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Funny, all this time I thought knackered meant drunk. Oops.

SW - hope your girls are up and feeling better in no time.

Yes LB - it is indeed Sunday.

Am off to wash the lettuce so we have some salad to eat tonight. Ciao.

Jan 18, 09 4:42 pm  · 
vado retro

vado wishes bono would just go away.

oh sorry i thought this was facebook. you know i am a lefty but when i hear bono say that obama's election proves to the world that america exists etc. i get pissed. bono the irish have been killing each other for years have had institutional racism for years so look in your own fucking backyard boyo. plus i don't think your bands that good either.

Jan 18, 09 6:42 pm  · 

oh come on vado. granted, war was the last great one, but those first few?

Jan 18, 09 6:59 pm  · 

so your angry because he is impressed with a country that is able to overcome its history, vado? some people just can't take a compliment.

his band used to be pretty good.

Jan 18, 09 7:01 pm  · 
vado retro

its as if the usa is the only country that has fucked anything up. newsflash all the fucked up shit in the world can be tied to the vestiges of european colonialism.

Jan 18, 09 7:10 pm  · 

the world's fucked up and it heightens bono's celebrity status

I'm really knackered... I've had a full weekend from a whole site visit with the students, overnighting at the hospital with dr.mrs.girlfriend then driving to the other end of the island with my dad. I'm so tired I can't sleep because of a strange pounding behind my right eye.

Jan 19, 09 1:29 am  · 

america is pretty good at fixing the fucking up though. i think it is worth being proud about. not many countries are able to do that. america remains fucked up for the moment in lots of interesting ways, but i think is justifiably inspiring even so. isn't that what the great coolspectacled fellow is saying?

hope you feel better soon, archi.

Jan 19, 09 8:54 am  · 

vado, i am with you on that one. as if the rest of the world has tackled the challenges inside their own borders is specious and intellectually dishonest.

Jan 19, 09 9:18 am  · 

today, i am not just thinking about MLK, but these two great Americans...

Paul Robeson


...because if not for the shear power of their words and actions, tomorrow would not be possible.

Jan 19, 09 9:24 am  · 

"america is pretty good at fixing the fucking up though"

Tell that to our national debt. Tell that to our *astronomical* educational system. Tell that to the lower 9th ward. Tell that the millions of people who were given and removed from jobs that existed only because people who found a way to make money off of money that was purely virtual.

I don't think planting a tree every time you burn down a forest is really 'pretty good at fixing the fucking up'.

Jan 19, 09 9:28 am  · 

happy monday everyone. I need coffee today more than ever - I have to shoot a couple emails just to show the world that I am still alive (versus the crazy photographs). What's everyone's agenda? Can we have a staff meeting at 12? Okay let me know

hey where's Sarah

Jan 19, 09 9:49 am  · 

Do we get staff bagels?

Jan 19, 09 10:08 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm here. Sorry, got a late start, and Sunday was a crazy day.

Abram woke up at 640 this morning, and wouldnt go back to sleep. Then, I took him across the street to the sitter, and hung around there for about an hour. Now I'm back home.

Ok, I really want to see revolutionary road.

Sunday was crazy because we actually left Abram in the nursery for the first time ever. Usually he's in Church with us, but he's become increasingly more fidgity, and a distraction, so off he went. They have this crazy security system complete with randomly generated numbers to match kids to parents, and they gave me a pager, but they wouldn't let me sit back there with him until he adjusted, they just took him. He cried/screamed, and gave me the same look he gave us when the nurses took him away during that emergency room visit. It was terible. I tried so hard not to cry, but I couldn't help it. They said he was fine, and stopped crying before I even got to the sanctuary, but when I went to get him, I watched him for a while. Yeah, it looked like he was playing, but he was really just pissed off. He was just tossing toys out of the basket, he really wasnt playing. And he stayed mad at me all day. Guess I understand why moms cry at kindergarten.

So Techno, is that 12 your time, my time, whose time? Are you on my time?

Jan 19, 09 10:48 am  · 
Living in Gin

Only 24 hours left of Bush!

Jan 19, 09 11:05 am  · 

uhmm its 11:15 now, although my laptop says 12:15 (It still has the setting from when I was in Monty, but I keep to match so's time in CLE)

no bagels sorry periodot, anyone seen Liberty or Steven? It's an awfully quiet monday morning - I guess everyone is either enroute to Washington or is doing 2 days work, since they'll be glued to a telly tomorrow.

Jan 19, 09 11:13 am  · 
Living in Gin

Obama gets sworn in at 11 AM EST tomorrow. (The time stamp on Archinect posts is Pacific time.)

Jan 19, 09 11:17 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So are you then on EST, cause its only 1030am here.

Jan 19, 09 11:29 am  · 

Are you sure Jamaica isn't on EST? SH is right and I know Cleveland is DEFINITELY on EST.

I fear out that my laptop might be screwed up. Yesterday the mouse pad started going all crazy on me. Whenever I tried to scroll up it would snap back down. Even stranger was that it had worked fine not 5 minutes prior. Hopefully it's an easy fix, b/c I don't think I can handle life sans computer/Archinect.

I'm quite tired today. I think it was all of yesterday's events. I don't think I really sat down until about 10:30 last evening.

Jan 19, 09 12:15 pm  · 

we have hbo and as i was browsing to see if there are any movies, i saw the fanfare and at first thought this was a stage rehersal of the inaguration.
i saw the bold eagle show. and they had a close up on lincoln statue. i thought the statue had very chisiled lines than i always imagines. lincoln's eyes looked really weird. but why would only hbo broadcast it? that is really bad. it is a pay for it channel for god's sake...
i thought pete seeger was going to die on stage too. i kept saying hurry up and finish before the guy passes away saying this land is my land and made for me... ahahahhha so funny.. bonny boy bono was right. this could mean a lot for the rest of the world. i am glad he ended up with palestine.

Jan 19, 09 12:29 pm  · 

i kept wondering where Pete was, and then bam, there he was. he spryly jogged off stage though...

the other thought about why it was not network broadcast probably had something to do with MSNBC and its predilection for Lockup or shows about catching child predators...

Jan 19, 09 1:06 pm  · 
vado retro

the world should realize that obama is a moderate not a progressive. his cabinet is not progressive. his chief of staff is not a progressive. we may make some changes here on the domestic front ie healtcare etc that are long overdue . there may be yet another attempt at a two state solution but guess what the two states of the two state solution better get their shit together. the world complains about america throwing its weight around when in fact it seems we have to or nothing can possibly be achieved in the world of diplomacy. the europeans proved they couldn't do it their own backyard with the balkans. europe has the sphere of influence in africa yet can't get anything done. we are going to be stuck in afganistan for his entire term(s) propping up a corrupt government. so what happens there when they have elections and the taliban win. we are not going to change our rhetoric with iran. let someone else lead. oh no one else has the will to do it. so, the world ought to hope for the best but expect the status quo. so america should lead by example.

Jan 19, 09 1:21 pm  · 

I don't know if FRaC ever comes on here, but is he going to have to change his user name now?

Jan 19, 09 1:34 pm  · 

i suppose so.

Jan 19, 09 1:37 pm  · 
vado retro

i think nbc was showing ice skating and then the rehash of all their snl skits...probably followed the office or law and order suv which are apparently the only shows they have. if i can develop two shows do i get my own network?

Jan 19, 09 1:42 pm  · 

Good lord vado - renounce the Sparx and have a spa day!

Jan 19, 09 1:49 pm  · 

Does vado exist in the retro state or the vado state?

Jan 19, 09 1:56 pm  · 

omg, so THAT'S where FRaC gets his user name from. No wonder he annoys me.

Jan 19, 09 2:09 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh Im such a loser. I totally have gotten sucked in Gossip Girl and have been watching it online all day. Must be a side effect of umemployment. I've got to get a job.

Jan 19, 09 2:09 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Resistance is futile, SH.

Jan 19, 09 3:43 pm  · 

I spent a good part of the day on the road. I drove down to the Connecticut Shore to do a rough framing inspection. It was like 1:45 minutes down and hour poking around and 1:45 hours back. Everything is looking good, except it is Winter. We picked up another 6 to 8 inches of snow over the weekend. So I have been busy digging ourselves out along with the Octarian who lives across the street from us, otherwise I would be watching her out their doing it herself.

Anyone ever priced Stainless Steel Cable railing with stainless steel post. I had a supplier give me numbers for a stair with hand and guardrails at both sides and some additional rails at the loft space of an office and were talking $14,000.00 Plus. So now is the wait and see time. I'm not sure the client is going to jump on board, so we may be redesigning. arghe!

Jan 19, 09 4:58 pm  · 
liberty bell

MLK Day, therefore schools are closed, therefore I spent the day at the State Museum with my child and a neighbor and child doing MLK stuff (drum circle, poetry, exhibits). I choked up when I told my kid that MLK is more important than Obama but! Obama is still young and may yet prove to be more important in the future.

I heard there is a span of about 36 seconds that we don't have a president.

Jan 19, 09 5:15 pm  · 

Hey all, I'm alive.

I watched the concert yesterday on HBO, it was great. (We only have HBO because I pay for electricity and my roommate pays for cable, and her half costs more, and she still pays for it, so whatever - I'm not complaining). Also, I have a lot of "days off" but typically I work all day at home and don't pay any attention to things like TV. Today, however, I'm watching Oprah AND Ellen, because Oprah is in DC and Ellen has George Clooney. I'm excited, as daytime television seems to suck otherwise.

Also, we are getting a new president tomorrow, and HE RULES! Hell yeah!

Jan 19, 09 5:16 pm  · 

ugh, gossip girl... on the other hand, I'm a certifiable addict to Grey's Anatomy, so who am I to talk?

I can't believe how busy I am, and I'm only two weeks into the quarter... it's so bad that I don't even feel like I have time to blog about how bad it is! I'll try soon, but jeez, something had better let up soon here.

Jan 19, 09 5:24 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh, we had the HBO special here for free because our local cable company (Bright House, not Comcast) rocks. Or maybe that was true for everyone?

Jan 19, 09 5:34 pm  · 

Hi all,
I saw Gran Torino with my dad today.
Awesome film with a very moving ending.

And i got to say man USA could make a sweet care back in the day.
Who cares about MPG.

Jan 19, 09 5:35 pm  · 

I spent half the day hatching and now my nerves are fried. Although now that I thin about it, it might have something to do with the fact I had only pretzels and a kiwi for lunch. Whoops.

Jan 19, 09 6:07 pm  · 
liberty bell

Melt, I just pictured you fighting your way out of an egg.

Jan 19, 09 6:22 pm  · 
vado retro

i caught the end of oprah. that song was a gagfest. lb your harlem globetrotter client was on the news.

Jan 19, 09 7:40 pm  · 

HAHAHA!!! Cheney hurt his back while moving boxes today. He'll be attending the inauguration in a wheel chair.

LB - LOL!!! That would have to be one very large egg.

Jan 19, 09 8:05 pm  · 

peridot, yeah amerika is pretty fucked up, but collectively your ( i assume it is yours?) nation seems more amenable to change than most. so i will remain hopeful.

who ever said obama was anything other than a moderate? isn't moderation his platform? Clinton was more liberal and she didn't win. but that's the point isn't it? accommodation cannot be reached by anyone unless they are ok with the middle road. that doesn't mean the goals can't be grand, only that reality will also be involved. to my Scottish sensibilities that makes lots of sense.

snook, we did a few projects last year with SS spec'd and ended up substituting hot dip galvanised. it involved thickening steel to avoid warping from process, but looked good and was much cheaper. not being a friend of bling i actually preferred it.

Jan 19, 09 8:14 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oprah was pretty funny today, though I went to get Abram half-way through. I did see Mrs. Dr. Biden's gaff. Pretty funny.

Jan 19, 09 9:36 pm  · 
liberty bell

vado, is my client OK? nothing bad, right? Better go google...

Jan 19, 09 10:09 pm  · 
vado retro

no it was good. the harlem globetrotters were in town and he was awarded with a legends ring which is the equivalent of being inducted into the globetrotter hall of fame. sweet georgia brown...

Jan 19, 09 10:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

Wow, awesome.

I am so, so blessed to have absolutely wonderful clients! He and his wife are the nicest, most wonderful people you will ever meet. And the article mentions they just moved into their dream home!

Jan 19, 09 11:01 pm  · 
vado retro

i think he was wearin those socks when i met him. anyway i didnt realize the accolades he received plus he played at iu! if he was young today he'd make ten million a year! if not more.

Jan 19, 09 11:34 pm  · 

After having watched both Oprah and Ellen today, I can offer up these conclusions:

1. On a pure entertainment scale, Ellen wins hands down. She's hilarious, her show's hilarious, and they just do the goofiest stuff constantly. And when they are not doing goofy stuff, they are dancing. My kind of show. I have to figure out how to get tickets....

2. On the other hand, Oprah was probably more interested in what her guests have to say. Plus, she's freaking Oprah, that song was indeed a gagfest but I think she like, commissioned it or something. Who else can call up Bono and Mary J. Blige and Faith Hill and David Foster and Seal and Will.I.Am and say "write me a song and then sing it"?

3. I would like to lose many pounds and several inches of body mass so I can dress exactly like Mary J. Blige.

So anyway....less than 12 hours left of Bush! It's amazing! So excited for tomorrow!

Jan 20, 09 12:40 am  · 
liberty bell

Up at 2 am (it's almost 4 now) worrying about taxes, the economy, my kid's school, my credit rating, my parents' health, my astronomical heating bill, remembering to record the Inauguration so I have it for viewing when the neighbors come over to watch, having a person I don't know who is in town for a lecture staying at my practically un-heated house in two weeks, my husband wanting a dog, finding time to touch up my roots, the 79 page contract I just signed, the historic commission meeting tomorrow, and how little I actually know about Architecture beyond what i just do to pay the bills.

No more coffee after 4pm. Ever.

Jan 20, 09 3:43 am  · 

classic that the most recent post on that thread, lb, appears to be an 'adult dating' spam (01/19/09 22:36).

yeah, lay off the afternoon coffee. you can handle all of those things. if you need to, that is. if not, they may just fall away...

i was up in the middle of the night as well, convinced something was wrong with our furnace again. after three times up and wandering through the cold house without slippers or glasses, i realized the noise i was hearing was from the neighbor's house. arrrrgh.

Jan 20, 09 7:32 am  · 

donna, leave the roots alone. think about how much time you'll save. i stopped worrying about mine, and now i've been told my grey is looking good. oh, i can't believe you did a home for a Globetrotter! i think i grew up loving the Globetrotters before i really even knew there was an NBA. Curly and Meadowlark Lemon, my favs. could you or steven do a home for my favorite living american/athlethe? Muhammad Ali? please? i'd impose just have a chance to shake his hand and thank him.

Jan 20, 09 7:48 am  · 

Damn LB....must have been you who woke me out of my nightmare conversation with a non-paying client I have been badgering for the past couple of weeks. He has a presence as he wears one of those fedora hats and has a full beard and is always dressed in black and yup he doesn't want to part with his money. My next step is still a question. So I guess that is why I was dreaming about him. I will put in another phone call within the hour, which most likely will end up at an answering machine. Oh Well....I could sure use that money to pay some taxes myself.

Jan 20, 09 8:19 am  · 

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