

Shanghai, CN


Tishman Speyer - The Springs Residence

Watershed has been engaged as lead landscape consultant to ensure the delivery through to construction for Tishman Speyer’s LEED mixed-use site in New Jiangwan Town, Shanghai. Watershed has continued the design work through design reviews and on-site supervision to ensure a high quality completed development delivered within the project’s constraints.

The landscape is designed as a hyper naturalistic environment. The signature design feature is a winding stream ecosystem that is built over structure between residential towers and ends in a grand cascade. The design has positioned 'The Springs' to be at the top of the Shanghai market by establishing a new lifestyle for residential landscapes in China.

​Client: Tishman Speyer Properties 
Location: Shanghai, China 
Type: Mixed-use
Size: 63,500 sqm
Year: 2012 - ongoing

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Status: Built
Location: Shanghai, CN
Firm Role: Landscape designer and consultant