
Thread Central

Chili Davis

I'll be in Chicago for a week in the spring, I may have to look up some Archinectors then. Also, I'll be in Boston for New Years, anyone feel like celebrating?

Oct 27, 06 2:41 pm  · 
liberty bell

Steven, here are some pics for your Friday - teaching is always an alternative, though not as lucrative as practice, if you can call practice "lucrative".

Former house, current commercial building:

Reimagined (via gesso and sharpie) as a business:

Oct 27, 06 2:51 pm  · 
liberty bell

This was a project I did with a group of high school students last weekend for the Kentucky GSA program. The kids were sophomores and juniors with an interest in architecture. I talked to them about what makes a house look "housey" and a business look "businessy" and had them work out both a more business-like and more house-like version of an existing building that could read as both. It was fun for a 2 hour project.

Oct 27, 06 2:53 pm  · 
vado retro

steven have you ever thought about starting a music show on your local cable access station??? it could be called louisville bandstand!!!

Oct 27, 06 5:23 pm  · 

you think i could still pay my mortgage, vado? if so, i'm in! (any potential advertisers out there?)

Oct 27, 06 5:34 pm  · 
vado retro

if you really loved the music you would say to heck with the mortgage.

Oct 27, 06 6:59 pm  · 

This was nearing the bottom of the page so I just thought I would do a little musing on Daylight Savings Time to bump it:

So it's 3 am now, but because we "fell back an hour", really it's 4 am, at least my body thinks it is....but strangely, I am not tired, nor hungry, nor thirsty, nor sick, nor in any stage of uncomfortable. The only indication that I have that it's way past my bedtime is a funny taste in my mouth.

It's weird how the prospect of having an hour more party time can really jazz you up. Guess i'll go knit or something.

My costume went over pretty well. Anyone else?

Oct 29, 06 3:01 am  · 

WonderK: i agree that fall back an hour definitely screws one up a bit. had a dream last night about exotic fruits called 'zepherines'. that is the exact spelling in my dream. woke up and googled it to learn that such a word does exist and that they are a variety of climbing roses. which sort of makers sense seeing as I am a farmer...

Oct 29, 06 3:12 am  · 

I believe it is a proper noun, Zepherines. Am I right?

Oct 29, 06 3:24 am  · 


Oct 29, 06 3:25 am  · 

Ha ha. Sweet little marky thing above your vowelly thing.

Oct 29, 06 3:28 am  · 

now do I get a prize or something for having reached 100?

Oct 29, 06 3:31 am  · 

Ummm... maybe. Though 1715 is pretty cool. It is kind of like 571 2/3 times 3, which anyone knows is kinda really cool.

Oct 29, 06 3:40 am  · 

you deserve a prize indeed, farmer:

100 Zepherines for your 100th post.

Oct 29, 06 10:35 am  · 


100 comments may mean alot to you. Congrats as this promises many more hours spent on archinect. But it doesn't get your name onto the top page of most comments by members - for that distinction, you'll need at least 415 comments or 31 entries. So are you up for that task?

We'd also like more info included on your member profile (no truth required, just something memorable).

So what are you cultivating these days?

Garp- that is a very cool number.

Oct 29, 06 10:38 am  · 

AP: I am touched and moved that you notice so insignificant a creature on this site as me.

treekiller: ratio of entries:comments I find more interesting than mere brute huge numbers. That has been explored here before.

I will try to add something to my profile, upon your suggestion.

this past week I planted 25 crocus var. 'Ruby Giant' and 10 snowdrops as well as 12 tulips (here in the NE). The thing is not to plant them upsidedown!

Oct 29, 06 1:01 pm  · 

insignificant no way. 1:3 you're a giver...

Oct 29, 06 1:45 pm  · 
some person

My husband and I just got back from watching the Marine Corps Marathon and 10k run. Miles 22 and 23 travel through Crystal City (Arlington), Virginia. Crystal City is normally an idyllic model of Corbusian towers-in-the park. Many of the pedestrian routes are hidden in The Underground, which as its name suggests, is an underground maze of tunnels.

Recent attempts to make the above-ground spaces more pedestrian-oriented have been met with some success. However, once a year during the Marathon (and accompanying Crystal City Spectacular), the neighborhood comes alive

So, why did I bring this up on Thread Central? Because Saturn gave away free cowbells; they DOMINATEDAnd the best part - Saturn gave away free cowbells, so we were able to dominate the cheering and other noise from the slappy-hands.

Oct 29, 06 2:28 pm  · 
some person
oops.. I pressed the wrong button. Here's what I should have posted:

My husband and I just got back from watching the Marine Corps Marathon and 10k run. Miles 22 and 23 travel through Crystal City (Arlington), Virginia. Crystal City is normally an idyllic model of Corbusian towers-in-the park. Many of the pedestrian routes are hidden in The Underground, which as its name suggests, is an underground maze of tunnels.

Recent attempts to make the above-ground spaces more pedestrian-oriented have been met with some success. However, once a year during the Marathon (and accompanying Crystal City Spectacular), the neighborhood comes alive.

So, why did I bring this up on Thread Central? Because Saturn gave away free cowbells; they dominated the slappy-hands. It all reminded me of an Archinect classic, I need more cowbell!!!

Oct 29, 06 2:37 pm  · 
vado retro
Oct 29, 06 5:20 pm  · 
liberty bell

OK I admit it - that youtube post I actually watched all the way through. Possibly the first one ever!

Oct 29, 06 9:06 pm  · 
liberty bell

Actually , that's not true - Steven's OK Go! treadmill video I not only watched, I watched obsessively. Brilliance.

Oct 29, 06 9:09 pm  · 

it is only 6 pm. time changes are always weird. i am already in my pj's (yes i wear them) and if i go to sleep now i'll wake up at ten pm and never sleep again until tomorrow night. i feel like go to sleep now and be done with it by ten. work at night on abracadabra, faia episode #30, which is almost done but i don't want to put it up there while the silica boy is still doing his thing.
it is interesting to write in web format. it has a script writing like structure that i enjoy. different than traditional writing. in web writing you can create the background and shoot the picture with a 'link'. but i try to be not so link happy because it can also distract the reading experience and can cause the loss of interest.

just some thoughts.

basically i worked at the hair salon job site today putting a trial color for the stylist boxes. i hate to talk about what i am doing all the time but the dark orange like color brought nice fresh feel to the place and i am really happy to get rid of that maple plywood surfaces that look so plywoody.

anyway i think i will watch tv now.

Oct 29, 06 9:36 pm  · 
liberty bell

Agree with the orange box, abra, much better. And I think everyone here would be in agreement with me also that we enjoy hearing/seeing what you (and others!) are working on.

Oct 29, 06 9:44 pm  · 

Def. Got my hair cut today (more on that later), and spent most of the time thinking how the extra-wide plywood planks with black reveals would have been soooo cool in about 1978.

Discovered yesterday that I've been stress-eating for three weeks straight! =O That's ridiculous. So I went to the gym, got a haircut today (always makes me feel better), and have promised myself a shopping reward every five pounds I lose. So I spent time after the haircut ogling shoes in Nordstrom's until the salespeople started looking at me wierdly, and now have hip, shaggy style hair. Hoping that dreams of snakeskin pumps can get my butt to the gym at least three times a week.

Oct 30, 06 1:01 am  · 

I'm still alive, and finished packing earlier this evening. It's amazing how much better you get at time management as you get older--if I were still the me I was in undergrad, I would be surrounded by a bunch of half-empty boxes right now and freaking out majorly. Not to mention I would have gotten about 1/3 of the sleep I've been getting in the last couple of years (a solid 7 or 8 hours a night, YES!).

I am proud of myself. I finished the bulk of it a couple days ago and actually managed to progress to the more minor items on my to-do list--the ones you never really get around to--like "check all cd backups to make sure they still work", "go through paper file records and throw away anything no longer needed", etc. etc.

It feels oddly good to have all of my possessions packed away in neat little boxes and bags. And I guess I'm becoming an anal architect, because I have a text file on my computer listing every single content of every single box. Ha!

Driving to Chicago tomorrow. Wish me (and betadinesutures, who I believe is also moving to the midwest tomorrow) luck!

Oct 30, 06 1:12 am  · 

Also, I love cutting my hair off. I love short hair. Good for you, rationalist. What fun!

Oct 30, 06 1:13 am  · 

I love my long hair. I'm fairly certain that if I got my hair cut off then my head would definitely look out of proportion to the rest of my body. My head is huge, we've been over this though....

I finished knitting my scarf yesterday. It's lovely! It's a tad bit short but the beauty of knitting is that you can stretch things. So I'm working on that.

Also, I think that rationalist's weight loss/shopping challenge is a positively outstanding idea. This concept might actually work on me. That's it! I'm counting calories again, starting today! Thank goodness I started the day off with oatmeal....

Oct 30, 06 9:04 am  · 

here's the oatmeal I started off with today:
2 1/2 c. water
14 g box raisins
dash of cream of wheat
dash of corn meal
sprinkling of Red River cereal (contains flax seed)
add to boiling mixture about 2/3 c. rolled oats
boil till all the above are well cooked
serve hot with a bit of brown sugar, lots of All Bran and skim milk
that'll stick to your ribs!

Oct 30, 06 9:26 am  · 

egg and cheese on a cin. raisin bagel. coffee.

Oct 30, 06 9:39 am  · 

yummmm- thats a lot of oatmeal.

did the hair chopping thing too on friday. Went to an old school barber who's been cutting for 38 years. I miss having a CHG stylists with all those tats, so next time..

LB- I'm having flashbacks to my undergrad daze. Ohio State loved those shifted grids even more then most schools (thanks pete). Last night I was waiting as you methodically as posted from the top to bottom for you to respond to the 'for LB'. finally gave up. Glad you like our hommage.

Oct 30, 06 9:53 am  · 
Chili Davis

Nature Valley Roasted Almond granola bar and Lipton Green Tea To Go, honey and lemon flavor.

Oct 30, 06 10:17 am  · 

Balance Bar, cookie dough flavor, and Orange Dulce black tea (I know green's good for you, but I think it tastes like piss smells) when I get to work. I keep hoping that my body won't recognize it as health food, and count that as a treat, but it usually doesn't work. But at least the tea, when made in the huge mug the carpet guy sent me, will keep me away from soda the whole day. I just truly cannot believe that I devolved into deadline-eating self pity again, I thought I left that behind when I graduated, but grad school apps brought it right back again.

Oct 30, 06 10:49 am  · 

tahini mixed with a dash of honey, black olives, piece of cheese, 4 slices of salami,2 slices of toasted whole wheat bread and coffee afterwards.

Oct 30, 06 11:28 am  · 
Ms Beary

Espresso with sugar.

You know who took the liberty to change my title block at the last minute. Apparantly "Rev. 2 Per B.d." (lower case d, of course) is better and more correct than "Rev. 2 City Comments"? I sure hope she remembered to annoy our consultants with this very important change too. But I happened to know she didn't and I sure didn't. Perhaps the city will comment on this discrepency? Or maybe the B.d. will?

So this illustrates my new strategy. Let mistakes happen and she will learn, right? And I will learn too.

Oct 30, 06 11:59 am  · 

'beary- you need to eat something of more substance for breakfast - then even the mistakes will make you :-)

So my eye opener was pb&j on freshly baked bread, a cuppa joe, and an crunchy macintosh apple.

It's good to be back on the food thread, I was getting hungry after 100's of posts with nothing to eat.

Oct 30, 06 12:12 pm  · 

blueberry bagel (dry) & coffee. exactly the same every workday.

Oct 30, 06 12:17 pm  · 
vado retro

i just had curry etouffe for lunch with a san pellegrino limonata sparkling beverage...

Oct 30, 06 12:55 pm  · 

breakfast = 20 oz bottle of zephyrhills...

lunch = disappointment... i went to my favorite lunch spot for some homemade soup + sandwich action but it was closed... i've been craving their food since saturday when my wife and i went for a nice relaxing lunch to find that the restaurant was closed because the owner/chef/server was at home sick... i guess that he must actually be sick and wasn't just hungover on saturday morning... i guess that's the price one pays for a great little local restaurant, if the chef's sick, there's no food... now i'm REALLY REALLY craving it... arghhh...

Oct 30, 06 1:29 pm  · 
liberty bell

I had an egg for breakfast and pretty much ate Ahlloween candy for the rest of the day's sustenance. Damn Halloween - I actually ate a Milk Dud and yanked a filling out. I hate candy but can't stay away from it!

I spent almost the entire day picking paint colors, hanging art, selecting shade fabric, and actually arranging tchotchkes on a client's shelves! Thank god I also helped the cabinet installers and got the stainless countertop templated so I feel a *little* bit less like a decorator! Someone give me a good wall section detail to draw!!! I need to do a foundation!!!!

Oct 30, 06 8:30 pm  · 
vado retro

not everyone can get away without wearing pants, puddles

Oct 30, 06 10:24 pm  · 

I try to grab my pants before getting away.

Oct 30, 06 10:28 pm  · 

how come no one told him he can just come in his pants? it's so simple!

Oct 30, 06 11:05 pm  · 
vado retro

ckl, one should only do that if one is really impressed with the open house.

Oct 31, 06 6:19 am  · 
vado retro

happy holloweenie cryptkickerz!!!

Oct 31, 06 6:29 am  · 
Chili Davis

Hey, where's my newsletter? I want my t-shirt!!!

Oct 31, 06 10:18 am  · 

not quite sure if this will work...

Oct 31, 06 12:39 pm  · 

i think puddles might be wondering why everyone wastes valuable time putting their pants on. imagine the money he saves too.

Oct 31, 06 12:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

I just made the following threat to my dog: "Gus, go lay down or I'll make you wear a tutu!"

He's still standing with his nose on my knee, so he obviously has no fear of tutus. Little does he know he has to wear it tonight to open the door for trick or treaters anyway.

Oct 31, 06 3:59 pm  · 

happy haloween everybody!! teror alert: definitetly orange.

Oct 31, 06 6:36 pm  · 

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