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ratio, men are dicks.

Dec 12, 08 1:11 pm  · 
liberty bell
an ability to crack the ruler across the knuckles of the eager, young men on the nect

And yes I do wear a special outfit when I do this...

I'm off!

Dec 12, 08 1:12 pm  · 

Not all men, at least not always...

LB, i just watched the Mayne video. While i enjoyed hearing him speak and while i do enjoy his work, he really robs architecture of any sexiness.
I mean i have heard him talk before, but unlike a number of architects he doesn't appear to be able to poitn/reflect the sensuality and experience of architecture in a compelling way. At least it hasn't ever come across that way in his talks..

Not sure why i think that. It isn't that he is dry but....

Also SH. two pieces of good news in one day. Huzzah!!!

Dec 12, 08 1:51 pm  · 

Let me clarify,
His passion/intelligence is evident. But i just don't feel like he is able to give voice to the sensuality/ freedom et al that is important (to me) in architecture.

Maybe it is just because of his radical, intellectual style?

Dec 12, 08 2:00 pm  · 

beta- clearly. But, as nam says, not quite all the time. So sometimes, it's difficult to discern when one should (or shouldn't!) give one of those dicks another chance.

Dec 12, 08 2:19 pm  · 

it depends on the o-fence. i am the king of getting second chances, kinda like an alcoholic, and sometimes i fail and other times i succeed. it all depends on whether or not the man wants to act like a boy or an adult.

Dec 12, 08 2:28 pm  · 

I think that's probably the key part of the dilemma... there's a pretty good chance that he was acting like a boy towards me because he was trying to act like an adult towards his family, and couldn't quite handle acting like an adult in both situations at once. So I feel like that might be deserving of a second chance, because that would mean he was trying to do the right thing and is just a poor multitasker. But on the other hand I also feel like if a friend of mine had been treated this way by a guy I'd tell her not to give him the time of day.

Dec 12, 08 2:37 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LB, its this jar, 2 gallon size, from Anchor Hocking. I bought it at target. Sure its kinda old-fashioined, but I like to feel rustic and old-fashioned in my kitchen, makes me feel like I'm doing something right. Actually, now that I think about it, I think I might have a mental block to cooking in a space-agey kitchen. Cooking is so elemental, and earthy, that it would seem out of place amongst the clean rational lines of the machine aesthetic. Think star-trek. You NEVER see them rolling out a pie crust, or kneading bread. Nope, they simply type their selection into a microwave like thing, and wallah! There it is. Anybody feelin' me?

Oh, yeah, heres the jar.

And I am making a no-bake peanutbutter pie for my mother's homecoming/house warming gift. Shhh. Dont tell her, but its really an excuse to get rid of stale chocolate cookies. I thought they'd make a fine crust.

Dec 12, 08 4:30 pm  · 
vado retro

She's a jar
With a heavy lid
My pop quiz kid
A sleepy kisser
A pretty war
With feelings hid
She begs me not to miss her

She says forever
To light a fuse
We could use
A hand full of wheel
And a day off
And a bruised road
However you might feel
Tonight is real

When I forget how to talk, I sing
Wont you please
Bring that flash to shine
And turn my eyes red
Unless they close
When you click
And my face gets sick
Like a question unposed

Just climb aboard
The tracks of a trains arm
In my fragile family tree
And watch me floating inches above
The people under me

Please beware the quiet front yard
I warned you
Before there were water skies
I warned you not to drive
Dry your eyes, you poor devil

Are there really ones like these?
The ones I dream
Float like leaves
And freeze to spread skeleton wings
I passed through before I knew you

I believe it's just because
Daddy's payday is not enough
Oh, I believe it's all because
Daddy's payday is not enough

Just climb aboard
The tracks of a trains arm
In my fragile family tree
And watch me floating inches above
The people under me

She's a jar
With a heavy lid
My pop quiz kid
A sleepy kisser
A pretty war
With feelings hid
You know she begs me not to hit her

Dec 12, 08 4:52 pm  · 

hello guys, i'm back. well after the other responses i am sort of relieved that there is some sort of tradition, and it's not all made up. lb makes it sound so sensible, with junior students finishing a week earlier. i'm not sure if that's the case here.

anyways, taking a break and soon must move on to one more paper before flying south for the holiday next week.

Dec 12, 08 5:09 pm  · 

three of us classmates were hired for a week to help this guy with his thesis presentation. $300 each. 1980. i did the pencil drawings while the other two worked on model and concept boards. it was a great pay for a week's work and all the nose candy brought in by yet more junior students who did the catering to us three. we were used to nose candy but thesis guy freaked out and became disfunctional.
we took off for new york and when we returned three months later, the guy was still working on his thesis. eventually he was shredded to pieces by the jury. he was doing a james stirling look like opera house on the same site where the disney hall is now. he had figured out all the glass and steel details etc. or, they just looked figured out. i was responsible for site plan drawing and plaza which was greatly drawn with pencil on vellum.
he must have spent 20k when his thesis was done and presented. he was so depressed, he went to costa rica for few years and when he came back, he was not doing architecture or anything else for that matter. he was not a bad guy, just rich and misdirected. he played better electric guitar than designing architecture.
i just googled his name. nothing. i wish they were kinder to him in his final presentation.

Dec 12, 08 5:36 pm  · 

Orhan you should write a TV pilot based on that story. It would be better than most of what's on today, and better than Leno at 10 pm, I guarantee you.

Dec 12, 08 5:53 pm  · 

i am looking for a copy editor who would work on abracadabra faia on commission after it gets published as a book.

Dec 12, 08 6:03 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I feel like I'm playing the role of "old curmudgeon" on the Intern Salary in NYC thread. I think I'm starting to like this.

Dec 12, 08 6:10 pm  · 
vado retro

so i talked to the ravel grave librarian again today and am totally crushing on her...she seemed very happy to see me.

Dec 12, 08 8:07 pm  · 

hey dubK, does USC have an undies run before finals, like UCLA?

Dec 12, 08 8:33 pm  · 
liberty bell

vado, perhaps suggest taking the librarian to an Undies Run event? Then a picnic in the cemetery?

Dec 12, 08 9:04 pm  · 
vado retro

yeah its perfect weather for that!

Dec 12, 08 9:10 pm  · 

Thank you to the TC ladies for pulling through... the overwhelming vote is that he deserves a second chance. I think we all need to remember that people who've been in long-term relationships throughout college and beyond, and then suddenly are single again, are a bit like zoo animals who've been released into the wild. We have NO clue how to navigate the terrain.

Dec 12, 08 9:12 pm  · 

vado, does she look anything like this

i have a thing for goth...

Dec 12, 08 9:13 pm  · 

ratio, okay, who is the hyena and who is the gazelle?

Dec 12, 08 9:14 pm  · 
vado retro

is that a christina ricci doll?

Dec 12, 08 10:00 pm  · 

beta, I'm afraid I might be the gazelle. A trusting, silly gazelle, that thinks that maybe this hyena is different, and might not tear me limb from limb. Though, I'd definitely prefer to be preyed on by a lion than a hyena any day.

Either way, definitely not a cougar. :)

Dec 12, 08 10:08 pm  · 
vado retro

actually the hyenas that hunt are female. the males do not hunt and are much smaller and scrawnier than the females. hyenas are matriarchal, are born with teeth and fight to dominate almost from birth.

Dec 12, 08 11:27 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

but hyenas are just not as cool as cougars

Dec 12, 08 11:40 pm  · 

I'd too wasted to read the messages on page 259 wondering how we got that far, but not too wasted to visit TC. I am driving 3 hours to and fro for my dad's installation f33 will know what I refer to if he's still around. Love to you all.

Dec 13, 08 1:51 am  · 

Oh and I've been singing Rosana all night.

Dec 13, 08 1:52 am  · 

what is installation f33 ? ?

not all men are jerks. some of us who were raised by single mums are very respectful of the lady-folk. in our house if we didn't open doors and otherwise act gentleman with ladies mum would slap us silly. hard lesson to forget, that. also that she worked 2 full time jobs to keep us clothed and fed, burns in a lot of respect.

no idea what your dude bin up to rationalist, but no one deserves disrespect...

beta you should come to tokyo. huge goth culture here.

Dec 13, 08 3:27 am  · 

i bet lb thought it was perfect that hall and oates were on daily show - especially after they came up in conversation so much this week. hope she saw it.

Dec 13, 08 7:25 am  · 

okay I'm up. Still tired will need a pot of coffee before my run. Rationalist sorry about your man trouble, as Jump said we aren't all jerks, and its not just those that are raised by single mums - some like myself were raised to show equal respect. Or more respect in fact. Opening doors, pulling seats, is the least. Although it is also easy to be criticized or accused of being chauvinist for it.

I don't know about anyone else but I'm feeling that snuggle with a pet/loved one/baby/niece/nephew vibe, where you watch cartoons and drink hot chocolate and eat omelettes and fried sausage. Sigh it must be the hangover talking.

Dec 13, 08 8:13 am  · 

i just watched the daily show. they were great !

Dec 13, 08 8:14 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I think techno meant f33 the person, though I could be wrong. Still don't know what instalation he's talking about, though.

Vado, interesting that you know so much about hyenas. They seem mangy to me, and thats all I need to know about them.

Husband and I rent movies from the local mom and pop place every weekend. I thought it'd be cool to do Christmas movies and eggnog; get in the spirit of things.... Yeah, "Christmas with the Cranks" blows. Its improbable, and not really very funny. A total disapointment. I hope tonights movie is better.

Dec 13, 08 9:17 am  · 
vado retro

well i know about hyenas cuz i saw a national geographic show a few years back about the hatred that exists between lions and hyenas. if you watch prepare to be sad.(if you are a sensitive person that is)

Dec 13, 08 10:41 am  · 

yes I was referring to the person f33

Sarah what are you doing checking archinect on a Saturday morning, go sit and watch mindless drivel on the television with Abram. Also I've found that all Christmas themed movies are crap (yes I said it). The best ones are those that are set around the holidays without trying to be Xmasy. For example Love Actually where it is set from 12 days before Christmas

A TC question, where does your primary inspiration come from, and how do you manage and cultivate it. Secondly is that question thread worthy? Sometimes you just never know

Dec 13, 08 10:50 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, it could be thread worthy, but beware that it may go down quickly. Personally, I almost always start with some little, trivial thing of a project, ans build outward. Like a house based around a stair detail, or how my bedroom looks cause I wanted it to feel cool and calm - its green with black and white - think asian/caribean.

To answer your other question, Abram doesn't watch TV. They don't have absolute proof, but theres a theory that TV can cause ADHD, ect (which I don't believe in anyway - so this is strange) and I don't want to be responsible for screwing up my kid. If he's gonna be wierd, I want it to be his fault.

I like the original Santa Clause movie, with dudley moore. I like the colours, and for some reason, the seen of the McDonalds and the families in their puffy long coats is always how I picture recession. When did that movie come out...'84ish? Were we still in recession then? Just how I picture it, I guess. Dark, cold, wet, and illuminated by fluorecent and plastic signs. Incedently, the video only had it on VHS. Tonight we're watching "The Nativity." It looked like a nice historical piece, and who doesn't like those?

I do like Love, Actually. I dont think Husband has ever seen it. And, Techino, you cant say all christmas movies are crap. The original Grinch movie was pretty awesome too.

Dec 13, 08 11:18 am  · 

is right up my alley.

and [url]Here[/url]



Dec 13, 08 11:49 am  · 
liberty bell

Yes, Steven, I enjoyed Hall and Oates very much. But who was the mystery third guitarist who was never named or mentioned?!

Hall looked like he might have had some work done on his face.

My massage yesterday, BTW, was phenomenal. I swear I was walking differently when I came out of it, my whole body FELT different, and today I am a bit sore. I'm thinking I should invest in this more often. I mean I do work out, but I don't really do anything (besides Archinect) that is self-indulgent for my body. I cut/color my own hair, no manicures, etc. Some days a girl wants to feel like a girl, you know?

I dunno, I suppose I should just learn to meditate, it's free. beta, your NYTimes post looks wonderful!

Angus had breakfast with Santa this morning. His Christmas list is a stuffed roadrunner doll and a pair of red socks. Modest child.

Dec 13, 08 12:04 pm  · 
vado retro

when i lived in boston. my roomates and i went down to the cape for a southside johnny and the asbury dukes show. only two of my roomies had tix and their girlfriends probably were there also. well the rest of us hung out by the side entry so we could here the music drink beer and play frisbee. the opening group was hall and oates. this was several years prior to them becoming superstars. that guy g.e. smith who used to be the bandleader on snl was in there group. we din't ask them for autographs cuz we din't care that much. the southside johnny guys came out and we talked to them a bit. also, these two drunk kids kept insisting that we were in the band and wanted us to get them inside the show. good times...

Dec 13, 08 12:25 pm  · 

aml - This is a late response but my college had the same tradition. All the 2nd year undergrads were assigned to work with thesis grad students on a team for a few weeks. Great learning experience.

Dec 13, 08 12:34 pm  · 

beta, no we don't have an undie run like UCLA, but I am part of a group that is trying to plan a similar large event at USC. I'll keep you posted.

It is gloomy and raining in LA today. It is wonderful.

Dec 13, 08 12:40 pm  · 

Darrel Hall is playing in our hood sometime before Christmas. It
is a fund raiser for some childrens organization. Apparently he live
over the boarder in New York State and has inlaws who live in our hood. It is one concert I think I will pass on.....but Leon Russell is
to be playing around these parts and I would love to go see him, but
don't think Mrs B can handle the loud music. I did see him years ago in concert with Billy Preston. They had two grand pianos on stage, one was white and one was black. Each performer had back up singers. All of Russells were platinum blondes and Prestons were striking beautiful black women.

Dec 13, 08 1:25 pm  · 

Darrel Hall is playing in our hood sometime before Christmas. It
is a fund raiser for some childrens organization. Apparently he live
over the boarder in New York State and has inlaws who live in our hood. It is one concert I think I will pass on.....but Leon Russell is
to be playing around these parts and I would love to go see him, but
don't think Mrs B can handle the loud music. I did see him years ago in concert with Billy Preston. They had two grand pianos on stage, one was white and one was black. Each performer had back up singers. All of Russells were platinum blondes and Prestons were striking beautiful black women.

Dec 13, 08 1:25 pm  · 

Wonder....we had an ice storm Thursday night/Friday morning. Actually we just missed it. It was at and elevation about 200 feet
above us. This morning I went to run sum errands and with the sun shining it is quite beautiful, but there is alot of damage. I'm hoping it hangs on the trees till tomorrow because it would be nice to get some photos. Nothing like winter blue skies and trees covered with
sparkling ice.

Dec 13, 08 1:28 pm  · 

beta - your sketch/ addition ideas sound pretty cool. My house is also a 1927 craftsman and I'm very interested in seeing the ideas you come up with.

LB - I'm glad you enjoyed your massage. I'm also not a very self indulgent person but of the few times I've had massages I've come away with a similar experience. I've been thinking a lot lately about doing meditation, but don't really know where to start. We always do it at the end of yoga class, but I often times feel as though I fail at it. Once they tell me to clear my mind of all thought, my mind starts racing. :o/

DubK - You may be developing an allergy to sulfites. Red wine contains higher quantities of these than white wines (skins are left to ferment longer). Cheaper wines also contain more sulfites as well, so you may try to limit your exposure to them. In addition to keeping hydrated, eat a banana the next morning. You deplete yourself of B vitamins when you drink.

Our Christmas party was last evening. While I had a good time, I couldn't help but feeling a little out of place. I don't really hang out with anybody now outside of work, so these kind of things feel awkward. Tonight I'll be meeting up with my book club girls for a fun and easy going night. I cannot wait. Right now I'm watching Inside the Actor's Studio. It's an interview with Daniel Radcliffe. He's developing into quite an actor.

Dec 13, 08 3:41 pm  · 

Evening all,

Archi who is f33? Should i know of them?

Beta that article is hilarious.. All this talk about meditation is making me feel guilty for not having done any since India. At least now that my weekends will be free again i can hopefully start again..

Sh, i totally agree about kitchens and cooking. Actually i just bought some pantry jars today (partially inspired by TC recent conversations, although i have been needing them for awhile) and i made had a similar thought in my shopping. The kitchen is the one place i don't necessarily need/want a "modern" style/look. I may not want pots with chickens on them but don't mind something slightly rustic.

Dec 13, 08 8:30 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh but Nam, pots with Chickens are soooo hip!

Dec 13, 08 10:26 pm  · 

has anyone seen The Diving Bell and The Butterfly? i just watched it, extraordinary film, and i really don't care about the controversy, visually stunning, as well as everything else....

Dec 13, 08 10:44 pm  · 
vado retro

what controversy? tremendous and moving filim.

Dec 14, 08 12:28 am  · 

I'm here listening to Captain & Tenille and desperately fighting the sleep. It was a long day, but it was a fun day nonetheless, lots of brotherly love - just in time for the Christmas.

Everyone should meditate just a little it helps. I do find that I have a hard time cleansing my mind from the excess activity, but I still attempt it. Also spoiling yourself is important too, lately its only been retail therapy but with the holidays I WILL need a break from that, and may opt for a bath in therapeutic waters or a pedicure. Then I'll go have a mojito and a cigar - sometimes its important to max out the stereotype.

Nam actually to be correct he was ff33º

g'night all... everyone go spoil yourself before Xmas

Dec 14, 08 2:16 am  · 

hairdressers massage customers as part of haircut/perm/whatever in japan. all hair cutting peoples are good at it...for me it is a strange experience really, but also kool.

i quite like christmas movies. some are awful, but there are quite a few good ones, including the original grinch and a miracle on 34th street. i also get a kick out of elf with will ferrel.

no tv sarah? that is interesting choice. my kids learn so much from tv, including to speak english. my parter tells me he learned german and english from tv when he was a kid in holland. not sure if he has ADHD. might explain a few things ;-)

Dec 14, 08 4:50 am  · 

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