
Thread Central

Sarah Hamilton

ooohhhh, Sounds like someone is thinking long-term!

Feb 16, 09 2:40 pm  · 
Feb 16, 09 2:50 pm  · 
vado retro

manta i love your hair! for a minute i thought you meant your mom died. rather than dyed. eeks

Feb 16, 09 3:02 pm  · 

I got something for short-hair/bald femmes. not sure where that comes from. sad to say, Ms. TK would never go ripley/gi jane again (even for me).

Feb 16, 09 3:49 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Again, TK?

Feb 16, 09 3:52 pm  · 

tree, i'd go Ripley for you any day.

Feb 16, 09 4:07 pm  · 

short hair/bald women are very sexy to me! guess it has to do with being confident enough to pull it off and being beautiful enough without the distracting hair....

Feb 16, 09 4:21 pm  · 

I agree TK, I find I have a hard time not running my fingers through the hair of women with very short locks. Sometimes even forgetting to ask. Heh heh. In fact I was doing that yesterday. But it is very attractive

Feb 16, 09 4:28 pm  · 
liberty bell

When I turned 30 I cut my hair to 1/2" all over, wore it super short for a few years. Cutting it all off was the only way I eventually learned to love having curls.

When I turn 50, I plan to stop dyeing it and let the grey that started in my early 20s shine through.

Feb 16, 09 4:32 pm  · 

and can't forget our favourite bald-headed sexiness

also the so isn't likely to cut her lovely red locks anytime soon but I could see her dying pink if she could.

Feb 16, 09 4:33 pm  · 
liberty bell

What about men's hair?

I pretty much like it all ways - shorn (fun to touch), spiky, longish. The only look I do NOT like on men is a headband. It's usually too girly.

Feb 16, 09 5:17 pm  · 

I cannot, absolutely cannot abide a goatee or otherwise isolated chin-pubes, but otherwise I can't think of much else I would say no to.

Goatees make every man look like a boy playing dress-ups. I have yet to see a man it looks good on.

I am not usually a fan of the ponytail, but have to admit, it does seem to work for some guys. I guess I'd be open to whatever looks good on a guy? As long as it aint the Chandler. Floppy hair has been done to death.

And thanks, vado! I got a farrah fawcett recently and love it. One of my fave hairstyles. I miss having my hair short and curly though. I get big loopy curls like the kind you get when you put curlers in. I miss that.

Feb 16, 09 5:38 pm  · 

techno has a goatee :-(

but I'll take it on the chin (pun intended). Technically it is a just chin fuzz as it doesn't connect to my moustache. Added that I'm finding myself cutting it thinner and thinner as the greys keep popping up there.

Feb 16, 09 6:30 pm  · 

i think i was born with someone else's hair.

japanese ba-chans (old ladies/grandmothers) often have funky purple or pink hair. sometimes the old men do too. it makes counter-culture meaningless, damn them. funny how playing dress-up is just accepted here, along with porn in newspapers and comic books that people read on the train, and beer sold in drink machines on the street. how does a kid rebel when no one cares? poor young people of japan, i worry for you so....

Feb 16, 09 6:50 pm  · 
vado retro

i have a goatee. i brought them back after they were coopted by engineers.

Feb 16, 09 7:54 pm  · 

I've always loved the idea of having red hair and have actually dyed it red several times. It looks absolutely fantabulous for about five days than all the sudden it fades and I look like Pippi Longstocking :o/ Then again I've only ever done it myself. It may actually stay if I ever decide to pay the money and get it professionally done. Until then I guess I'll stay a boring old blond.

I've only ever cut my hair really short once in my life. It wasn't very becoming. My hair length usually varies between just below the chin to just below the shoulders. I like having it shorter in the winter but it's gotta be long enough the in the summer to put up. Can't stand having anything but wisps down when it's hot outside. My hair is very fine, so when it gets too long it just hangs there like a mantel. I've always craved to grow my hair out long, just once, but alas I don't think it's ever meant to be.

As far as guys are concerned, I typically like guys with short hair, although on some I like it any length. I also used to hate beards, any facial hair for that matter, but the older I get the more I think it depends on the guy. I have a friend who looks much better with facial hair than without, even his wife thinks so. He shaved his beard off once and she hated it, so he hasn't done it since..

Atechno - I actually cannot imagine you without a goatee. It just sems to fit you and your personality.

Feb 16, 09 9:54 pm  · 

Sarah, go for it. If I were on the receiving end, how I felt about it would all depend on a) what the person did once they got face to face with me (whether they took up too much of my time, or were straightforward about it, or what), and b) whether they had the skills to back up the balls.

I can't quite tell how we got on the hair topic, but I love a smooth-faced man. I don't mind looking at beards, goatees, etc. but the feel is just terrible. Mind you, my father used to rub his scratchy beard all over my face as a kid, so this may be some sort of freudian denial at work.

In other news, I went to a great paper store today, and then came back and ordered samples of stuff that they only sold by the 250-pack, just so I can try some things out. I've got press sheets of some good stuff, and some stippled paper (for business cards) and WATERPROOF paper (for mini-maps for thesis) winging my way manana. I'm pretty excited about the waterproof paper! Today was a treat, like having your favorite rep come into the office. :)

Feb 17, 09 12:21 am  · 

Regarding hair styles,
My moustache seems to have been a big hit with the ladies ever since I started wearing one in the last year or so.

Although my mother seems to perpetually prefer smooth faced and with rockabilly (minus the pomade) slicked back hair like i was 12 still.

As much as I have known wonderful people in my life with a ponytail (local college town and rural North Florida hippy types) I still seem to have an instinct gut reaction of hate whenever I see a grown man with a ponytail... Especially a really long one..

My personal standing policy has always been as soon as my hair is long enough to pull it back i get a haircut//

Feb 17, 09 8:33 am  · 

I'm blessed with a full white beard and moustache with a natural chrome dome. I once shaved half of it off for a halloween party.

Feb 17, 09 9:12 am  · 
vado retro

i gotta lotta problems. my hair ain't one of them.

Feb 17, 09 11:08 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Just for fun!

I think it'll catch on.

Feb 17, 09 11:28 am  · 

there are so many things about that video that are hilarious. I don't even know where to start.

Feb 17, 09 11:31 am  · 

My dad is the only man in my life that has a mustache. After watching Super Troopers as many times as I have, any other men in my life who grow a mustache are up for mocking.

Yesterday was, for the most part, quite lovely in San Francisco. Today it's back to being disgusting outside.

snook, having never seen a photo of you, every time you describe yourself I imagine you are as mythical a creature as a unicorn, LOL. (That's a compliment, I heart unicorns :o)

Feb 17, 09 12:31 pm  · 

My head is beginning to hurt... again.

I'd like to clarify. I think facial hair looks good, but when it comes to smooching, I much prefer a clean shaven man. I have sensitive skin. No man should have hair longer than mine (i.e. ponytails are out), but it doesn't necessarily have to be uber short either.

SH - Did you drop off your your resume at the firm yet? How did it go? That video is both disturbing and hilarious.

Feb 17, 09 12:41 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Um...not exactly, Melt. Ok, not at all. And I know it sounds like I chickened out, but I've just postponed, thats all. Problem is that I have a fever-blister, and I don't want it to distract from my job prospective. I realise that sounds shallow, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I did go ahead and do all the preliminary stuff, even called to make sure the name was spelled right on the resume, so I will be ready to head out the door as soon as this thing clears up. Sucks.

Feb 17, 09 12:59 pm  · 

SH - that's brilliant! thanks for the laugh.

Don't be so self conscious, you just gotta go and deliver that resume - nobody else is going to notice that sore, even if they did, it won't impact your prospects. NO EXCUSES.

Feb 17, 09 1:43 pm  · 

Wonder....Mythical at wife thinks I'm a pain in the tukkis..!

Feb 17, 09 3:46 pm  · 
vado retro

i thought that link was gonna be bout sexy wigs! tuna i feel the same way when it comes to spooching i prefer clean shaven women.

Feb 17, 09 3:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

Spooching? Maybe I shouldn't ask.

Feb 17, 09 3:48 pm  · 
liberty bell

OK, stalling time is over...I have to go pay my bills and balance the checkbook...should be opening the bourbon in about 20 minutes...

Feb 17, 09 3:49 pm  · 

waa? manta, you can't stand goatees but you think ponytails work on some guys?!? the only excuse to having a ponytail is if you went to Haight-Ashbury in 1967 and never left and now push around a shopping cart full of old psychedelic vinyls and a broken tape player and some old rolling papers. and the worst are the ones on 50something wanna-be hipsters with bald heads on top (usually accompanied by a black turtle neck).

Feb 17, 09 4:15 pm  · 

I just returned for a late afternoon walk. I was attached by both of my dogs....they wanted to go for a walk because it is cold but nice outside with the sun shining. I gave in because I'm fricking bored of laying out wall paneling in a dining room study.

Feb 17, 09 4:25 pm  · 
liberty bell

snook, I know! Since I got Chica, I'm out walking her 2-3 times a day! I can't resist that snuffle and pleading eyes!

Feb 17, 09 4:31 pm  · 

vado I agree with you one hundred percent.....never kiss a woman with a moustache.

Feb 17, 09 4:51 pm  · 
brian buchalski

what? talking about hair and no mention of string-emil?

Feb 17, 09 5:24 pm  · 

Hahahaha Emilio!!! What about guys who grow their hair out to donate to Locks of Love? Is that okay? A co-worker did this and while I'm not a ponytail kinda girl, I thought it was a noble excuse to have one. He looks much better now that he keeps his hair shorter though.

SH - I hear you on the cold sore, but I agree with TK you just have to do it. I highly recommend Abreva. I know it's pricey for the amount you get but it really is the shiz-nit for helping to get rid of those things.

I am so glad today is over with. HUGE deadline upon us and it's got me mega stressed. Fortunately all of my stuff is done. Unfortunately I offered to help someone else out with their stuff and it's all forked... and it's due by 3pm tomorrow. Don't know how we're going to get it done, but there is nothing I can do about it until tomorrow (no more overtime allowed on project). So tonight it's all about studying for LEED. I know TK... I've been a huge slacker, but I'm really doing it this time. Let's all just pray I pass.

Hope the dogs enjoyed their walk.

Feb 17, 09 5:55 pm  · 

it took me 39 years to get my locks, i'll keep em for a while, but i am getting tired of the hair all over...

Feb 17, 09 8:19 pm  · 
Riot In America? [Say it ain't so Joe]

Note to self|

1. Get permit
2. Buy gun[s]
3. Buy lots of ammo
4. Canned veggies
5. Plenty of protein (bars and powder)
6. 1 year's supply of multi-vitamins

Feb 17, 09 9:06 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Melt, I use abreva, but the last few times, it hasnt made much difference. I have found that lysine really does help to prevent them. I've gone from say 8 a year down to 3-4? Something like that, anyway.

Feb 17, 09 9:22 pm  · 

What are fever blisters?

Shitty day, I could use a virtual hug.

Vado, as you are the exception to every rule, so you are also the exception to the goatee rule. It must work well on you because I never even noticed you had one! I am, however, often oblivious. Obliviousness saves me from certain suicide as I am also cantankerous, ornery, and critical. Thank goodness I don't notice 99% of what I hate!

I wouldn't have believed the ponytail thing either if I didn't actually know 2 men on whom it truly looks decent. No lie.


I realized this morning that Thread Central is like a huge party where everyone actually gets to hear what everyone else in the room is saying.


LB I often get the feeling that if we lived in the same city we'd get along like a house on fire. I bet everyone here feels that way about you though!

Feb 17, 09 10:03 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Fever Blisters, aka cold sores, aka herpes on the lips. Sucks.

And I have never heard that "along like a house on fire;" thats brilliant.

Feb 17, 09 10:15 pm  · 
vado retro

big virtual hug for manta!

manta you didn't notice my ponytail either? i have at different times of my life some pretty long hair. once when i was headin to class i had these round sunglasses on and my hair was shoulder length and got the "hey its john lennon!"

Feb 17, 09 10:29 pm  · 

heh heh funny I always thought the expression "got along like a house on fire" meant they didn't get along? Oh well - I wouldn't be surprised if I got it wrong. But from the few a'necteurs I've met I thought they were wonderful so much so that a big smile breaks out when I get an email outside TC from one of them.

Feb 18, 09 12:17 am  · 

shut up you did not have a ponytail!!!!!!!

......or did you????? ack, I never notice anything.

Techno, clearly you've never seen a house burn... ;-) Thankfully!

Feb 18, 09 1:01 am  · 

sorry to interrupt flow,

but do any of you know of a service like "" that allows more than one file to be sent at a time, even if we are using the free lite version?

we usually ftp files around the planet but are required to go with something like this, this time around. don't want to pay for service we will use only once...

Feb 18, 09 1:04 am  · 

Ha ha ha, vado doesn't have a ponytail!

manta, it IS like a party isn't it?

jump, is awesome. My professors and I use it all the time. Can't you just Zip the files up into one? And send the Zip file? On a Mac you just right-click the files and select "compress".....

Back in LA now. It seems a little ironic that the city is near water rationing after it's been raining for two days. I wish they could take some of the rain away from San Fran. I will share photos with you soon to explain why....

And beta, I was wondering this myself. Where's the outrage? All these mega-millionaire dudes are walking away with the bonuses that we gave them with our tax money, and we're just sitting here and taking it? Sometimes I wonder if the Bush administration had us so bent over that we don't react to stuff like this anymore....unless it's coming. I've always wondered what the end of Fight Club might look like in real life.....

Feb 18, 09 2:36 am  · 

ah right.

of course wk. i am becoming decrepit in my old age.

Feb 18, 09 2:44 am  · 
liberty bell

re: riots in the streets: this is terrible but true: I don't have time for outrage; I'm working too hard trying to survive.

*If* gas was still above $4 a gallon, I'll bet we would be seeing more anger. But a lot of people are laying low hoping to just pull through. Riots would make things harder for everyone in the short term, though long term they might bring about some good.

manta, of course we would get along like a house on fire. Or better yet, a Rem skyscraper on fire!

Hi techno!!!

Feb 18, 09 7:21 am  · 
vado retro

when i had long hair i singed it on a candle while trying to understand a woman.

Feb 18, 09 9:16 am  · 

I finally saw Frost / Nixon this weekend (excellent btw, much better than I had heard it would be), and I was struck by a small thing that Nixon mentions in one of his interviews:

He's talking about meeting with Kissinger and getting down on their knees to pray together in the Oval Office -- can't remember now why, some kind of international crisis or maybe Vietnam, not sure. Anyway, he says something like this :

"Well, I'm a Quaker, and he's a Jew -- but neither of us are particularly religious. So anyway, ..."

It just struck me that people nowadays would be in an uproar over their president admitting anything less than total devotion to a deity.

(disclaimer... I haven't been able to figure out yet if Nixon's words are all taken from the interview tapes, or if some have been fictionalized...)

Feb 18, 09 9:32 am  · 

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