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1213 posts the exact number of the last three digits on my mobile phone...perhaps its fate...

I think I'm going to watch 23 at the pictures tonight

Mar 16, 07 8:23 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm very proud of myself that after a beer lunch and wine dinner I managed to figure out on my own how to get a picture from the camera to flickr to archinect on my husband's Mac. I do like them.

Happy St. Patrick's everyone! Please be careful too, especially with all that snow snooker!

Mar 16, 07 8:33 pm  · 

nice pic lb.

kilts are always stylish.

my grandfather fought in the highland regiment in wwII (canadians joined the war right off the ball) and his official photo was in a dress uniform kilt. medals from being shot twice and for surviving the frontline battles in france (hand to hand street to street urban warfare; like baghdad but without the media. i serioulsy don't know how he survived, mentally or physically)...i figure any man who can go through all that deserves to wear whatever he wants, and with pride.

on a different note, we got unagi (eel) in the mail today. the mother in law signed us up to a gourmet subscription service where each week we are sent food in the mail from wherever the season and local will ensure super deliscious-ness. all seasonal, all fresh, lovingly wrapped, and soooo good. weird to think it comes in the mail. hate to think how much she paid for the service too; considering this is still the land where the high end melon goes for a hundred bucks a pop. but ain't complaining.

is gonna be unagi for lunch!

Mar 16, 07 9:00 pm  · 

i had sashimi for lunch today. no unagi though...

awesome picture lb. what a happy happy kid.

i dig the chair just behind his left arm...

Mar 16, 07 9:08 pm  · 
Ms Beary

um, yeh, i had a sex change.

(jjust kiddding)

just took an archinect break for a bit.

Mar 16, 07 9:08 pm  · 

Lb I'm sitting in here looking at your son and dying with laughter...he pulls that kilt of well. Very well indeed

granted I don't think the lines of braveheart would be appropriate..."they can never take our freedom" [yes i know he's scottish]

Mar 16, 07 9:13 pm  · 

when i grow up, i wanna be like angus..

BObby, not that i am doing it, but how do you change your name in archinect and how long does it take? like do you have to write a letter to hq and submit a portfolio or something?
rita novel changes names like every second.
the other day at the grocery line i asked to this person, "are you stephen lauf?" he turned around and said "you better believe it".

Mar 16, 07 9:19 pm  · 

abra- click on 'edit profile' and then change the posting name away! you can even change your url and phrase/profile too! this was introduced with the last go round of changes/shift of the server...

didn't Orhan get paul's email soliciting new features? if not, I'm sure he'd be happy to listen to Abra's suggestions (and most of the other TC regulars too).

had two pints of tetley's with the missus for happy hour, much better to drink with a gorgeous babe then with your cubicle mates. maybe this daylight saving times isn't too bad...

hey Beta, whatcha wanna do on sunday? I'll call you if I don't hear back tomorrow.

Mar 16, 07 10:17 pm  · 

i like the smell of pencil shavings.

Mar 16, 07 10:25 pm  · 
brian buchalski

did i miss something? i thought that st patrick's day was tomorrow, i.e., march 17th? and aren't kilts for the scotch not the irish? i'm so lost right now.

i'm not really a fan of kilts but generally speaking though i rather like the idea of men in skirts...long skirts. there something exoticallly elegant about that image to me.

i managed to sneak a screening of sofia coppola's marie antoinette in recently and i have become absolutely addicted to th soundtrack...the movie is pretty good too. oh, how i love the baroque if only all the world looked as good as the spreads in arch digest. sigh.

and abra, that crack about seeing stephen lauf at the grocery store was priceless. gave me my best smile of the day.

no, i'm not drunk...but i think it's bedtime. i'm hoping to do my taxes in the morning since my saturday bar is going to be overrun by a gaggle of drunks college kids vomiting on the sidewalks.

Mar 16, 07 10:49 pm  · 

LB I have been to a Scotish Wedding and it is very damn impressive! All those groomsmen in Kilts....and boy oh boy do they know how to slam them down! Trying to remember how much those
woolen kilts me brews here.....night all. Angus looks grand!

Mar 16, 07 10:53 pm  · 
brian buchalski

it's official, i've now adopted this as my personal theme noise and i request that it played before i make a big entry.

bonus points for anybody who can guess th reference.

Mar 16, 07 11:04 pm  · 
vado retro

i am drunk enough to wear a kilt and with my skinny legs that is drunk.

Mar 17, 07 12:20 am  · 

thats what you get for drinking too much Alicante Bouchet.

Mar 17, 07 1:10 am  · 
vado retro

that stuff is like squid ink. and coarse!!!

Mar 17, 07 1:12 am  · 

puddles, i think the reference must be to those mac vc pc commercials because the link made my computer shut down.

Mar 17, 07 6:58 am  · 

sounds like a sergio leoni sound track???

Mar 17, 07 11:51 am  · 
brian buchalski

nope, not sergio leone. and not the mac vs. pc thing either. sorry if the link crashed your mashin. it's just an mp3 file and it works fine on my computer (admittedly, a mac).

Mar 17, 07 2:01 pm  · 

worked fine on my pc|laptop :)

we are all green...

can anyone tell this is my favourite holiday

Mar 17, 07 2:54 pm  · 

& my undies say "kiss me I'm Irish"

Mar 17, 07 2:55 pm  · 

i think this new you can change your name thing making me dizzy. looks like there are bunch of first time or 10 th. time posters who know everything.

Mar 18, 07 2:05 pm  · 

and everybody.

Mar 18, 07 2:06 pm  · 

a 2 1/2 week old baby can lose her balance while lying down.


Mar 18, 07 3:05 pm  · 

long time listener, first time dizzier.

Mar 18, 07 3:32 pm  · 
brian buchalski

yeah, i get confused by the name change thing too, but i think i'm still least till i die and then i'll change my name to "ghost of puddles" or "ghostly puddles" or something like that

Mar 18, 07 4:37 pm  · 

oh no

Mar 18, 07 4:49 pm  · 
liberty bell

So. Mom in law was in town which means husband and I went to...wait....a movie!! In a THEATER!!!! One of only two in the last year.

What did we see?


It did make me giggle several times, and while doing some historic research on it after I became much more confident in using my new favorite word: "laconic".

Plus, 300 x (6-pack) = a lovely 1800 naked abs. Mmmhmmm.

All in all, a decent enough big screen experience.

How was everyone else's weekend?

Mar 18, 07 11:04 pm  · 

Just got back from Seattle today. Spent yesterday evening chilling with Old Fogey, wamp, and a friend of Old Fogey's. They were all pretty cool, particularly Old Fogey who drove me back to my hostel and saved me from being in even worse pain than I already am today. I thought my legs were pretty fit, but my calves, ankles, and feet were no match for 6+ hours of walking Seattle two days in a row.

The interview with UW went pretty well, have tons of stuff to sift through mentally before I can make a decision on anything to do with that.

Seattle was beautiful, the cherry trees were in full bloom, but my trip to the Olympic Sculpture Garden and the Seattle Center got rained out. I liked the library better in person than I did on paper- particularly the signage strategy.

Mar 18, 07 11:24 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Glad you had a good trip.

Pretty unevenful weekend here.... Looking forward to more grad school angst this week.

Mar 18, 07 11:28 pm  · 
liberty bell
This American Life

the TV show premiers this Thursday. And I don't have Showtime.

I'm sick. Just sick. I could almost try to find a way to start paying for more than sub-basic cable *just* to get this show.


Mar 19, 07 12:35 am  · 

I'm back in town now. Did I miss much? I had a good St. Patty's Day in the Windy City...... saw the green river, heard some bagpipes, saw some kilt, got some Guinness, my day was complete really. Pictures tomorrow.

The name changers are confusing me again. One can hardly mistake someone with over 3000 posts though, right "Dizzy"? :o)

Mar 19, 07 12:49 am  · 
liberty bell

DubK, you should go see 300.

Goodnight now.

Mar 19, 07 1:01 am  · 

Weekend what fun

asside from enjoying this St Patricks from the comfort of my family room without even the sniff of a guiness it wasn't too bad..

Watched Ireland upset Pakistan (luck o' Irish)

And today went to a jazz performance on some massive lawns in the company of the Governor General...

the rains earlier made dancing a tad difficult but the ambiance was worth opened up around 9pm and it was hard to tell the difference between the stars and the lights of the city...magical

Mar 19, 07 1:10 am  · 

my weekend was pretty eventless in terms of social life as usual.
i had some basic ideas evolving with my next journal and start to collect some material.
first thing i did this morning was to do some basic statistics about acreage and comparesants. later i tried my hand in mini-reviewing an eric moss project based around los angeles infra structure and i left a one page post on my relationship with los angeles, which treekiller and liberty bell had their experienced posts in it as well. archinect ahs a lot of content in it's discussions in contrast to all other design/architecture forums. i think it is only fair to say, it is approx. the most dynamic architecture web around.
yes, i can say it was all archinect sunday more or less but i did menage to watch turkish football superlig weekend review on internet tv and read some nice articles posted on delicious by the usual suspects.
since i don't drink, i have a lot of time to do some reading and writing.

lb get well soon. tina has been down with a nasty cold whole week and taking some antibiotics.

salmon pasta i made;

dice 1 onion, 6-7 garlic and sautee in olive oil, add 2-3 diced fresh tomatoes add dried oregano, just before pasta is cooked in the other pot add the sauce the chopped small package of lox sautee another minute or so and mix in the drained pasta sprinkle with parmesan cheese and say thank you to your lucky stars...

Mar 19, 07 1:18 am  · 

this name change trick is worst than daylight saving hours.....

Mar 19, 07 1:30 am  · 

i like the way AP decided to spent a night in tunusia....

Mar 19, 07 1:32 am  · 

thanks, but now i've realized that there is no coming back. it won't let me have AP anymore, saying that it's taken... so i'm Dizzy, pending appeal to the powers that be.

Mar 19, 07 8:58 am  · 
vado retro

having lived in chicago i got so so so so tired of ira glass being on every damn public radio psa. the original 300 was made in the 60's. it wouldnt have been much of a fight if xerxes would have just mowed them down with arrows from the get go. that said, a group of people who study warfare, the hoplologists are training troops in the art of one on one combat. its analogous to the spartan conditions and unquestioned devotion to an artform that so many of us thought architecture would be.

Mar 19, 07 9:27 am  · 
vado retro

oh and by the by, the first defeat ever of the spartan phalanx was done by the thebes, who had a unit called the sacred band of thebes, who were all gay lovers!

Mar 19, 07 9:33 am  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

Has anyone seen The Lives of Others (Das Leben der Anderen? It was the German film that won the Best Foreign Film Oscar back in February. It was awesome.

Mar 19, 07 9:41 am  · 
vado retro

thats on my list smoke. i recommend the milos forman flick "loves of a blonde" a very wonderful czech new wave flick from the 60's!

Mar 19, 07 11:07 am  · 

300 bothers me. No one finds troubling a movie glorifying a bunch of white guys that are racists, eugenicists, murderers? What about the fight that they are fighting the bad dark skinned, deformed, homo/lesbian persians? What about that this movie may fuel national sentiment on a war with today's persians (Iranians)?

The fact that no one talks about these OBVIOUS attacks on so many communities scares me, are we so unsensitized?

Mar 19, 07 11:16 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, seriously?!

I HAVEN'T seen the movie, only heard good reviews, but isn't it about a REAL war from the past?

Mar 19, 07 11:24 am  · 

LOSELY based

Mar 19, 07 11:28 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh goodness harbinger stop listening to the pundits. This movie is meaningless, a trifle; it's a comic book, it's lovely to look at (color saturation, costumes and stage sets (all green screen)), its "message" is let's have a gory goofy good time at the movies!

Believe me, you can read into it whatever you want, but it's not real. It's entertainment. Entertainment with lots of glistening abs and legs.

Don't get your panties in a bunch about it (I did, but in a different way).

Mar 19, 07 11:52 am  · 

lb, from reading your posts you are a sensible, some may even say that you are an urbane and sophisticated yourself, but I disagree with you on this one.

If I want escapism I watch Desperate Housewives, not murdering, hateful, xenophobic, frat boys. The problem is that this thing takes too many poetic licenses that change this from just a historical drama. The deformed lesbians, the dark skinned evil-doers (persians are actually aryans), etc... In a time with two badly managed wars and a potential third this type of entertainment does more wrong than good, my $0.02.

Mar 19, 07 12:19 pm  · 
vado retro

trying to apply a 21st century values to "white guys" who lived 2600 years ago is naive. secondly, the persians invaded greece. thirdly, this all happened before christianity or islam existed. thirdly, if xerxes had won their would be no western civilization. and western civilization aint such a bad thing.

Mar 19, 07 12:59 pm  · 

vado, did you miss my statement that the author of the comic book changing history so much as to now be saying something else? HE updated it to fit his aesthetic and story line. If you do not agree is fine, but I do see a dark side to this movie.

Plus, not entirely sure about western civilization ;)

Mar 19, 07 1:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

Thanks, harbinger, for the compliments. Re: escapism, Desperate Housewives makes me sick to my stomach. It's definitely not escapism for me. I find it far more insidiously anti-cultural than 300. To each his/her own, of course.

If I was forced to make a parallel between fictionalized historical characters in the movie and our contemporary political situation, I'd have to easily call it as GWBush = Xerxes. That kinda blows the "anti-Islam" slant, no?

I don't recall any deformed lesbians? (The prophet had enormous nipples, but I wouldn't call her deformed.) There were plenty of deformed white guys. And (I can't believe I'm defending this movie!) the Spartans weren't full of reasonless bloodlust. They weren't portrayed as "murdering hateful and xenophobic", they were portrayed as willing to sacrifice themselves in the name of "freedom". Very Braveheart (Leonidas even had a distinctly Scottish accent).

It was stylish fun, that's all. So is Desperate Housewives, unless you want to start analyzing the materialistic culture, the greed, the willingness to live a lie within one's community, the selfishness, the focus on accepted Westernized versions of beauty, etc. etc.

Mar 19, 07 1:29 pm  · 

touche!!! great response lb

Mar 19, 07 1:31 pm  · 

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