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Sarah Hamilton

Maybe you're pregnant. I hear you get very sleepy like that.

But I guess you could just be sleepy.

Mar 29, 07 3:08 pm  · 

maybe its twins why Sarah had to post

wait isn't puddles a guy?

Mar 29, 07 4:59 pm  · 

Governor Arnold was pregnant once.

it's not a baby...

Mar 29, 07 5:18 pm  · 


Mar 29, 07 6:16 pm  · 

uhmm mdler is everywhere? And all at once it seems

Mar 29, 07 6:20 pm  · 

I think maybe that blind date slipped him something!

Mar 29, 07 6:22 pm  · 
vado retro

hey mdler where u at man?

Mar 29, 07 6:23 pm  · 


Mar 29, 07 6:24 pm  · 

mdler- STOP IT!!!!!!!!

or I will report to paul that a spammer has hacked your account.

if you so desperately want attention, just say so and we'll start a 'for mdler' thread if you ask real nice...

Mar 29, 07 8:27 pm  · 

hah hah the treekiller has put his foot down -

Mar 29, 07 9:11 pm  · 

not to offend, oh but i am sure this will, but can someone splain to me just why so many potential ivies are so fucking neurotic? i'd feel blessed by the gods if i had so many choices, but yet here we are, same time every year, and still these knuckle heads can't shit or get off the pot.

do you take this much time shitting?

please tell me you are not going to waste that space with your neurosis! please?! if you think you can't handle it, please send me all your credentials and i'll try and pass as you at GSDGSAPPYALECORNELLPRINCETONUPENNMIT, hell i'll even get a sex change or even dare i say - a Garwondler change....

Mar 29, 07 9:50 pm  · 

am I that neurotic???? I always thought that it was nature versus nurture that made me the way I am. hmmmm...

oh, i went to an ivy and I didn't subject archinect to my angst waiting for the acceptance letter.

Hope that archinect 3.0's academic ghetto will allow us to avoid being bothered by these annoying threads...

Mar 29, 07 10:06 pm  · 
vado retro

yes but if you dont go to an ivy you wont get that six figure designer job with oleg numbnutz...

Mar 29, 07 10:07 pm  · 

see archinect school of architecture would prevent the academic ghetto...

Mar 29, 07 10:15 pm  · 
liberty bell

Stourley, you're close to 40, right? i do think there is a vast difference between 20yo's just starting college and those of us who will be 40 in 14 days.

(By the way, Steven turned 39 yesterday HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVEN!!!!!!!
I feel like an ass that I didn't call to tell you so and thus you are absolved of feeling any need to call me on mine. Glad you were able to get out to a birthday dinner, sans children I believe?)

I know this is a broadbrush statement, but I do think there is some truth to the idea that kids in the last 10-15 years have been so overscheduled - soccer, ballet, voice, study programs for every extracurruclar event - that they've lost a lot of ability to act independently. Ever moment of their time was accounted for. Older folk - I mean old as in 40 - were literally told to get out of the damn house and go play. Personally I was a latchkey kid from 3rd grade. I do believe that built a lot of responsibility and independence in me. Remember the thread from awhile ago in which a kid's mom had called the firm asking who he should send his resume to?

I don't think this idea applies to everyone. The "kids" age 20 or thereabouts now who ARE very independent are not here asking about every aspect of their GPA, job opportunities, who should I get to write my letters of rec, etc. They are just doing it.

Which means the level of preparedness for college has skyrocketed, and hopefully the level of output of these colleges will also be tremendous in coming years. I expect my jetpack will be available and world peace will be achieved within the next 20 years.

Mar 29, 07 11:52 pm  · 

lb- I think there's a lot of truth to that. And I'm certainly one of the guilty parties... my parents didn't believe in the concept of 'hanging out', you know when you just talk and listen to music or watch tv or walk around. They believed that "hanging out" was a euphamism for sex or drugs, so it wasn't allowed. So I overscheduled myself just so that I could be out of the house. I'd like to think that I'm doing better than people who let their lives be scheduled for them, but here I am, still posting about the anxiety of not having heard from half the schools I applied to (it's almost April for fuck's sake, get a moooove on!).

Mar 30, 07 12:36 am  · 

Happy birthday everybody. I know I am a long time lurker first time poster but all I want to say is;


Mar 30, 07 1:36 am  · 

killa, don't forget i said potential, you've finished your ivy experience.

liberty, i understand where you're coming from, and maybe i should cut them some slack given the high cost of tuition for the grad schools, but at the same time some of the posts are really absurd; MIT vs. GSD?? seems to me they offer two very different kinds of things, and are looking for two very different types of people. yet at the same time they are both quite prestigious.

i think once you have moved on to the point of going for your Masters you should have some sense as to who you are and what direction you want to go, to be able to make this decision like a big boy and girl - because a big part of me believes this is ingrained in your idea about what architecture is for you. let's also not forget that these "kids" at the very least are 22 or 23 and some even dare i say early 30's.

master's degrees in architecture are not what they once were, they used to mean that you went to a school to be taught or learn from the Master. now they are nothing more than places to go for bragging here or on your resume - just my opinion, as it seems that it's all the rage [how else can you account for nearly 6000 posts in less than 7 months on the commiserate thread]. it really does seem like that the only way now for anyone in this field to distinguish them self is by going for the PhD, because MARCH is seemingly to commonplace.

that's just me, but then again i am jealous by everyone getting in to grad programs right now too.

Mar 30, 07 5:13 am  · 
liberty bell

rationalist there's nothing wrong with seeking community during events of stress - I was utterly addicted to the Parents Place June Expecting Club when i was pregnant and oh my lord 200 nuerotic pregnant women make the grad school threads look like a pleasure cruise!!!

I like reading the grad school threads, though I do it sporadically, becuse it also makes me feel, well, motherly towards all the kids going through the stress of it. I do worry that a lot of them - especially the ones just starting undergrad - are getting a lot of pressure fmor their familes to "go ivy" or whatever, and that worries me because it seems like an unfair stress.

But then I never thought of myself as ivy league material, it never even crosed my mind to think about applying there, so what do I know?

Mar 30, 07 7:27 am  · 
vado retro

i only have about three thousand comments on the Parents Place June Expecting Club Thread.

Mar 30, 07 9:07 am  · 
vado retro

well as some of you know my ex girlfriend/future wife is working on a phd at cambridge(the real one) in english lit. According to her, its as fucked up as any other college.

Mar 30, 07 9:08 am  · 
liberty bell

I think I may have just started a fight.

Mar 30, 07 9:29 am  · 

I agree with Stourley and LB, and I am much younger. I too was a major latchkey kid (and loved it!) and was at times locked out of the house as a kid (into the backyard) just so my poor mom could get a few moments of peace! We didn't have anything schedule into our lives at all, except tuesday night craft night at the church, and then sunday school and church on sunday. I wonder if that does make a difference? It's an interesting question, LB...

I never considered Ivies, either... coming from California, I didn't really know they existed. Neither I nor any of the 20 close-to-4.0 kids I hung out with could even have named the Ivies, I'd be willing to bet money. Almost every "smart" kid I graduated went to UCLA or Cal, with the exception of me, one girl who went to USC, and one girl who went to MIT to study mathematics. I only applied to 5 undergrad schools total and made my decision based on money. I really didn't think very much about it, no joke. My mom's the only person in my family who went to college, and she only applied to one school, so it wasn't something my family even talked about, around the dinner table or anything. They expected me to schedule the standardized tests I needed to take, at the right time, get my applications in, and we couldn't afford the application fees for more than a handful of colleges, so that was that.

So maybe the level of education/social level of the parents makes a big impact, too. I'm sure if my parents were both brain surgeons with multiple degrees and we were from the East Coast, my whole college-applying experience would be very different.

Mar 30, 07 10:03 am  · 

My parents were both college grads (mom actually has two bachelors in separate fields), and they had the same expectations of me. I only applied to three schools for undergrad because I didn't know any better. I had no idea that some people applied to eight, that there was such thing as a 'common application', that maybe I should have been researching obsessively, or that maybe my parents should/could offer some guidance. I just did it, and then when I learned more about the schools it seemed like my choice was clear, but now I realize I should have done things differently. So I guess I'm determined to get the grad school right to compensate.

Mar 30, 07 10:56 am  · 
not without

our rituals are leveling and indelible...

Mar 30, 07 11:02 am  · 

my older brother and i are the family's first 2 college grads ever. my brother was recruited to small private schools for sports (baseball and soccer). he attended one close to home, found a girl to do his schoolwork, is now a fireman and married to aforementioned girl. they have one beautiful daughter and another on the way...

we come from a very meager background. our dad is (and has always been) a self employed auto-mechanic, and my mom was a flight attendent for my entire childhood.

definite latch-key kid. got into plenty of trouble because of it too...fortunately that's behind me, but i still have trouble with my aggresive personality (which i attribute to my childhood circumstances, in part). i tend to have frustrate people with my tenacity...not sure where this is going...

um...not sure where i wanna go to grad school. stayed in-state for undergrad 'cause of florida scholarship opportunities (parents had no money to help with school, so it wasn't a tough choice).

Mar 30, 07 11:21 am  · 

I am the first and second "grandkid" to finish college in my mom's and dad's families, respectively. I am definitely the first person with a professional degree. I love my families but I can tell they always thought I was a little strange. I think I talked like a 30 year old when I was 10.

I only applied to two schools - two! - when I was going for my undergrad. My head was still in the clouds when I was 17 and it never occurred to me that I wouldn't get in wherever I applied. And when you have one of the best architecture schools in the country (which is how many people look at UC, rankings or no) right across the river from you, there really isn't any reason to go any farther. Certainly I thought about it, but I was raised by a single mother and money becomes an issue very quickly in this scenario.

Mar 30, 07 11:52 am  · 

Speaking of my mother, I wish she could read this sometimes, because, Mom....


Mar 30, 07 11:55 am  · 

that is dammson I believe

Mar 30, 07 12:11 pm  · 

wow. I just got contacted by a head-hunter. That's never happened before.

Mar 30, 07 1:04 pm  · 

Yes, the one pulling my hair is dammson.

rationalist, remember when I got contacted by a head hunter? That was funny.

Mar 30, 07 1:17 pm  · 

They said they thought I might be a bit for one of a few job opportunities in the area, and how companies were placing such value on LEED "certification" now, which makes me think they got my email from my listing on the USGBC site. Nevermind that buildings are certified, people are accredited. Not going to follow up on it, but I was a little flattered anyway.

Mar 30, 07 1:30 pm  · 

ever get contacted by a headhunter at a job you were only a week into - i mean call your new office to see if you were interested in another position?

Mar 30, 07 2:04 pm  · 
vado retro

went to a site visit for a future garage to house a bunch of classic cars and motorsycles. we went to lunch and the waitress reminded me of myriam! she got a large gratuity!!!

Mar 30, 07 2:50 pm  · 

kristin_kai... i think that you're setting some sort of speed record with the frequency of posts... 343 posts in a little more than a month... that's impressive... you'll be up in the rarefied air of the top 10 in no time... i've only got 487 in almost two years and i think that i have an archinect problem that i should be medicated for...

Mar 30, 07 3:00 pm  · 

the grad school threads totally inflate your post count... remember that I was tapering off a lot, had hardly posted in months until I applied to grad school. It gets you hooked.

Mar 30, 07 3:04 pm  · 
vado retro

thats what she said

Mar 30, 07 3:36 pm  · 

...with her large gratuities.

Mar 30, 07 3:49 pm  · 

it's quality not quantity...unless you're mdler.

Mar 30, 07 4:25 pm  · 
liberty bell

Dear Archinect: If you're planning to go black for a week, please make it the week of 16 April, so I can actually get some work done after I get back from vacation.

I could really use your help in this.

Thanks, Donna

Mar 30, 07 4:30 pm  · 
vado retro

left work early could not possibly stand to be there a minute longer. depressed one of my coworkers in a conversation about easter: i wondered about the whole ressurection scenario as the romans didnt usually depose bodies from crosses. usually they were left up for the animals to devour. i guess he thought it was all about the easter egg hunt went to the store...

shopping list:
2 bottles of bogle old vine zin
1 bottle bogle petite syrah
1 bottle guenoc savignon blanc
1 bottle montes malbe
1 bottle sockey pinot gris
1 six pack of pacifico
1 bag brushete classico
1 pint half and half
1.02 lb of asparagus
1 bag of green beans
two tilapia filets
one boneless porkchop
4 yougurts
6 cans of fancy feast gourmet catfood
one bag frozen chicken fillets
one bottle of emeril lemon pepper marinade BAM!
one bottle of extry virgin(never met one) olive oil
the life of a bachelor...

Mar 30, 07 5:47 pm  · 

always look on the bright siiiiiiide of life, *whistles*

Mar 30, 07 6:42 pm  · 

i gave my notice today. project ends April 19, last day April 20, leaving for NYC April 28. can't wait.

Mar 30, 07 7:20 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Congrats, AP. I'm counting down the days until I do likewise. I plan on leaving my firm at the end of June. Is three months too much notice to give a firm?

In the meantime, I'm hoping I don't have to hunt down and kill the roommate who just moved out of my place this evening. As if stiffing me on the March rent wasn't bad enough (forcing me to use his security deposit to cover the rent), he left a ton of garbage in his room and didn't bother to clean the bathroom like I had requested. This guy lived here for two months, taking two showers per day everyday, but never lifted a finger to keep the bathroom, kitchen, or common areas clean. And on top of all that, he's still got the keys to the place. Lesson learned: Never, under any circumstances, allow the security deposit to be applied toward the rent. When I did that, I gave up the only leverage I had against this prick.

I have a new (and hopefully better) roommate moving in on Sunday, and I'll be really pissed if I need to have new keys made and/or change the locks before then.

When I re-apply to grad schools next year, my overriding criteria may end up not having anything to do with financial aid or the quality of the program, but living where I can afford my own apartment without having to do this whole roommate shit again.

Okay, rant over. As you were.

Mar 30, 07 9:29 pm  · 

AP- wow! good luck with the hunt. Linked in may be helpful, but it seems to be more of a west coast thing.

Jin - roommates suck except when you get to sleep together- benefits are the way to go!

Mar 30, 07 10:09 pm  · 

Wait, what? Why is AP going to NYC? Did I miss something else? I don't understand, I am here all the time, how could I miss this too.

Mar 30, 07 10:18 pm  · 

Good luck AP!

Gin- I think it probably works out ok as long as you're not the designated roomate-in-charge. You know how one person is the one who ends up collecting the rent and passing it on to the landlord, having the bills in their name, etc.... just don't let that be you, and you're fine.

Mar 30, 07 10:36 pm  · 
Living in Gin

In this case, I'm the designated roommate-in-charge. The landlord has been a friend of mine for 15 years, and he's given me a very good discount on the rent with the understanding that I would select responsible roommates that can be trusted. My previous roommates have been very good, but this one turned out to be a jackass.

I've been the roommate-not-in-charge as well, and that has its own risks. Like the time I moved into a place in Brooklyn to find out two weeks later that the girl I was renting the place from had a live-in boyfriend with a huge rottweiler that she had conveniently forgotten to mention beforehand. And of course, there's always the risk that roommate-in-charge will evict you without warning and screw you out of your security deposit.

Treekiller has the right idea: Don't become roommates with anybody you're not sharing a bed with.

Mar 30, 07 11:12 pm  · 

thanks everyone. dub k - i haven't said anything on here previously 'cause i'm not exactly anonymous... i told the mapa crew on our email list a week or 2 ago, so that covers lb, steven, vado and other tc'ers...but now the cats outta the bag at work, so no worries.

LiG - 3 months notice? that sounds painful, even if they love you and are gracious during your notice period. the only reason I gave 3 weeks (as opposed to 2) is because the GF and I work together, and she gave her 2 weeks today. can't exactly say she's moving to nyc without them knowing we're both leaving, so I sorta had to speak up today too...

sorry about your roommate trouble. that sucks.

i'll get you a beer or 4 once we're both in nyc, help make you forget showery showerston and his dirty room.

Mar 30, 07 11:32 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Cool.... Seems like a number of archinect regulars are planning moves to NYC this year, so we'll have to plan some sort of meet-up.

You live in Jacksonville right now, right? I lived there in 1987-88 and again in 1991-93, and graduated from Wolfson High School in 1993. I still have a few old friends down there, and will be going back there for a wedding in May. Not a bad place, but I don't blame you for going to NYC.

Mar 30, 07 11:47 pm  · 

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