
Thread Central

brian buchalski

violence will be coming to america...eventually. but at the moment too many americans are overweight, brain-dead zombies who continue to feed at the propaganda trough (yeah Obama, he's sooo dreamy!) and are incapable of an independent thought, let alone, any collective action.

the financial industry of the american empire has already collapsed and eventually the government will collapse too...and then i think we'll some some bloodshed an american soil. in the meantime, beta's got the right idea. get a gun and learn how to use it. maybe try signing up for one of general laney's gun classes in detroit.

Feb 18, 09 9:39 am  · 
vado retro

as sleazy as nixon was i never hated him. maybe its cause he went on laugh in when i was a kid. i hated reagan though and throw up a little whenever he is mentioned.

i am surprised you girls are not commenting on the shoemakers piece. those sandals are great.

Feb 18, 09 9:40 am  · 

"propaganda trough"

Puddles m'dear - you have more than a few stains on your own bib.

Feb 18, 09 10:00 am  · 

hi Liberty Bell, I fear about you and those incredibly high gas bills - and feel it remiss if I didn't offer my very sunny house (because it has no roof) in Montserrat one of these days even if just to warm up.

vado I often singed my hair when trying to understand women, I always assumed that's what happens when you attempt to acquire things outside your "pay grade"

Feb 18, 09 12:15 pm  · 
liberty bell

Pay grade, LOL!

My computer is 3/4 back up and running, hurray for Time Machine!

Feb 18, 09 12:45 pm  · 
but at the moment too many americans are overweight, brain-dead zombies who continue to feed at the propaganda trough (yeah Obama, he's sooo dreamy!) and are incapable of an independent thought, let alone, any collective action.

wew, thank god you're around, puddles, to help those of us incapable of independent thought, otherwise what would we do. please advise on what course our collective action should take after your summit meeting with patrick marckesano.

Feb 18, 09 1:06 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I am so bored today. On the list is to take stock in preperation to bake a birthday cake, and pick up the house, again. Figure out what to make to go with the lemon/dill/salmon - i need a veggie and a starch. And thats it. I guess at some point I need to start designing that Church since I got the topo last week. Maybe Monday.

Feb 18, 09 1:17 pm  · 
liberty bell

I can only guess that Time Machine is magic, because it somehow just reinstalled programs I was certain I would have to reinstall myself. wtf in a really, really, really good way!

techno, on the gas bill: I just decided to give in and go on the budget plan, so I pay the same amount every month. So I'm kissing goodbye my $30 summer gas bills in exchange for not being horrifically surprised every month when I open the gas bill in winter. I suppose it's a good deal. Thanks for worrying about me!

Feb 18, 09 4:06 pm  · 
vado retro

for 30 bucks a month i will guarantee you no ugly surprises.

Feb 18, 09 5:05 pm  · 
liberty bell

The boys are off at a hotrod event to night. I'm contemplating a dinner of spicy peanuts and a beer. Or should I make the effort and cook myself a nice pasta?

Feb 18, 09 5:20 pm  · 

lb....pass on the peanuts....they have been getting a bad rap this week. Go for the liquid embellishment!

I have one right here in front of me after a


Feb 18, 09 5:40 pm  · 

lb....pass on the peanuts....they have been getting a bad rap this week. Go for the liquid embellishment!

I have one right here in front of me after a


Feb 18, 09 5:40 pm  · 

Have you guys heard of Bernie Madoff's competition for Douchebag of the Year? Behold, Allen Stanford.

Feb 18, 09 8:44 pm  · 

Hi all.

Feb 18, 09 9:30 pm  · 
vado retro

hey n_____________. see you in chicago???

Feb 18, 09 10:10 pm  · 

HI n__!!! What's this about Chicago?

You know, what really irks the shit out of me? ... To work my ass off to meet a deadline... meeting and exceeding that deadline (i.e. drawing stuff correctly) then offering to help someone else out, only to realize that I and maybe six other people in the office are the only ones that seem to ACTUALLY care if their shit is drawn/done correctly. What everyone else is doing, I have no fucking clue, but I just spent the entire day on elevations that were done completely haphazardly. And I'll probably spend the better part of tomorrow fixing the other half that's left to do. Why I ask? Because someone is/was too fucking lazy to do it right in the fucking first place. Even better... I've been busting my ass for the last three weeks while others around me have been playing on the Internet (do you really think I don't notice you switching windows when I pass?) and visiting with neighbors (for like 45 minutes). For the most part, I don't mind it really. I'm prone to doing it too, but only after I get some work done (properly). But seriously folks, get your shit done, and do it right the first time before clowning around. Otherwise I may just have to bust a cap in yo ass.

Feb 18, 09 10:39 pm  · 

Wonder K, he's been living overseas for years to avoid his taxes - first in Montserrat (where he was extradited in the 80s but never charged) and then in Antigua. In Antigua he was single handedly hosting cricket tournaments with U$1 million CASH prize and most notably convinced the winners to reinvest in his company with promises of 30% returns within a year. The reason I think all of slipping and sliding has caught up to him is because he's been living on American soil (St.Croix) for the last 2 years. But he's from a wealthy Texan oil family so he may just get out of this but may loose his knighthood.

Feb 18, 09 11:31 pm  · 

Wow, WK and Atechno, WOW!!! Anyone else finding it interesting we're learning of all these people who aren't paying taxes?

Feb 19, 09 8:12 am  · 

Hi guys...

I am going to be spending the weekend at the beach.
Wish Friday would hurry up and get here.

Melt sounds like a shitty thing to put up with. I can't stand people who can't be a professional abotu all work related issues.

How is everyone else doing today?

Feb 19, 09 8:25 am  · 
brian buchalski
Puddles m'dear - you have more than a few stains on your own bib.

listen babe, there's an error in your analysis. i've got stains, yes...but it's from filling the trough, not eating from it.

Feb 19, 09 8:35 am  · 

layoffs/furloughs are coming - just had an office meeting where this was announce. No specifics for who's getting put out in the cold, yet....

Feb 19, 09 11:49 am  · 

Hopefully not you.
Everyone needs an infrastructure guru!!!

But the same rumblings have begun at my job as well.
And we are in healthcare/education sector...

Feb 19, 09 12:00 pm  · 

Puddsies - quite the same thing, in your case.

Tree/nam - crossing fingers and doing the 'stay hired' voodoo for you. I can't describe it to protect public decency, but it IS effective.

Feb 19, 09 12:36 pm  · 

that sucks tk - keep the faith, hope you are able to ride through it.

Is there a reason TC is moving so slowly today? Where is Sarah? Is she off dressed in boots and a black wig to drop off her resume and portfolio? Where is Liberty Bell, has she fallen victim to the cold? Or is she still sitting with the new pup on her lap? What about snook-dude; out walking the dogs again in the cold? I meant to ask earlier do you have special mittens for the dogs when they go out in the snow? Do you find that as ridiculous as I do? It's been a while since we've heard from rationalist, what's up with that? Where exactly does puddles live?

Feb 19, 09 12:38 pm  · 

Finished the sheet with 6 minutes to spare!!!!! Woo-hoo!!! Time to now eat... and catch my breath.

Atechno - Booties do look ridiculous on dogs, but they serve a good purpose. My parents's dog wears them in the ice and snow, otherwise she starts limping. It's quite sad, but funny as all hell.

Feb 19, 09 1:11 pm  · 


TK - that really sucks. Hope everything turns out well for you. I'm sending good vibes your way.

Feb 19, 09 1:13 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yep, my Gus had booties for when the city sidewalks were covered in salt/snowmelt chemicals to protect his feet. He hated them. He also had a fleece jacket that he hated; he used to rub his body along the buildings trying to get rid of it.

I spent yesterday repairing a computer problem, is why I was quiet most of the day. I've been yammering on as usual about the licensure topic today, tho!

Feb 19, 09 1:23 pm  · 

No booties here....My Dogs are Real Men Dogs! We had a slush storm late yesterday and last night....everything is now like a half melted snow cone except without the food coloring.

Feb 19, 09 1:38 pm  · 
liberty bell

Also, vado has been quiet lately. I'm fearful he is still trying to clean up his shoes from me tossing coffee all over them last week.

Feb 19, 09 1:46 pm  · 

liberty bell, just out of curiosity, did you get another bull terrier because you liked their temperments, or do you just like their size or what? I am fervently planning the dog I'm going to get whenever I get a job and a place to live, and I've narrowed it down to three: a Shetland Sheepdog, an Australian Shepherd, or a Golden Retriever (or a shelter mix of one of these). All are said to be good for first-time dog owners, very trainable, and not too yippy. My roommate likes to scare me with stories she's heard of Australian Shepherds that have "destroyed people's lives" but I am undeterred. Feel free to offer your dire predictions and opinions now.

Also, I told you it was wet in San Fran over the weekend.

tk, I'm rooting for you! Perhaps it really is time to start that company we all keep talking about...

Feb 19, 09 2:58 pm  · 

I'm crossing my fingers that marketing will continue (plus I'm cheap since I never got the 40% raise that is needed). Otherwise I'm outta here - DC or Cali? Other options include NYC and Seattle. Not much happening anywhere, but I need to place my money on where will rebound first.

Feb 19, 09 3:24 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

DubK, my grandparents had an Australian shepard - no wait, that was an australian cattle dog. Never mind.

Techno, I've been watching Cruso on NBC this morning...facinating. Its like Swiss family robinsons meets hercules meets pirates of the carribean. Then I got groceries, and did some pilates. Oh, and laundry. My but my life is an exciting one! I get to bake a cake tomorrow! Since I'm making the head of the very hungry catepillar, I think I will use straberries to help tint the icing red. Red icing is typically pretty gross, so I figured, with some base tint thrown in, I'd need less red dye. Am I correct? Any pastry chefs in the house?

Ok, back to Cruso!

Feb 19, 09 3:28 pm  · 

Sarah that might be worth throwing out there on the ask mighty help thread. Wonder K, all those dog choices sound great - I would throw in Belgian Shepherds I've had 3 to date. None were trained but you wouldn't be the wiser. They just had cool personalities. They shed alot in warmer climates. Why are you thinking of getting a large one for your first dog? I've only had big dogs, less Maddy that I shared with the loony ex. Since then I really looking forward to getting a smaller dog again simply because they were easier to live with.

Wait a minute where's Orhan? And has Tumbleweed disappeared again.

Feb 19, 09 3:40 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, I think that's a good idea - red food coloring only makes frosting pink, not red.

tk, my guess would be NYC would be busier first. This is based on my perception that it is still somewhat busy there now, in other words, it hasn't tanked as badly as everywhere else. Hang in there - it sounds to me like you are valuable to the firm and they would thus want to keep you around as long as possible.

DubK, my husband loves bull terriers' temperaments. Which is funny as their temperament is a huge pain in the ass: they are smart, and busy, and exhausting. They are a bad choice for anyone who works eight hours a day and doesn't want to spend every non-work moment entertaining the dog. I have to say I have heard this is true of Aussies, too: they have tons of energy and have to expend it somewhere; if you're not there to play with them, they destroy your shoes. God knows my last bully was destructive for that reason!

Also, based on my young-professional-in-the-city life: a dog is a huge problem if you want to be able to go out to happy hours with coworkers or have dates after work. Unless of course you hire a dogwalker who has access to your apartment every day. I spent ten years living in Philly, I guarantee there was a maximum of ten days in that period that Brian or I were not dealing with the dog from 5-6pm. If you'll be working from home, great, otherwise, a dog is a huge commitment of non-work hours.

And that is my dire warning for you.

Feb 19, 09 3:49 pm  · 

TC thanks for all the support. It feels that I'm irreplaceable on several long term projects which have never turned into contracts, but will my marketing efforts be deemed worthy of keeping around if all production staff gets laid off? I've been heading chasing the obama dollars which is very transferable to the highest bidder.

the biggest frustration if all goes south is that I'm 2 weeks from becoming a licensed landscape architect in MN, if the RLA in the office goes or I'm out, then I'm screwed.

Beyond my own career goals, missus TK needs to get licensed in psychology before she's employable - cali has an almost impossible requirements/test (and I thought architecture was bad), NY's requirements have been met, elsewhere requires a basic test, but philly would require her to repeat her post doc. so this is forcing us into making a choice.

NYC would be the simplest place to jump to with my existing network of friends and family - but do I really want patterson & gillibrand representing me?

Feb 19, 09 5:12 pm  · 

mrs b just returned home from a meeting where she is on a board with one of our clients. She did have a funny story to tell or I should say our client had a funny story. We just went thru property tax evaluation. About four years ago we did this two car garage for our client. It is in an late 1800's neighborhood where everyone walked to the factory to work so the lots are small and they houses are two
story with a barn out back. The appraiser came for his walk thru of the garage and thought the project was a restoration and not new construction. So I guess we hit it on the button. This is the second time we have had this happen with people looking at this project.
I like the fact that it was all made up in my for ARCHITECTS!

Feb 19, 09 6:02 pm  · 

still alive.

Techno, what's up with that is thesis. There are really no more words. I'll try to post more soon, particularly next week when I start having more visual explorations to show.

Feb 19, 09 7:33 pm  · 
Living in Gin

TK -- Here's hoping for the best.

NYC is probably your best option in terms of finding work, but the quality of life leaves a lot to be desired. I'm fortunate in that I have a good job in a stable firm that's still getting new projects, but lately I feel like I'm reaching the end of my rope in terms of the day-to-day hassle of living in this pressure cooker. Hopefully I'll be able to stick it out until I start grad school.

Feb 19, 09 7:59 pm  · 
vado retro

hey gin there was an oma job posted did you run your resume over there?

Feb 19, 09 10:26 pm  · 
vado retro

late too the party but i finally twittered. come find me little birdies.

Feb 20, 09 12:49 am  · 

vado, got your email....thanks for the invite but I don't Twitter.

techno, I love all dogs, but I really like those medium to large size dogs...they are big enough so when you walk them, they seem protective, but they are small enough to handle and still play with. Also the bigger they are, the more calm they are, generally speaking. In fact I would love to get a Great Dane! They are supposed to be good apartment dogs, since they don't really run or jump or move quickly at all, but they don't live very long :o(

liberty bell, I totally know what you are saying. Truth is I've kind of transitioned out of that phase of my life a little bit, which isn't to say that I never want to be social ever again, but WonderMan has his dog and I see how it owns him, but I think with the two of us we could take turns. Also after living where I have the past two years, my next neighborhood or living situation will have grass or green space of some kind. I must have it!

tk, the more I think about it, the more screwed up I think the bureaucracy in this country is - licensing exams, codes, taxes, the whole lot of it. 50 states to make a union is a good idea on paper but when it comes to everything else, it's a pain in the arse.

Feb 20, 09 2:41 am  · 

sending good kharma your way TK.

i absolutely understand what you are feeling. it is hard to juggle career plans for husband and wife when both are regulated by bureaucratic even harder moving from one country to another, so i guess it could be worse...

i love me a big ol dog, preferably larger than me if at all possible.

unrelated, but my partner and i just got this cool coin in the mail via our netherlands connection. is totally awesome.



more cool is how it was made. check out here. the creative and quirky things possible on computer these days keep me hopeful.

Feb 20, 09 5:57 am  · 
brian buchalski

still aliveeeeeeeeeeee

and thinking of opening a bar named 'thread central'

Feb 20, 09 7:34 am  · 
vado retro

but wk i need to know what you are doing right now!

if you're thinking australian shephard/border collie you may wanna read this guy...

Feb 20, 09 8:57 am  · 

Puddles that is a awesome idea..

Feb 20, 09 9:21 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Puddles, I better get free drinks. Actually, all of us regulars should get free drinks.

Birthday Cake today!!!! Hard to believe its been a year. Guess I should go check out what I was thinking this time last year....

Feb 20, 09 9:35 am  · 
liberty bell

Sarah: your comment is perfect. I'm listening to Kelly Reichardt talk about her movie Old Joy (which I haven't seen) and I'm feeling insanely happy about how much life gets better as you get older. Enjoy this time with your boy, and don't worry: the difficult stuff gets easier and easier as you go along. Really.

Feb 20, 09 9:48 am  · 

I just recently watched Old Joy.
My two reactiosn were
1. man i want to move to the Northwest and hikethrough wet woods all the time
2. Man age, maturity and friendship are 3 things that go together so well. Personally, i din't find the movie as elegiac so much as nostalgic?

Feb 20, 09 10:49 am  · 

Wonder K, I liked how you slipped in the "we'll take turns" bit with Wonderman - slick. Loving the long terms thoughts and intentions. I too like danes, especially how passive they are - odd when you see how large they are.

Feb 20, 09 12:19 pm  · 

is an australian shepard the same thing as a border collie?

if so, my lone experience with one was in fact as a life-destroyer. my neighbor got one and it didn't last one year before his poor wife and kids had begged and begged and begged so much that he finally gave it away. the kids, pre-teens, were terrified to go into their own backyard. Nobody had been able to sleep since the thing moved in. Even though it was cute and 'friendly', us neighbors cheered -- it jumped every 6' tall fence in the neighborhood and we were constantly cleaning up after the havoc it wreaked bounding through everyone's backyards. My poor outside cat was trapped indoors for the whole summer. You felt bad hating the cutie but you couldn't help it... he was a hellion, and a loud one at that.

I've since read that you really shouldn't get a dog like that unless you have literally acres on which the thing can do what its been bred for centuries to do : herd things. even if you don't have sheep, at least it can get out there and pretend. in the suburbs it just went crazy for lack of stimulation. it was pretty sad... you can't beat biology i guess.

Feb 20, 09 2:26 pm  · 

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