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I've come to a realization. It isn't a oh-I-just-realized thing; it's more of a I've-been-trying-to-avoid-this-realization-for-quite-sometime but I'm over my job.

I mentally checked out two or three months ago. I feel like a character from Office Space.

Mar 25, 08 1:59 pm  · 

hi Wonder K!

Tuna - well if you are interested in covering the opening for my blog I would be most grateful. You can be as honest as you like.

Mar 25, 08 2:27 pm  · 

Oh n_. I empathize. May I suggest grad school? ;o)

And in response to +i, I really like my program. I am also insanely busy. This is because my venture back into education was predicated on the notion that I was exploring every opportunity that was afforded to me....and I have been presented with many, many opportunities. I have had to learn how to turn down great opportunities in favor of even greater ones. But mainly I am loving it, because I am meeting new people constantly, taking lots of pictures, learning a ton, and having a great time. This is all I could have asked for, really.

Oh, and my grad school debt? Pshaw. Debt schmedt. The economy is tanking anyway, what's another $100 on the credit card? (!!!)

Mar 25, 08 2:30 pm  · 

Hi architechnophilia! ;o)

Mar 25, 08 2:32 pm  · 

Yes, grad school is most definitely in the works.

I was in the midst of applying to an obscure, but highly interesting architecture/ethics program in Spain but was recently informed that the program has been cancelled because lack of funding for next year.

Now, I have year and a half to kill in between now and fall 09.

And my job isn't cutting it.

Mar 25, 08 3:13 pm  · 

acht. i've completed filling out form123 for the past 4 months, now I have to figure out what next to do till martini time...

wK- have you always been an over achiever? I'm certainly thinking of including you in my future firm's business plan if you haven't started your own shop before then! (just don't go bankrupt)

Mar 25, 08 3:22 pm  · 

Amen.. I am in the same position for various reasons i wil lnow not be considering another graduate degree until Fall 0f 09 as well.
My mind yearns for learning....

Mar 25, 08 3:38 pm  · 

I think I want to do another arch-grad degree - but in Germany

Mar 25, 08 4:02 pm  · 

don't go all sprockets on us!

Mar 25, 08 4:03 pm  · 

treekiller...yes! And please do so! I may even suggest that we work one out together :o)

Mar 25, 08 4:19 pm  · 

let's dance

Mar 25, 08 4:19 pm  · 

wK- we'll start on that business plan once you graduate or I pass all the LAREs!

Mar 25, 08 4:37 pm  · 

Atechno - Sure, I'll do it for you. Where did you find the info on the opening? I did a quick search for it today and didn't see anything. Man am I tired... can barely keep my eyes open. Think I'll take a quick walk up the hill for some sustinance. Perhaps I'll wake up after a brief bit o' excerise.

May I just add that I am incredibly envious of thoseof you who are going back for grad school, or form of higher learning, or are presently partaking in any kind of educational endeavor. I love school and would kill to go back. Stupid school loans. GRRRRRR!!!!

Mar 25, 08 6:03 pm  · 

Well, my first post in this short little thread. Hey tuna ;)

Ya, studying again is something I'm looking forward to. I just wish I knew (confidently) what the hell to study!

Mar 25, 08 6:22 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

say... where is Mr. Ward today?

Mar 25, 08 6:27 pm  · 

framing like mad at my restaurant!!!!!!!!!!

Mar 25, 08 6:44 pm  · 

WonderK that is great attitude about school! usually archinect is so cynical about archi-schooling its hard to imagine why anyone goes. if what you describe isn't reason enough , i don't know what is.

archi, is that flickr set (from your blog) all your work? great photo set, either way.

Mar 25, 08 7:32 pm  · 

Hi Chopsky

Mar 25, 08 7:41 pm  · 

hey jump most of that work on flickr is mine, thanks for the kind words. Its weird since I've taken a jaunt to urban design most recently.

Mar 25, 08 8:26 pm  · 

sitting here listening to

only in dreams

and i find myself wishing for this tragically romantic life, where i work at a bar and live on my tips.

if i had the balls to do it, i would quit everything and go away for a year or more.

im sick of the hours i keep

im sick of the stress and the anxiety driven chest pain that makes my arm numb on occasion.

most of all im pissed off that ive allowed myself to become one of those people that does nothing but eat sleep and work.

that im so worn out at night and on weekends, the only thing i can bare to do is lay on my couch or go to a bar.

dont attack me for the rant... i know very well that all this is par for the course and yes yes im sure everyone out there has it as bad. tonight im just angry

Mar 25, 08 8:48 pm  · 


do will probabaly make more $$$ as a bartender anyways, will have your days free and will be happy

Mar 25, 08 8:51 pm  · 
liberty bell

lletdownl, it DOES get better. I promise you, it does, You'll get more experience and be able to either refuse to work long hours or finish everything you really need to get done during shorter hours. You'll get more interesting work as you get more experience so you're not sitting on your butt with a mouse growing out of your forearm for 12 hours a day.

Take care of your health - if you really need a break, call in sick for a couple days, but spend that time not on the couch in front of the tube, but doing something invigorating - travel, or skiiing, or catching up with old friends, or whatever.

Those first few years out of school suck the big donkey dong (yes, DubK, I said it again!) but things really and truly do get better!

Mar 25, 08 9:00 pm  · 

Awwww lletdownl my heart goes out to you. How long has it been since you've taken a vacation/had some time off? It sounds as though you need it. Hang in there, this to shall pass.

LOL!!! LB said "suck the big donkey dong" I LOVE IT!!!

Mar 25, 08 9:14 pm  · 

hahaha thanks for the pick me up guys,

LB that hilarious.

i really shouldnt complain, i know people who work the same hours and dont get to do nearly as interesting work... ive been lucky to be doing several competitions... so its stressful but at least its not mundane...

Mar 25, 08 9:17 pm  · 

sorry to have been so absent today. (thanks for missing me, sarah.) i leave for vacation thursday so i'm paying for it in advance - and i'll probably pay for it again when i get back.

probably won't be online except incidentally after tomorrow until - oh - april 7.

have fun!

Mar 25, 08 9:51 pm  · 

You will be missed SW. Where are you going? Have fun.

Mar 25, 08 10:09 pm  · 

not likely to be fun. driving to fla with two toddlers: one who just learned to walk/run away, the other in the middle of potty training (i.e., stops every 45 mins). we'll be making a whirlwind tour of my wife's family/friends: tampa, ft myers, miami, key largo, davie, etc. i'm going to be exhausted when i get back.

Mar 26, 08 6:47 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Steven, you could always get one of those silly kid leashes, like the monkey backpack one that uses the tail of the monkey as the parents leash line.

Mar 26, 08 8:49 am  · 


Have a great trip. The weather should be pretty nice down her ein Fl for your visit. We did just have a little cold spell for a few days.

Archi, great Flickr stream. Love some of the work for the new master planned town..

Plus, looks like a paradise down there....Obviously

Mar 26, 08 9:14 am  · 
brian buchalski

bartending is not a bad idea... cocktail pretty much lays out the formula for success too

Mar 26, 08 9:22 am  · 

Steven despite the two toddlers it sounds like it could be fun, and is likely to leave an impression longer that you'll imagain. My dear mother took my sister and I (7 & 4years) on a drive through (Co to Ca to Fl via Canada). To this day I can recall where we went and how each place felt - having gone back to there to confirm. So if anything enjoy it on that level.

Mar 26, 08 11:53 am  · 


get one of those TV/DVD things for the car so the kids dont have to look at the window

Mar 26, 08 12:10 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Atechno, I think you should buy your mother a Nav. system - she was going the wrong way, or at least the l o n g way.

Bet it was fun.

Mar 26, 08 12:11 pm  · 

thanks nam...

Mar 26, 08 12:20 pm  · 

Sarah that was 1981 - I was the nav system (a 4 year old boy with a map!). Hmmm I'm beginning to see why we ended it up the long way.

Mar 26, 08 12:26 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, you're 30-31? Gosh, I'm such a baby, I'm only 24. I always figure people are younger than they are. Oh, wait, thats really only 6 years older than me. Wow. Guess I forgot I get older too.

Mar 26, 08 12:35 pm  · 

You kids!!!! I'm feeling like part of the ol' fogey club at 35.

Mar 26, 08 12:56 pm  · 

just curious... who is the latest person to just respond on the salary poll? male, mid 20s, nashville, tenn, corp firm- says no one should be brainwashed into accepted less than $47k
perhaps he could give me some pointers in salary negotiations...

Mar 26, 08 12:59 pm  · 

p.s.- i was born in 81... and i'm pro-kids on leashes!

Mar 26, 08 1:01 pm  · 

sigh if only I got better with age....knees creak, back aches, and my neck is killing me. And I want to go hiking tomorrow before work. Looking slim

Mar 26, 08 1:09 pm  · 

somebody bothered to register for archinect to tell me i am running a pro-islamic platform here... and, running notorious references to religions.

Mar 26, 08 1:12 pm  · 

o- we got your back. mdler's comment is very good. though we need to have beta play the heavy too.

Mar 26, 08 1:51 pm  · 
brian buchalski

1981 is nothing...what kills me is checking out the centerfold in playboy only to realize that she was born in 1986, 1988 or even 1989 (spencer scott)...are you kidding me!?

Mar 26, 08 1:51 pm  · 

I am also 1981...

Hahahahah. What a whack job.

Mar 26, 08 1:52 pm  · 

sigh like no one has anything better to do with their hump day lunch breaks. I am feeling for a nap. Any suggestions?

Mar 26, 08 1:54 pm  · 

1989 - are they old enough to pose nude? Important to id people first.

Mar 26, 08 2:04 pm  · 

thanks guys.;.))
let's keep beta rested for more important national threats from the far right!

Mar 26, 08 2:05 pm  · 

I just did a architecture group search on facebook and came up with a surprising number of entries. Granted I created 2 of these groups. The others include like of "catholics against unsacred architecture," "biotic architecture," "architecture for humanity - toronto chapter," and an "islamic architecture lovers"


Mar 26, 08 2:48 pm  · 
Mar 26, 08 3:01 pm  · 

nice bus!

@lb how much slack do first time posters/commenters deserve? especially when they over-react to 4arch's gentle 'hey we've covered this before, and it can be found by searching' nudge.

Fresh perspective is always welcome (even on TC) but how many 'what school should I go too' threads are needed? Maybe next year we can preemptively start a '2009 help with grad school choices thread' at the beginning of march. I seem to get more cranky this time of year with the flood of ambivalent wanna be students arrive. like we care or can't these kids figure something out by themselves or can't they keep within the topic of 2008 applicants thread.

I like the annual editions of certain topics, too bad we can't go back and stick the year into the salary poll suggestion thread - hmm, paul can you remove that link?

Mar 26, 08 4:02 pm  · 

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