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Happy Father's Day to those who have kids.

Jun 16, 13 3:10 pm  · 

kids, dogs and cats, chickens, cows, elephants and whatever....

Jun 16, 13 5:53 pm  · 

snooker, even elephants?

also when i read this 5 Stops on a California Cheese Trail, i couldn't help but think of tumbles ... then i noticed tumbles popped up for a moment back in April.

happy Sunday all!

Jun 16, 13 8:51 pm  · 

is god listening?  she seems so quiet lately.

Jun 17, 13 4:34 am  · 

just saw this in the news.  editor of domus is going to be old dude bringing a collection of other old dudes with him, instead of joseph grima.  hope they keep the vibe that joseph was pushing.  it was pretty fresh.  can't see how the old garde are going to show us the future.

Jun 17, 13 6:09 am  · 
vado retro

tumbles in one wily goat cheese maker!

Jun 17, 13 8:26 am  · 

Will, we all know it's only the young guns fresh out of school that have any idea what architecture is all about. These boards are full of their deep knowledge and wisdom.

Everyone over 50 should be put out to pasture. Or should it be everyone over 40?

Jun 18, 13 9:28 am  · 

where's my pasture?! i'll take it!

Jun 18, 13 11:59 am  · 

Hell, yes. This 46yo will take a pasture and some charcoal and paper.   I'll happily chill while the youngsters move and shake.

Jun 18, 13 12:21 pm  · 

not that i am against those old masters. a pretty stodgy set but certainly competent.  its just a pity that as a magazine they are talking about bringing in a bunch of masters to sort us all out i'm not so sure they are interested in charting any new ground. 

and frankly the reason its important is because there is ONLY new ground before us.  Climate change, massive natural disasters, population explosions and implosions, democracy, autocracy, whatever, those things don't need more of what we been doing already. And anyway we can get all that old-fashioned made by a master stuff on arch daily. 

on the face of it they are going back down the rabbit hole.  hopefully they decide to keep just a bit of the new stuff.  it made it worth reading lately...

Jun 19, 13 2:54 am  · 
Someone needs to make a soundtrack ?
Jun 19, 13 4:54 am  · 

Will, none of those things are "new ground". 

Jun 19, 13 8:21 am  · 

hm, thats an interesting take miles.  am curious why you think so.  there are very few architects tackling any of those things outside of paper planning, but they are going to define our future.  making more pretty buildings ala the masters is somehow not the answer i imagine.  i really think we need to be more thoughtful about what we are doing, less certain, and for that we need explorers not masters...i thought joseph's editorship was getting into the explorer thing more.  i really appreciated it and hope there is more of it. i guess it ends up being lite on the starchitecture and perhaps that is why the masters need to pop in.

Jun 19, 13 9:44 am  · 

The idea that architects will define the future is an architectural school delusion. The power - in our time at least - is economics, which to a large extent is more about maintaining the status quo than rocking the boat.

It's not that new ideas are bad, it's that they need to be thoughtfully explored and carefully developed rather than rushed into with commercial economic imperative and complete disregard for collateral effects and unintended consequences.

Define "master".

Jun 19, 13 6:58 pm  · 

Unbelievable.  James Gandolfini of "The Sopranos" died today, at age 51, while on vacation in Sicily.  He had a massive heart attack.

I've never watched that show, not because I found it offensive, but because I'm not a big TV watcher and that stereotype is blanketed over an entire ethnicity, when it's an exclusive club of sorts, and I thus find this more ignorant than anything else.

Jun 19, 13 8:14 pm  · 

His best film was Romance and Cigarettes.

Jun 19, 13 8:52 pm  · 

the domus maestri are David Chipperfield, Kenneth Frampton, Hans Kollhoff, Werner Oechslin and Eduardo Souto de Moura.  Great architects and critics, and with serious credentials, but hardly the leading lights.  I get the impulse, but think there is more to be learned from the explorers than the maestri.  The article recently written by a couple who lived in nakagin is much more useful as an architect than yet another series of porned up photos of some beautiful building  that was designed without thinking about any of the real issues we need to deal with nowadays. The 90's were cool, but the stuff we spent our time on back then was pretty lame. Would prefer not to return if at all possible ;-)

Did I say architects will define the future? If so then my bad, I meant exactly the opposite.  I would be pretty happy if we showed evidence of being aware of the present never mind the future. A few radicals would be super welcome.  We tend as a profession to be rather tentative lately.  And now even Domus is worried about hanging its toes over the edge...

Jun 19, 13 9:50 pm  · 

Amen to your entire comment, Will, but especially the bit about the Nakagin Tower article.

But I also agree with you, Miles.  Economics drives everything.  So many art institutions I know of lately are lamenting that they don't make a profit.  WTF? When did profitability become the only/main measure for everything?!

I'm going on an Alaskan cruise next week.  Mixed feelings, indeed.

Jun 19, 13 10:18 pm  · 

Nice Donna.  Always been a wish of mine.  My sister lived on the tip of Wrangle Island in some Oil Mans House.  Rent was cheap  cost to heat was over the top!  So the moved to Montana.  My other sister spent a  Summer in the Capital working for the Forest Service on a special assignment.  Couple of my Uncles and families Lived on the Cost  up near Anchorage. Have a cousin who lives in  the town where Sarah Palin reigns from. 

I will be going to  Block Island  off of Rhode Island for a couple of days.  Bought the auction ticket as a  not for profit fund raiser.  So half the money stays in our community.  We are springing for another night ,so the Owner will hopefully give another  night at her inn next year.

Jun 19, 13 10:37 pm  · 

Donna, before you go read David Foster Wallace's essay "A supposedly fun thing I'll never do again".

Jun 19, 13 10:53 pm  · 

I think I read it.  Was it the one about the porn awards?

Jun 19, 13 10:54 pm  · 

It's about going on a cruise ...

Jun 19, 13 11:39 pm  · 

This is an anonymous confession from a recent graduate of Cal Poly Pomona Architecture School. It is so touching.

"I bought my first bed today... i know that sounds unimportant event to most but to me it was mile stone... i never had a bed growing up i slept on the floor with my brothers, when i left for college i sent my financial aid money home to help out with my family so i only had enough for tuition and food so slept in sofas and my car. I now have graduated and have a nice job and with the first check. I got an apt and bought a nice bed for myself.... its the first luxury item i have ever purchased for myself.... I feel so fortunate."

Jun 20, 13 4:08 am  · 
Amazing statement, Orhan. Something so removed from my experience. The closest I've come was a homeless student, but the student's situation was because of bad choices, not generosity.

Donna, I love the DFW essay Miles mentioned, but would suggest reading it *after*. No need to pre-skew your impressions!
Jun 20, 13 7:48 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Donna, please, at least once, make an I'm on a Boat reference.

And I have never had any desire to go on a cruise.  Too many people, and I once heard a story about how these massive cruise ships come into port, blocking the sun, their hoards descending on the local population.  But I hope you have fun.  Every one I know that's been on one has loved it.

Jun 20, 13 9:14 am  · 
Sarah, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought of "I'm on a boat." My profile picture was taken while making reference to the song.
Jun 20, 13 11:05 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Too bad you can't put a little speech bubble on it!

Jun 20, 13 12:34 pm  · 

personally i like this video re: boats better if perhaps a bit "misogynistic"....

also re: DFW while i enjoyed the 1-2 essays he wrote (ie: the one about him as a young tennis player) I never thought i would be able to get into his books (if only for length).

then the other day i was somewhere (a coffee-shop i think) where they had the paperback version of Infinite Jest laying around so i picked it up and read a few pages.. I was hooked and have committed to purchasing this summer and reading.

particularly liked extensive use of endnotes...

Jun 20, 13 12:35 pm  · 

So, Donna is going on a cruise on the Alaskan Inside Passage.  Hope it leaves from Vancouver instead of Seattle.  Canada Place is a spectacular facility from which to board a ship.  Those cruises are not racy, full of drunks and full of flesh like the Mexico and Bahamas cruises.  And it's cool when pieces of a glacier slide off and crash into the water ... and people capture that sequence in a video.

Jun 20, 13 12:40 pm  · 

huh - I was just discussing infinite jest with my next door neighbor...  i've been halfway through that book for a few years now.  most of the locations (specifically where it takes place in and around Boston) in that book are real places btw.

Jun 20, 13 1:58 pm  · 

This is my favorite boat reference.  Unfortunately the clip cuts off the best line - Tim Roth says it - "One is free, for a time, on a boat."

Jun 20, 13 2:46 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
That's my favorite movie!
Jun 20, 13 4:54 pm  · 


while i am aware of it never saw it. do have to admit I do like me some Tim Roth...

Jun 20, 13 8:03 pm  · 

sounds fun donna.  cruises must be one of the most surreal adventures possible without any special training. like an episode of dr who but with fewer aliens.

Jun 20, 13 10:00 pm  · 

Using very generic American surnames to make an example, does being Smith + Jones make an architectural firm more hip and avant garde than being Smith & Jones?

Jun 21, 13 12:27 am  · 
It's more fun to type. So, yes.

Although you also see a little Smith_Jones these days. And Smith:Jones. Anything that makes a graphic manipulation of what's normally just writing works. : )
Jun 21, 13 6:20 am  · 

Okay, all you "Gossling Geeks" myself included, here's a special treat -

Jun 21, 13 8:12 am  · 

watched 'lars & the real girl' last night. wasn't sure what i was in for, but it was delightful!

Jun 21, 13 8:39 am  · 
Lars and The Real Girl *is* a delightful movie. So optimistic about human perseverance and adaptability. And acceptance. Just lovely.

R&G Are Dead is in my top five movies of all time, for sure, Sarah.
Jun 21, 13 10:16 am  · 
I went to the US premiere of Only God Forgives last night, not for Gosling but for Refn, one of my favorite contemporary filmmakers. It was pretty great, but not as good as his other films.
Jun 21, 13 1:52 pm  · 

so the other night I stopped at our local food co-op on the way home. Not only were all three bike racks completely full but they were also out of my scent of locally-produced organic deoderant. Yup. This is my life now.

Jun 21, 13 1:54 pm  · 

Isn't it weird when things that are taken for granted are no longer?

Paula Deen has reportedly been dropped by "The Food Channel" for her verbal racist transgressions, y'all.


Jun 21, 13 9:34 pm  · 
Jun 21, 13 11:42 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Toast, you're so crunchy!  I never imagined that.


And as for the Paula Dean thing, I saw it on the news, and I thought, when?  And then I heard/saw the transcript from the court hearing, and saw that it was in the past.  I'm not saying it's ok for people to use slurs, but I do believe people can stop using them, and should be acknowledged in such.  Seems getting canned was pretty harsh for something she did decades ago and hasn't done since.

And for some reason, I still get Dan Savage and the guy from Full House confused in my head.  I know they aren't the same, but it's just who I picture.

Jun 22, 13 10:54 am  · 

@sarah that would be one weird episode of Full House...

and toasteroven re: your local food co-op story, minus the deodorant but add local soap and it could be my life.

Jun 22, 13 12:31 pm  · 

@ Sarah:

That was my reaction:  "And just how long ago was this?"  It will be interesting to know.  If she has stopped doing this, it shouldn't have mattered.  Very few people pull a no-show if slated on a talk show.  She pulled a no-show on Matt Lauer.  She must be distraught.  I don't like Paula Deen, but I don't dislike here. I have a problem with OTHER celebrities who have nine lives:  Martha Stewart, who actually went to jail and got financial tips not available to "the little people," and she's as cool as a cucumber, Leona Helmsley, who also went to jail and said "Taxes are for the little people," and now Schwarzenegger who, based on the birthdays of those kids, had put TWO in the oven(s) at about the same type, so I hope he gets nowhere near the silver screen, and he has enough money anyway.

Jun 22, 13 1:05 pm  · 

Oh please, just stop already, her family owned slaves, she didn't just say nigger once, say kike once, say faggot once; this woman, and her family, are what is called in the business, Type 1 Racists. They're not Type 2. 

Jun 22, 13 1:30 pm  · 

@Sarah: I'm not that crunchy. I bike because it shaves 15 minutes off my commute (and it's a lot cheaper than paying for monthly parking or subway pass) and our closest grocery store is a food co-op that only carries only local organic stuff.

Jun 22, 13 2:05 pm  · 

Oh please, just stop already, her family owned slaves, she didn't just say nigger once, say kike once, say faggot once; this woman, and her family, are what is called in the business, Type 1 Racists. They're not Type 2. 

Then just inform me.  No need for the "oh please."  There's obviously something cultural and regional that goes with that.  There would be no multi-generation "Type 1s" around the SF Bay Area who would be repeatedly using terms like beaners and chinks, to make it analogous.  While in high school, possibly.  In adult life, doubtful.

I'm sure we'll learn more about the frequency, recency, and circumstances.  Like I said, I find she pours it on pretty thick and, if you're not from that part of the country, it comes across as very phoney. 

Jun 22, 13 2:55 pm  · 

I just climbed off a ferry  about four hours ago after two wonderful days spent on Block Island. Weather was perfect, place we stayed was perfect, All of our meals were perfect. Walked on the beaches, road bikes and had a nice tour of the island,  Mrs. SDD  was happy which makes Me happy..  Sunday is the start of Race week so we had the opportunity to check out a few sailing vessels in the harbor.  Oh ya and the Beer was Great.....Drank  Narragansett  Beer all weekend.  Took me back to my youth when I spent time in Rhode Island and my friends day only allowed Narragansett Beer in the House....So we always brought a case or two of G..I. Quarts. So we were primed to meet all those young Rhode Island girls and be brave enough to ask them to dance.

Fortunately just before we left MRS. SDD met a woman who has spent a great deal of time on the Island over many years and she was a resource of information.  Sent us to the very best beach....which we walked on Friday morning  with  about ten other the ocean tickled our feet.

Jun 22, 13 6:23 pm  · 

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