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liberty bell

Steven, coming from you there are no stupid comments. Silly ones, yes, and please kep them coming as you approach 3K.

Oct 12, 06 10:17 pm  · 

puddles and wonderk, those flowers are beautiful.

I'm not sure I'll have time for brunch on this trip--I'm going to be at a (gasp) big family breakfast thingy instead. le sigh. but if you are ever in Boston, have I got the brunch recommendation for you... white wine sangria and all!

Oct 12, 06 10:31 pm  · 

Sangria and brunch? Where might that be myriam...sounds good.

Oct 12, 06 10:46 pm  · 

I love the Chili Davis sign off "buh bye". Do any of you remember David Spade's SNL "Buh Bye routine from the mid-90's? Wasn't a very funny skit but I got a kick out of the sarcasm and the whole "who cares" attitude.

Oct 12, 06 10:53 pm  · 

two big events happening around louisville this weekend. found out about them almost too late to attend anything. too far for most of you, but may be interesting to some of my middle-midwestern comrades. sorry i was too late to get these on the event calendar.

ideafestival : leaving this morning to see the lecture by adriaan geuze of west 8.


Oct 13, 06 8:10 am  · 

gomez was great, but really liked the opening band: matt pond p.a. didn't know of them, so it was a nice surprise.

Oct 13, 06 8:11 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

Oct 13, 06 12:00 pm  · 
liberty bell

Damn, missed my chance: I know of Matt Pond, as they played in Philly a lot...I could have actually impressed Steven with music I know but he doesn't!! The opportunity will never present itself again.

So I had a sexy dream about one of my contractors last night. It was a little wierd seeing him on the jobsite this morning. I guess that's the one dawback to being a female in a male profession: most of you guys probably never dream about your carpenters, huh? The funny thing is: we were talking about tile pricing in the dream, which is what we had been talking about yesterday and again this morning! My work and personal life are so intertwined.

Oct 13, 06 12:12 pm  · 

sexy dreams about tile pricing?? sounds like you need a vacation.....

Oct 13, 06 12:15 pm  · 

I mean- not that tile can't be sexy, but PRICING??

Oct 13, 06 12:20 pm  · 
liberty bell

Well, it was what we were wearing while talking pricing that made it sexy. But yes, agreed: tile can be very sexy. Hell I find almost every aspect of construction sexy. I love my job!

Except that in two hours I have to call the client and tell them that the tile pricing came in 3x what we expected. I don't think it will be an even slightly pleasurable conversation. But otherwise I love my job.

Oct 13, 06 12:34 pm  · 

do we need to start a 'sexy tile' thread?

not sure it will be as fun as the 'stamp' discussion.

Oct 13, 06 12:50 pm  · 

whooooo, I'm sitting at home, finalizing my grad school list, preparing samples for my recommenders, eating ice cream. Might pop in a movie a bit later, but I'd probably sleep through it. Nice, lazy day.

Oct 13, 06 1:37 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh my god rationalist that is the best thing I've heard all week!!!! Good for you taking the time off!!!

Oct 13, 06 1:38 pm  · 

that sounds so freakin' great, rationalist...i wish i was at home in my pj's right now...

Oct 13, 06 1:59 pm  · 

oh...i almost forgot...i just joined myspace like last week (some former classmates set up myspaces for their thesis projects, and to see the stuff, i had to join...)...anyway, i went the archinectOr group and sent friend requests to all you peeps that I recognized. So accept my friend request, or my e-motions might be hurt.

Oct 13, 06 2:02 pm  · 

ahhh, I was wondering if that was you! Unfortunately, every time I click the "friend requests" button..."An unexpected error has occured. The problem will be forwarded to the MySpace technical group." So I'm not sure if acceptance is possible.

The School of the Art Institute of Chicago not only looks like my dream school, but their website is actually very complete. It's a damn miracle, because all of these schools seem to be too good to bother making decent websites.

Oct 13, 06 2:19 pm  · 
liberty bell

Good choice rationalist! My husband teahces there - not in graphic design, but in designed objects. It's got a cool new facility, open house was Tuesday and I'm sad I missed it. And Chicago rocks, I imagine being a student there would be very fun.

Oct 13, 06 2:21 pm  · 
Chili Davis

From what I hear The School of the Art Institue of Chicago wasn't NAAB accredited... is this still the case?

Oct 13, 06 2:25 pm  · 

I wouldn't know, as I'm not looking for architecture programs. My only objection to it is the cost.

Oct 13, 06 2:44 pm  · 
Chili Davis

I had some loose change laying around on my desk, so I thought I would perk up my afternoon with a refreshing iced tea with lemon from the vending machine. Apparently, I hit the wrong button. I sit here now, holding an ice cold pink lemonade. Not only do I look uber gay right now, but I fucking hate pink lemonade!!!

Oct 13, 06 3:03 pm  · 
liberty bell

Can you trade with a co-worker?

Oct 13, 06 3:09 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Hmmm... unfortunately, I'm the last one here, aside from a couple admin. staff. I don't think anyone will be interested in my pink lemonade. I guess I'll just have to wait another hour and enjoy a frosty pint!!!

Oct 13, 06 3:13 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Besides, I already drank some to make sure I still fucking hated it, and I do.

Oct 13, 06 3:14 pm  · 
liberty bell

Over here on the real vs fake trusses thread I just posted this:

This is the project on the cover of the Arch Record Record Interiors issue, currently on my desk. I am madly, madly in love with that guardrail: it's just a thick sheet of clear vinyl. It's such a beautiful, simple idea: I look at it and feel both thrilled at how fun our line of work can be and simultaneously paralyzed with jealousy that I didn't think of it!

I'm reposting it here because I've been meaning to do so to proclaim my undying love for this vinyl guardrail ever since the magazine came out. Gorgeous.

Oct 13, 06 4:31 pm  · 
Ms Beary

update on my co-worker and my arguments: I continue to give her the benefit of the doubt and engage her in converstations despite her argumenative behavior. Yesterday, I was having issues with some circulation and egress paths and functional stuff in plan. Nothing I came up with seemed to work. Since she is working on the same project I thought I'd see what she thought. She explodes with like three exclamations of "You can't do that!" pointing at the plans like she is some code goddess. Keep in mind I wasn't asking for a "code review" and am fully aware of all the code issues in the space.
One thing she was arguing with me was that my stair from the basement came up into a hallway, and the exit door was at the top of the stairs, in the hallway. She tried her best to quote the code and pulled out some official sounding rant "...cannot exit thru accessory spaces..." Which we all know is a legitimate code point. Um, it's a HALLWAY and the door was literally at the top of the stairs anyways. She just wanted to sound smart I guess. I calmly explained to her the meaning of this verbage, and that indeed I couldn't exit thru an office or bathroom or what-have-you. She never agreed that I can in fact exit thru this hallway. Moving on.
She grabs the basement floor plan and in her best lawyer-architect voice states that you cannot exit past vending machines. She also proceeds to tell me that you have to have the stair next to the elevator because if the elevator is too slow you will want to take the stairs, they are like 12 feet apart, she said that was too far for convenience (in a parking garage after you've already walked 250 feet? I don't think so). I gently disagree and try to keep topic with my issues. She goes into narrative about she lived in an apartment building where the elevators were slow and she always took the stairs. Kind of a life-experience expert now, are we? You lived in an apartment building once? Hmm, what else, I could go on and on and on, the converstaion was 1/2 an hour and we accomplished nothing except she basically told me that my plans were junk and not up to code. Little miss know it all turns smugly back to her desk.

I'm one of those types that doesn't get mad, but when I do I get real pissed. I turned back to my desk and drafted a bit more till I couldn't stand it and had to go on an anger management walk. A FIVE MILE anger management walk (in heels) on which I just couldn't get calmed down. Now I have to work on Saturday to make up hours because I couldn't come back into the office and face her stupid little grin. And my feet are killing me today.

I'm considering telling my boss that she's being difficult and I can't work with her. I think I can tell him in a way where I won't appear catty or jealous or uncooperative what-have-you. Advice??? Am I a tattle-tale?

Oct 13, 06 5:58 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Oh, and she is working on the exterior elevations and told me I can't move any doors or windows in plan because she already drew them in elevation and they "look good". Form over function?

Oct 13, 06 6:00 pm  · 

bitch slap that bitch. i hate her already, and we haven't even met...

Oct 13, 06 6:05 pm  · 

sorry....i usually delete those comments before submitting them...

if you think you can "tell [the boss] in a way where [you] won't appear catty or jealous or uncooperative..." then go for it. I agree with earlier advice (stay on topic etc), but if that doesn't work...

Oct 13, 06 6:07 pm  · 

cannot exit past vending machines?

that's a new one. i guess that's why they're never in the hallway...

i don't like this girl either...and she needs a sit down soon before
it goes even farther to her head...but probably not by you. most
likely by a principal. i would talk to your principal though..and tell
him/her that you'd rather not have to work with her. after all it's
not to anyone's benefit for you to be doing more arguing than

it makes some sense that the stairs are next to the elevator
obviously...why exactly are they seperated? i despise the type of
people that use 'that's not how things are done'..'that's the wrong
way to do it' etc. when what they really mean is 'that's not the way
i do it.'

Oct 13, 06 6:32 pm  · 

What a twat. I mean really. You're the job captain, right? Again, if I remember correctly, job captains delegate work, so isn't there a way to undelegate to her? And that bit about the windows and doors is pure bullshit and we all know it. Sounds like pretty pretty princess has never had any discipline in her life and you need to figure out a way to give her some. Change shit when you go in tomorrow. Do whatver you have to do and then she gets to deal with it when you get into the office on Monday.

Also, please don't ever ask her for an opinion again. Ask us first. Then tell her what to do. Tell her if she has a problem with it then she can become job captain and do whatever she wants on another project.*

*I've had some beer at this point so take everything I say with a grain of salt.

She's still a twat.

Oct 13, 06 6:54 pm  · 

adriann geuze was great this morning. one of my favorite comments regarding a park design in milan:

'what do you think a park is really for? we might say all these great designer things about health and nature, but it's about boy meets girl, right? that's what it's about. that's why you want a park.'

good news! west 8's been enlisted/hired to deal with the landscape design and urban interface of oma/rex's museum plaza.

Oct 13, 06 7:09 pm  · 

adriaan, that is.

Oct 13, 06 7:10 pm  · 

Strawberry in the old days you would take away her electric eraser.

Oct 13, 06 7:17 pm  · 

I agree with DubK. If she's doing something you feel is presumptious, just go, "oh, don't worry about that, I'm taking care of it. Could you please get out of the file so that I can do what I need to do?" And then if she asks for more work, just tell her you don't have anything for her. If a higher-up asks you why, tell them that you feel her work is counter productive and it's really better when you just do it.

Oct 13, 06 7:39 pm  · 

get her started on that submittal log. or a door schedule. or a hardware schedule. roofing specification section. yeah....

Oct 13, 06 9:48 pm  · 

i agree with steven

you could say.."i respect your knowledge so much...that i'd like
you to redline the spec. first you're going to need to review the
drawings and make sure that all the sections are represented..then
i'd like you to blah, blah, blah..."

or square footages..

or door hardware..not just the schedule. have her go through every hardware
set...printing out each spec and making sure each is correct..then move on to
the lighting schedule.

Oct 13, 06 10:24 pm  · 

you guys are hilarious.

Steven, that is awesome news. Did he announce this at the lecture, or has it been covered elsewhere? (i'm assuming you saw him lecture)

Oct 13, 06 11:28 pm  · 

geuze was here for the ideafestival (url=]ideafestival link[/url]), along with bert rutan, dj spooky, ray kurzweil, etc.

part of the festival also is an exhibit of the work of west 8, displayed in the lobby of our little mini-mies bldg on main street. (first time i've seen anyone in the lobby. i always thought it was designed to stay empty so the building looked pure/empty.)

and, yes, as part of the introduction, the dean of our college of design announced that west 8 had been retained for the museum plaza project. i'm pretty sure he was instrumental in making this happen, just as he was in the selection of oma/rex.

Oct 14, 06 9:32 am  · 

updates on ideafestival from our local paper, including a rundown of some of geuze's comments - and the cow: courier-journal. strangely, no mention of museum plaza, despite the fact that the writer, chris poynter, has been the one covering that project. maybe he's saving up for the sunday paper?

Oct 14, 06 9:38 am  · 

that is too funny strawbeary. i kinda wish i could hire her just to fire her for stupitoodiness. def put her on something tedious. i 'll bet she'll be great at it.

sounds cool steven. geuze was my partner's prof way back when so we gots lots of respect for him over here.

Oct 14, 06 11:18 am  · 

nice...thanks for the links. the site led me too a blog on the festival: IF06 blog...<---this is the entry for Geuze...sounds interesting, especially the notion of political alignment...helping mayors get elected and re-elected by making their talk reality.

also, from the courier-journal led me to this:
...Zuckerman runs Global Voices, a non-profit company created by the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at the Harvard Law School.

It searches for and encourages bloggers worldwide to provide news from countries that the mainstream press doesn't cover that well -- or that often.

"It's a little bit of a multinational news service, a little bit of an international movement of webloggers, and a whole lot of fun," Zuckerman writes on his website,

pretty awesome project. Global Voices Online...

Oct 14, 06 11:30 am  · 

^poor grammar and spelling due to insufficient caffiene...

this Saturday's activities:
Pig Pickin’. The Ronald McDonald House Discovery Board is hosting its fifth annual Pig Pickin’—a favorite among BBQ enthusiasts of all ages. The highlight of the afternoon is the pit-cooked pig brought all the way from South Carolina. Guests will enjoy live entertainment, lawn games and televised football games. October 14, noon-4 PM, Aetna Riverfront Plaza...


Oct 14, 06 11:35 am  · 

bring lots of wetnaps or a hose to clean off your fingers...

Oct 14, 06 11:53 am  · 

aaron betsky's presentation for acadia was this a.m. unfortunately i had to go to an already-rescheduled dentist appt.

Oct 14, 06 1:14 pm  · 

didn't know about the pig pickin'. weird fit as part of the IF. i wonder why they brought it from s carolina. i think ky bbq's pretty great.

Oct 14, 06 1:16 pm  · 

oh, i just got it. not here, there in fla.

Oct 14, 06 1:20 pm  · 

we're almost at 5k posts here.

I am soooooooooo hung over, it's ridiculous.

Oct 14, 06 2:56 pm  · 

not hungover, but now - post pickin' - belly full o'beer and bbq.

Oct 14, 06 3:33 pm  · 

ugh, that makes me sick just thinking about it. I keep alternating between hungry and nauseous. I know that eventually, hungry will win, but then just after, nauseous will come back. I never want to get this drunk again.

Oct 14, 06 4:24 pm  · 

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