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And, yes, I also wonder the same thing nam. With all of the junkies who spend their days looking at frames and frames of Google Earth, you would think that all of the surprises would have been used up by now.

May 29, 08 11:15 pm  · 

just why

it can see a line of slate that was wrapped down the top 8 or so inches of the concrete to hide where the contractor had to cut back the concrete

May 30, 08 12:28 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Not to sounds elitist, but the black figure in the photo looks like a sasqatch, and 'hoax' was the first thing that popped into my mind, but then I read the article. Thats crazy. I wold like to meet them, but only after being thouroughly disinfected.

Did anyone ever watch that show 'living with the kombai'?

May 30, 08 9:04 am  · 

tribes that haven't been exposed to modern civilisation - too easy to compare to Montserrat "the way the Caribbean used to be"

Anyway - I just submitted my offer, i'll be earning the same as I have for the next three months. That is unless I can squeeze something out

May 30, 08 10:25 am  · 

Another crane just collapsed in Manhattan. That's like two in the past 6 months right? Creepy.

May 30, 08 11:05 am  · 

Per Corell is on Facebook and he's looking for friends! Per Corell is my friend on Facebook! Ah ha ha ha.....

May 30, 08 12:16 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

You know, I'd like to meet him in person. Do you think I could stay with him if Husband and I ever took a trip to denmark? He's in Denmark, right?

May 30, 08 12:45 pm  · 

wonderk...john devlin recommended i become friends with per on
facebook..two semi blasts from the past.

May 30, 08 1:15 pm  · 

cue vado's song, "the day John Delvin was banned"

I'm designing my outdoor to sky, water falling like rain, the textures, aromatic smell of the flora...ahh its architecture refreshing

May 30, 08 3:00 pm  · 

Atechno - When will it be finished. I'd like to pencil in a date I can take a nice long, relaxing... refreshing shower in it ;o). My aunt has an outdoor shower and I was so close to taking one in it when DubK and I went to visit, but it was too cold outside to partake in such luxury. :o/

May 30, 08 4:48 pm  · 

hopefully by the end of summer if I get my building supplies in time. I'm going to go "mash-up" shopping this weekend for rocks, found items, funky tiles & finishes. Whose coming with me?

May 30, 08 5:05 pm  · 
snook_dude will do GREAT! What you need is a bunch of Oldies Helping you OUT...I'm sure Vado would fly in for the weekend...we could call it an ARchiCharette. LB would be their in a would
alot of other people. However if that isn't going to happen we are all there in SPIRIT...including Per.

May 30, 08 7:21 pm  · 

tumbles I would love to help you prepare for finals but I do actually have some writing to do. It counts as "nothing" however, because I am not on a strict deadline.

So, I (stupidly) rented "No Country For Old Men" and just watched it, by myself, in the dark, basically. Thank goodness WonderMan called me on iChat halfway through or I would have been scared stiff by the end of it. For those of you who have seen this movie, I have a question, and I'll ask below so I don't spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet.......

What the hell was the point of this movie, anyway? What am I supposed to walk away from this movie feeling or thinking? Perhaps those awful south Texas accents were so thick that I missed something but all I know is, Javier Bardem's character killed everyone but Tommy Lee Jones' character, and was never caught. Was it really all for the money or what?

I must say I expected a lot more from this movie, it being the Oscar winner. I thought "There Will be Blood" was weird but in retrospect I guess I liked that more. Aren't normal movies allowed to be Best Picture anymore? Out of all of them that I've seen I like "Michael Clayton" the best, I think. I can't remember what the 5th choice was, after "Juno".

I realize this is all really old news but I am still catching up on things that I missed between March-May.

May 31, 08 4:19 am  · 

Somehow i ended up at work on a Sat.
I actually volunteered for the overtime/PTO what a chump, huh?

As for No Country for Old Men. Personally, i thought it was excellent.

First two points. Yes, some of the character(ness) of the actors; the haircut, awful accents, etc were over the top/bad. However, i think this only served to further the aesthetic for me because it was almost as if they were archetype(s)?....the money i think was not the point. It was at the end about doing what he was made/meant to do. Following through with your character (whatever that may be) to the end.

Most reactions i have heard about the moview from in discussions with people seem to revolve around; so what should i have felt/came away from the film with?.
That particular question is I think best answered by you the viewer. How did you feel?
As i said the scenery and aesthetic stylings were in the end what sold me on the film, but that is just me....

May 31, 08 11:36 am  · 

ok, well, it seems that I freaked out over nothing. I'm still annoyed that they would specifically list them and describe facial piercings as "unusual" and "disrespectful", but I've gotten out of actually having to do anything about it. We were all discussion the ricoculousness of the dress code we'd been given at the start of our Italian class, and I made sure to ask the Italian teacher (who is actually from there) in front of the program head, about piercings. She said that no, they're not considered disrespectful, just a little odd and a bit dated since nostril piercings were very popular around 1997. I said "ok, well, I can deal with that." and the program head didn't say anything, so I'm just going to go with it and hope nobody says anything.

@tumbles- Rome. Stopping in Paris and London on the way to and from, just for kicks.

May 31, 08 1:51 pm  · 

nam, I guess I don't understand what puts it heads and shoulders above every other movie offered. Acting? There were plenty of good performances in other films. Cinematography? Good cinematography is not unique anymore. Story? Uh no. I am not saying it was bad, just that it isn't necessarily better than everything else.

I am also very opinionated about movies so we can probably agree to disagree. For the record, I hated "Million Dollar Baby" and loved "Crash". Soooo....yeah.

May 31, 08 2:45 pm  · 

re: no country... i like to consider it a sister movie to "a history of violence" in that they are both simply an exploration of how violence happens. "A History of Violence" explores how violence passes itself along from person to person (violence begets violence) and this movie is more about a person who is irredeemably violent by nature. I appreciated them both for their simple portrayals. Brutal, but simple.

May 31, 08 3:14 pm  · 


You are indeed a cunning linguist. Explained much better than I. Simple, and Brutal!

May 31, 08 5:40 pm  · 
vado retro

the best thing about no contry for old men friendo is that i saw it with my exgirlfriend/future wife at the davis theatre in lincoln square and we both were like wtf why is this being so raved about??? it was pretty overrated and the characters were just dense. oh my goodness we have twenty murders out in the dessert i better get some coffee at the diner??? it was filmed in new mexico though which is good. and then we went to cafe selmarie and had some dinna. what a nice date that was. give me fargo anyday over ncfom.

in other news the champion speller is from indianastan.

May 31, 08 6:54 pm  · 

just heard that the next coen bro movie will be filmed in the town where steven starr was born! we've made it to day 10 of this excellent adventure, none to worse for the wear. slightly sleep deprived with all those 1 am, 3 am and 6 am feedings, but I've been managing to catch up with naps. next week will be a challenge with my full time return to the office....

some pics will happen, eventually. just too many other things to do (like posting to tc)...

May 31, 08 8:43 pm  · 

i, too, love Fargo. Oddly enough vado, I *too* saw 'no country' at the davis theatre in lincoln sq! I wonder if we were in there at the same time? wouldn't that be weird. i can't believe you came all the way here and didn't email me... grrr. ;) I GUESS i can forgive it since it was a special date and all. But NEXT TIME....

selmarie has excellent brunch if you need a morning meal next time you're in town. but then again i can remind many good brunch spots around here...

Jun 1, 08 12:17 am  · 

Wonder K - I knew I trusted your judgement, no country didn't do anything for me, and it took a few attempts to make it all the way through. But that said I've found in recent years to be disappointed by the Oscar offerings

Unforgiven - didn't like it, thought it was too dark (literally)
Million Dollar Baby - a bloody waste, but I still am looking forward to the next Clint directed/acted movie nonetheless
Fargo & What to do in denver when you are dead - brilliant
Crash - surprisingly compelling, most films with such a bevy of a-list actors tend to fizzle after the first 10 mins

Today I finally watched Motorcycle Diaries (amazing) and the Chronicles of Narnia - the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (I held back the tears)

I'm still anxious to see Iron (Corten) Man - Robert D is an amazing actor, but you won't catch me watching the Singing Detective, ever

Jun 1, 08 12:18 am  · 

Oh so is off for 3 months...with puppy (sniff sniff), so its movies, beer and calm for me (and a slab of lasagne she left cause she lubs me)

Jun 1, 08 12:23 am  · 

I didn't like Titantic...sedated and overdone, similarly a Beautiful Mind
then there are things that shouldn't of been nominated in my humble opinion (Bugsy, Master and Commander, the Aviator, Ghost, et al)

funny fact Saving Private Ryan and a Thin Red Line were pretty much the same (simple plot + star studded cast) and were nominated the same year for the same award...odd

Jun 1, 08 12:34 am  · 

ack I just missed post 5555 to continue babbling about movies. Alas I am a bit of a movie buff

any foreign film recommendations?

Jun 1, 08 12:36 am  · 
vado retro

don't waste your 55,555th post techno...

ms. manta were you in chicago at new years? somehow i thought you were on the left coast. thats when i was at the davis last.

Jun 1, 08 12:54 am  · 

hi tc, i just saw this news post from a couple of days back and i have the impression many people missed it as i had...

help save a constructivist factory building in turkey

there is a petition and building pictures

Jun 1, 08 2:42 am  · 

techno I am right there with you! I liked "Fargo" a lot but "Titanic" and "A Beautiful Mind" didn't do anything for me. I can understand why "Titanic" won, I think it had to at the time. What else is there....

2006 - The Departed....still haven't seen it (off year for me)
2005 - Crash
2004 - Million Dollar Baby
2003 - The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King....YES! this was for the whole series. Plus this movie was awesome on its own.
2002 - Chicago....great film. Nothing can ever top West Side Story though. (PS. The Pianist was amazing though, too)
2001 - A Beautiful Mind
2000 - Gladiator....OK, it was pretty good (but I think Traffic should have won)
1999 - American Beauty....meh, whatever (I liked The Insider better)
1998 - Shakespeare in Love.....meh
1997 - Titanic
1996 - The English Patient (I liked Fargo better)
1995 - Braveheart....Mel Gibson may have turned out to be a douchebag but who doesn't think this movie is completely awesome!?!?!

And so on....I love talking about movies!

Jun 1, 08 2:51 am  · 

Wonder K - I sat through the epically long English Patient alone one Saturday night after which I went, "I don't get it!"

Oh and I loooooooooooooooooooove West Side story and so many of the recent best pic nominees have taken cues from it - like the Departed, Gangs of New York, et

Also as good as it gets should of won over Titanic ... 'scuse me HH was in it.

And how comes Confessions of Dangerous Mind was not nominated

Jun 1, 08 9:06 am  · 
vado retro

The English Patient is one of my favorite movies. I am a great fan of the epic film.(and its not even that epic) watch barry lyndon, a passage to india, lawrence of arabis or the eight hour long russian version of war and peace, if you want epic.

Oh and I loooooooooooooooooooove West Side story and so many of the recent best pic nominees have taken cues from it - like the Departed, Gangs of New York, et????

Dont you mean taken cues from Romeo and Juliet?

off to the office to work on clusterfuck project number 2 that was put aside as i dealt with clusterfuck project number 1 after i force a pill down my cats throat. joy...

Jun 1, 08 10:12 am  · 

The English Patient is one of the worst films I've ever seen and it is based on one of the worst books I was ever forced to read. Ugh.

yes, mr. retro, I was indeed in Chicago for New Years. Although you are right -- I typically spend it on the left coast... not this year though! No problem, just give me a heads up next time -- at the least I can loan you my Art Institute membership card :)

Jun 1, 08 10:13 am  · 

Wow, I thought I was the only one that didn't really get No Country For Old Men. It was okay. I thought the ending was anticlimactic. I left thinking WTF? Did I miss something

I used to be a huge movie watcher but over the past four years or so I haven't really been keeping up. I loved Fargo, Braveheart and the Lord of the Rings too. I think I balled watching the English Patient and Gladiator tugged at my heart strings.

Anyway, I'm going to a cookout this evening and need to bring a side dish> I'm debating between deviled eggs and fruit salad. Any thoughts between the two?

Jun 1, 08 10:53 am  · 

at risk of losing mantaray's repect, i loved english patient the movie, but it didn't come close to how much i loved the book. ondaatje is one of my favorite writers. (my wife hated both.)

Jun 1, 08 11:32 am  · 

vado it is indeed true that most films as well as novels revert to the classics for not only inspiration but guidance as well. I was more compelled with WSS's dramatic vision, cinematography, wardrobe, etc...the design stuff. Sorry should of clarified. But before you quickly add that they probably too it from "a streetcar named desire" ten years earlier

Jun 1, 08 11:37 am  · 

SW - Books are always better than the movies. If a movie comes out after I've read the book I typically won't go see it, as I'm usually thoroughly disappointed. There are however, instances where I see the movie before I read the book, and if I like it, I'll always read the book b/c it IS so much better.

Jun 1, 08 12:42 pm  · 

crash sucked

Jun 1, 08 2:09 pm  · 

tunamelt...I'd go with the Deviled Eggs. Rachel Ray has a couple dozen recipes all really really easy.

Jun 1, 08 2:10 pm  · 

SW, there's no way you could lose my respect! As your wife must soldier on lovingly by your side despite your clear lack of literary discrimination, so, too, must I continue steadfast in my admiration of your architectural wisdom and all-around good-naturedness.



anyway, more on the list I hated: Traffic. Crash looked very similar to me so I didn't watch it and don't regret it from what I've heard.

re: movie versions of books : I'll probably endure criticism for this one, but I have always been a supporter of the Gwyneth Paltrow version of "Emma", because although I LOVED the book, I also LOVED the movie and found them to be completely complementary. The Lord of the Rings movies did a pretty good job as well--especially considering the enormous task of editing down all the greatness of Tolkien's books into reasonably-lengthed films.

Jun 1, 08 2:31 pm  · 

I'd also go with deviled eggs but I would not use R.Ray's versions. Ugh! She annoys me to high heaven.

Jun 1, 08 2:32 pm  · 

if all else fails...or even if it doesn't: how to cook everything. seriously. everyone should have it. almost everything very essential/simple but delicious.

Jun 1, 08 2:49 pm  · 


thanks aml for the petition.

got up really early, like 4 am. went back to sleep at 9. aand i am back again in the world. we are going to a friends little daughter's 1 year b.d party. i like kids but i am sure there will be tons of them there and we are already thinking of a cameo appearance and deliver the gift, which is a great fold onto itself's little pocket become a pillow blanket with a pink bunny on it, that my friend designed (we also share office) she does those and i do architecture and writing, really fun i like it... smebody called me to grow up here but hey... i don't want to sound self important and i consider you guys here my close friends but i thought it was unfair and totally uncalled for. i hate it when people get personal in discussing architecture of third party. one thing i don't like about being a public name is that you also unknowingly cultivate people who hate everything you write. that is okay but you kind of feel it in your everyday life and i am just learning how to live with it. oh well have a nice weekend everybody...

i was so touched by the picture taken of amazonian tribe trying to fend for themselves against the helicopter with bows and arrows.

Jun 1, 08 3:35 pm  · 

by the way, if anybody wants to have some fun with the editor's picks next week, please e-mail me.or any other date after the week after which i booked somebody for the 52 nd issue way back.
i am tempted to ask starr treekiller jr. but i think he is busy taking care of his parents at the moment...

Jun 1, 08 4:04 pm  · 

O - I'll do it, so's not here so I have more time to archinect!

Jun 1, 08 4:21 pm  · 

I know what you mean about the photos. Little do they know. Or maybe they do and that is way they look startled. Also, i am always happy to do an EP.

As for No Country, i was thinking as i knew this would lead to many diverse opinions.
Really i just liked it. I thought they (the brothers) did a terrific job crafting a superior example of a film which stays ultimately true to a very specific almost mannerism of film making. I enjoyed that.

Anywho. I hope everyone had a wonderful Sunday. I went canoeing.. How about you all?

Jun 1, 08 5:51 pm  · 
vado retro

well friendo's i went to the office but the network was down so i didnt stay. so i napped instead....

my favorite films in no particular order....oh forget it i'll be writing all night.

Jun 1, 08 6:18 pm  · 
liberty bell

Holy crap how did I miss that epic stadium discussion?!

Orhan you are a gentleman and scholar in everything that you do. Not to worry.

WonderK : I love your phrase above about Mel Gibson's douchbaggery but yeah: Braveheart is a great film. Gladiator was a weak copy of it, I can't stand Russell Crowe.

Steven and vado, I respect and adore you both but I have to say: The English Patient sucked so bad it made my ears bleed. I'm with you, manta: Emma was a lovely movie, as was Shakespeare in Love (though Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead was smarter, but not by too much).

Tonight: I will be experimenting with Ikea's online kitchen design tool for a friend/client who is considering doing one. I may drive out to the nearest ikea - Ohio?! - with him to check it out. in which case I absolutely will have to insist on driving the Miata - I haven't been to an Ikea in over five years and if I hit one now I guarantee I'll come home with my car filled up - with the Miata, that won't be much!

techno: don't be lonely, we're all here (even when I'm not posting lately I'm reading all the time!).

Jun 1, 08 9:20 pm  · 
vado retro

sorry bloody ears but the ep is a beautiful and brilliant film. i'm gonna go rent it.

Jun 1, 08 9:45 pm  · 

aww thanks Liberty B, hope your IKEA excursion goes well... check out the kitchen faucet they have i'm considering buying one for the house. To match these I got for the bathrooms

Jun 1, 08 10:20 pm  · 

this pic sums up my weekend!

more on flickr

Jun 1, 08 11:37 pm  · 
liberty bell

...I LOVED Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead! Every time I see Tim Roth I think I need to rewatch that movie.

One last thing about the movie debate and then I'll shut up.....sometimes I wonder how much of it is about timing. Like, this year did anyone in the Academy vote for that movie because it was a Coen Brothers movie vs. a Paul Thomas Anderson movie and they decided they wanted to reward the Coen Brothers first? I personally have liked most of the other Coen Brothers' movies before this one, while I thought that Paul Thomas Anderson did a stunning job with There Will Be Blood....and even though I didn't care for that movie so much either, I think now that it was better. Maybe its because they are both so dark that I didn't like them. It's hard for me to enjoy dark, really desperate movies like that.

Anyway. Have fun with the IKEA kitchen planner. How does everyone like IKEA's appliances by Whirlpool? I think they are sleek, and better looking than anything Whirlpool has done on its own.

Jun 2, 08 12:03 am  · 

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