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Starland Vocal Band

The only thing I think when I see "BWI" is the airport.

Apr 1, 07 2:43 am  · 

liberty, that movie was great, Bill Nigh is great, and he was in another favorite movie of mine, Love Actually; a great Christmas movie - hell anytime movie. the Brits do sentimental way better than us Yanks, and they do it with humor...

Apr 1, 07 5:28 am  · 

i was guessing bwi = british west indies = where we hope puddles might be.

Apr 1, 07 7:25 am  · 
liberty bell

Yes, Bill Nigh's character in Love Actually was so uber wonderful.

I'm waiting until noon local time to call my sister the doctor in Phoenix, a I don't want to wake her up. but I'm gonna seek her advice on whether to go to the med clinic and try for a prescription for antibiotics - I fly to Portland Tuesday and right now the air pressure in flight would literally make my head explode.

Did you guys know the common advice these days is to NOT blow your nose? Because it drives bacteria- or virus-laden mucus into your sinuses, leading to a potentially much worse infection than you might have if you just ride the cold out? I think that's what happened to me. Instead of blowing, you're supposed to just wipe as it drips, meaning you can go through about a kleenex a minute.

Sorry to talk about snot here on TC!

Apr 1, 07 11:39 am  · 
vado retro

i feel it on fingers
i feel it in my nose...

Apr 1, 07 11:59 am  · 

but lb, how are you supposed to BREATH without blowing your nose?!

Apr 1, 07 12:42 pm  · 

well i'll look for puddles when I go back, granted i'm not sure.

wiping instead of blowing - i'll try and remember that...especially with everyone around me getting the sniffles already

Apr 1, 07 1:11 pm  · 
liberty bell

Update: I've talked to two doctors now, who both said you just need to blow your nose *gently*.

I'm off to the pharmacy. With the lousy health insurance that is all I can afford being self-employeed, look for an update shortly on the "own firm" thread.

Apr 1, 07 1:14 pm  · 

ya'll invalids need some good old fashion jewish penicillin- I'm currently cooking up a big pot o matzo ball soup for the sader I'm going to tomorrow. My chicken soup cures just about everything!

hope you all start feeling better!

Apr 1, 07 1:27 pm  · 

lb i hope that health insurance covers sr Angus; how's he managing with you being so sick?

Apr 1, 07 1:54 pm  · 

i am a matzo ball jew. selam aleykum.

Apr 1, 07 2:28 pm  · 

My friend's father has invented a contraption that gently suctions the mucus from the nose. He reportedly swears by it. I keep bugging him to build me one... slightly scared it will suck out my brains though.

rationalist - yes, I definitely advise the "don't tell your nosy parents" method in the future. I get bothered about the same things - location, finances, and weight. I know it's just because she cares, but that doesn't make it any less annoying :) If you want, email me some of the things they say to you; I guarantee I can provide you with some snappy comebacks with which to retaliate!!! Hehh.

Apr 1, 07 6:55 pm  · 

namby, liberty bell: you guys need to get yourselves a neti pot! it works so amazingly! i've been using mine for years because i have really bad allergy/sinus problems, but it especially came in handy a couple of years ago when i had pneumonia. check it out: link

Apr 1, 07 7:19 pm  · 

I'm not sure that snappy comebacks are really what I'm in need of, just time to prove my capability and independence. Although, the one thing that shuts them up about my weight is this: "Yeah, remember when you guys were so proud of me because I lost all that weight? Well, it wrecked my metabolism, probably for the rest of my life, and there's nothing I can do about it now." I've got my father reassured that I've got a solid plan though. I told him about loan juggling, which he found to be a brilliant idea (basically I'm saving myself $4k, bringing the total cost of grad school down to $10k of debt), and even about my new scooter fascination, which he suprised me by approving of. He actually thinks I should go even bigger, and told me that nothing under a 250cc is worth it!

Mostly they've just been annoying me by asking if I've had any news, how's the portfolio coming, etc. fifty times more than is appropriate, thereby upping the already ridiculous anxiety of the whole process.

Apr 1, 07 7:51 pm  · 

ahhh rationalist...yea I have deep deep understanding

we have a fairly tight family as well, its just my sister and I; luckily she's married with kids to keep the grand parents fairly occupied. But i've found that being home for 3 months is driving me hopping mad with all the questions and f*cking suggestions. Its like you love um to death, but getting a clue eh.

Apr 1, 07 11:48 pm  · 

Sorry tonights gripe is on people who wanted to do architecture, did architecture, left architecture, then spent the rest of their lives telling you how they left architecture. As if to see justification and|or closure for their decisions. I direct you here and hope I'm not personally offending anyone, but if you place in your business website that you left architecture because of XXX not once but twice...its making me think you aren't actually over the whole architecture thing

Apr 1, 07 11:51 pm  · 

You do have to wonder how a person can do so much work for architects while maintaining quite publicly that the profession sucks.

Thank you for posting. Those of us on the way out need occasional reminders of what not to do (although I like some of the work).

Apr 1, 07 11:58 pm  · 

the work without question is there...but the bitching on the profession you left; well i could do without

Apr 2, 07 12:03 am  · 
Starland Vocal Band

looks to me like someone needs to "asmble" an ability to spell.

Apr 2, 07 12:12 am  · 
liberty bell

namby, a bulb syringe aka "snot suction device" is an essential tool for new mothers to use on their infants.

Funny, the image I found came from a website called "", which is actually for breeding dogs, but could apply to humans too. I've always liked that word "whelp".

Kalyani the doc I saw today recommended a neti pot too.

I napped for a long time this afternoon and then again from 9-11:30 putting Angus to bed. So now it's almost 1am and I'm wide awake. architechno, my husband is a total trooper and took care of Angus all day today, then left for Chicago tonight - I got to rest today ebcause I'm on my own tomorrow.

Mr. Asmble also has a problem spelling the name of his gurus, the Eameses. Oops.

Apr 2, 07 12:47 am  · 

lb - how do you clean the inside of that thing? Squirt squirt? I just imagine all kinds of evils building up in there...

I see no need for a neti pot when I can just snerff water up my nose using the palm of my hand...

Apr 2, 07 1:26 am  · 

my dear dad (65) tried snorting water through his nose the other day...well the weird flapping of his arms - ala drowning, was all i could contain myself with when he related the story about how he felt he was drowning

Apr 2, 07 2:29 am  · 
 · essential tool for new mothers to use on their infants.

i've been using one of those on our newborn all weekend. (allergies already?!) i must be a new mother. ; )

Apr 2, 07 7:01 am  · 

fathers are an essential tool for new mothers too Steven don't worry. Sorry to hear the new one is suffering

Apr 2, 07 11:06 am  · 

Neti pots = Dope

Apr 2, 07 11:10 am  · 
vado retro

i hope you all are able to teach yer sons how to blow yer nose by closing one nostril and blowing hard out of the other. its so classy!

Apr 2, 07 12:38 pm  · 

Eeeeek! There is no snerffing of water done with a neti pot! The water gets poured in one nostril and out the other (along with all of your built up mucus, eewww).

Apr 2, 07 12:46 pm  · 

Aaaahhhh! Now doesn't that look liberating? Hee hee hee....

Apr 2, 07 12:49 pm  · 
vado retro

thats a professional kids. dont try that at home!

Apr 2, 07 1:17 pm  · 


I do that a couple times a week...It really helps my sinusus

Apr 2, 07 1:23 pm  · 

enough snot talk! just use a tissue please and wash you hands afterwards....

Apr 2, 07 1:49 pm  · 

if it wasn't for the nose, life would stink so bad and people would send eachother shit instead of rose.

another one as a bumper sticker idea,

" i brake for picking up my nose "

one more and that's it;

don't you love it, when u pick out the biggest snut and wiff of fresh air goes thru your nose and you say ' o my god, life 'is' beautiful?

okay this is it;
after few hours of nose candying and depleting the supply, didn't you love snorting water and and get a second wind?

Apr 2, 07 3:08 pm  · 
vado retro

breathe breathe in the air.
don't be afraid to care. (sung william shatner style)

Apr 2, 07 3:25 pm  · 

vado is there a u tube version of what you have just said. i used to be an old pink floyd listener like meddle an atom heart mother.

Apr 2, 07 3:29 pm  · 

When I first scrolled by the evacuator, I thougth, interesting Architectue. Wander who the Star Architect is?

Apr 2, 07 3:44 pm  · 
vado retro

i dont thinks so abra. i just made it up with my own juices of creativitay!

Apr 2, 07 4:42 pm  · 

vado live from the snotropolis

Apr 2, 07 5:11 pm  · 

don't think i underestimate the creativity goes into selecting the right u tube post for an appropriate response. i mean the timing, the selection, the ambiance, the are the greatest.

Apr 2, 07 5:33 pm  · 

get this, i just found out that while we were in Rome, my pregnant wife was having an affair with my arch rival, and to top it all off i have a terrible stomachache!

Apr 2, 07 10:42 pm  · 


what soap opera are you watching?

Apr 2, 07 10:52 pm  · 
liberty bell

Stourlet, that dinner with the flowing curtains amidst the ruins of the Roman baths makes it all worthwhile.

OK, got all my emails sent, billings taken care of, halfway packed, need to pay my personal bills and finish packing, and get up in 6.5 hours to get on a plane.

Glad you are safe, puddles!

Apr 2, 07 10:56 pm  · 
vado retro

thanx abra yes i am MaGnIfIcEnT here's to me!!!

Apr 2, 07 11:40 pm  · 

lb you pick up so fast - I was about to comment on that. BTW where you heading? I think I caught your cold - I'm here sniffling and will haveto call it an early night

Apr 2, 07 11:55 pm  · 
Starland Vocal Band

ok, i don't know where to go with this but TC seems like as good a place as any.....

do you guys have coworkers that just aggravate you? i mean, yes, there are the coworkers that cause problems, the ones who are inappropriate, the ones with anger problems.....but i'm talking about the one guy who isn't blatantly a problem but just somehow rubs you the wrong way.....

we have a certified ass-kisser who just started working at my company a few weeks ago. i've worked with ass-kissers before but this guy is a new breed. he found an article online about a project we're working on, and instead of sending us the link, he printed out multiple copies, stapled them all together and distributed it to us with this shit-eating grin on his face, like it's some memo that we need to review and have a meeting about. funny thing is, he's not even working on the project right now....

annoying, right?

anyway, i have nothing to do today so if anyone else has any entertaining stories, i'll probably listen....

Apr 3, 07 9:29 am  · 

i've been out of town for the past few days so i'm skimming the last few pages of TC to catch up...

AP, good luck on the jump to NYC... do y'all have jobs lined up yet? your not starting school this year, right?

LiG, i'm a jacksonville native and lived there almost my whole life until college... i graduated from stanton in 1996... i still have a few friends there, but all of my family has moved away now... it has definitely changed a ton since my days, but my favorite florida city is my current home, st. petersburg...

Apr 3, 07 9:48 am  · 

no jobs lined up apartment, just a budget truck and a soon to be reserved storage unit in Brooklyn or the Bronx... the plan with grad is to apply Dec07 to start Aug08...that gives us a year+ in nyc before school. that's plan A.

St.Petersburg - although Jacksonville has a lot of potential, and is pretty cool already, it doesn't touch St. Pete (at least not yet). I've only visited St. Pete once, but I was very impressed. If J-ville takes cues from St. Pete, it will be a great place to come back to in 6-10 years. Fortunately, one of the St. Pete's top planning directors (?) is now Jacksonville's number 1 guy (Ron Barton). He's got it together for sure, and if he is able to pull off the various things that are currently in the works, J-ville (especially downtown and the first ring of old suburbs) will become a great place...

Apr 3, 07 11:35 am  · 

SK- please tell me you're not serious (about the wife)

Apr 3, 07 12:10 pm  · 

ya, i was hoping the same.

Apr 3, 07 12:38 pm  · 
vado retro

i stayed home from work today and had an enjoyable morning of painting. then with the threat of big hail storms i moved my car a few blocks away to rest under the safety of a freeway overpass and had some lunch. man it is sooooo dark right now a major storm is coming. i had to turn on a light to type this. hopefully a tornado will not kill me.

Apr 3, 07 2:36 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Tornado sirens went off at my house Friday night. I went outside to listen for the train sound they say comes with a twister, but nothin'. I thought maybe there was s iren malfunction, but turns out 50 or so homes were destroyed. Not mine though.

Apr 3, 07 2:50 pm  · 

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