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you think he was ironic? I dont know, a couple of years after i read that book i read Kazuo Ishiguro's An Artist of the Floating World, about a "traditional" (for lack of better word) artist in a modernizing post war japan. It seemed like the character in the book could be the author of In Praise of Shadows. does that make sense??

Jun 6, 09 9:55 am  · 
I had a very exciting day today. I will probably blog about it tomorrow, but I helped abra* with crits at Cal Poly Pomona, and I got to meet dreadlocks_dread* and MARLIN. I repeat, I GOT TO MEET MARLIN. I knew it was him when he started talking to me and said "Hi, WonderK*, I'm MARLIN". It was amazing! That voice, I'd know it anywhere :o)

There needs to be a Thread Central convention somewhere, imo!

Jun 6, 09 10:42 am  · 
vado retro

for WonderK...

Jun 6, 09 11:05 am  · 
liberty bell

WonderK, I'm unbelievably jealous.

Speed-cleaned my house this morning. now I just want to relax and enjoy it but! I've got a 6yo birthday party to plan...

Jun 6, 09 11:25 am  · 
vado retro

This tyke is turning six. He's growing up on Thread Central! You posted this on Page 1!

Jun 6, 09 11:34 am  · 
brian buchalski

sorry, let's try a working version of the link to squat toilet. though it seems to be written by a doctor or some kind of health professional, the author points out that it is fundamentally a design problem with the sit-style toilet and notes that it was probably because the thing was initially designed by 19th century plumbers and cabinet makers who weren't very hip to the subtleties of ergonomics. changes my whole perpective on shit(ing)

Jun 6, 09 11:48 am  · 

Wow! I just posted my United Nude shoes for sale in ArchMart, and in the process, I discovered that the company was founded by (and the shoes are designed by) Rem D. Koolhaas, who is the nephew of the big guy. All along I thought it was the big guy. Amazing.

Rem D. Koolhaas looks rather mousey like his uncle though, doesn't he?

In other news, I just had some spreadable cheese with White Zinfandel in it. If I get a headache later, well, I guess I know to stay away from White Zin....

Jun 6, 09 3:34 pm  · 

Wonder K, why are you selling the shoes? And uhmm did you buy them because Rem said to?? This line seems to capture that snide remark so well Nephew of architecture mastermind Rem Koolhaas.

Hi all. I just took out a student for lunch and beer - she's supposed to be doing some 3d work for me. I've decided to "build" some of the projects I worked on that never got past the paper they were designed on. Should be fun. I'm starting with the ill fate Villa Horizon which got canned by the client most recently (client = me); should be fun.

Jun 6, 09 4:23 pm  · 
vado retro

i f'd up my back while reading The Adventures of Augie March. How the hell do you hurt your back reading??? WTF? Now I'm drinkin' a Leinie Summer Shandy. The beer's coaster is an informational and threatening postcard from NCARB about the 8 candidates who were disciplined for posting exam content online. I wonder if legally they had to spend all the money it must have taken to make these 5x8 postcards since they sent me an email about it several months ago. They could have saved the postcard in my case as I forgot what was on the exams right after I left the testing center.

Jun 6, 09 4:32 pm  · 

WonderK, those shoes totally came out of this video!

(did I post this already? If so, sorry! I love it!)

Jun 6, 09 4:40 pm  · 

I'm selling the shoes because they are a tad too big for me, and unfortunately, this condition meant they rubbed blisters on my feet while I walked around in them last night. They've never done that before, but I have no need for shoes that I can't wear. Sad, but I think I can get some $$$ for them, so I might as well.

...And I bought them because they were less when they first came out, and they are AWESOME. :o)

Jun 6, 09 6:33 pm  · 

manta, that video IS adorable!

Jun 6, 09 6:35 pm  · 
Eamz shoes for sale
Jun 6, 09 6:37 pm  · 

fays, i think he was being ironic mostly because of the bit at the end of the english translation of the book where he writes that architects were always coming to see him and talk, and then when he was talking about building a home the arcitect said something like "say no more, i read your book, i know exactly what you want.". and tanizaki answered back something like, "no don't do that. i don't what that. that was just a book." unlike many architects tanizaki knew the difference between fact and fiction, theory and reality ;-)

i can understand that you felt the two books were similar. tanizaki was trying to write about the things that changed as a result of westernisation. he was pretty cool about it though, suggesting alternative futures where the fountain pen was made by japanese instead of europeans. he thought a japanese sensibility would have led to the fountain-brush instead, and wouldn't that have been cool?

Jun 6, 09 8:22 pm  · 
liberty bell

"Ooooh, swish!"

That video is darling. I'm pretty sure the male model was beta, right?

Neighborhood block party tonight. I made and brought along for myself a (very strong) mint julep in a Speed Racer Thermos belonging to my kid. I know it's supposed to be pewter instead, but honestly the taste of the julep out of stainless was definitely better than out of glass.

Jun 6, 09 10:45 pm  · 

i spent almost all day in midtown throwing up.

i barely made it to my interview.

i dont think it went well.

but the air fare was free.

i spent 17 dollars being drunk from sunrise to sunset in Manhattan... a city almost exactly 1,000 miles from where I live.

Jun 7, 09 4:02 am  · 

i think i am going to give up thinking. i want a manly job.

Jun 7, 09 4:43 am  · 

tc disappeared from my browser for a while!!! i thought it imploded, i got freaked out :S

Jun 7, 09 10:37 am  · 

roger federer is going to destroy sampras' record (now tied) and further proof of the awesomeness that is basel...

Jun 7, 09 1:06 pm  · 

Do I know who Morse Code is???? I think I do. Although I don't want to out him/her just in case.

Jun 7, 09 1:07 pm  · 

hi tc!

back from the atl and my debut on the conference circuit. got several positive reviews of my presentation from random folks and a few big-name green arts folks. I stumbled a few times because of my last-minute hand-written edits and the older version of the slides that somebody else launched after I made sure that the latest one was up.

Good to be back, even if I missed three tc pages.

Jun 7, 09 4:05 pm  · 

glad to have you back treekiller. We'll wait while you catch up on your reading

Jun 7, 09 4:36 pm  · 

Very cute video manta. I like the light bulb in the hair and I like how the man is said to be carrying a telephone, a radio, compartments for keys and coins. In a way all of that true.

LB - I chuckled at the mint julep in the thermos. What made you decide on the thermos and not just a regular glass?

I successfully finished my motorcycle (scooter) safety class today. It was a very good class to take and I am very happy that I took it. I was amazed at how much I learned. Best thing though, is I can now go get my (novice) endorsement. I can't believe though how tiring it was. Probably more to do with the heat than anything. ANyway, I think it's going to be another early night for me. Last night I think I was asleep by 10:30.

Jun 7, 09 9:03 pm  · 

manta, the "Morse Code guy" previously referred to himself as "randar82".

Welcome back tk! Glad it went well.

I went on a 47-mile bike ride this morning, which would have been entirely enjoyable had it not been for 10 miles riding directly into a strong ocean headwind. Otherwise it was great. Now, however, I am in pain.

Jun 7, 09 9:05 pm  · 

Good job melt!

Jun 7, 09 9:14 pm  · 

ha ha! tumble, I've gotten pretty close to that goal myself. Nothing suits my working mind more than the voice of Ira Glass. (or David Rakoff, or Sarah Vowell, or...)

Jun 7, 09 10:36 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Congrats, ****melt.

I'm so not ready for the weekend to be over... This weekend was unusually active for me, but I feel like I hardly caught up on any rest.

I talked to my parents earlier this evening, and they're having to postpone their trip to Cincy by a week or two due to a last-minute schedule conflict at my dad's place of employment. This means I won't be able to meet up with them while I'm in town, which is sort of a bummer. This means I'll have more time to do stuff on my own (I may go ahead and take the trip up to Kings Island), but I had been looking forward to seeing them.

Through the miracle of technology known as Facebook, I've been able to get back in touch with some old friends who I went to grade school with in Fort Thomas. I haven't seen any of them since 4th grade, but they ended up going to high school with a few of my cousins. Of course, most of them are married with kids now. I may try to plan some sort of informal get-together while I'm in town if there's enough interest.

Back here in NYC, my project is winding down, and I haven't been informed about what I'll be working on next. Times like this always make me a bit nervous about my job security.

Think I'll be turning in earlier than normal tonight... I'm exhausted.

Jun 7, 09 10:52 pm  · 
liberty bell

Great job, DubK!

And congrats tk, glad you're home safe and the presentation went well.

Jun 7, 09 11:54 pm  · 

Thanks. I went with one of my (former) coworkers and his friends, me and a bunch of dudes. When I finally did reach the sea, after about 37 miles, I was really hurting. I was dizzy actually, and my heart rate was too high. But one of the friends got me a banana and a drink, and I felt better. We biked inland about 6 miles, with the wind finally at our backs, to go to brunch (this was the only reason I agreed to do it in the first place), and then hopped on the Blue Line and came back to Downtown. The dudes continued back to the starting point, at Griffith Park, and I said goodbye and went home to collapse. 2700 calories!!! Didn't even come close to breaking even, although I did allow myself a Coke to help my aching head.

Anyway, I'm exhausted. I need to go to bed, I guess. Big day of errands tomorrow!

Jun 8, 09 1:09 am  · 

i liked in praise of shadows enough that i tried reading some of his fiction, but it was kind of boring

Jun 8, 09 2:59 am  · 

How do you know how many calories that is, WK?

I need to get a bike. I could probably, MAYBE bike to work if I did. Maybe.

Jun 8, 09 3:38 am  · 

Morning all this weekend left me feeling pooped and I ddin't even do as much as in some recent weekends past. I really feel like i need a day or two off once this current big push at work is over..

Maybe a long weekened or middle of the week camping trip.

"I took a break from drawing today to sit in my garden, sunbathe, read and have a beer. It was a small part of my day, but really made the day worth doing."

That is the sort of stuff that makes me happy, to be alive, to be human and for the simple things.,,,,

Jun 8, 09 8:06 am  · 

Wow DubK that's awesome. Congrats on the trek...not sure if I would have been able to do that.

tumbles - sounds like a perfect afternoon.

I'm still worn out from the weekend. Unfortunately it's only Monday :o/

Jun 8, 09 8:25 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, you guys have been busy!

We had a great weekend too. Saturday, we took Abram to Bass Pro Shop to look at boats. Were just researching, not buying anything. They have a HUGE tank with freshwater fish in it, and Abram loved it. I swear there were fish in that thing twice his size.

We went for German food with friends, and it was good, but the saurkraut was sweet, and I like mine on the tangy side. But it was all good anyway. Sunday we didnt do much of anything.

Oh, Marie Antionette kinda sucked. I mean, it was artistic and all, but from a story standpoint, kinda blew. Marley and me was ok, it got slow at the end. And the Gaurdian was good, but long.

Jun 8, 09 9:30 am  · 

aw, shucks, we LOVED marie antoinette.

Jun 8, 09 10:12 am  · 

****melt - Congrats on finishing the Motorcycle Safety course. I'm not sure if this applies to scooters (or if the course is the same as the one given in PA), but one of the most useful thing I took away from that course was the quick stop - being able to come to a stop without locking the brakes. My brother's brother-in-law recently got into a motorcycle accident and that was the culprit - he came to a quick stop trying to avoid a collision and he high-sided (front wheel locks and the bike flips). He was signed up for taking the MSF in mid-June so didn't take it yet. I'm sure you'll do fine, stay safe!

I know this is so "last page" but I read this and can't help but respond: "and to throw gas on the fire, fascination w/ trains is another autism/aspergers connection"

While I was travelling I would wait 3 days just so I can take the train instead of the bus or any other mode of trasportation. It wasn't so much a fascination with them or anything like that, I liked the fact that with trains, I knew the exact path it would take, and I knew the exact times it will leave/arrive, etc.

Oh, I was at my brother's wedding this weekend where I was the best man. While giving my toast, I cried. It was so embarrassing. The maid of honor made jokes the entire night "Hey, you know what my favorite part of this wedding is? Where the best man cries."

Jun 8, 09 10:21 am  · 
brian buchalski

yeah, i felt marie antoinette was delightfully refreshing. great color, nice pacing, sharp stylings...and oddly enough, that was apparently the first time the story was told from her perspective. perhaps someday, somebody will tell my story from my perspective too.

Jun 8, 09 10:31 am  · 

congrats - tk, tuna, dubk

tumbles - I'm pretty close to having heard all TAL episodes - i even went to a live show back when they were promoting their showtime series.

hey nam - does your office do the wind load calcs for components and cladding as part of your drawing set? I'm doing my first hurricane zone project and was wondering how others put this stuff on their drawings.

Jun 8, 09 11:34 am  · 

did anybody else comment on the awesome new NEWS layout? Thanks Paul et al!

Jun 8, 09 11:42 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yeah, I liked everything that puddles said about the movie, but I think I was looking to be more entertained. There wasnt much dialogue, and I think I was hoping for a bit more fun. Maybe some intrique. Maybe some beheading? I dont know. I just walked away with a "well that was pretty, and certainly different." I do think they picked the perfect person to play her, though.

Jun 8, 09 11:44 am  · 

well in a desperate attempt to get money, i am selling one of my most prized childhood possessions-- a fossil fish (actualy fish is only 4.5-5" inches long) but it's on a 6" by 9" piece of rock.

i also realized it's one of like 4 things of value that I own these days.

next thing going on craigslist... a gap 1969 brown leather jean jacket.

no one wants a router, a 3-in-1 printer and a digital camera for 155 bucks for all three!

Jun 8, 09 11:49 am  · 

well in a desperate attempt to get money, i am selling one of my most prized childhood possessions-- a fossil fish (actualy fish is only 4.5-5" inches long) but it's on a 6" by 9" piece of rock.

i also realized it's one of like 4 things of value that I own these days.

next thing going on craigslist... a gap 1969 brown leather jean jacket.

no one wants a router, a 3-in-1 printer and a digital camera for 155 bucks for all three!

Jun 8, 09 11:49 am  · 

@Slarti don't worry lately I've found that anything overly romantic makes me cry and I'm a big burly man of a guy (with metro tendencies). But the bride and groom must of been touched by your belief in their love. Unless of course you were crying for other reasons.

@everyone - later today I am being interviewed for a full-time teaching position at the only Architecture School in the Anglo-phonic Caribbean. I have added another page to my CV (versus the one page resume') to include teaching experience as well as my contributions to the architectural debate. Somethings I've decided to exclude like photographs that have been published for fear of seeming like the parent who has framed all of her 2 year old's scribbles (which I think is way cool nonetheless). I am a little nervous but trying to remain optimist.

Jun 8, 09 11:50 am  · 

Aww Slart - I find that very touching. That kind of emotion just tells me that you truly care about your brother and his new wife and aren't scared to show your feelings, as most men are. I actually like to see a little vulnerabilty from time to time, as it prove that one is human.

As for your brother's brother-in-law... I really hope is alright. High siding scares the hell out of me. I hope the bike didn't run over him. I actually don't have any problems in the quick stop department, but reall, REALLY need to work on my follow through when taking curves/turns. The instructor told me that I was fine when only going 20 mph, but at higher speeds I am in danger of the bike losing traction.

SH - very cute to hear Abram loved the fishies. I also agree with puddles about Marie Antoinette. I absolutely loved the movie and was happy to see it showing everything from HER point of view as nothing is ever shown from her point of view. Court life, in some respects must have been incredibly boring.


Jun 8, 09 12:44 pm  · 


Archi or other necters from the (Carribean et al) might be a better source of info as I actually do not work in an architetcural office. My graduate degree is in the social sciences and I am currently working in healthcare IT. I got hooked up with Archinect via old friends (quilian Riano and AP) who I met while we were all going to U of F.

Yeah i started noticing it a week ago. the layout is much nicer.
I wonder if it is a sneakpeek of 3.0/.net??

Hillandrock, you got6 a picture of the jacket? I might want it....

Jun 8, 09 12:47 pm  · 

how do you have a jacket like that? im just curious

atechno > i visited a professor's house once and found out that his wife was in the habit of framing his sketches, that was cute. Good luck

Jun 8, 09 1:00 pm  · 

manta> I've got a heart rate monitor that also calculates time spent on an activity, and does laps and pacing if I want it to. It's awesome. I had it on the whole day which is how it calculated calories burned.

Everyone else, good job and good luck. Be safe, and all that. I'm sorry I don't have any energy to be more specific, I feel like I've been hit by a truck.

PS. lb, the shoes didn't fit my friend, you want me to send them to you? For a try on? These shoes might make the rounds around the country, LOL.

Jun 8, 09 1:11 pm  · 

nam - ah - that explains a lot...

atechno - do you have any experience with this? I had a project in Honduras last year, and they were pretty loose about their hurricane requirements... Florida is a different story. I asked a similar question in the general forum a while back and no one responded.

Jun 8, 09 1:22 pm  · 

Yeah I am very interested in architecture and landscape-scale issues of urbanism. But all of my "education" is self led. Articles, books websites etc

Jun 8, 09 1:41 pm  · 

Hey Sarah....can you email me? I have a proposition for you. Nothing improper, I promise. :o)

Actually this proposition applies to all the unemployed TCers....I'm having an idea. Email me to find out what it is. :-D

Coffee + ibuprofen = feeling a little better. Getting lots done. Time for lunch....

Jun 8, 09 3:12 pm  · 

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