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the FSM sainted them!

Feb 13, 09 5:29 pm  · 

Fridays are always sort of a half wierd day, cause your really wanting it to be Saturday. Yet it ends up being crammed with so many things.
Mine involved working on three different projects. One a residential project, one a bank and one a non-profit medical clinic. Then I was thinking about my latest project to come on board. I do alot of thinking about projects once they come on board. I guess that be why I didn't sleep for crap last night. However today was one of those very productive days. I was at the residential project site where I spent a few hours verifying what has been built cause it is one of those New England Ramblers..with addition upon addition yet most of the construction on this one is new (go figure). It is a complicated site but at the same time a very meaningful site. The contractor has the first floor framed and in place with the second floor deck framed and part of the second floor walls. Some things have been shifted around due to changes that the owner would like and I just don't want things to spiral out of control where we end up with a mish-mash. So this weekend when the phone isn't ringing I plan on spending some time working out some of the finer details.

The Bank JOB! It is an interior remodel project and well alot of space planning and shuffling things around in an old building with masonry brearing walls. I believe we have finally arrived at a point where everyone is on board with the design. I will know more next week after their board of directors meets.

The Non-Profit Clinic. I like this project cause of the client. I basicly like working for people who are not out there to make money but provide a basic service to people in need. This started out as a field measuring job and has turned into a fun project of making the most out of the existing building with a tight budget....and I believe I have nailed it on the head.

So with all the gloom and doom I'm feeling good about where we (Mrs B.) and myself are at in the whole of the picture.

Night all.....going to go eat and enjoy the rest of the evening.

Feb 13, 09 7:18 pm  · 

sounds cool snook !

LIG, rem has said himself there is no connection between his theoretical work and his buildings so don't search for one.

don't worry about blobs and shards. no one is really doing them anymore. i haven't seen them in the studios for about a decade actually. rem is the most orthogonal of the starchitecture lot, so by default you should like him the best ;-) but anyway, i have not met a professor who requires you to follow any particular style to get good grades, myself.

i have not seen any of calatravas work in person, but have seen lots of ando. my prof shared studio space with him when i first started at university of tokyo so i should like his work. there was a time in undergrad when i idolised him, and he is interestingly one of the better teachers here in spite of not having gone to university himself.

but seeing his architecture in person taught me a lot more about how i don't want to design than how i should. church of the light was beautiful but details did not include insulation because he wanted to show off the concrete - result? condensation running down interior of walls in winter and congregation wearing parkas...rem's details at educatorium by comparison were fantastic. clearly thought out and brilliantly done. and space much more personal/intimate than ando by light years. seriously, no comparison. ando is about geometry not humanity. rem is the complete opposite. gehry too.

so ando taught me, completely by accident, that what looks logical is often NOT, and what feels good to inhabitants is more important than what dogma says. i suppose that is why i admire oma and gehry so much. neither of them believe they have THE answer. that open-ended-ness is really important to staying relevant i think. also very impt to becoming great architect. especially today. dogma has no place in our world anymore except as example of where we went wrong. or so i think anyway...

Feb 13, 09 10:30 pm  · 

well written jump, I'm not sure I could of been as clear. But I agree strongly in regards to the opened-ness of REM's work, Gehry's not so much - albeit I was godsmacked by the Case Western building. Whilst in school I disregarded Gehry during the height of the Bilbao that much of what he was doing was both reliant on technology and expensive materials. But during my PM training was shocked to learn that many of his buildings were comparable in square foot costs even with expensive finishes. Anyway...I'll take a face to face look at some Calatrava and who knows maybe I'll change my mind - but I just have some fundamental problems with the architecture and planning.

Feb 13, 09 11:21 pm  · 

thanks archi. i agree with you about calatrava. it seems somehow to be more about fitting things into a form than being practical. some of it looks pretty awesome anyway, to be fair.

article in NY times about gehry technologies recently was very interesting. it seemed to show how he was able to optimise costs using the software in a very efficient way without giving up formal ambitions. that impresses me.

we are going to do some shaolin kung-fu tonight. finally found dojo in our neighbourhood and daughter is totally revved.

Feb 14, 09 4:22 am  · 
vado retro
Feb 14, 09 9:07 am  · 

Wow I didn't know that's how Chet Baker looked. There is a chiselled manliness to him, yet very soft and endearing music. Strange he didn't have a bigger fan base outside of Jazz.

Jump for your daughters

Feb 14, 09 12:05 pm  · 

jump wait a minute - how comes they do Kung Fu and not Karate?

Feb 14, 09 12:06 pm  · 
vado retro

and you will have a stroke about the corruption that is going on in iraq with our tax money...

Feb 14, 09 12:16 pm  · 

The World Book!...and the yearbooks! That was the internet to me, years before the internet...couldn't have gotten through high school without it. And our set looked pretty much like vado's.

Chet Baker didn't look exactly like that by the time he died at 59; his hard living was written on his face. Great musician, though.

Nice site and work, lars. What do you think of Modigliani and Lucien Freud?

Feb 14, 09 12:41 pm  · 
liberty bell

For fuck's sake. My gas bill this month is $518. And that's with the thermostat set to "shivering".

And my taxes are paying for Iraq? Damnation.

Feb 14, 09 3:33 pm  · 

Liberty....guess you want to reconsider your Presidential Vote....Palin well she is all for getting that gas pipeline built...(sorry I just had to toss in that silly). Wonder when poor people like us are going to be able to afford solar panels on our roofs and wind generators in our back yard.

I did have this crazy dream last night about generating power by using the storm sewer system throughout the country. We have all those giant concrete culverts burried under ground with vast amounts of water passing thru them with every rain storm or snow melt.. Why couldn't we just put in an inland turbines....seems like it might be kind of a fun project. Most of the infrastructure is in place we would just have to come up with an iron proof turbine. Then we wouldn't be slaves to the oil and gas industry.

Feb 14, 09 4:14 pm  · 

Went to lunch with my valentine... mushroom cheese New York Style Pizza shaped like a heart arrived at our table. Mrs. B had to take a picture of it before we could eat it. Downed the Pizza with a Fosters Ale. Yummmy!

Feb 14, 09 4:17 pm  · 

That is kind of a brilliant idea!!

Happy V-day all.
And on a sader but also happy(??) note.

My girl's mother passed away yesterday after a tough battle with cancer.

Feb 14, 09 5:08 pm  · 

Oh Nam I'm sorry to hear that. Fortunately though she is no longer suffering and in pain.

snook - I completely agree with Nam, that is a great idea. Why wouldn't it work. I wonder about the actual economical feasibility of such an innovation, i.e. how long would it take to pay for itself?

Happy Valentine's Day everyone. I'm taking it easy as my head is now producing excess amounts of snot/mucus. Oh joy.

Feb 14, 09 5:29 pm  · 

sorry to hear that, nam.

holy shit LB. our gas bill is 1/5th that for TWO months. and japn imports every drop. what the hell? we heat our house, take bath, wash dishes, and do cooking with gas, but heater is off at night so slightly chilly....but yeesh. our flat is smallish, just 80 m2, and we only heat about half of that at any given time, cuz its silly to heat the toilet and the front hall...think that makes the difference?

archi, my brother does karate. i did kendo for years, but switched to kung-fu cuz is like aikido but with more punching and kicking. unlike karate there are no competitions. we spar amongst ourselves but never for sport. most of the fighting is holds, pressure points and the ol using opponents weakness against them kind of thing, anyway. which is why the teacher from last night, who seems just a few years from a walker is nonetheless incredibly powerful. and why my daughter can learn it and not be worried if her opponent is someone years her senior. its about knowledge, not strength...and the only opponent worth winning against is we do that instead of karate...also is fantastic aerobic exercise. brilliant.

Feb 14, 09 5:43 pm  · 

Guess I should talk to my brother inlaw....Engineer Inventor...Licensed Hot Air Balloon Pilot, Farmer,
recycling expert and almost retired.... maybe with a little time on his hand he can come up with a squirl cage turbine which can be easily worked into storm water pipes.....Geeze think of the electricity that could be generated in a place like Olympia Washington.

It was a fricking I'm a dream machine....

Feb 14, 09 6:39 pm  · 

snook would love to see the pizza. I am in a romantic mood today, well I'm a helpless romantic generally. And despite my love being so far away FTB delivered her a majestic bouquet of tropical flowers. So now I'm going to get my fill of cheesy and dare I dare I say girlie "chick flicks" not because I want to but because every station seems to be showing just that.

Feb 14, 09 7:03 pm  · 

archit....I'm off to do the same....with the Mrs. B.

Feb 14, 09 7:09 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Morning all,

I see most had an enjoyable day yesterday. Melt, I hope you feel better soon.

I took Kung Fu when I was little. I got all the way to a green sash - which is like 4 levels from black. Its cool that they use sashes instead of belts, and you dont get to start with a belt/sash either. Plus our uniforms had those crazy knot/loop things for buttons, and they smelled like raisens. I always felt Kung Fun was the top of the martial arts just because it wasnt about kicking butt, it was about control; much smarter.

Feb 15, 09 9:45 am  · 

it was cold. damn cold last month.

time to look into 'weatherizing' so you can later deal with the problems caused by condensation. our gas bill last month was $280 for the three weeks of sub-zero. last year we had a bill close to $500 in the other house. My biggest gas bill ever was over $900 when I lived in my brooklyn loft sandwiched between two unconditioned floors - all concrete with no insulation.

Feb 15, 09 11:36 am  · 
vado retro

lb you may want to get three snuggies! oh make it four. can't forget chica!

hey if the government is worried about stimulus packages not stimulating the economy why not just give everyone a government gift card that can be used at retailers. mix in a discount that the hungry retailers would give ya for using the Stimcard (name invented by me) and we could start conspiculously consuming again!

Feb 15, 09 11:58 am  · 

Yikes! $900 that's insane. But $280 with three weeks of sub zero temps is impressive. Mine was $253. I know there's some weatherizing I need to do, but I think the previous owners did a lot to the place to keep the energy costs down. I can't even imagine how much it cost to heat the place before they added new storm windows and got a new furnace.

Feb 15, 09 12:02 pm  · 
vado retro

sorry about your loss nam.

Feb 15, 09 12:08 pm  · 

Vado you are brilliant I think that is an amazing package, especially if the size of the stimulus package was related to the amount of taxes paid, like a rebate. But I suspect the cost of making those 303,824,640 stimcards & putting money on it may have a difficult time passing through the regulatory bodies

Hey everyone it's Sunday and the weather is beginning to really warm up - that means its almost my favourite time of year, BBQ time!! Apologies on the use of BBQ Sarah I just don't know what to call it and grilling time doesn't have the same je-ne-sais-quoi to it

Feb 15, 09 12:55 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

We call it a cook out, Techno.

Feb 15, 09 3:58 pm  · 

archi man your life is waaay too comfortable. don't you ever feel guilty?

you should just call it a bbq if thats what is called in your neck of the woods. we call it the same here and there is squid involved usually. and corn. ;-)

Feb 15, 09 8:35 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Thanks for the perspective about Ando and Rem, jump. Most of what I know about them is based on what I've seen published; maybe my feelings will change once I've had the opportunity to visit more of their projects in person.

Ando did a house in my old neighborhood in Chicago, and I had the pleasure of watching it get built. I think in that case, he managed to sandwich a 4" layer of rigid insulation between the interior and exterior concrete surfaces. Hopefully the results are better than in the church in Japan.

Feb 15, 09 9:09 pm  · 
vado retro

i know i'm old and have some entrenched habits. one of them is that i usually will tune into sixty minutes unless the stories are completely stupid and of course i watch andy rooney for the ali g factor...but tonight i was watching an interview with the head of nucor steel and they were talking about the deep pay cuts the workforce has taken since they are paid on productivity and are not unionized. and these people were making almost 90 thousand bucks a year? i mean am i out of line but does that seem like a hell of a lot of money? my dad worked at bethleham steel and maybe he maade in 1960s dollars the equivalent? somehow i doubt it. but that seems like a hell of a lot of money. granted i certainly wouldn't want to have a job like that but come on...90k?

Feb 15, 09 9:38 pm  · 
Living in Gin

My grandfather worked in a steel foundry in rural England as a child. Pretty sure he wasn't making anywhere near the equivalent of $90k per year, and he certainly didn't belong to a union. He used to brag that he could pick up a piano frame with his teeth, and I don't doubt it.

80-some years later, he died of a very rare form of cancer. The doc speculated that it was probably the result of god-knows-what he was exposed to in that steel foundry.

Feb 15, 09 10:28 pm  · 

vado- unfortunately the 'gift card' idea wouldn't do any more good. What I'd do is buy all the things I have to buy on a regular basis with it, and put my paychecks towards paying down debt. Net effect on economy = 0.

Feb 15, 09 11:05 pm  · 

I really liked Ando's Pulitzer building in St Louis, although it was a little too concrete for me..a better museum/gallery place than residence. Beautiful lines, faming of rooms, views et al. Al the classic touches of Modernism that I love.

Great look but not warm? Especially for such a cool climate.

Feb 15, 09 11:29 pm  · 
vado retro

that wouldn't be net effect zero. it would be you pay your debt down with your pay and buy things with the StimCard (term invented by me) net effect stimulation of purchase of whatever you would buy plus the bonus purchasing power you would receive from the retailer. ie buy two fill in the blank with your StimCard(term invented by me) and get a third fill in the blank for free or whatever.

Feb 16, 09 12:24 am  · 

i'd use it vado. great idea. the govt could keep filling up the card with cash from their side, like the transit card i have here in tokyo (one card, magnetised for quick transit on any public transport in city - also used to buy coffee or snacks at select stores). then if people stopped buying shit, they could like fill it up again and send you an e-mail that the stim was full. would be like totally awesome.

ando building in chicago was indeed sandwiched. quite nicely done, though boring design for me. i like some of his houses, but none of his public buildings. they feel too much like set of ray bradbury's martian chronicles maybe. just geometry no humanity....

also lack of parapet on his rokko housing project (because he wanted purity of concrete only) left the walls exposed to rain and such and the building was BLACK with gunk as a result. ugly ugly ugly. He can do the detail now because of better sealants for concete, but i was shocked when i went to see it the first time round.

Feb 16, 09 2:49 am  · 

HI all. I'm alive and trying to stay warm, dry and healthy in the Bay Area until Tuesday. As it turns out it's a challenge, because it's been cloudy since yesterday, and today, the rains came. At first it was a drizzle but eventually the winds kicked in and it was a driving rain with mini-tornados of unpredictable wind directions every 5 feet. All this at very un-California-like temperatures in the upper 40's. Needless to say, my quest to cover the new Morphosis Federal Building, the California Academy of Arts and Sciences, and my favorite shops (that I can't buy anything at) is becoming difficult. Tomorrow I'm putting on my boots, rolling up the pants and trying again. (If you run the little radar animations on you'll notice the massive cloud front that is stubbornly hovering over the's a bit depressing.)

Today we managed to get brunch (after a healthy but well-worth-it wait) and see the Federal Building before becoming soaked and exhausted. Thank goodness for my weather-resistant Olympus point-and-shoot, or else I wouldn't be able to take any pictures at all. As it is the clouds are so low and dense that visibility is nil, and I can't get any good city shots :o(

PS. I should mention that most of this has been accomplished with the company of no less than three recently out-of-work intern architects. :-/

Feb 16, 09 4:33 am  · 

This line
"they feel too much like set of ray bradbury's martian chronicles maybe. just geometry no humanity..."., explains my experience of the Pulitzer bldg much better than I did.

DubK, sounds dreary all around....

Feb 16, 09 8:14 am  · 

anyone for moving to the Netherlands?


Feb 16, 09 9:01 am  · 
vado retro

hey jump i didn't think about the refill capacity of the card. the recovery could really happen.

Feb 16, 09 10:05 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

OK, so tomorrow I have to do something really balsy and out of character. A firm in town is hiring, and for my position no less, but resumes tend to get lost in their hiring structure, so I was told to go down in person. To insist on handing my resume DIRECTLY to the man in charge of hiring, even if it means waiting while he's in a meeting. I'm terribly nervous about it. If you were on the receiving end, how would you feel?

Feb 16, 09 10:18 am  · 

emilio. i'm a fan of lucien freud...and modigliani as well. i saw a show of lucien's at the moma and his etchings. it's great to see that he's still working after all these years.

for anyone that was wondering...the saxophone player is lee konitz from a picture taken by lee friedlander.

Feb 16, 09 10:31 am  · 

A bright note landed in my email inbox this weekend.

My abstract to Green Roofs For Healthy Cities was accepted!!! now I have to write a paper to present and convince my cash strapped office to fly me to ATL in June (even if I'm no longer working for them).

wK - stay dry...

Feb 16, 09 10:48 am  · 

SH do it!!!

Tree, awesome...Hotlanta is a nice town to visit when not under drought conditions.

Feb 16, 09 11:35 am  · 
vado retro

cool tk...

you know sarah, when elvis costello wanted a record deal he just stood outside the record company and played songs.

Feb 16, 09 11:50 am  · 

SH - What do you have to lose? At least this way they will see that you are motivated, right?

Feb 16, 09 1:01 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I know. I'm gonna do it. Its just so crazy for me.

I've done other things out of character this week. I bought a wig for V-day, well, my mom paid for it (sad, I know). Husband has been wanting me to cut my hair short, straighten it, and dye it black. That'd be like LB doing the same thing. Theres NO WAY. So I got the wig, wore it out, and everything. He loved it, but I was terrified when he first saw me in it.

Feb 16, 09 1:10 pm  · 

I would kill for my s.o. to be down with me chopping off all my hair. It's the way I have always been, before, meeting s.o., so s.o. doesn't understand how weird I feel with the hairstyle I currently have (and which s.o. loves). It's really beginning to wear on me. One of these days it is gone, and I may go either pink or platinum blonde as well. We'll see.

My mother died her hair pink when she turned 50 and it literally took 10 years off her face. She looked FANTASTIC. My father harangued her about it (refusing to walk with her in public, etc) so badly that she could only keep up the biweekly dyes for about 4 or 5 months, and then just gave up the fight. Pretty sad.

Feb 16, 09 1:18 pm  · 

SH. i usually take the tact you're considering...preferring to
make sure that a firm receives my package. one thing though,
i'd make sure that the firm that is hiring has no preset requirments
for resumes and such...some firms ask you only to email
pdfs for instance. also..some firms really dislike people
showing up and bothering their current employees...if someone
told you to go down there then do it. i know my last place of
employment got to the point of only looking at resumes that
were submitted via email and got too cumbersome to
look at multiple applicants otherwise.

Feb 16, 09 1:31 pm  · 

grrrr I'm so out of it. Had a surprise party for one of my dear friends yesterday afternoon, and the scotch was flowing nicely. My error was going out with the boys after for a last drink. It has resulted in me feeling very rough today

dubK what are you doing in San Francisco?

Feb 16, 09 1:48 pm  · 

Sarah go for it!! And maybe you should wear the wig

Feb 16, 09 1:59 pm  · 

I'm just taking a break, techno. I haven't been here since I moved to California and it's one of my favorite places in the country so I just decided to visit. I'm staying with SuperBeatledud in Oakland. It's a nice neighborhood but a pain to get anywhere from.

I see a blue slice of sky this morning...I'm going for it!

PS. manta, I too want to dye my hair pink when I get older. I think WonderMan would get a kick out of it.

Feb 16, 09 2:27 pm  · 

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