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i wasn't too sure how to play but i tried :D

May 11, 07 1:09 am  · 

scored 140 the first time, then more time before bed

May 11, 07 1:12 am  · 

i carefully liquidated my sick time in the weeks before giving my notice...they don't pay for leftover sick time (only leftover vacation) i had to do what i had to do...

dubK - i agree with lb, let 'em know for sure, but in your case, the letter may not be needed... related

May 11, 07 1:27 am  · 


May 11, 07 7:23 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

May 11, 07 10:26 am  · 

AP, I forgot about that thread. Thanks.

I scored 180. I don't know what the point of it is though. Is it like a fun way to help Google?

May 11, 07 10:54 am  · 

OK, well it didn't go down today but my little "meeting" did set the tone for what I think is going to be a mildly stressful announcement.

My best friend at the firm here happens to be the closest thing we have to an HR you think it's time I took her out to lunch and asked for her advice? She's the first person I would tell here, if I had told anyone, which I haven't.

Ugh, I hate this part! I wish I could just walk out one Friday afternoon and not come back.

May 11, 07 11:49 am  · 

hey, i got my first turkish article published today. i am a bi-lengual writer now. ahem...

May 11, 07 11:58 am  · 

and, believe me it is not a simple thing as translation. a whole different sentence, punctiation, speed etc., etc.,.

May 11, 07 12:00 pm  · 

I managed a 1370 once on it. It's all about whether or not your partner's on the same page as you. good partner = high score. bad partner = crappy score.

WK, we're definitely going to need a better description than that. How did the meeting 'set the tone' for a 'very stressful announcement'? Did they get all "we appreciate everything you do and really want to see you advance in the firm" on you or what?

May 11, 07 12:07 pm  · 

Well, I had some down time recently and I knew there wasn't anything to do so I just kind of twidled my thumbs (and, ahem, spent some time on here with all my peeps). They were all, "you know better than that, you really can't have that little billable time" blah blah blah. I did do some work for someone else but this place is so travel heavy that I am afraid they are going to send me out of the office again for something new if I speak up that I have down time. Short-term remedy: adjust timesheets.

I am definitely going to have to get "creative" with my sick time as AP mentioned on the other thread....

May 11, 07 1:18 pm  · 

although these are as dramatic/beautiful as the previous LA pix here are a few smoky photos from tampa/st. petersburg...

there are some wildfires all the way up along the florida-georgia border and the smoke is blowing all the way down here to tampa bay... there was some hope that the approaching subtropical storm (before hurricane season even starts!!!) would help put out the fires, but apparently they aren't expecting a whole lot of rain from it, so it might actually make things worse with the wind helping to spread the fires...

my wife left work early because it was too smoky in the courthouse... they actually had someone taken away in an ambulance because they passed out in an elevator from the smoke...

May 11, 07 1:30 pm  · 

wow that looks like those pictures of the LA smog from the 80s...very retro.

Abra the bilingual writer - congratulations. Fancy giving us some idea what its about? My online translator isn't being too friendly with it.

May 11, 07 2:32 pm  · 

sounds kool treekiller (wife's research, i mean). very important in north america i think/ not so much here in japan....not sure why.

played the google "game". don't think i will do that again. like World of Warfare much better...

very very kool abra !

May 11, 07 9:43 pm  · 

had an interesting interview today, expecting the second round sometime next week (was told to expect second round)... it's one of those small multi-disciplinary firms with a very narrow focus doing mostly public projects with a high level of technical competency. sustainability is important to them and many of their clients, but they seem best at guerrilla green and just slipping in the features without a long drawn out discussion. aesthetics are not their strong suite though, but there seems to be little stylistic dogma dictated by the principals/or client for any project (so I'm not scared by the traditional stuff shown on their website). they've made some of the best looking parking structures I've seen with high quality details and materials (looked at one of their projects tonight in uptown)

I would be a full time project architect, sometimes landscraper, and occasional planner with 3 weeks pto. (yeay! this would be a big step up for me). so waitin to see if any of the other irons I got in the fire get hot and what their offer is when it comes...

jump- japanese and other asians seem to eat more veggies, consume less high fructose corn syrup (not that they avoid processed foods - hello ramen!), and walk more then us lazy fat assed americans.

May 11, 07 11:00 pm  · 

the architect

the client

the project manager

the contractor


May 12, 07 3:24 am  · 

i am going out to get some stuff to make couscous for my french and jewish friends who are coming over tonight for dinner. it is not a turkish food but i know it well since my grandmother was born and raised in libya and tunus when magreb was pretty much an ottoman territory.
i just called to izmir and verified the three generation old family recipe with my uncle. 1 dish 4 continents, can't beat that... bon apetit.

May 12, 07 2:15 pm  · 
vado retro

the first time i ever had couscous was at the blue parrot restaurant in cambridge mass in 1979. my friend and i didnt know what the hell it was.

May 12, 07 3:24 pm  · 

i love couscous. orhan i have a feeling i would love to eat at your house... did i ever tell you my family is from mush? mush and malatya... where is your fam from? izmir?

May 12, 07 7:16 pm  · 

Is couscous supposed to be big, or grain-of-sand tiny? I love the big stuff, hate the tiny stuff.

Since not all of you read the bicycles thread, I wanted to share here: I bought a bike today. It's pretty, and orange, likes to go speedy-fast, and I love it. Not good enough on it to commute yet (and don't know if I'll ever be confident enough to go up the hill on Overland on it), but I plan on working my way up to it over the summer. In the meantime I plan on using it for local errands and the exploration of bike paths and boardwalks.

May 12, 07 7:50 pm  · 
some person

sounds great, rationalist.

Orange is the "it" color right now, it seems. I want to paint our new living room orange, greenish-blue, and oyster grey, but my husband will have none of it when I talk about orange...

May 12, 07 7:55 pm  · 
vado retro

i just had some hummus and carrots. hermes orange. i love it and i'm straight.

May 12, 07 7:57 pm  · 

I've loved orange for years and years, but I actually would have preferred something else for my bike. I'm afraid that metallic orange might just scream "NEW BIKE: STEAL ME!!!" and would have been more comfortable with a flat black or a cream color that would blend in with the rest of the bikes on the rack a bit better. I'd like to keep my bike for many years to come, and if that means having one that's a less attractive color, so be it. But the one that was the right size, style, model for me came in metallic orange, so that's what I've got now. Just have to be super-vigilant about the lockup of it, no matter how brief a stop it is.

May 12, 07 8:04 pm  · 

yes i am from izmir. malatya and mus are more to the east. malatya is famous for it's apples.
couscous with bigger granules of pasta is really more like an lebanese/israeli version. the tiny granules of pasta (couscous is from magreb (north africa). i like it all. the whole dinner is almost done , table is set and everything is under the chefs control (moi)...

May 12, 07 8:47 pm  · 
vado retro

i had a competition orange 76 trans am. and my highschool colors are orange and black.

orange cha glad i dint say banana.

May 12, 07 10:01 pm  · 
liberty bell

My partner's 40th birthday tonight. You know how some very cool people constantly say they don't like to have a fuss amde about them, when you know in reality they love the attention? That was my partner's face tonight when we sang happy birthday to him in a full restaurant.

I had quite a bit of delicious wine - Row 11, absolutely wonderful - and beet gnocchi starter, Brazilian seafood stew entree. snooker, if your wife is anything like this Brazilian seafood stew, you are one lucky man!

Hooray for good food and company - and babysitters!! Also, it seems the Dwell Infinity challenge has taken a turn for the better, which I am too lazy to link to now. Actually I'm not lazy, but after quite a bit of wine I'm already wondering if my previous link will work...damn lack of preview....

May 12, 07 11:24 pm  · 

lb, what are you doing posting to tc on such a special occasion. there are other things you'd better be doing...

May 12, 07 11:28 pm  · 

here here to lb's second turning 40

Happy mother's day to Liberty and all those mums on TC and archinect. Hope the kids and the daddy does all the work...and as my 7 yo niece would say, "you get a spa day!"

Officially 3 days to go, before I return to the world of work. I am a little anxious and curious how this transition will work out. The doctors haven't said anything about the booze, the driving or anything else really. Instead just a gentle reminder that I am still his patient (wtf?)

May 13, 07 12:30 am  · 
vado retro

happy mothers day archinect mothers!!!

May 13, 07 12:56 am  · 
liberty bell

vado, now I have "Up Against the Wall Redneck Mothers" in my head...not a bad song to start the day.

My mother's day gift is the boys are going to the zoo while I finish the cafe drawings that are due tomorrow. yay!

May 13, 07 9:21 am  · 
some person

I'm totally into this professional practice thread.

I'm determined not to go into the office this weekend. So what do I do? Spend Sunday morning posting about the office. I fear I may be addicted to architecture and my career...

May 13, 07 9:57 am  · 
vado retro

happy MoThErSdAY liberty!!!

May 13, 07 10:18 am  · 
vado retro

i'm finishin my coffee listening to steely dan and getting ready to deface some canvas here in a minute.

May 13, 07 10:31 am  · 

just tried taking a nap - too hot! Is it summer already?

Anyhow hope all the archinect mothers (or mothers of archinectors/archinecters) are getting pampered by their kids, or at least that they aren't running around driving you'll crazy

May 13, 07 5:34 pm  · 

vado - there is no excuse to listen to steely dan, even if you are a babyboomer! ugh...

May 13, 07 9:37 pm  · 
vado retro

no excuse is needed as they are fucking great.

May 13, 07 9:49 pm  · 
liberty bell

One of the most gorgeous days of the eyar and I spent virtually all of it indoors at my computer. Architecture sucks!

May 14, 07 12:37 am  · 

i spent part of my gorgeous day outside yesterday, and perhaps part of today too, studying and testing lateral forces, beat that!

i wanted to bring something up that is quickly approaching all of us here, no not the inevitable dirt nap, but how do we celebrate TC rolling over to 100 pages and 10000 posts. who should have the honor of flipping this bitch?

May 14, 07 6:44 am  · 

don't you have a laptop, lb?! this kind of day is what they were made for!

we had a mother-in-law weekend. she returned a bed that she had 'stored' for us while we were moved out for the renovation. we moved it in and set it up immediately because she was to sleep on it, but this was greatly against our will. i don't know where she stored it, but it was full of mold and reeked! we fumigated, smelly-sprayed, etc and finally just left windows open and that room's door closed off from the rest of the house. as soon as she left yesterday, we loaded the mattress and boxspring back out to the yard and scrubbed down the rest of the bed. yuck! i hate to get rid of it (it was mine before we got married and had just been bought new) but i don't think that mold's goin' away unless the whole package goes away.

otherwise a nice (if hectic) visit.

happy mother's day, lb, r a rudolph, and, um, who else?

May 14, 07 7:15 am  · 

happy mom's day to the moms around archinect.

spent half the day yesterday indoors (working through the site planning and grading/stormwater practice problems) and the other part gardening! I'm almost done with all the LARE practice vignettes and I have a month left- so how else can I prepare????

as posted in the 'grow your own house' thread:

talkin' bout growing- my garden if finally sprouting! the fava's are well ahead of all the other veggies, but finally seeing some action from the string beans, lima beans, speckle beans, spinach, cauliflower, and chard, now I gotta figure out what's wrong with those carrots half sprouted but haven't done much for the past week or two... my neighbor handed me two tomato plants yesterday!!!, so they're in and surrounded by basil seeds and the peppers that just got sown too. oh the long awaited echineachia (cone flower) have shown themselves (yeah!)... still waiting on the butterfly plant (Asclepia) but that takes 20-25 days to germinate....

Vado- maybe I hate SD so much because I listened too them way too much (along with lots of prog rock) as a teenager. So I no longer think that they are great, in fact I think they suck and turn the dial anytime I hear them on the radio... there are a few other bands that will not be named that have a similar visceral reaction from having od'd on them in my youth.

May 14, 07 1:01 pm  · 

I'm attempting to write a thank you note for an interview I had on friday.. I'm just drawing a blank on what to write that's genuine and gracious and will land me the job... ok, i'll stare at the blank screen for another 5 minutes...

May 14, 07 2:28 pm  · 

The next five months just got even harder for me.... the person at the office I'm closest to just put in her notice. Not only will I have to subsist without her presence, I have the feeling that much of her work will wind up on my desk when it's all said and done.

May 14, 07 2:32 pm  · 

introducing TTT

ok, i'm very selfserving. I want help on a thank you note that I gotta send out today...

May 14, 07 3:29 pm  · 

HA! starting that text thread was an absolutely BRILLIANT procrastination technique, treekiller.

May 14, 07 3:34 pm  · 
vado retro

steely dan is not progressive rock. emerson lake and palmer is progressive rock. yes is progressive rock. steely dan is a blues/jazz/rock conflaguration...

May 14, 07 3:56 pm  · 
Chili Davis
Happy Monday.

May 14, 07 4:17 pm  · 

vado- my bad... I listened to prog rock, blues/jazz/rock conflagration, and other stuff that I can't stand now...

and yes, the TTT was a procrastination technique, but it seems to be working!

May 14, 07 4:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

I've posted this here before, but I'll say it again: up until 1996 I thought Steely Dan was a guy, a guy named Dan, who had a band he played with.

And since we're talking music, an embarassing admission: the new Ike Reilly came out LAST TUESDAY and I still don't own it!!!!! Ike probably won't come play Indy and tell me I'm pretty this year if he finds out...damn.

May 14, 07 4:25 pm  · 

happy mondays

May 14, 07 4:26 pm  · 

wilco's new one tomorrow. for those like me who still have to buy cds, that is. it's been available online for a while.

May 14, 07 4:27 pm  · 

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