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Sarah Hamilton

Well, you can tell I live in Texas. I just made, from scrath, chorizo/cheese tortellini. I hope they're good. They smelled good. Not sure what kind of sauce to make for them; maybe a queso?

Feb 6, 09 4:47 pm  · 
vado retro

make an alredo sauce with green chilis in it.

Feb 6, 09 5:00 pm  · 

Is everyone OK? Everybody alive?

Feb 6, 09 10:49 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hi DUbK-

I was out all day managing an AIA seminar that my committee co-chair and I put together. It was good, very informative, and our guest, Rena Klein, was really fun to hang out with. The seminar was about intergenerational relationships in the workplace and specifically how the work/management styles of Boomers, Gen X, and the Millenials all differ.

I have breakfast with her tomorrow then take her to the airport. Then have to catch up on all the work I've missed doing today!

Feb 6, 09 11:29 pm  · 

oh lb, that sounds interesting! a subject i have thought much about lately, as i find myself sorely, sorely needing older architect mentorship within my firm. it's a big part of the reason i use archinect, in fact. inter-generational friendships rock.

Feb 7, 09 12:15 am  · 

hi all I'm alive. Tonight is the official start of carnival season in Jamaica. Its something special this year as the guy who started it (it is not native to our island, we instead had festival during August). Anyway I decided to take it easier and enjoy the last few days before so has to return to work/Cleveland.

And I was finally able to set up a flickr upload on my blackberry - I am really feeling more and more like homes are going to become optional in the future, as only places to lay our heads at night. The technology is making it so that work...can over dominate our existence, that is no longer play but work-play, no longer relaxing but relaxing-work....heh heh forgive me its 2am, and I am a little giddy

welcome back it weird that I miss someone I've never met?

Hi ****melt, check your email
Hi Wonder K - I would apply for that job. The next chapter of your life could be there - the universe has a fun way of pointing towards the path

Feb 7, 09 1:53 am  · 
vado retro

off to my hometown to research my special project.

Feb 7, 09 9:37 am  · 

I had raisin bread french toast , with maple syrup for breakfast with BACON of course.

Feb 7, 09 9:41 am  · 

Is it the chorizo that makes it apparent you are a texan? And i like Vado's suggestion about a green chili alfredo sauce. Now i am hungry.

Dubk i agree with atechno you should apply. I mean a job in Hawaii!!! Come on.

Finally techno,
I think your post is illustrative of multiple points about the new digital (post-digital??) world we live in.
Home is wherever you are (or are logged in/connected to?) and with the rise of creative industries work and play are closely linked if not indistinguishable.
People have made the point that often what we (the masses) do for fun is used (monetized) by others as work (see Flickr, Facebook, or even Archinect...)

Feb 7, 09 2:35 pm  · 

I guess everyone also noticed that archinect was down. Speaking of down - so left to return to Cleveland this morning. It was a such a beautiful parting as we drove to the airport the sail boats were making their way around the harbour and the fishermen were casting their lines from the shore. Prelude to a parting

Feb 8, 09 2:29 pm  · 

It wasn't down for me.
Although it did seem pretty slow on here.

Feb 8, 09 5:31 pm  · 
vado retro

well it was a sunroof open window down sort of day of which i spent an hour looking for my missed placed car keys at the library. after they were turned in i drove around cranking out alejandro escovedo's "castanets."

techno your parting farewell reminds me of the last line of hemingway's to have and have not (which is nothing nothing nothing like the film) where after the death of the protaganist and the desperate thoughts of his widow on what she will do now, ernie ends the book with a description of ships in the harbor.

Feb 8, 09 5:47 pm  · 

Vado that is beautiful, whilst Hemingway has a special place in my heart (old man and the sea which could of easily been called "the fish was 'this' big, honest")

The one I am refer to is Maya Angelou's - although sad and is about a love lost in a different sort of way, it manages to capture some of the pensive emotions that overwhelmed us both as we parted ways and began again the countdown for our return

Feb 8, 09 5:57 pm  · 

She has a great voice beta. Thanks for sharing

Weather was good finally enough that I was able to pick up my birthday present yesterday.

Today I signed up for classes to get my motorcycle endorsement (125cc) and tomorrow I'll call to get it insured. Then I go on my merry way scooting around the city. Hopefully the good weather will stick around long enough so that I can take it for a spin sometime this week. I may end up taking off the basket for a while b/c I feel it detracts from the overall lines of the bike. Ahhh, the thoughts of a designer.

Feb 8, 09 6:20 pm  · 
liberty bell

Agreed on the basket, melt, it's too chunky and the wrong material. But what a fun, fun scooter! Great transportation for the city. And I'm SO GLAD today was a nice enough day for riding it. I had the top down on my car for a bit of today too.

Feb 8, 09 6:45 pm  · 

I attached the Iceberg in my driveway....cause it was warm enough to chip it up with flat coal shovel. I hurt like hell, so I think I will go find some liquid painkiller in the ice box....absoultley right!

Feb 8, 09 6:56 pm  · 
vado retro

cool scooter melty. scooters are becoming very popular with kids who can't yet drive. and they are a freakin nuisance. ie they obey no traffic laws unlike me who obeys about half.

Feb 8, 09 8:38 pm  · 

we get around tokyo in motorcycle, but used to be on scooter. great little things. shaves hours off of trips in the city.

high school kids here often take the muffler off of theirs and ride around all noisy and tuff. i watched a kid taking his off in the park next to my flat a few months back and asked him to be careful when riding around with all the young kids in the area. i laughed when he admitted he was taking off the muffler to be cool. in a good-natured way cuz i think anarchy is good in proper dosage...he was embarassed and later i saw him putting it back on. the power of being a gaijin maybe....(gaijin means foreigner - any you non-asian folk come over here you will be treated like you are one half of bradgelina - which is totally weird)...

i didn't notice archinect being out. i decided to shut off electronic self on weekends from now on. too crazy otherwise.

Feb 8, 09 11:52 pm  · 

nice bike

Feb 9, 09 12:43 am  · 
liberty bell

Obama in Indianastan today. And the temperature is supposed to approach 60!

nam and techno re: electronic connectivity: I heard in a seminar on Millenials (8 - 27 year olds) that they spend and average of 72 hours per week "connected". That's almost two work weeks! I believe the survey double-counted hours spent multi-tasking, i.e. an hour spent simultaneously online and texting your friends counts as two hours of connectivity.

Feb 9, 09 7:34 am  · 

I was just telling a friend the other day how over the last yr or so i find that I am reading less novels/books because I am spending so much time reading online (essays, blogs, magazines etc)

I seriously would like to follow jump's example and shut down electronically on the weekend.

I think the only way i could is if i decided to replace my online reading by buying suscriptions (ie; NYT, Atlantic, Metropolis, Icon et al..)
Nice scooter melt,
But i agree replace the basket with something more alike materially, or get rid of it completely. Don't you have under the seat storage?

Feb 9, 09 8:21 am  · 
vado retro

Books like lp's will make a comeback.

The prez is up in my former neck of the woods where unemployment is now at 15 percent. That area has(d) many businesses that made rv's, manufactured housing, automotive parts etc. The tickets, of which there were only a 1000 were gone in an hour.

Feb 9, 09 8:27 am  · 
vado retro

60degrees after 14 inches of snow plus rain tonight. Let the flooding begin.

Feb 9, 09 8:29 am  · 

Apparently Elkhardt (spelling?) has the highest rate of unemployment in the USA.

Feb 9, 09 10:17 am  · 
liberty bell

15% unemployment in Elkhart. Which to me signals that they are a small town that relied on one or two manufacturing industries and has not made any changes to try to become more current. But I'm just speaking from headlines; I don't really know anything about the town.

Just made a presentation of some pretty intense wall/window treatments to a client who "gets it". I have high hopes for some cool photographs!

Feb 9, 09 10:28 am  · 
vado retro

Elkhart does not have the highest rate of unemployment, however, it has had the highest rise in unemployment recently. Elkhart has 50,000 people and has been hit hard due to the fact that it does employ, or did employ, many rv workers. They have a beautiful river walk area there and have been rated one of the greenest cities. Its pretty there, although i have never seen an elk.

Feb 9, 09 12:13 pm  · 

Nam - Seat storage only goes so far, especially when running errands. The basket is also a lot more convenient than having to mess with the seat as well as the box that coordinates with the bike. It actually has a canvas bag that you can take with you and just stick it down in there when you are ready to go. Where with the other two options you have to pretty much reconfigure everything. In this case I chosen function over form.

I'll probably take it off for a while and put it back on when the weather gets warmer and I do more of my grocery shopping at the farmer's market.

15% unemployment. YIKES!!! I heard about the speech I just hadn't heard the actually unemployment percentage in the town. That's sad.

jump - I hear you on the electronics shut-off. I was without my laptop for most of last week and I can't tell you how much stuff I got done around the house without it. I really need to turn it off more often.

Feb 9, 09 12:18 pm  · 
Living in Gin

This is scary as hell:

And that's actual job losses to date, not projected losses.

Feb 9, 09 12:40 pm  · 
vado retro

barack is kicking as at this town meeting. note he did not win this area in the election, but came here anyway. he is answering non prescreened questions from the audience...

Feb 9, 09 12:49 pm  · 
Living in Gin

One diarist at Daily Kos has a theory that Obama is springing a trap on the GOP. I hope his theory is right.

Feb 9, 09 1:00 pm  · 

it seemed that the 1990 recession was worse at the time the 2001, but that chart shows otherwise. What is missing from that graphic is the overall size of the work force - so it could be misleading just like the 'fastest growing' towns tend to be small boondocks that double in size, compared to huge metropoli that can grow by millions and not have a rapid growth rate.

Happy News-

the Missus & I won an IPod from KCRW yesterday!!!!!! we were hoping for the VW or the trip to oz, but an IPod is still a cool thing to win.

Feb 9, 09 1:28 pm  · 

that's great news, do you need to claim it on taxes?

i am still sick, or head cold, you choose.

have any of you seen any papers on designing additions to architectural "landmarks/masterpieces," i have some thoughts and would like to craft a position and possible something.

Feb 9, 09 1:55 pm  · 
bat house specs

Feb 9, 09 2:18 pm  · 

I didn't entirely unplug over the weekend, but the past week has been liberating as I finished my web site and decided to be a little irresponsible for once by not doing work that I was supposed to catch up on. Instead I have been - gasp - reading an actual BOOK. Shamefully it is one that you have probably all finished but I bought it and never got past page 50: Devil in the White City. It is engrossing and I have read about 200 pages in 2 days. YAY literacy.

Also I saw "He's Just Not that Into You" (cute and funny!) and my roommate bought a Prius on Saturday! It's so great. Gosh my love/hate relationship with cars will never end.

Maybe I should blog sometime soon. Eh.

Feb 9, 09 2:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

I love bats. They're adorable.

Feb 9, 09 2:33 pm  · 

All I have to say is, I want to be like M.I.A. if/when I get pregnant:

Feb 9, 09 3:16 pm  · 

Word on the whole reading a book thing.
A problem i was discussing earlier and on that note i did start Revolutionaryy Road (the book) myself this weekend

This was for me the first Grammy Awards in a long time i bothered to pay attention to. Or at least for the 2-3 performances i wa sinterested in seeing.
The Swagger Like Us ft MIA 9damm she was preggo, and yes i knew she was about to drop, but still ballsy outfit)

And the Radiohead and USC marching band version fo 15 Steps which was awesome!!!!

Feb 9, 09 3:37 pm  · 
vado retro

paris has 500 independent bookstores...

in addition to the beautiful hardback copy of War and Peace
I am reading The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Yao. On Bullshit (thanks LB) Just finished To Have and Have Not, Got a Conrad, an Updike and a Paul Auster lined up...

Feb 9, 09 3:47 pm  · 

vado - most of those '500' are little stalls on the left bank of the Seine. Like 5 to 10 books makes a bookstore.

Feb 9, 09 3:57 pm  · 
Cooper Union
Feb 9, 09 4:42 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

LB, I'm not a stalker but I did send you an email.

Feb 9, 09 5:54 pm  · 

just learned that I can drop the use of 'associate' before ASLA after my name!

-tk ASLA|Associate AIA

Feb 9, 09 6:34 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I guess I can forget about working for Rem anytime soon.

Feb 9, 09 8:00 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I-275 Combs-Hehl Bridge

I grew up near the foot of this bridge, and remember watching it get built!

Feb 9, 09 8:05 pm  · 
vado retro

tk does that mean you passed the are?

Feb 9, 09 8:08 pm  · 
liberty bell

Dub K, that is without a doubt the BEST pregnancy garb I have ever seen. So ballsy. I wonder about the noise during the performance, though: when I was 10 weeks pregnant I went to see Wilco; at a moment of deep bass in the concert hall I could feel my uterus vibrating in a way that scared me. I moved to the back of the hall quickly. Granted, Angus does love "California Stars".

I'll repeat LiG's comment here because I think it is so funny:

Ego is fine, as long as you have the talent and competence to back it up. Otherwise you're just a puffed-up charlatan, no matter how many turtleneck-clad critics are lined up to suck your dick.

It just struck me as very funny when I first read it; I snorted laughter.

dapper, I'll respond shortly.

Feb 9, 09 8:12 pm  · 
vado retro

i wonder if i ever vibrated a uterus. with my ego that is...

Feb 9, 09 8:19 pm  · 

wasn't MIA actually *due* on Sunday? Too awesome. I knew I liked her for a reason.

nam -- if you ever end up working in an arch office you'll be all set. Detail, Metropolis, Dwell, Architect, Arch Record, and the british one that's so good that I'm blanking on... you'll only need to supplement with the occasional Atlantic / New Yorker / Harper's purchase and you'll be all set!

I am currently reading a book about australia whose name escapes me. The pieces and the Whole? something like that. I'm usually only about 1-2 days without a book. I love reading, to my detriment.

Feb 9, 09 8:27 pm  · 
vado retro

didja finish julia child?

Feb 9, 09 8:34 pm  · 

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