One Architecture & Urbanism

One Architecture & Urbanism

Amsterdam, NL and New York


Fourth Regional Plan - The Triboro Corridor

The Triboro Corridor Book

As part of the Four Corridors Design Initiative for RPA’s Fourth Regional Plan, ONE + Only if’s scope is to develop a comprehensive design for the Triboro corridor on the base of the research and growth projections done by the RPA (2040). The team’s goal is to develop a new, broad vision that transcends existing jurisdictions and political boundaries. This aim of the design proposal is to communicate the opportunities and importance of the region to the local community and stakeholders in order to make a pathway towards positive transformation. Currently the team is formulating design strategies and a broader narrative for growth along the corridor. ONE+Only If are interested in better understanding local economic development initiatives, current industry growth, and organizations working in this arena. ONE+Only If hope to provide new models for local entrepreneurship and collaborative approaches for local value capture as a means to activate smarter and more responsible growth. At a finer level, the team is interested in what the community needs from a jobs perspective as well as where the community is heading from a broader economic context.

In collaboration with: Only IfRegional Plan Association

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: New York, NY, US
Additional Credits: One Architecture & Only If

Matthijs Bouw, One Architecture
Karolina Czeczek, Only If
Adam Frampton, Only If

Design Team:
Travis Bunt
Dalia Munenzon
Lindsay Woodson
Pierre de Brun
Kutay Biberoglu
Angelina Adriani Putri
James Schrader
Arianna Armelli
Rebecca Book
Jieru Hedy He
Jesse McCormick
Mat Staudt
Despo Thoma
Tim Tsang