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lb, reading the line 'braveheart is a great film' made it impossible for me to give any credibility to rest of your post.

(but have fun at ikea; i think they ship!)

Jun 2, 08 8:07 am  · 

tk, steven must be in your private pix because they don't show up for me.

Jun 2, 08 8:09 am  · 

you know I liked Gladiator, but it was hard not to ignore the obvious Braveheart references...but the acting was FAR better in the former. Sorry

Monday | Monday | Monday!!

Jun 2, 08 8:53 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

TK, you may know this, but in case you don't..

We ahve found that Abram HATES to be on his stomac now, whereas his first week of life, he didnt mind. Now he doesn't get to exercise his arms much, and may end up one of those kids that crawls by putting their but up in the air, pushing with their feet, but leaving their chest on the floor.

Oh, and he laughed like a real human yesterday. Not like a baby, but a real, human laugh.

Jun 2, 08 9:43 am  · 

This was an NPR weekend.

I was interviewed on Saturday by our local NPR station for my involvement in a program that teaches inner city kids to document their community and lives by means of photography. I have been the kids photography teacher the past 4 months and have loved every minute of it. I was so incredibly nervous during the interview. My voice was shaky and I often paused and fumbled my words. They assured me it happens all the time and they can edit it with relative ease.


I saw IRA GLASS this weekend! He told some stories, talked about This American Life, took questions, and overall charmed the audience for two hours.

I think in my next life I'll work for NPR.

Jun 2, 08 9:57 am  · 

What a cute child that one...

N_ no link to the broadcast?
Happy Monday all!

Jun 2, 08 10:29 am  · 

They will finish editing our interviews (mine, the kids, the community members, the other program implementers) this month. It will be broadcasted in early July. I'll post the link in a few weeks once it's released.

You guys will hear my voice. Weird.

Jun 2, 08 10:32 am  · 

They will finish editing our interviews (mine, the kids, the community members, the other program implementers) this month. It will be broadcasted in early July. I'll post the link in a few weeks once it's released.

You guys will hear my voice. Weird.

Jun 2, 08 10:32 am  · 

epic filmage| Lawrence Of Arabia, Ben Hur, Ten Commandments, Battleship Potemkin, Spartacus, Gandhi, 2001, Magnolia, There Will Be Blood, Citizen Kane, Longest Day, Tora, Tora, Tora, The Great Escape, Cremaster films, MASH...Never saw EP, I USED to like Braveheart, but douchebagery ruined it, Titanic vomitted, Chicago; 4 words = Sweaty Puffy Crack-Whore, Unforgiven totally kicks ass.

Jun 2, 08 11:11 am  · 

n_ ME TOO!!!! After I graduated with my first degree I looked into applying for jobs at NPR. Unfortunately they wanted journalism majors :o/

Jun 2, 08 12:08 pm  · 
liberty bell

tk, that is a totally adorable picture of a totally adorable baby. What fun!

As for my parenting life: today sucks. Sucks so hard it makes the English Patient look like sex on a beach. We took Angus to his first day of camp this morning - day camp only, not overnight - and it was a nightmare. He was screaming, crying, tearing off his nametag, running for the door: did NOT want to stay there. I feel absolutely terrible about it, like I've abandoned him in a pit of vipers

Of course most likely the second we left he turned around and started having a blast - he did that for the first month at Montessori school too. But I still hate myself today and it's taking all my willpower not to run to the camp and pick him up. Parenting is awful.

Fingers crossed that he will come home smiling today!!! And now I have to go look at some bathroom ceiling framing.

Jun 2, 08 12:47 pm  · 

out of curiosity, how many of you would say you have been consistently trolled at one point or another here on the nect?

Jun 2, 08 2:37 pm  · 

what's trolled - am I so out of the lingo?

Jun 2, 08 2:49 pm  · 

harassed... there was some dude posting pictures of me... and being a general nuisance... just wondering if this happens to other people on here, or if i should perhaps change my archinect behavior... as to avoid further harassment

Jun 2, 08 2:54 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

lletdoownl, can you rephrase the question, I don't inderstand. Maybe Im just not up on the lingo.

LB, thats terrible. I'm sure he's having fun, but I wouldn't want to be you right now.

Did I tell everybody that my nephew (1 yr old) started choking the other evening, and even though he was crying, his dad flipped out, and shoved his hand down the boys throat? Panicked and went to the ER when the kid started coughing up blood. Poor kid. Dumb Parents. Oh, and yeah, he was fine, just has throat lacerations due to somebody's sharp fingernails.

Gross. I smell like spit-up today. I hope no one notices.

Jun 2, 08 2:54 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, then nope, never been harrassed, or outed for that matter. Although, I suppose my screen name doesn't leave much room for that.

Jun 2, 08 2:55 pm  · 

I've not been harassed, much

Do you know who is doing it? Perhaps a secret admiring or were you talking smack about someone whose doing you in?

Jun 2, 08 3:11 pm  · 

yeah its all sorted out now, i dont think i was talking any smack? but it had been going on off and on for a year. there was a time when someone was posting stuff as me with a bunch of extra letters too...

llletdownlll and lllletdownllll etc etc.

Jun 2, 08 3:40 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

well, why do you have all the extra l's?

Jun 2, 08 3:49 pm  · 

im not sure... honestly it was a graphic decision... i liked


better than


though now i prefer


Jun 2, 08 4:11 pm  · 

I am officially hooked on Californication on Showtime. the most adult humor i have heard in ages, shit Ducovny rocks and the Suicide Girl is totally smoking. i am watching i guess the first season, and figured pretty quickly the ex-gf/future wife was an architect. the show is how i want California to be, and now that i have been, i almost wish i lived there....drool

Jun 2, 08 4:12 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

beta, you never finished your story.

Jun 2, 08 4:51 pm  · 

i'm fading fast as this first full day back winds down. Glad the mrs is almost able to take over the night shift...

I gotta change the privacy settings on my flickr account for ya'll to see more starrman cuteness...

maybe beta is saving the next edition for his 80th birthday...

Jun 2, 08 5:17 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

TK, where did starr come from? In my hometown, it was a 'popular' last name. And do you call him Steven, or starr. or rather, what do you anticipate his techers and friends to call him?

Jun 2, 08 5:38 pm  · 
John Cline

dude, TK! I completely missed the birth?! Congratulations! We are so happy for you guys. More pictures!

(maybe I should be checking TC more often....)

Jun 2, 08 6:42 pm  · 

Yeah TK - it was slightly annoying to try to take a peak at the starrman's pics only to find out none existed for us "non-friend" folks ;o). Can't wait to see them once you've changed the settings. Hope you get a second wind tonight. Off to eat and then mow my postage stamp sized lawn.

Jun 2, 08 6:50 pm  · 

nope, beta just realized he's been strip teasing and he's about ready to go Full Monty, and is a bit if that's a word.

Jun 2, 08 6:54 pm  · 
liberty bell

beta, I was just painting my porch and wondering where episode next is. Can't wait to see the full monty ;-)

I am happy to report that when I went to get Angus today he was furious at me. Angry that I had come to pick him up - he was having so much fun he didn't want to leave!! He can't wait to go back tomorrow. Little monsters, these kids, they make you feel terrible either way!!!

I prefer lletdownl. It's a little sad, but in a cute hopeful way. And no, so far, no one has seriously trolled me that I know of - I may just be too dense to have noticed!

Jun 2, 08 8:28 pm  · 

Tomorrow is back to the Vet for Frito Jack so it was bath time tonight.
knowing full well he will be trapped in his cone head for 14 days. I don't know what the neighbors will think....most likely we are bad parents so someone will call animal services....and yup we will get a visitor wondering what the hell were doing with our dog and when we go to explain we had him nutered and well a third ball appeared out of no where so the Vet insists it needs to come out and of course she is doing it for free all in the line of Medical Research. The arresting officer will look me in the eyes like I have been smoking hooch and will toss away the key for brutality to animals. So then I will have to call one of my famous Lawyer Clients...and tell him the story so he can drive up from the Big Apple and haul my butt out of jail.

Along another line. Mrs. and myself went to the eye doctor and had our eyes checked this past week. Nothing drastic...were just getting old and blind. I did see some cool ass Swiss Glass Frames. I had the guy price them up and he is also a friend. He told me they would run $795.00 after our insurance kicked in. I told him I think
I wouldn't be spending that kind of money on glasses in a downturn economy. I found something more reasonable and most likely recieved better by my clients. So on the way home Mrs. tells me the eye doctor gave her a perscription for some eye drops. I go to the
pharmacy later in the day and drop off the perscription and when I go to pick it up it is $99.00. I pissed and moaned about it but went
ahead and got it anyway, thinking well it should last the whole summer. I get home and give it to the Mrs and she says I should have passed on it. I say well the doctor perscribed it so you should at least give it a try. She proceeds to take a box out of the bag or
expectable size and then pulls from the box and eye droplet container which must contain about a weeks worth of eye drops. You tell me what the hell is going on in the "Medical World"? The stuff is worth more than ten times the equal amount of Gold. Oh well think we will be looking for options in the not to distanct future, or taking up a new profession like robbing Quick Marts.

Jun 2, 08 8:53 pm  · 

guess what beta's doing?

yep you guessed right!

i am in a musical at a local lutheran church.

Jun 2, 08 10:51 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

How come I've never heard of this before?

Jun 3, 08 9:06 am  · 

early this morning
gf's realtor calls to say she's showing the house. Thanks, that gives me less than an hour to tidy up the place before I go to work. Sigh. I got it done though.

this morning this made me laugh. Read the caption for more giggles.

Jun 3, 08 9:08 am  · 

wait beta is that you in the plaid pants?

Jun 3, 08 9:19 am  · 


Jun 3, 08 9:26 am  · 

now we just need a million more of these hauf hauses
and we'll be ok :), nice site too, any architects that do
that stuff on archinect?

whoa Beta is that you in the play??!!

mornin folks whats going on?

Jun 3, 08 9:34 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I wonder if any of our 'nectors are guerillas...

Jun 3, 08 10:07 am  · 

sorry bout the flikr lock-out. gotta find time to use my mancave and make them public...

thought I posted the origin of SS's name- my mom was STEVEann and my pa-in-law was willard STARR... thinking that starr is from either his wasp/DAR bloodline, but could be from another of his half-a-dozen northern european heritages. gotta ask the wife.

right now, we're using lots of different names, depending on our moods.

now if the server is back up, I can get back to work...

Jun 3, 08 10:28 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I called abram crusty-face when his eyes were still crusty.

Jun 3, 08 10:50 am  · 

i thought only puppies got crusty eyes when they were born. Now i know better. Joke intended.

Jun 3, 08 1:27 pm  · 

I have been cracking up the past couple of days for a number of reasons. #1, this web site: Hilarious. Go through several pages if you have the time. that the primary race is about to end (thank christ), I won't burden you too much with political stuff, but this is awfully funny. From

Clinton Open to Being Obama's Veep. I'm Open to Being the Detroit Tigers' Second Baseman.

Hillary Clinton has told congressional colleagues she would be open to becoming Barack Obama's vice presidential nominee, saying she would consider it if it would help Democrats win the White House.....

In related news, I am willing to play second base for the Detroit Tigers. I mean, sure, last year second baseman Placido Polanco won both the Silver Slugger and the Gold Glove, but I'm here to serve if it would help the Tigers bring their team together.

Documents have recently surfaced that suggest that Managing Editor SusanG has informed her Daily Kos colleagues that she would be willing to spend the night with George Clooney if--and only if--it would bring on world peace.

and so on....

What would you do for world peace? You know, assuming it would bring everyone together, lol.

Jun 3, 08 6:49 pm  · 

Wow TC is slow to day.

In other news... They've finally started demo work on our project. Tomorrow we might actually have the floor plan nailed down (FINALLY). We've spent the last two days drawing up elevations, perspectives, etc. to give them an idea of how the final project is going to look like. Keep your fingers crossed they give the okay on the layout, otherwise I may pull out all my hair. Wait a minute! My responsibilities as the interior designer have only just begun. SHIT!!!! So much to do, so much to do.

Jun 3, 08 8:37 pm  · 

vado and LB - there are some crazy ass storms going on just NW of me. Hope you guys are dry and safe.

Jun 3, 08 9:05 pm  · 
steven starr's flickr

pics are now public.

it's going to be a very busy week in the office. we're pushing a proposal our in one week, and I'm taking my last LARE next Monday (the day before it's due...) so little postings to be expected from me...

Jun 3, 08 9:09 pm  · 

I get to say it first. OBAMA gets the nod! Congrats you bama supporters

Jun 3, 08 11:05 pm  · 

now the serious question: can Hillary play nice (or am I opening a massive can of worms?)

Jun 3, 08 11:08 pm  · 

techno, I think we're all waiting to see if Hillary plays nice still. Hasn't happened yet so I'm not expecting much.

Jun 4, 08 12:03 am  · 

she doesn't seem inclined to.

i am not american but we mostly get merican news here in tokyo so am right into this electorating stuff. she is one half of a seriously driven pair that is for sure. but most of the driving appears to be self interest, which makes for bad politics...

anyway...i am in london this week. i had forgotten how awful this city can be if you ain't rich. the panhandlers in front of stations took me aright back and i still have no idea how to deal with them.

lb, your story of angus is the same for when we put our youngest in daycare a few months back. first day she was not happy. 2nd day sort ok, buy 3rd day she was askeing when we were going to school. and now she wonders why she stays home for weekends and gets upset if we pick her up early. it is both sad and happy making. sad to have been the child's whole world for those first few years and letting that go, but happy to know she (or he) is entering the big wide one with all the great things it holds (even panhandlers)...

Jun 4, 08 1:23 am  · 

so has anyone heard from LB and the vado? did indianastan get hit by any Dorothy Winds?

Jun 4, 08 6:00 am  · 
vado retro

mothahumpa its still really nasty out there. was woken up several times by loudass thunder. southeast of indianastan got smacked down. but i managed to make that one mile drive to the office and i'm here 90 minutes early. wtf?

Jun 4, 08 7:12 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

Jun 4, 08 7:52 am  · 

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