
Thread Central


sarah that is a beautiful valentine day's message.
i agree with vado about mental health issue. puddles, i love blogs like that, don't stop posting them. i think the blogs are all about self anyway.

Feb 11, 09 12:45 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, I don't exactly understand how it works, so anyone feel free to correct me. As I get it, *all* employers pay for their employees' unemployment: a condition of employing someone is that you pay into the unemployment system for that person, along with social security. This is why a firm has to allow something like 1.5 times a person's salary per employee. And this is why firms love to hire "contract" workers, because if someone is on a contract, not a full time employee, the employer doesn't have to pay those benefits.

Also, I *think* when someone's former employee starts collecting unemployment, the original firm has to keep paying into the system for a time, am I right on that?

Also, I agree with those above: your card is beautiful and I especially love the sentiment.

Feb 11, 09 1:28 pm  · 

sh*t almost forgot about that jump - I'm still waiting for the plane ticket in the mail. By the way I do need to email you regarding the fabulous work you do...

Feb 11, 09 1:36 pm  · 

let's not forget here with octomom - the new Marvel supervillan - it took two to tango, well more than two, but that effed up IVF physician needs to have their license revoked.


Feb 11, 09 1:42 pm  · 

the Lincoln/Slave issue is more in depth than that i think.

Feb 11, 09 1:43 pm  · 
vado retro

is that you k fresh?

Feb 11, 09 1:53 pm  · 

I just got off the phone with my two Congressional leader's offices and urged them to get this back into the Stimulus|

Yesterday the U.S. Senate approved their version of the economic recovery package, known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (H.R. 1). While the bill includes many provisions that will stimulate the design and construction industry through tax relief and investments in our nation’s buildings, the Senate eliminated some key provisions that would create jobs and improve the built environment.

Although the House-passed bill includes $14 billion for K-12 school modernization and $6 billion for modernization of higher-education facilities, the Senate bill provides zero funding for these initiatives. The AIA believes that an investment in modernizing school buildings will not only create healthy, safer, more sustainable and better places to learn; it creates jobs for thousands of design and construction professionals.

Congressional leaders are now working to decide what provisions will stay in the final bill and those that will be taken out before they send it to the president. We are hearing that House and Senate leadership hope to have a final agreement by today.

The AIA has brought together more than 80 organizations and companies from across the political spectrum to sign on to a letter that urges Congress to support the House-passed funding levels for school modernization in the final economic recovery bill. Many members of Congress agree that this is a vital component of the legislation.

But we need your help to make sure that all members of Congress stand up for schools and for our profession.

Contact your members of Congress today and ask that they urge Congressional leaders to support the House-passed funding levels for school modernization in the final economic recovery bill. Click this link to contact your members of Congress. (AIA Action Center)

Thank you for your efforts. Together we can make a difference.

Feb 11, 09 2:07 pm  · 

Yes correct on all fronts. I have friends and fanily who have been screwed out of unemployment because their previous employer had never paid in.

Also, this is why many corporations hire at least initially through a temp agency as if after the trial period the employee they don't have to pay nor were they paying unemployment insurnce for that emploee. In fact that is how i got my most recent job.

As for the Lincoln and slaves thing. It is a well known fact (i can't remember the exact quote) that Lincoln was more interested in preserving the United States as a federal entity than freeing the slaves as such...

For that matter i learned just last week from an old professor that actually towards the very last months of the Civil War the Confederacy actually started freeing slaves as long as they joined up and fought the Union.

Feb 11, 09 2:07 pm  · 

Ahh wikipedia

The quote from an OP-Ed he published....

"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union;"


Feb 11, 09 2:10 pm  · 
brian buchalski

and that's exactly why i despise lincoln so much. if he hadn't fought to preserve the union then we wouldn't likely have this massive US federal government and it's accompanying military-industrial-congressional complex. the washington-wall st power axis would be drastically diminished and we might very well be living in a world free of all this "too big to fail" bullshit. if only lincoln had been shot earlier...

Feb 11, 09 2:29 pm  · 
brian buchalski

oh...and just in case you miss it, tomorrow is the third anniversary of a rambling conversation otherwise known as "thread central"

at some point, i think we should print out the whole thing and make one of those rem-style mega books like SMLXL

Feb 11, 09 2:31 pm  · 
vado retro

it could be called non-sequiter central.

Feb 11, 09 2:36 pm  · 
vado retro

or sic semper tyrannus.

Feb 11, 09 2:37 pm  · 
liberty bell

puddles, *that* is a fantastic idea. A big chunky totally inelegant doorstop of a book.

Feb 11, 09 2:37 pm  · 

article links to my blog. under "revered by modernists." ! i didn't even know it until a friend from new york noticed it.

Feb 11, 09 2:42 pm  · 
liberty bell

Wow, Orhan, that's really cool!

Feb 11, 09 2:46 pm  · 
vado retro

Congrats Orhan!

Feb 11, 09 2:48 pm  · 

That is F***g cool.

Feb 11, 09 3:00 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, its like you're famous! Are you a modernist, though?

I'm not sure how I feel about the house. Maybe its one of those Have-to-experience-it places. I do like the Large number 9, but I think I have a thing for super-graphics <--not to be confused with things that are super graphic - I like to stay pleseantly naiive at times. I think I just dont like the round window, and never being a Venturi fan, I'm probably even more harsh.

Feb 11, 09 3:33 pm  · 

bravo Orhan!

Feb 11, 09 5:16 pm  · 

Nicely done, Orhan!

I bought this t-shirt for WonderMan for his birthday. The heart makes it OK for Valentine's Day too, LOL.

Feb 11, 09 5:28 pm  · 

hopefully my phone calls had something to do with this|

A Dumb Deal?

i doubt it, but i am going to call again.

Feb 11, 09 5:29 pm  · 

Conrgats Orhan!!! That's amazing. At the moment it's not letting me view the link, hopefully it's just a glitch and I can look at it later.

beta - How do the phone calls to your reps work? I mean so you actually get to talk to someone or do you just leave a message or something? I've always wondered that.

SH - I forgot to say earlier but I think your valentine is good just the way it is. But then again, I'm all about being minimalistic.

We're having crazy ass weather at the moment and my head is absolutely pounding. Off to lay down for a bit to see if that helps.

Feb 11, 09 6:00 pm  · 

melt, i was surprised to find, a live human on the other end, color me shocked.

Feb 11, 09 6:03 pm  · 
snook_dude getting lots of Hits?....Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.

Feb 11, 09 6:33 pm  · 

I heart shotgun thrillers?

Feb 11, 09 6:33 pm  · 

Well, it's official, Orhan, Archinect Paul, myself and other Californians will be helping to pay Octo-Mom's bills. What if I wanted that money to go towards people that actually deserve it? Not cool.

Feb 11, 09 7:16 pm  · 

Orhan congrats on the nod & mention - those things always give me a tingle. Your blog has fast become important to the architectural community at large.

Sarah like you i'm not a fan of the Venturi/Scott Brown and often fantasize about the architecture of the 70s/80s without them (but then I would have to wish away disco music and badly designed mustangs as well) - but that house is sexy. Something about it - less the round window.

Feb 11, 09 7:44 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Thanks for the input on the card. I really miss having others to bounce ideas off of in studio. I left it as is, and wrote my sentiments on the back. Actually, wrote wouldnt really be the proper word here since I wrote it on paper, then wrote it again, in pencil, on trace, then traced the trace with a heavy hand to imprint the card, and THEN traced the imprint with pen. My hand was killing me. All this to insure the finished product was readable, and beautiful. I need a job. The whole thing is hamd painted. Man, I could give martha a run for her money.

Oh, did I tell you guys that Abram has discovered IN. He spends his time picking things up, and putting them in other things. Too bad I cant get him to do this with purpose yet....

Feb 11, 09 7:52 pm  · 
vado retro

i heart shooting zombies? whatever it is its really romantic... i had a bad headache all day ass well. woke up with it and no i just watched jeopardy and this architect didnt know richard and two of the three missed on the road on final jeopardy? duh...

Feb 11, 09 7:58 pm  · 

jeopardy still going? wow. you know i haven't lived in north america for more than a visit since BEFORE the simpsons got their own show. no idea what people are watching anymore.

that is tres cool mr. orhan. i love too that stephen lauf's mildly defensive comment at the bottom also gets caught in the page. feels very archinect-y-esque.

they called you up and asked you to pay personally, WK? wow. the woman has mental issues. not sure if they need to be aired nationally. that article reveals such bilious hatred, it makes me sad....

Feb 11, 09 9:09 pm  · 

Ha ha, no, jump, I just meant that Californian tax payers will be paying for Octo-Mom.

And it's true, the boom IS over. Ugh.

Feb 12, 09 2:02 am  · 

damn thats sad. my partner and i been talking about going to see that project when finished. both of us thought it was more interesting than the cctv part of the pair. guess we will just stay in tokyo.

Feb 12, 09 2:15 am  · 
vado retro

happy 200th birthday mr. charles darwin...

Feb 12, 09 6:33 am  · 

Yeah evolution!!!??
Although i read somewhere that only 35% of Americans believe in it..

Also, from what i gather the structure is still intact. So as long as the funding isn't an issue I imagine it will get finished.

Also it is interesting jump, because in all the hullabaloo about the CCTV sid eof th eproject i completely missed the TCVV scraper. But would have to agree with you now..

Feb 12, 09 8:18 am  · 
vado retro

off for coffee with lb. don't be jealous guys...

Feb 12, 09 9:00 am  · 
Joaquin Bests Krispin
Feb 12, 09 9:24 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

What is that WK? I looks like a model made from that extra thick cardboard, left in the rain. Its interesting.

Feb 12, 09 10:27 am  · 

I never watch Letterman, but happened to catch that yesterday Beta.

Good lord. So many awkward moments.

Feb 12, 09 11:03 am  · 

just had a consultant pull out a few hours before we were going to submit a bid to build an air base in afghanistan. I always had hoped to be able to tell steven that daddy helped kill Osama... there was no architecture in this project - just two prefab metal boxes, and lots of civil engineering. Still don't understand why we were pursuing this.

Feb 12, 09 11:43 am  · 
liberty bell

Sorry I was so grumpy, vado. Just feeling pessimistic right now. A good walk along the canal with the doggie helped a little!

Feb 12, 09 12:08 pm  · 

Sarah were you kidding? I can't sense subtle humour today - worse that I am jealous Vado, I could use some coffee moreso if it was with Liberty Bell. Oh and I'm fighting the urge and the hole I'll be cutting in my pocket to visit the missus in Cleveland - yea I know she just left, but I'm not going to be with her for valentines and will start full time employment soon and will unlikely be able to visit for any length of time.

Feb 12, 09 12:10 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

NO, techno I wasnt kidding. I REALLY dont know what it is, and I really think it does look like a cardboard least in that photo. I'm not exactly up on current architectural works. Maybe I should spend more time on the Name that building thread, but I can never name them, and get discouraged. Sad, I know.

Feb 12, 09 12:19 pm  · 

Sarah, it's the charred out remains of the TVCC tower that caught on fire in Beijing on Monday. This other photo, found later on in the same Flickr set, might clarify things for you:

nam, I can't imagine how they could finish it. Don't you think a fire of that magnitude would compromise the structure severely?

You know what else I can't believe....first the fire then the Foster tower getting chopped in Vegas. I am definitely an advocate of responsible design and minimizing your material, but to be frank, if someone told me they were doing this to my building, I would tell them to rebuild it right.

Rough week to be an architect!

Also, one more thing about how Octo-Mom's situation was and is, indeed, grotesque: don't click this if you are easily queasy or offended

Feb 12, 09 12:33 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

HOLY CRAP DubK! THat is HUGE! I'm still annoyed by what pregnancy did to my body, there is NO way I could do that. Gross.

And I recognise the other photo. So, that cardboard model is really a burnt building? And one I regognise at that! I dont feel so bad now. Guess thats what the TVCC thread was about. To me, TVCC will always be Trinity Valler Community College - which is why I never opened the thread.

Feb 12, 09 12:44 pm  · 

since as vado pointed out, it is darwin's birthday and last night, i blogged about a related subject we have been talking about. an interesting article examining sperm banks and mail order pregnancies.
Unnatural Selection

Feb 12, 09 12:53 pm  · 

According to an article i read which quoted Cecil Balmond the engineer of the structure suggesting that the structure likely may be intact and it was just the surface/skin....

See here

Feb 12, 09 12:58 pm  · 

i also remember reading the modulus of elasticity of steel is impacted after exposed to extreme heat. i guess it would take months to determine if the building is salvagable and the structural alignment is still intact or repeairable.
i am no expert. but it was ringing a bell from the architectural exams...

Feb 12, 09 1:08 pm  · 

when did the Huff turn into a tabloid? I didn't find the image squeamish in the least but I do question the validity of it. I guess I just haven't seen 8 babies swimming in a tummy before - but it just seems unreal. Oh well.

Rationalista did you see this

Feb 12, 09 1:29 pm  · 

she looks a tick ready to burst.

Feb 12, 09 2:03 pm  · 

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