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sportive outline of my life in a nut shell (times are approximate);

age 6; learned to swim in the lake on my own. ( it is said to be better to learn swimming in the sweet water rather than in salt water because you have to do more to keep yourself floating, heavier the water, the lighter you are)
age 7-14; intense soccer, basketball, judo (learned uki-goshi and osoto-gari moves but never got my yellow belt)
age 14-16; ping pong (level; had my own racket.)
age 15; gliding camp. got my wings after 15 minutes of solo flight of take off, 4 point turns and landing on a bocian glider (polish made). high event of my teenage life, a nirvana of my achievements before fuckin' it all up and descend from grace to bottom of academic ranking and social status. ejection from high school, for repeated absences and unruly behevior resulting in bad grades and legal extensions. but hey, here are my wings;
age 14 on; billiards, 8 ball
age 15-19; intense card games poker included for money. (money bets were somehow involved in most above sports mentioned.)
age 15; started smoking, less team sports to more coffeehouse activities like backgammon, chess, cards, pool. also started gettin' hi with cheap wine and vodka.
age 4-35; walking a lot.
last pool game 45
last backgammon 40
last soccer 49 for for about 10 minutes. quickly ran out of breath.
last game of chess; 42
last cigarette; 50
last watched a basketball game; when laker were young and fast and shaquille did free throws parellel to the floor;
Shaquille O'Neal
Eddie Jones
Kobe Bryant
Nick Van Exel
Rick Fox
Elden Campbell
Robert Horry
Derek Fisher
Corie Blount
Sean Rooks

last horse race; 45 (won)
last harness race; 46 (lost)

last soccer game score check; half hour ago. 06-07 uefa cup. first games in group stage.

saw a beautiful home run klip by ohio state, the other day.

i was so glad there were no sports or any other majors in sci arc. it was like doing military service of architecture, sort of like m.a.s.h. unit style with a lot of booze in my circles...

other than walking the dogs, about 20 minutes a day, i am doing no sports right now.

Oct 19, 06 6:48 pm  · 
vado retro

zaha wtf??? your car design is so ugly. i'd love to see you try to climb into that egg. at least do some research...

Oct 19, 06 7:00 pm  · 

I'd be scared of a lake, Orhan. I'm a fantastic swimmer, learned that before walking, and have an advanced openwater SCUBA license, but damn if it doesn't still freak me out when I can't see the bottom.

Oct 19, 06 7:02 pm  · 
vado retro

i had microeconomics with Uwe Blab!!! that kraut was incredibly smart.

i think he was the genius behind the spur posse...

Oct 19, 06 7:11 pm  · 

Yet another example of an architect designing sh*t cars.

Oct 19, 06 7:24 pm  · 

i thought architecture was a sport and 'scaping was exercize...

Oct 19, 06 7:27 pm  · 

rationalist, this was a natural lake with reasonably clear waters, it had water snakes, who scared shit out of me but they didn't want to come near bunch of "watch me watch me" screaming kids.

scuba, now thats a dedication and joy. i had friends who used to scuba dive just south of carmel, cali., which they say is amazing. there is a reason for monterey bay aquarium being where it is of course.

i use to snorkel a little, i must have gulped zillion gallons of aegean sea water. but the stuff to see underwater and hunt is quite a bit there. i snorkeled to collect mussels which cut my hands like a bitch. but at the end we throw them on a piece of tin over a small fire and they opened up and tasted delicious with just the right sea water salt on them. eat fuckin' two thousand mussels all day long with cheap wine with no age limit on alcohol purchases, school was ditched for love of sea. bunch of thin but sharp cuts on my hands, similar to paper cuts which burned next day.
around that time, the whole izmir bay got so polluted within a year or three, all the life was gone in no time. no fish no mussels not even sea weeds. decades of uncontrolled dumping. even some untreated city sewage was dumped on the sea along with industrial waste. very poor infrastructure for a city of 2-3 millions which grew like unwanted mushrooms.
thanks to new awerness and money, it is being cleaned up right now after long time of crimes against nature.
it is so nice to see people are fishing again and the water smells like the sea and not like the shit.

years later i think, probably those mussels weren't the most cleanest stuff around but none of us had ever any problems eating perhaps polluted mussels, which were several miles away from the real bad waters...

Oct 19, 06 8:28 pm  · 
liberty bell

Orhan that reminds me of a story about Portland, Oregon: I think in the 1950's they lowered a fish in cage off the Burnside Bridge to see how polluted the water was - the fish lived 14 seconds. Now the river is vastly, vastly improved and though I don't think folks swim in it much, they do row and canoe and perhaps even waterski there! And of course people fish, too. Terrible pollution really can be remediated with a dedicated program.

Oct 19, 06 9:18 pm  · 

didn't a river catch fire before they started doing something about water pollution?

In the Dominican Republic, we saw kids swimming and fishing in a river with raw sewage floating by... got some pics of that somewhere...

In NYC, since they cleaned up the hudson the wharfs are being attacked by marine borers again. for over 100 years, there was no problem... makes you think that pollution might not be so bad.

In LA, there used to be one part of the LA harbor by wilmington that was uber-toxic. Boat owners would moor there for a day or so, and not have to haul their boat out to be de-fouled.

Oct 19, 06 9:47 pm  · 

Home from St. Louis. Wish I could say that something interesting happened while I was there. In reality, I worked 13-hour days and my whole body hurts now. I got back this afternoon, drove home from the airport, had dinner with roommate (superbeatledud), drove roommate to airport for his own flight, got a flat tire on the way there. A nice airport dude changed it for me and I helped. Talk about physical activity! You try lifting alloy wheels around when your feet hurt so bad you don't feel like standing.

Oct 19, 06 11:14 pm  · 

assuming you knew this because you posted the picture of it: the cuyahoga river caught fire in cleveland oh

from wiki: "Fires plagued the Cuyahoga beginning in 1936 when a spark from a blow torch ignited floating debris and oils. Fires erupted on the river several more times before June 22, 1969, when a river fire captured the attention of Time magazine, which described the Cuyahoga as the river that "oozes rather than flows" and in which a person "does not drown but decays"."

back then 'the flats' - the old warehouse district - was a pretty dodgy place to be. 'course cleveland back then was also known as 'the armpit of america'. now the river's cleaned up, 'the flats' renovated, and the obligatory museums have sprung up along the waterfront. almost moved to cleveland in the 90s - nice city these days.

Oct 20, 06 7:28 am  · 

sorry about the flat, wonderk. i can't think of any situation where a flat tire doesn't suck, but 1.on an airport road, 2.alloys, 3. end of long work day an unfamiliar city 5.wasn't even your flight, 6.etc, all add up to a particularly nasty experience. hope you had some drinks last night.

Oct 20, 06 7:32 am  · 

i passed 3000 and totally missed it. how deflating...

Oct 20, 06 7:33 am  · 
vado retro

congrats steven on 3ooo. here are some FLOWAZ for ya...

Oct 20, 06 9:40 am  · 

steve- yeah I knew that. Just learned another O-H-I-O tidbit. the US have paved (roads/parking lots/et cetera) an area equal to the state of Ohio. Know I know what the pretenders were really singing about.

Gongrats on joining the 3k club.

Oct 20, 06 10:10 am  · 

ooh, that reminds me that I need to top off my tires before the drive to San Fran tonight. Well, I'll try to make it to Los Banos or Casa De Fruta tonight, then the rest of the way tomorrow morning.

I'm going for the grad portfolio day I posted about a while back, and I'm really nervous they won't like my stuff, or will think there's too much architecture mixed in there. I don't know, I'm just nervous.

Oct 20, 06 10:54 am  · 

rationalista, you'll be fine. I'm sure all of your stuff looks great and design is design.....if it's well done, then who's to say you can't switch it up?

Also, enjoy the drive. Are you taking I-5? Stinky highway, that one. Never seen so many cows in my life.

Oct 20, 06 11:39 am  · 

yup. The 5, to the 152, to the 101, to the 280. At least I know the way, as my parents used to live in San Jose.

Thanks for the encouragement.

Still nervous. But hopefully nervous can keep me awake for the drive!

Oct 20, 06 11:54 am  · 
vado retro

all the stars that never were are parking cars and pumping gas....

i didnt work today.
woke up and made some coffee and posted a bit on archinect...
met liberty bell at 10:30 for some coffee and our monthly meeting of the society for the admiration of black turtlenecks.
went to the children's museum to buy some birthday presents for my great nieces and nephews who all are born at the same time for some reason.
went home to get rid of some of that coffee buildup...
walked downtown got some caish then went over to nordstroms and bought a birthday present for my slf in england.
got my boots shined.
had a burrito.
went to borders and looked for a cd which they dint have.
did some window shopping for glasses. god they're expensive...
went to starbucks and got a caramel apple cider.
walked over to mass ave and went to the indy record store and found the cd i was looking for (also for slf.)
went to a local giftshop and found a few fun things for slf.
went into the starbucks there and got rid of some coffee buildup.
walked home.
and here i am...

Oct 20, 06 4:39 pm  · 

sounds like a perfect day, vado! also I've never heard of this caramel apple cider but I will be purchasing one asap.

PS. The flat tire story has evolved into the "story of the great tire deal" - I am getting a set of high performance tires for basically less than half price, and only 3 blocks from my apartment! I deserve a nap.

Happy 3000 Steven!

Oct 20, 06 5:54 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i am not dead

Oct 20, 06 6:04 pm  · 
vado retro

puddles you are prolly very much alive as the replay of the 1968 world series is about to begin...strange the troubled denny mclain won 31 games that year, bob gibson had an era under 2. this year nobody even won twenty. glorydays

Oct 20, 06 6:35 pm  · 

now that my quadrophenia days are over, mary ann's (tina's friend) mom bought us two expensive tickets at 300$ each to
'the who' concert in hollywood bowl. i've considered selling the tickets, but mary ann's mom is to nice to pull a scalper shit on her.
even though i saw tommy twice, i never was a big fan of the kids who were alright.
the upcoming event is on nov. 4 th. and i am wondering if they still breake their guitars on stage in their old age and set the carpet on fire? who gets the 600$. fuck. i guess we are going.

Oct 21, 06 3:21 pm  · 
vado retro

i asked steven ward
i asked puddles
i asked abracadabra
but he couldnt help me either...

Oct 21, 06 5:02 pm  · 

if mary ann's mom knew she could cure me.

Oct 21, 06 5:28 pm  · 

i, too, like small clubs for rock n roll.

Oct 21, 06 6:15 pm  · 

rationalist why dont you post the portfolio here?

Oct 21, 06 6:21 pm  · 

We did Jazz last night in a small was soooo goood. This morning my dogs let us sleep in so winter must be coming!

Oct 21, 06 7:23 pm  · 
vado retro

so, im lookin through a book on great houses of italy that i checked out of the biblioteca. and on page 87 which features the palazzo treves de' bonfilii in venice, i find a torn sheet of notebook paper which reads..."Love this image...nice bodies! yum. liberty bell did you check this book out???

Oct 21, 06 10:29 pm  · 
vado retro

the sexy bodies are Ajax and Hector sculptures by antonio canova. i cant find those so i 'll post another yummy canova...

Oct 21, 06 10:38 pm  · 
vado retro

off to a dual birthday party for a five and a one year old. will be on the road for 2.5 hours. have a good day everybody.

Oct 22, 06 11:33 am  · 

"we're all gristle and fat"
not sure about the gristle, but there's nothing wrong with eating a woman with a little fat.

Oct 22, 06 5:05 pm  · 

let's not get too canibalistic around here. we need somebody to pay for our expensive hobby of designing buildings.

Oct 22, 06 6:01 pm  · 
brian buchalski

sorry vado, but in case you missed it puddles has renounced being a tigers fan...but i'm flattered that you chose to ask me rather than the beatles...of course they're half-dead and i'm only not dead so i guess that makes sense

Oct 22, 06 7:29 pm  · 

yummy canova indeed.

that lovely Paolina Borghese rests her 'sexy body' amongst some of the most remarkable baroque and neoclassical sculptures and paintings imaginable - at the Galleria Borghese.
Along with the the Canova sculpture, there are numerous Bernini sculptures, including:
Apollo and Daphne,
[]Aeneas, Anchises, and Ascanius[/url]
David, The Rape of Proserpina

and numerous Caravaggio paintings, including:
Saint Jerome Writing
Madonna and Child with St. Anne
Boy with a Basket of Fruit
David with the Head of Goliath
John the Baptist

...The Galleria Borghese has one of the best collections of this type of work (quality, not quantity). love it love it love it.

Oct 22, 06 8:25 pm  · 


Oct 22, 06 8:27 pm  · 
vado retro

didnt i post that helen mirren image recently. maybe i should get that poster...

Oct 22, 06 10:00 pm  · 

q+, I think I posted a link a while back.

So, I'm back. The reviews were a mixed bag. I talked with SAIC, CCA, MICA, and the Tyler School of Art (Temple U). On a scale of 1-10 on how big of a stick had been shoved up the reviewer's ass, the scores are as follows...

Tyler: 12
Mica: 1.5
CCA: 0

So basically CCA thinks of 'Design' as one profession, and tends to believe that anyone from one design discipline should be able to do any other sort of design without too much trouble. Tyler, on the other hand, seemed to think that Graphic Design is some sort of holy order that requires blood sacrifice to get into. They didn't even comment on my architecture, like it didn't count at all, and didn't understand the concept of portfolios not being due until friggin January, so anything before then is just a rough draft.

SAIC also seemed less inclined to care that I was already in a design profession, but weren't the evil wenches that Tyler was.

MICA liked the architecture, and said they encourage diversity in their classes, but were somewhat guarded in their assessment.

CCA was basically like, "come on down!!!". I also visited them the next day, and the campus is great. It's like SCIArc for art students. Big converted train depot, lots of raw materials, lots of light. So it turns out that myriam was right- CCA rocks, SAIC is not the mecca I dreamed it to be.

Oct 23, 06 12:06 pm  · 

Give the South (SCAD) a chance! ;-)

Oct 23, 06 12:57 pm  · 
vado retro

i like how thread central has evolved into a "what i did on the weekend" type of thread.

Oct 23, 06 1:27 pm  · 

AP- I'm definitely giving SCAD a chance, esp. since I'm guaranteed a 3-5k scholarship because of my GRE scores there. They just didn't attend the Grad Portfolio Day, so I have no report on them yet. They're reputation is so spotty that I feel conflicted from one week to the next on them. Their curriculum and facilities are great, but I don't want to constantly be having to explain in interviews and such why I chose to go there and that it's not really that bad of a place. So I decided to apply, see how much $$$ it's worth to them to get me there, and figure it out later.

Oct 23, 06 1:53 pm  · 

what i did this weekend...

met AP in person for the first time...
drank more than the entire year to date...
saw david lewis (ltl architects) give an incredible lecture...
took david lewis to dinner and talked about highschool football, salvador dali, disney world, pixar movies, dwarf tossing, etc...
won the entire set of ALS study books for the ARE...

stay tuned for pix on AP's next school blog...

Oct 23, 06 1:58 pm  · 

dwarf tossing! now i'm upset I didn't ask to tag along! ;-)

Oct 23, 06 2:13 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i fixed my old hoover vacuum cleaner this weekend...

...that's right, i can now suck again

Oct 23, 06 3:01 pm  · 

I did some sewing and ran 5 miles, for the first time ever in my life. Small milestone but noteworthy.

That reminds me, I have 4 parties and a Halloween race to run this weekend, if anyone has ANY idea of what a good improv costume can be for any of these, please let me know. I'm stumped. It's been a not-very-inspired costume year. I thought about trying to be something politically ironic but realized no one would get it. Hmmm.

Oct 23, 06 3:36 pm  · 
brian buchalski

good job, 5 miles is impressive. will you now join the nike+ipod archinect challenge?

i'm running a marathon soon and i know that 26 miles sounds like a lot, but the biggest hurdle for me was pushing my limit from a 4 mile run to a 6 mile run. i often found myself hitting a wall around 40 min of running. after that, it's been relatively easy to push onward to 8 miles, 12 miles, 16 miles, etc.

not sure what to suggest for a halloween costume. personally, because of my marathon training, i think i'm going as a skeleton this year

Oct 23, 06 5:05 pm  · 

why not just come in your pants?

Oct 23, 06 5:59 pm  · 

Vado, do we have any other place to socialize around here?

Oct 23, 06 6:08 pm  · 

AP- that sound rather inappropriate, like something that would happen durring a lap dance.

Oct 23, 06 6:10 pm  · 

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