Amsterdam, NL and New York
The Blue lifelines for a Secure Sahel (BLiSS) initiative will build the resilience of poor and vulnerable rural communities of the Sahel in the face of growing water shocks and food insecurity, by improving the status of wetland systems – the Blue Lifelines. By adding value to existing climate change adaptation, land degradation and wider development initiatives across the region, at least 6 major wetland systems will be revived, benefitting around 10 million people.
ONE supported Wetlands International in identifying potential investments in the Inner Niger Delta and Nile Basin wetland systems. The team worked with local stakeholders to identify key ecosystem services and develop a range of nature-based and policy solutions to reduce ecological and economic stressors. The analysis considered ecosystem health based on seasonal wetland changes and changes due to climate change, geopolitical conflict, and infrastructure and economic development.
The project has been featured during the Climate Adaptation Summit (CAS) 2021. The presentation video is available here.
Status: Unbuilt
Location: Niger Delta and Nile Basin, The Sahel Region