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HA! thanks lb.

Jun 5, 06 11:08 am  · 

"stunningly excellent."


myriam, that sounds great, actually. When can I start? ;)

Jun 5, 06 11:09 am  · 
liberty bell

Yes, AP, stunning because when I read the playlist I thought to myself "Hmmm, based on my limited recognition of any of the band names I don't think I'm really going to enjoy this very much..." yet since Friday it's pretty much all I want to hear while working. The CD Swap is working, you've expanded my musical horizons.

Jun 5, 06 11:21 am  · 


Jun 5, 06 11:29 am  · 


And she knows why. And it's ok because we're both girls!

On to other topics, DAAPworks is at UC this week. Otherwise known as the Senior Show. I'm looking forward to it, I believe I will be visiting it before I come home to watch TV on Wednesday night :o)

Jun 5, 06 11:36 am  · 

not sure if everyone here already gets the archidose newsletter...this week's project stands on an interesting premise - the activist neighborhood investment group. good stuff.

Jun 5, 06 11:44 am  · 

wow, I want a copy of that cd now, too!

Hey AP, want to expand my (musical) horizons?


This morning I am trying very hard not to be glum. Cheery thoughts would be appreciated. Or funny stories or whatnot. Thank you!

AP, tell us about tennessee!

Jun 5, 06 11:47 am  · 

well, here's at least a good start to a sunny story: the 'business' partner agreed this morning that I deserve a raise and will talk to the 'design' (read: owning) partner about it and have numbers for me by the end of the week. So, as long as the numbers don't turn out ricockulously low, that's a sunny story, right?

Jun 5, 06 11:51 am  · 

yay! That's a great story! Congrats!

Jun 5, 06 11:56 am  · 
AP quick witty response is coming to mind...I think I just blushed though...;)

if you would like the CD, send me an email. I may be able to send it from here ( I brought my computer, which has the mix on it...). You may not get the cover art, though, i'm more comfortable using my job's printers etc in Jax for personal stuff, maybe not as easy while visiting the company HQ here in Nashville, the Music City ;-) ...(subtle segue)...about Nashville?

lots of music galore, twang-tastic...not my thing. I hope to hit up the Station Inn on Old Fogey's recommendation for some bluegrass...I can get with folk-y bluegrass...haven't ventured out much (just arrived last night)...I plan on doing a blog this week or next about Nashville and DC (this weekend's vacation)...

so, more to come on that tip...

myriam, whenever I'm down, I sing Ren and Stimpy's "Happy Happy Joy Joy." one or two times through usually does the trick...

Jun 5, 06 12:02 pm  · 
liberty bell

Fantastic, rationalist. And I love the word "ricockulous"

Jun 5, 06 12:02 pm  · 

Is anyone else getting a constant message of "this document contains no data" every time they try to load an archinect page? Is it just me? I'm in firefox. I can accept the warning, and, sure enough, the page is perfectly fine, but I have to keep clicking "OK" on the warnings. Argh.

Jun 5, 06 12:27 pm  · 

hmm, no funny messages here. But I'm on IE, which occasionally just decides that archinect's not worth the trouble and times out. Is it just the increased traffic brought on by the evil thread that's making this place so slow? Or the fact that we've now got 25 page threads?

Yeah, I'm pretty happy about that. Happy enough to at least hold off on applying for other jobs until I see what sort of number they come up with. Good karma action this morning- I sent off a resume before I left for work, asked for a raise and started thinking that was a bad thing to do because it makes me a real dick, and then discovered than the Mailer Daemon had bounced the message back to me! I would normally be annoyed, but I think it's better this way. I can hang on here for another year if it means that I'll be set financially for the grad school venture. They're not *trying* to be dicks here, they're just... different. Conservative. But I can deal with that if I know it's for a limited time. And they don't do overtime here, so I can freelance and build up the portfolio. Yep, I think that's the decision.*

*for now. decision will probably flip-flop at least three times before I find out how much of a raise I'm getting, and may or may not flip another time after that. I'm so wishy washy about some things...

Jun 5, 06 12:38 pm  · 

congratulations and good luck, rationalist.

Jun 5, 06 1:42 pm  · 
liberty bell

Words not to use on a construction site:

GC (pointing to underside of roof): That cut-off vent pipe and red circle on the sheathing is where the plumbing vent will go through

LB: I'd really like to minimize roof penetrations in the big main slope of the roof, but the slope is real low, soooo....OK...let me step out to the street and see how visible that location will be.

GC (as I'm walking out): Wait, you can't see that from outside's not cut through yet...

LB(yelling back over my shoulder): I know, I'm just trying to visualize it

GC, HVAC guys, carpenters: "visualizing", teeheeheeheehee....

Jun 5, 06 3:47 pm  · 

Myriam - we are all biologial beings. I recommend reading Howard Bloom's The Global Brain. and Malcolm Gladwell's Blink. It will make sense in regards to the following advice: place a pen horizontally between your teeth for 10 minutes - you'll feel much better.

Jun 5, 06 6:20 pm  · 

hahha. congratulations lb. you just went a step up and busted the entire door open.

a variation to your benefit;
you to GC;
"you mean you don't like it"
GC to you;
"thats where its gonna be"
"thats right. you'll never notice it, its life, when are you gonna be done with the roof, how's everything else?"
(you don't want GC to have a feeling as if you put the plumbing on the wrong wall, sometimes what happens, inside dictates it anyway. but if you make him think its a mistake and there are no alternatives to the situation, it telegraphs to client fast and you are in for uncomfortable conversation. your first question to the contractor is a bait; "you mean you don't like it?", that means you are respecting his visual judgement, and if he says "yes it bothers me because everything else is great". than you have established good relationship with the GC and he might remedy the situation on hand, he'll sure be your friend rest of the ride. its a give and take world. in either case your position is the same; 'thats the way it was supposed to be with the vent'. unless they did it wrong. then don't even bother to visualize it. just tell them to do it right. but vents are one of the most unplanned shindigs in the jobs. to make you feel better lb, this will pass. for the rest of theee people though, just ask something super technical and sophisticated to their boss, at this point you can insert something like this- "i don't want your guys to go around and start drilling everywhere unless they check with you and make sure you tell them whats on the plan that came from my office, see that, what he is doing? i don't like that"- and leave for that day.)

Jun 5, 06 7:07 pm  · 
liberty bell

Thanks Orhan. And you are right about how stuff that is actually not that big a deal can back to the client as a huge disaster.

Actually I was laughing too, the guys on this site definitely respect me as I have made it very clear that I respect them. And besides I have earned it with intelligent questions and understanding of serious issues, not just "pretty things". Also I earned some cred today when 4 guys were worrying for a good 3 minutes about getting the furnace deep enough in the mech room that the door wouldn't swing into it, wondering if maybe code doesn't require a door, no, code does require one, hell, how will we make this fit, and I popped in and said "door can swing out into garage". Oh, oops, yeah! they all said.

Vent is not going to be a problem, though I did manage to get most of them moved and may still be able to get this last one moved too.

I totally love construction!

Jun 5, 06 8:33 pm  · 
liberty bell

Also I compromised last week and saved the plumbers a nasty slab-cutting toilet relocation job due to their 1-1/2" mistake, so they now owe me a favor!

Jun 5, 06 8:35 pm  · 

so which one is the architect and which one is the contractor?

Jun 5, 06 8:45 pm  · 


you're slacking ;-)

Jun 5, 06 8:48 pm  · 

look, do you want to piss in my mouth?

Jun 5, 06 8:55 pm  · 

ahem. sometimes i forget who wears those boots lb.
better architects are usually the ones who love construction, at least regarding to residential work.

Jun 5, 06 9:01 pm  · 


wow.....that was a disturbing glimpse into your personal life ;-)

Jun 5, 06 9:45 pm  · 
liberty bell


mananmana, that was brilliant, as those of us who have been around awhile remember.

Jun 5, 06 9:47 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oops, sorry manamana, my response was probably confusing. My laughter was in response to your "piss in my mouth" comment, not the contractor/architect question, which I'm actually confused by?

Jun 5, 06 9:49 pm  · 

been around a while and it's still disgusting.

Jun 5, 06 9:54 pm  · 
vado retro

what no jpeg???

Jun 5, 06 10:04 pm  · 

LB- glad someone remembered.

on the picture - a comment on contractor/architect relations - occasionally extreme differences, some conflict etc. Or, not unlike a small austrailian boy playing rugby against an alpaca.

Steven: My apologies, I debated if it was apropriate or not. I may have been wrong.

Jun 5, 06 10:14 pm  · 

i forgat what the 'piss' thing there a pic too?

plus it was not so good interms of memory test i tiook yesterday. viaAuguste Perret. nothing alarming though. its just bad memory.

Jun 5, 06 10:23 pm  · 

"look, do you want to piss in my mouth?" was discussed in the random insults thread.

the picture isn't showing upin the previous comment? it shows up for me.... lets try this again:

so which one is the contractor and which one is the architect?

Jun 5, 06 10:33 pm  · 
liberty bell

Ah, thank you mana(2), I could not see the pic either. Much better.

I'd say I'm the one running with the baby (project) in my arms toward a goal (happy client/publication).

Jun 5, 06 10:37 pm  · 

"look, do you want to piss in my mouth" has to rank as one of the top 5 things I've gotten from archinect since I started coming here ~16 months ago. You have to say it just right though:

<slight affected british accent> "look (pause) do you want (intonation getting higher) to piss in my mouth (intonation starts downward but goes up ever so slightly at the end of 'mouth')"??? </end accent>

On a wholly unrelated note, sometimes I move my mouse around on my desk and then stop it and leave it stationary, and then as if possessed, the little arrow keeps moving up the page on its own. This just happened and it did a little jig up to liberty bell's name. Strange but true.

I'm going to go dream of alpacas playing football now.


Jun 6, 06 12:04 am  · 
liberty bell

My freaking print shop has instituted an all-new updated super-easy and convenient ftp site for uploading drawings you need printed.

Of course it doesn't freaking work at midnight AKA right NOW when I fraking need it to gaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!

Jun 6, 06 12:12 am  · 

shitty, LB. sympathy.

sometimes sucks being dependent on technology that ain't in your office ...hope you get it sorted.

your tale of banter with GC was interesting...when i first started going to sites i used to wear jeans and t-shirt like most of the folks on site (it is how i dress anyway, from way back, even before jeans were for anyone but poor people...). i figgered at least i wouldn't have to worry about getting concrete on my pants and the crew wouldn't get all class conscious on me...but it never worked...they just thought i was slummin (even though i grew up poorer than any of them, i guarantee it) nowadays i try to dress better than the GC at least, and act like a serious architect (which is SO not my personality) and oddly the work from the GC's has gotten better and relationship with same is much much better.

this still seems wrong to me (cuz i am canadian and therefore slightly socialist by birth) but aparently people really are not comfortable with architects acting like anyting but architects....SO, we are suposed to walk round visualising things and talk fruity...i think there is a manual somewhere...;-)

hmm...wonder if that makes sense? on day 3 of series of all-nighters to meet school, work and crazy art-installation deadlines this week...slightly off rocker...which is lately far too normal.


Jun 6, 06 12:40 am  · 
sporadic supernova

LB ... another long night ? ...

my collegues got me a birthday cake for me today ... ( and it's not my birthday !!!) .. was kinda puzzled ( all of them was laughing so freaking hard seeing my amused look !!) and one of them pointed out the date to me ... 06:06:06 !!!

I think I've build myself quite the reputation in the office ... darn it .. so much for undercover !!

LB .. this should help you ;) .. now stop worrying !!

btw .. the cake's yummy ..... and it was the Brazilian's idea .. damn .. so much for first impressions !!

Jun 6, 06 12:50 am  · 
sporadic supernova

oopps ... whats with my grammer?? !!! ^^

Jun 6, 06 1:08 am  · 

so.... your coworkers think you're the antichrist? (maybe I'm missing something)

Jun 6, 06 1:13 am  · 
sporadic supernova

yeah ... i think so ... lol ...i didn't question anything !!

Jun 6, 06 1:23 am  · 

re: the picture mana posted. i was thinking architects are probably the stiff stuffed exotic animal being bowled over by the rough-and-tumble bedhead kid. but maybe that's just the way MY job is going.

mana: everything's appropriate and never any apologies necessary. every time the piss line comes up again it makes me laugh for two seconds before i get disgusted.

we discussed the 6/6/6 thing at work yesterday. wonderin' how many babies will be named 'damian' today. cute little goth kids. apparently mothers everywhere tried to get their doctors to induce yesterday so that their babies weren't born today. hehe.

cd swap is going again! yay! i'm already busy combing through my collection to find just the right stuff. at least to me. i think foglite's getting some chickasaw mudd puppies, some tony joe white, and - of course - some more kentucky music.

Jun 6, 06 7:16 am  · 

WonderK.. the cheap mice that IT has started using to replace broken "good" mice at my office all do that pultergeist thing. I like it, sometimes it helps me pretend i'm working when i'm actually not.

parallel - is the type of personality that can only exist in online forums like this one. sadly i'll only encourage it by writing about it.

lb- saying things that i regret on the jobsite has become, like, my job.

over and out

Jun 6, 06 8:05 am  · 
sporadic supernova
mothers everywhere tried to get their doctors to induce yesterday so that their babies weren't born today

haha ... personally ... I would have loved to have been born today ... its a nice landmark birthdate ..

so dude.. when's your birthday ??

"the number of the beast !!!!!" .... .lml

Jun 6, 06 8:22 am  · 
sporadic supernova

geez .... how did i do that ? ..

anyway ..

.lml .. is supposed to be

Jun 6, 06 8:24 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh my god, sporadic, that splinter reference is soooooo wonderful! And so true....but who said you were the beast?!? (Very funny office joke, btw - reminds me of a friend long ago whose office mates drywalled/painted/baseboarded over his office door while he was at a conference, ha! I miss coworkers!) I think the hot Brazilian is flirting with you.

Thank you also for introducing me to yet another brilliant internet time-waster ;) Now every morning I will wake up and rush to my computer to check out the symbolism of what I dreamt the night before!!

jump, I think you are right about contractors really wanting the architect to be a little nicer-dressed, fancier-talking than they are. I love the term "fruity", haven't heard that in awhile and it is very apt. The lucky thing for me, as a woman, is if I make even a slightly intelligent comment regrding construction, they respect it - I would think being a male architect on a jobsite would be incredibly challenging, much harder than I have it.

Jun 6, 06 9:11 am  · 

i am on the roof and GC is looking for me, i hear;
-did you see the architect?
one of the electricians,
-fiddler on the roof...

Jun 6, 06 12:46 pm  · 

on the 06/06/06 subject, my mom's license plate used to contain the numbers 666, it was like KFZ666 or something. She used to get notes left on her car calling her a devil worshipper, saying that it was evil to go around displaying that. It was a freaking random number plate! ANYONE could have drawn the 666 plate from the DMV, she didn't choose it! But eventually it bothered her so much that she got a custom plate made.

AND, an update on the happy story from yesterday- talked with the 'business' partner again this morning, and not only are they actually giving me MORE than I asked for (that's got to be a first of some sort!), but we talked design opportunities, well-roundedness, field trips to construction sites.... It really seemed like they knew there was a problem in the way things are going, and want to fix it. So, happy ending to that story. Weehaw!

Jun 6, 06 1:03 pm  · 

but, rationalist, the world is ending today...prepare for the rapture.

Jun 6, 06 1:16 pm  · 

well, at least I'll die happy!

Jun 6, 06 1:34 pm  · 

wow, that's great rationalist... one super-hearty "WOOHOO!" for you.

Weehaw? too much time working for midwestern transplants, eh?

Jun 6, 06 1:36 pm  · 

rationalist, that is great news. Congrats.

It's going to be a rough month for me. Two of my favorite coworkers are leaving next week, my roommate is leaving next week. And a friend of mine and the Assistant Dean of DAAP passed away yesterday, from cancer. Which just completely sucks because she was a really great lady, and did a wonderful job (she was the head administrator of the college). It's very upsetting. She was only 48.

I'm feeling very quiet because I'm busy pondering all of these things and the upcoming challenges in my own summer. I'm worried that I won't be up for it.

But here we are, 6/6/6. The day couldn't be nicer here in Cincy.

Stupid day. Sorry. Don't mean to be Debbie Downer.....

Jun 6, 06 2:06 pm  · 

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