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orhan, do you know tania with aleks istanbullu?

no i don't. besides aleks, i only know 1-2 people who work there. they do great work.

lofts are pretty nice themselves. arcitects did a great job and they were all different from one another. they were the best new lofts i've seen. fantastic views of downtown los angeles and sunsets.

but when it comes to social demegraphics and the financing, the area architect had the least control, the project looks questionable from development point of view. rationalist makes good points on that.

i was told many of the units were already sold.,0,5974184.story?coll=la-home-home

Apr 30, 07 7:01 am  · 
liberty bell

Let's start Monday morning with a bang:

I recall years ago reading some lesbian erotica in which the characters went up to a party in this loft a male architect had "done tons of work to" and told the women protagonists in the story all about everything he had done. The women found the architect "boring as fuck".

That colored my views about lofts a bit, and about architects.

Apr 30, 07 9:22 am  · 

Not sure if you guys noticed
this news item that Bryan Finoki posted about an ark which stands in stark contrast to the Ark that e worked on at the Skirball.

On a side note, I will be looking into obtaining a loft at that Biscuit Lofts place....I mean, Beckham is there....hello....

Apr 30, 07 9:30 am  · 
liberty bell

DubK, I like how you think. I wonder where the 1983 version of Billy Idol lives?

Apr 30, 07 9:32 am  · 

yeah, I'm definitely not bagging on the guys that designed the lofts. They're gorgeous, I'd love to live their myself, and if architects turned down all work that was not socio-economically sustainable, we'd be extinct.

Apr 30, 07 12:03 pm  · 

Wonderk, Vincent Gallo just bought a loft in there too...

I thinks its great celebrities are moving downtown. Sadly, in this town thats one thing thats really going to help remove the stigma still attached to the area...

Apr 30, 07 12:32 pm  · 

they have good burgers in thems there parts....

Apr 30, 07 12:33 pm  · 

update on the latest WWTCD: She brought a cake to work this morning! When she was like, "don't you guys want cake for breakfast? C'mere and have some of this." I told her that I was actually trying really hard to shed the 15 pounds I've gained since I started working here two years ago. She finally understood my reaction to her bringing cookies to my desk, and said she'd try getting fruit instead of cookies sometimes. I thought I'd hit the jackpot and everything would be better. But just now she was overheard to say "I want you all to become as fat as me, and then once everyone's fat, I'll start losing weight and feel great about myself! haha."

I feel there's probably a good deal of truth to this statement which was obviously made in a jestful tone.

Apr 30, 07 12:34 pm  · 

oh, I got her the other day.... she trotted out the "Lean Cuisine's sure don't make ME lean!" joke the other day, and I responded "They do if it's the only thing you eat." She shut up pretty quick.

Apr 30, 07 1:07 pm  · 

rationalist! What a twat that lady is! Seriously, that makes me sick to think about it. Maybe that's the tact you should take....every time you look at her, think about how disgusting she must eat to make her gain that weight like that and then you will lose your appetite. Worked for me just now and I don't even know her.

(I've lost some weight since I saw you in January and plan to continue the trend - with you! - once I become more "terrestrial")

Apr 30, 07 1:13 pm  · 

on lofts:

i just moved into one in nyc...they barely exist here anymore
in manhattan anyway...williamsburg is another matter. for 900/room
i have a 5 bedroom 2000 sq ft chinatown. the area isn't the
greatest perse..near the manhattan bridge and the water...but you
can't beat the price anywhere and we're close to one of the only
grocery of the best hardware stores and a walk to all of
the major subways.

i agree that new lofts are shells of the original idea of what a loft
was supposed to be...and feel as though most lofts should be places
you can get a bit messy and make stuff in.

Apr 30, 07 1:34 pm  · 

get facebook people, and join the archinecters group. This means YOU lb!

Apr 30, 07 1:36 pm  · 

good one rationalist.

Apr 30, 07 1:41 pm  · 

i miss american burgers...hell, i miss american food!

Apr 30, 07 1:44 pm  · 

yes....twice the fun!

Apr 30, 07 2:07 pm  · 

i didn't want to, he made me do it.

Apr 30, 07 2:08 pm  · 

that's right! I have powers, I'm actually the Blue Beatle:

Apr 30, 07 2:10 pm  · 
liberty bell

SBD1, by LB you mean le Bossman, right? He'd be much more fun on facebook than me.

Apr 30, 07 2:26 pm  · 
liberty bell

lars, how does a loft have 5 bedrooms? Especially in relation to your notion that a loft should be a place one can make messy? (I'm not being snarky, this is a serious question. I think the word "loft" is in need of some non-developer/realtor definition.)

Apr 30, 07 2:28 pm  · 

I've joined. You'll know me because my facebook photo is easily the most attractive one there.

Apr 30, 07 2:28 pm  · 

batman playing second fiddle to the blue beetle - UNHEARD of!

Apr 30, 07 2:29 pm  · 

lb, i will make you an officer and your title would be "secretary of liberty" or "secretary of freedom", your pick

Apr 30, 07 2:30 pm  · 

rationalist, first, my pic is the most attractive one. which one are you? all the attractive ones after me have been promoted already.

Apr 30, 07 2:33 pm  · 

rationalist, I am not convinced that your coworker is spastic...she really might have MAJOR issues regarding self perception, her weight, and projections to others. This is the type of person to stay away from...especially when you are on a lifestyle change (the new rationalist?<< sounds like a magazine? Are you going to be on the cover?)

Anyway, she sounds like a very dicey coworker I have dubbed crystal light - because that's all she drinks and preaches on its medicinal and weight loss values

Apr 30, 07 2:33 pm  · 

nah, but mine's not of a person, but of a place. Everyone who sees that photo says "man, I want to be THERE!" So while your photo may be of the most attractive person, I will maintain that mine is the most attractive image overall.

Apr 30, 07 2:34 pm  · 
liberty bell

Is it Liberty, Freedom, or Justice who usually runs around with one breast exposed? Or is it just all neo-classical depictions of human principles?

Apr 30, 07 2:36 pm  · 

the beach?

Apr 30, 07 2:36 pm  · 

techno, you're SOOOOO close. It's Diet Coke, actually. Our fridge is filled with it. I actually heard a story on NPR the other week about a study that indicated that diet soda was actually a diet disaster, because the sweet taste makes your body expect calories, and when it doesn't get them you are more inclined to get a chocolate bar or other sweet treat to satisfy the craving you just created.

But yeah, I don't think she's necessarily crazy, I can kind of understand her (which is what disgusts me more than anything...), it's just that HER problems are a catalyst for MY problems, and man I wish I could stay away, but nothing doing. Stuck here for five more months, her desk is only three people over from mine, and that's pretty set in stone too. She's where she is for reception purposes, I'm where I am for my proximity to the Big Boss so that he can make unreasonable demands at any given moment.

Apr 30, 07 2:38 pm  · 

Apr 30, 07 2:39 pm  · 

architechno> that's fantastic. Totally nonsense, but funny.

Crystal Light it is!

Apr 30, 07 2:41 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hilarious, techno!

Apr 30, 07 2:41 pm  · 

hmmm yea I am amazed then that you haven't committed any bodily harm to her yet. Might i suggest an oversized pair of headphones that you can ignore her. It may also help against the boss and his unreasonable demands.

Apr 30, 07 2:43 pm  · 

rationalist, have you thought about going on that 10-day cleanse? My friend wants to do it and she wants me to do it with her....I know the mdler did it but I didn't hear if it worked or not, although I do know he was hungry a lot.

Apr 30, 07 2:43 pm  · 

Is that the lemonade + cayenne pepper diet? My whole concept is to NOT diet, but to make a healthy change every couple of weeks and stick to it, because I am the classic yo-yo dieter.

As I've mentioned elsewhere, I am in a no-music, no-headphones office.

Apr 30, 07 2:46 pm  · 

glad you like the swirling cat of doom

Apr 30, 07 2:46 pm  · 

so rationalist you really are pretty much screwed for the next 5 months

wow! I think they might to start checking what's in your coffee, lest you go postal on the receptionist. But of course no one else in the office sees how she affects you

Apr 30, 07 2:50 pm  · 

rationalist, i agree with you on that one. I have slowly removed soda, junk food, fast food, and high-fructose corn syrup from my diet. it did me well, about 10 pounds in a month, but now i have stopped and sadly i believe it's time to add activity to my regime.

Apr 30, 07 2:53 pm  · 

i just hit 900 posts, and i got excited, until I saw tumbleweed has beaten me to it...:-(

Apr 30, 07 2:56 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Ugh, it's Monday and all the resident drama queens at the office are going ape-shit over things that ultimately mean nothing. T-minus 43.5 work days and counting.

Cue Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries.

Apr 30, 07 2:58 pm  · 


perchance my definition of loft isn't the actual definition..but i see
a loft as a large open space that does or does not have some rooms
built into it.. usually a commercial space that's being illegally lived
in... mine works cause the bedrooms take up half of the floorplate of
the place... so we have a large living room and large dining room
and kitchen...and a freight elevator that opens directly into the place.
it's about three or four times the size of normal apartments here in
new york. currently we choose to use most of the space for living..
but since the floors are plywood and furniture is moveable, i can
basically set up space for projects and not bother anyone.

Apr 30, 07 3:00 pm  · 

SBD- I've gone at it from the opposite direction. I work out 5 days a week, then I started paying more attention to portion control at breakfast (a particular weakness of mine). Then I added vitamins with a butt-load of caffiene in them, which does dull my apetite a bit because I'm nauseous from all that caffiene, and upped the amount of weight I lift and my time doing cardio as I'd noticed that it had become too easy. I am currently working on the step in which I learn to resist office snacking. It may take weeks to achieve success at this one.

Apr 30, 07 3:04 pm  · 

sounds like a plan rationalist...btw u didn't confirm if your pic was the beach

Apr 30, 07 3:08 pm  · 

yep, that's me. That's the one good beach on Bonaire.

Apr 30, 07 3:16 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm hot

Apr 30, 07 3:30 pm  · 
brian buchalski

oh, wait...that doesn't sound right...

how about...i feel warm.

Apr 30, 07 3:31 pm  · 


Apr 30, 07 3:31 pm  · 
liberty bell

lars, that's how I think of a loft too.

The freight elevator opening directly into the space always felt a bit too dangerous to me (I never lived in one with that), but the living there illegally part felt integral to it being a loft. In that the place wasn't zoned for residential, only commercial, so it was sort of implicit in the rent that you would be working there. You sort of carve out more-or-less private space when you share a loft with roommates.

But for me a loft apartment means there is a big open space with a sleeping loft built in above, and it's all open but for the bathroom.

Then a loft-style apartment is in a former industrial space that is now zoned residential and has at least one enclosed bedroom.

It's all language, mostly just because I'm curious about how realtors' use language to sell an idea. Like "artist's lofts". Would anyone ever try to sell a place as a "squatter's hideaway"? Then at the other and of the spectrum, we have "luxury townhomes" that are crap.

Apr 30, 07 3:42 pm  · 

I gave up soda for good probably a year or three ago, I can't remember now. Coke is like a special super treat now, because unlike chocolate, which actually has a teensy bit of nutritional value, soda has no redeeming value whatsoever. However I don't tell myself, "you can't have that".....because then I would want it. I simply tell myself, "you don't need that", and then I only want it once every 3 months or so.

Oddly, I've never been the type of person who craves sweets. Just salty things. I.e., bacon. Mmmmm, bacon. The whole not-craving-sweets-thing has worked out well for me too, since, unlike babies, I have no cavities.

Apr 30, 07 3:46 pm  · 

i made 4 BLT sandwiches last night, 2 for dinner then, and 2 for lunch today...mmmm...

Apr 30, 07 3:48 pm  · 

I'm going to have to have a BLT for dinner tonight! Yummy.

On a somewhat (not really) related note, the way I am getting through this week is by focusing on Spider-Man 3 at the end of it. At the Imax even! So excited. I actually just asked my coworkers if we can call ourselves "Super Designers".

If I had a super power, it would be telekinesis, hands down. Telepathy runs a distant second.

Apr 30, 07 3:53 pm  · 

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