thanks holz...nice that rough brick constrasting with the clean detailing of the glass and the whimsical fenestration...a house in belgium...
It actually looks like they built the brick wall then just drilled holes in it, yes? Which approach I would both love and hate...though love would win out.
hello! i have been away from archinect for about a week, competition was due.
anyway, yes i know it holz. its by
Atelier d'architecture Pierre Hebbelinck, of Liege.
the project is in frankfort near bruxelles.
Name that Architect and Building!!!
I was gonna say, that first house is similar but it isn't MADA s.p.a.m.
mleitner, it isn't in taiwan is it?
Country: T _ _ _ _ Y
Holz was right about "arid."
turkey?! orhan would possibly know...
Another project by the same architect:
(This will probably scale wrong.)
County: TURKEY
Architect's name: HAN T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N
Han Tümertekin
Perfect... back to Holz's post. you have a close up photo of how the round openings interact with the brick?! good stuff!
simples, i found one a while ago, i'll see if i can grab it again.
ok, here is the slightly larger image i found...
architect was a laureate for the Awards de l’architecture Belge in '03...
thanks holz...nice that rough brick constrasting with the clean detailing of the glass and the whimsical fenestration...a house in belgium...
It actually looks like they built the brick wall then just drilled holes in it, yes? Which approach I would both love and hate...though love would win out.
i'm pretty sure it's a rehab
i figured p2an would be all over this...
that steel house is in comblain au pont...
hello! i have been away from archinect for about a week, competition was due.
anyway, yes i know it holz. its by
Atelier d'architecture Pierre Hebbelinck, of Liege.
the project is in frankfort near bruxelles.
i'll post a new one later today.
excuses excuses! i put in close to 80 myself.
holz, that's including 10 "community service" hours on this thread and the small projects thread, right? ;-)
nah ATP, that's not billable ;)
pretty nice little project if you ask me.
holy smokes.
one question, is that sliding door too tall? it looks like they clipped the siding 1/2"
I like that. North Italian?
i would like to watch this last building age...could age beautifully, but i am a little apprehensive...beautiful, today;
Northern France?
holz, it looks like the door casing sits on top of the siding, so no need to clip.
ah, sweet. as it should be
hint, in the third foto take a close look at the houses in the background.
looks a bit like ireland or scotland... all i can tell is that someone needs AC...
somewhere in vienna or stuttgart?
is this thread falling asleep again?
So its Irish...
is the arch. from Eire? i just looked @ every irish architect i could think of to no avail...
dublin firm,
this project of theirs in italy is just finished
i'm so glad i added that irish girl to the thread - such a lovely smile!
Grafton Architects
Long house, Percy Lane, Dublin
Beautiful work again - thanks p2an
is it McCullough- Mulvin?
too slow sorry
i think this have been on here before, but i've forgotten who did it.
Brendeland & Kristoffersen arkitekter
housing, trondheim
that grafton one was tough...
next up:
is that canary wharf in the background of the first picture? or just some other generic pointy-topped tower?
no, i do believe it is canary wharf...
and a blurry yellow erector set between the wharf and the building(s)....
Niall McLaughlin Architects
Low-Cost Housing
Silvertown, London
wow, this one really doesn't look like your typical low-cost british housing projects!
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