally tempted to buy hammock from hammock cafe, cuz they wuz wicked cool. about $150 bucks passed on opportunity this time around. so i have to live my life as other mortals do, sadly...

today biznez partner came to my flat to work for the day. my daughter gave quick presentation of her design for chair. was kind of amazing to see her doing that at age of eight. i think we will spend tomorrow buying materials and figure out how to build the thing best way possible over a few weekends. fun to have kids who don't hate design ;-)

we did get work done too for office-related type stuff, so was good day all in all. only odd note was that my daughter wanted to listen to mamma mia soundtrack (ABBA) for half the day. We saw the movie not so long ago and she is enamored by the tunes ;-) I explained to her that it was impolite to listen to ABBA in front of others without asking permission so she asked my partner very seriously if was ok....quite cute.

Jul 22, 09 10:13 am  · 

didn't even get wet - the 'storm' fizzled, now I need to water my garden.

gifs link just like other images. didn't know that I'd get an animated version when i posted. but we gotta be careful - folks were exiled fron the 'nect for linking lots of animated gifs in archinect 1.0 as they suck up bandwidth....

Jul 22, 09 10:21 am  · 

holz the only recommendation I can guarantee costs under $10 is the barefoot Shiraz. The others I could suggest I have no idea of the cost - sorry.

Ahhh the archinect children are amazing. We have a young furniture designer in the make @jump studios and a very very young chef in Texas. Did he cry? Abram just seems ridiculously smart for his age isn't he like 18 months or something? Damn - get some Buddhist to check him out he might by the next dalai lama

Jul 22, 09 10:48 am  · 

techno - i'll figure out how to send the pizza if you send some of that tuna fruit salad (is that tuna as in the beautiful red/pink sashimi variety, mixed with fruit salad? if so, sounds amazing)...better yet, maybe i'll just come to your tropical paradise and we can invent a local version of the pie...

SH - focaccia looks more likethis...
...the original version of pizza (as first created by greeks and phoenicians) is basically the same as today's focaccia. so in that sense, ya, bread with some veggies on top...

this 'sauceless' pizza thing is commonplace in italy (mostly the south, as far as i know). i learned about this version while studying in rome in 2001...needed to eat on the cheap and pizza was usually the best bet. the italian/roman version was baked in large rectangular pans and the crust was a bit thicker, but otherwise very similar to what we made last night.

*m - it's great without sauce. the oil goes a long way toward 'lubricating' the bread, and there are also a generous amount of fresh tomatoes on you really don't miss the sauce. well, not true for 16yr old cousin likes to make these, but she uses tomato sauce on hers...

jump - i'd love to see some images of your daughter's chair design...

holz - louis jadot beaujolais-villages. very good...

happy hump day all! buying a laptop for school today or tomorrow. probably going with a custom configured toshiba...

Jul 22, 09 12:10 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, you're so close! He's 17 months. I dont know if he's smart for his age, being that I have none to really compair him to, but I do know he's smart.

Jul 22, 09 2:32 pm  · 

hey AP i best wishes for the step-father's speedy recovery.

Jul 22, 09 2:44 pm  · 

holz, it just so happens that I tried both the red and the rose "La Ferme Julien" that are currently on sale at the front of Trader Joe's for $5.99 -- and both were actually decent! The red is a "Cotes Ventoux" and I can't remember what the rose was, but I promise you, it was pretty good.

This was actually the first sub-10 wine I had in a few months, after a run of total crap choices. We've now bought a few more bottles of it. I know it's on sale at west coast TJ's too. They have a white as well.

Jul 22, 09 2:55 pm  · 
Jul 22, 09 3:16 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I totally blow at cake decorating. And by that, I mean suck. By which I mean that its best to just eat my cake blind-folded. At least it tastes like heaven.

Jul 22, 09 4:03 pm  · 

I second AP. I loved her table.... Can we get a look at the chair once further along?

Jul 22, 09 4:09 pm  · 
vado retro

i am currently not drinking not eating sweets or cheese as i have a gut that is gaining on me.

Jul 22, 09 4:27 pm  · 

There's this little thing called cardio exercise you could try vado. Always works for me when the gut starts to gain.

Jul 22, 09 4:30 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, heres the cake. I am not reposting the photo that came with the recipe - no need to make my cake look worse, but its a few pages back.

And while I'm at it, since everything was already out, and it was in the same room, heres the throne Husband made for Abram. It had to be made because our table has long skirts and sags; not unlike and old woman come to think of it. Like I said, its VERY Texas Land and Cattle Co.

Jul 22, 09 4:35 pm  · 


Have you joined the new social networking sites for LArch?

Land8Lounge the guy from Treeline is involved apparently.

Also, SH.
Badass. Wish i had that now.

Jul 22, 09 5:01 pm  · 

SH the cake looks fine - that passes for professional now a days but with a home-made twist. Is that garnished with mint? And lemons/limes? Nice I think it needs a mojito to go with it. And I'm really digging that boaster chair star and all. So is it bolt in the existing chair? It seems like the manly thing to do

Jul 22, 09 5:13 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, the cake looks delish. My mom once f*ed up the frosting part on a chocolate cake, it was delicious but looked funny. So she put a little sign on it that said "Don't laugh, it's not funny" and went to work, whereupon the rest of us came home and devoured the cake. Since then whenever someone in the family screws something up we say "Don't laugh, it's not funny".

Just checking in from the beach to report two things: one, a couple just got married on the beach, and the entire 17 story condo was out on our decks cheering - nothing makes me happier than a bride (except babies being born), and two, my dad makes fierce margaritas.

Jul 22, 09 6:27 pm  · 
vado retro

melty i am doing that too. but i hate to run. nothing like getting a letter from the licensing board with 1. your name misspelled and 2. them telling you are able to sit for the exam even though you have already taken and passed some of the tests and they are the ones that notified you.

Jul 22, 09 6:35 pm  · 

hahahaha vado. that is seriously hilarious. kinda restores my mistrust in bureaucracy...

good luck with the running. my wife and i are almost decided we should start running too, but we are a bit lazy, and anyway lacking a car it isn't like we walk a few miles everyday just to get to work and back. aging and weight gain are just annoying facts of life, maybe...?

will post pics of chair when its done. it is genetic to do so i believe. she is also designing a series of dresses and apparently is going to make one over her summer holiday with grandparents. i am quite interested to see how that comes out.

cake looks good to me Sarah! chair is cool too.

Jul 22, 09 7:36 pm  · 

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