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vado retro

bartending is one of the few jobs where you are rewarded for being an individual. there should be a business book called "work like a bartender or something"

Mar 26, 08 4:24 pm  · 


Your right. Very nice older stylings on the bus..

Mar 26, 08 4:46 pm  · 
brian buchalski

the problem with nine out of ten of the "what should i do..." threads is that they never sound intelligent or thoughful. it's always these questions of personal choice...and here's the irony, architecture is all about making choices based on personal opinions or stylistic leanings. if you can't figure out whether eat an apple or an orange then how are you going to possibly dictate the millions of design decisions that architecture includes?

most of these clueless youngsters should probably do themselves a favor and just become drafting technicians with a vocation school education where at least they'll have other people telling them what to do...and plenty of real architects will be happy to tell them what to do

and for what it's worth, i think good bartenders are the most important people in the world.

Mar 26, 08 5:11 pm  · 

puddles- distillers, brewers, and vintners are the most important folks in the world!

Mar 26, 08 5:33 pm  · 


did Dion close shop???

Mar 26, 08 5:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

I like being told what to do. It's a lot easier than figuring it out myself. I should just learn Rhino and become someone's rendering monkey. But I need a pretty high starting salary.

re: starting new threads: there is a fresh, usually funny energy that happens in a new thread that isn't ever the same on the 2nd-3rd-4th page. And there are tons of new users here who have a lot to offer in terms of funny, fresh comments. I just don't have as big a problem with not searching for silly fun threads like "cool firm names" as I do for "what laptop should I get" aka serious threads.

Mar 26, 08 5:56 pm  · 

not that I've heard. but not like it was open. he's focused on preserving his/his dad's legacy and finding ways to sell off the office while ensuring that it wouldn't be renovated and fighting to save treetops from demo.

OMG! the back of my head is featured in the top right image of here in the real estate page for the office!

Mar 26, 08 6:01 pm  · 
liberty bell

And I guess I like the notion that some young student/intern finds archinect for the first time and excitedly thinks "Wow, a place chock full of people who think about the same crazy/passionate things I do!! I'll ask them a crazy question!!"

Mar 26, 08 6:02 pm  · 


I was at Panty Raid last weekend and saw that they were cleaning up the office

Mar 26, 08 6:18 pm  · 

Mdler - is that why you never came downtown?

Re: everyone being sick of the "What should I do?" threads. I'd like to apologize to everyone for chopsky's post. I was the one who suggested he post his dilemma. We've chatted a few times about it and I was only able to give him limited info on the interior design profession and thought people might be able to help out. He's from South Africa (sorry if I'm giving out too much info Chopsky) so his decision in a little bit more complicated then other people. Again, I was just trying to help out a person in need.

In other news... I just spend an hour in the yard cleaning out itty-bitty front bed (weeding, edging, trimming the dead stuff back) and loved every moment of it. My black and white cat tromped around happily close by the entire time :o). Nothing better than playing in the dirt with your animals keeping you company. Was hoping to catch a glimpse of the snake that lived under the stones last summer but no such luck. I did find snails, however, which concerns me. I think I read somewhere that means there are problems with the soil :o/ Oh well.

Mar 26, 08 7:09 pm  · 

tuna - Chopsky has a new dilemma and also we don't talk about ID enough around here. its all the others that are too full of angst to sound intelligent about the same dozen graduate schools. so don't sweat it.

LB- I still love you and you're right about crazy/passionate things being interesting to post. Just that poster took offense too quickly to a non-offensive response. being bored at work makes me more curmudgeonly, nutting personal.

mdler-EEK vacated the front 18 months ago - maybe they were clearing out the back units.

Man, I gotta stop posting so much, I'm now in the top 10...

Mar 26, 08 8:31 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yay for being in the top ten, tk!

Mar 26, 08 11:48 pm  · 

that's it, from now on I'm photoshopping a kid on a leash into all my renderings.

Mar 27, 08 12:15 am  · 

Hi gang! I'm in Hawaii for a wedding until Sunday evening. I'm actually in the wedding, on the groom's side, and since I'm apparently representing for all of his friends who couldn't make it from the continent, I've got a pretty ambitious schedule while I'm here. Then I come back on the red eye Sunday night, go to class, give a tour, work, then run a meeting. All in a day's work :o)

Here's the view from my hotel room. You can see water on either side of that big giant building in the middle there. Woo hoo.

@jump, thanks for the encouragement. I really enjoy school. I think most of us here love learning in some capacity or else we wouldn't constantly be sharing with each other.

Regarding those pesky repeat thread topics, I think with me it pokes at a larger issue, which is, people who need to be spoon fed information. Now if you have a problem and you need an answer right away, or if you're a newbie, or just generally if you have good intentions, no big deal. But I'm dealing with a situation right now (not going to go into it, just trust me) where I have a person who thinks they know everything, and when they don't, they need to be spoon fed. It's rather annoying. I try to be like a duck and just let it slide off my feathers, though.

I can't believe I'm still in the top 10 of posters. I've been quiet and everything.

PS. I'm a big fan of kids on leashes, not just for safety's sake, but because it makes me chuckle as well. :-D

Mar 27, 08 1:09 am  · 

DOGS on leashes still make me chuckle. so unatural to way i was brought up. kids on leashes is sorta stored away in things weird hippy people do...but just wait, give me time and i'll have both my kids the cats and the dog tied together and won't think thrice about it.

just had age revelation. i was just finishing highschool when some you folks were being bornded...

interestingly i appear to be getting younger the older i get (which means i used to look like i was in my 40's when i was in my 20's) now i look my age, maybe even a bit younger (according to my wife who swears i look better now than when she married me and can't imagine what she was thinking). must be the waka-me and tofu. or maybe its my younger wife...

Mar 27, 08 6:22 am  · 

cute PSA

Mar 27, 08 7:08 am  · 

that was crazy. good thing to keep in mind while i drive ALL DAY today.

could all you arbiters of thread worth and acceptable political positions get this place cleared up while i'm gone please?

oh, and give ayn a chance. it may be too easy to say she's too simple.

cheers, all. see you next week some time.

Mar 27, 08 7:19 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

That was a pretty slick add.

Mar 27, 08 8:50 am  · 
liberty bell

Wow - that ad was great!

Mar 27, 08 8:57 am  · 

perhaps this is the only thread of sanity i have left... pun intended.

stuck in Atlanta- on a flight from VA to New Orleans for a presentation on landscape recovery...
all planes grounded.
Thanks FAA.

Mar 27, 08 9:15 am  · 

i should mention, i've been stuck in ATL since 8pm last night...

Mar 27, 08 9:22 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

+i, are you on an AA flight? AA grounded most of their planes here in DFW the pawst two days for 'inspections.' Seems like bad business to cancel hundreds of flights just to inspect planes.

Mar 27, 08 9:23 am  · 
brian buchalski

the advertisement is based on some researcher's work on the brain. there was actually a feature on this on tv maybe 5-6 years ago. except instead of a moowalking bear, he actually used a gorilla costume in his video. the experiment was used to point out how a focused brain can miss out on information right in front of it. i think one of the real world examples they used was of a police car driving right past a brutal street mugging/fight while on the way to another call.

Mar 27, 08 9:29 am  · 
vado retro

heres a vacation idea for all people concerned with the invironment. Stay Home. don't travel leave your car in the garage. don't get on that plane. read a book. sit on the porch and watch the grass grow.

Mar 27, 08 9:46 am  · 

Yo TC!
Happy Thursday.
I love that ad.
And not just because it is pro-cycling.

Mar 27, 08 9:47 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh, +i, hang in there! I hope you have a toothbrush with you! I was grounded in Houston once overnight due to weather - so my boss and I took a cab to Austin to make the presentation. One of the scariest nights of my life.

re: the ad and the brain missing what is right in front of it: this is my major design failing, as I'll do things like work strenuously to measure exactly the available width for the vanity cabinet to make it as uncluttered as possible, then when it's installed realize that the end drawers won't open because they bang into the adjacent door casing projection. Damn.

Mar 27, 08 9:56 am  · 

hi all

sad but I missed the bear - but was most happy with myself for seeing how many times the ball was passed. Sigh...i'm sucker!

Dub K enjoy the wedding - I hope they haven't stuck you in a lavendar satin dress...take pictures please. I think they must have special designers for bridesmaid's dresses...people who are permanently stuck in the 80s view of clothing. Notwithstanding and to safe me from putting my foot further down my throat - I/we think you'll look lovely.

tk you head is actually in a few pictures. Nice haircut!!

Mar 27, 08 9:57 am  · 
liberty bell

IIRC, DubK is acting as the groom's best wo/man at this wedding, right? Maybe she's wearing a tux!

Mar 27, 08 9:59 am  · 

+i - please share more on 'landscape recovery'. good luck with getting home.

if my acorn needs a leash, then he'll get a leash. that I'll be stuck holding it is not an issue.

wK- yeah, its the demand for spoon feeding, their lack of self-reliance, and the clumsy way they attempt to get other folks to do their own thinking. ms. tk says that studies have shown that less then 50% of americans are able to think abstractly. So maybe as an abstract thinker, folks that can't, appear dumb. it seems that an average person with an IQ of 100 is stupid - not average, since i'm around overeducated smart folks all day.

ok, gotta head downstairs for the rest of the day... ciao!

Mar 27, 08 10:02 am  · 

im not so good at abstract. obtuse, oh yeh totally good with that. abstruse as well. can even alliterate on a good day.

totally missed the bear. even the 2nd time.. you know i was actually looking for an ACTUAL bear, so couldn't see the friggin human dressed as one? see where iq gets you? "dumb" people would see the bear.

spoon feeding is annoying. my 7 year old daughter often asks us how to do things and we are trying to teach her to do it on her own. her school is adamant about self-reliance (its a japanese thing) so hopefully tween us we can crack it. when your an adult and still looking for handouts you are either very childish or very clever.

happy hawaiian weddin WK!

todays surreal experience - my kids are visiting their gramma's place for a week during spring break...i cleaned the house this morning...and its STILL CLEAN. for those without kids trust me, this is very very freaky. day of the triffids level of freakiness really. i probably don't even have to clean again tomorrow morning.

Mar 27, 08 10:23 am  · 

That ad rocks. I didn't see it the first time, weither but got the number of passes correct. I'm always amazed by the way our minds work in general.

+i - Hope you get home soon. That sucks you've been stuck for so long.

DubK - Letting it slide off the feathers is a good practice but after a while the shit starts to stick. If you need to, just get away for a bit. Take a walk on the beach or something.

I actually saw what DubK is wearing for the wedding and it's actually a very beautiful dress that looks fantabulous on. Yippee!!!

Mar 27, 08 12:18 pm  · 

dear TC

I managed to wake up drunk this morning...

Mar 27, 08 12:38 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LA-ers - Is 'FatBurger' really that amazing?

Mar 27, 08 2:46 pm  · 


Fatburger is is better

Mar 27, 08 2:52 pm  · 

That ad was awesome!

My dress is the same as the bridesmaids dresses, but matches the grooms shirts. It's nice, I'll take pics.

Going to the beach to do homework now, lol.

Mar 27, 08 3:02 pm  · 

going to the beach to do homework - welcome to my (and perhaps puddles) humble existence

Mar 27, 08 4:11 pm  · 

what are your favorite commercials guys?
growing up in england i enjoyed
i feel good 118!

i love it when a good plan comes together!

Mar 27, 08 4:23 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i don't know about fatburger but i'm still drooling over those los angeles bacon hot dogs that someone posted on archinect a few months ago...oh how my heart aches...

Mar 27, 08 5:14 pm  · 

Nice. That always assures a fun day.

Dubk and Archi....
Rub it in why don't ya...

Mar 27, 08 5:38 pm  · 

i so forgot about that movie...

Mar 27, 08 5:55 pm  · 

What I would do to be laying on a hot sandyBrazil beach while my knee was getting full theraputic attention from some bikini clad almond skinned beauty.....damn I'm New England Day Dreaming again....better go get the microwaved heating pad...sigh~~~

Mar 27, 08 6:04 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Man! Comercials are so much better over there. I bet it was a blast creating the relay like comercial.

Mar 27, 08 6:04 pm  · 

SH, LB- i was actually on a Delta flight. as soon as we landed you could see a plane, and a few in line behind each one, in every terminal. inside the terminal there were hundreds and hundreds of people stranded. it was definitely a disaster... i actually got a bit of a taste of what it felt like to be a refugee...
the FAA did not require any of the airlines to ground planes- they simply were to inspect them on arrival. instead- Delta, AA, United, and a few others just decided to cancel ALL of the flights.

after speaking to multiple, ridiculous, uninformed Delta agents we were able to find a flight back to UVA today- and they flew us first class. unfortunately our luggage is in New Orleans...

what was ironic was that they gave us "overnight" packs... and told us to leave the airport because there weren't enough people to help us. luckily we knew someone in the area and had dinner, etc. we returned this morning @ 7am to find a flight--- and took the "overnight pack" in our carry-ons with us. funny... they never noticed we were "smuggling" razors on the plane. damn homeland security...

Mar 27, 08 6:42 pm  · 

oh yeah... and i returned to a nice email from my last firm was in my inbox- they declined my counteroffer.

Mar 27, 08 6:44 pm  · 


that would be tumbles and her love of LA 'downtown dogs'

Mar 27, 08 6:50 pm  · 

thats too bad +i. could be sign of the times?

day of the triffids was required reading in high school english lit class. we also had flowers for algernon. our english teacher was into some trippy stuff for an old guy...;-)

Mar 27, 08 7:18 pm  · 

I read Flowers for Algernon last year I think. It was pretty good. Very thought provoking

Mar 27, 08 8:18 pm  · 


Mar 27, 08 8:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh, oops - I thought triffids meant tribbles. My mistake.

I lvoed Flowers for Algernon, it's tragic.

+i, glad you're home safe. You might have been tossed in Git-mo if they'd caught you with that (airline issue) razor in your bag!

The crying Indian commercial had huge effect on me as a child, so much so that I pick up trash as I walk into the local commercial center/village and throw it away in the public trash cans. Damn effective advertising - that's been maybe 30 years ago?

Mar 27, 08 9:05 pm  · 

anybody else playing with naymz?

Sarah - is texas bbq really that amazing?

Mar 27, 08 11:04 pm  · 

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