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Nice spear point?
Or is it an arrowhead?
How's everyone doing tonight?

I am kind of glad Monday is here this week.

Mar 16, 08 9:43 pm  · 

Let me be the first green-eyed bastard to say

Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh!

Mar 17, 08 12:23 am  · 

lb and i had a fun/tiring day saturday, interviewing potential students for this summer's govenor's school program. she also joined my girls and me for dinner and a walk to the chocolate shop on friday night! and, because she doesn't know how to be anything but wonderful/gracious, she said nice things about our renovation. we didn't want her to leave!

is today st pat's? 'cause i accidently DID wear a green shirt. must be in the blood.

Mar 17, 08 7:12 am  · 

Well i did my drinking on Fri, Sat and Sunday so not sure i will imbibe tonight.
Although if i don't i will likely be barred entry to Gaelic heaven...

Mar 17, 08 8:00 am  · 

its not Monday its St Patricks Day, despite the fact that we've/they've switched the date to the 15th due to Holy Week...I just like to think of it as a great way to get the spirits in you, Holy or otherwise. Heading to the beach via boat - granted it looks like a lazy lazy day.

Mar 17, 08 9:28 am  · 

Happy St. Patrick's Day TC. We're off to the parade in a little while.

Nam - you need to at least have beer. Come on, it's St. Patrick's Day

LB and Steven - Nice to hear you had a good visit with one another.

Mar 17, 08 1:06 pm  · 
liberty bell

Steven, your house is wonderful, I wasn't just saying that!

Got home just in time to rad my boy bedtime stories. Spent yesterday recovering - that is a hard, long day of interviews!

Damned Easter candy....I need it out of my house and the neighborhood egg hunt isn't for another 5 days!

Mar 17, 08 1:09 pm  · 

well, the LA 'nectors know that I wear green every day anyway, but i made a special effort both today and Saturday, just to cover all my bases...

Mar 17, 08 1:30 pm  · 
WonderK's my favorite holiday! Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! Woo hoo!

Mar 17, 08 1:34 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

TK- We went with the 4 drawer Malm, but Husband drilled the drawers so that I could add drawer pulls. Oh, and we actually love our packnplay. We use it to sleep and change him during the day.

And could someone with a penis please explain to me how my son is able to completely soak the back of his clothes, but not the front - and yes, I tuck him down when changing, so I can't figure it out. You dont think maybe his 'tubes' got crossed in manufacturing, and he actually pees out the back...naw, thats not possible.

Oh, and those people on TV with their slick white modern furniture, and children, yeah right. This boy has peed, spit up, and spilt milk all over my couch. Luckily, the messiest thing he could do managed to stay off my couch only because I was in between.

Mar 17, 08 1:37 pm  · 


I'm scratching my head over the wet clothing issue. I'll get to research that in may.

Mrs. TK decided to match our night stands and get the Mandal 3 drawer dresser for the acorn. Maybe we'll get a new dresser to match his soon enough.

Can somebody explain graco's awful color pallet? everything is so drab, and their fabric patterns are really lame. are there any alternative brands offering a similar 'value'?

Mar 17, 08 1:48 pm  · 

good question about graco. we ended up all-graco because of cost, but sheesh that stuff is ugly. our stroller-and-car seat are the metro-lite, purple/gray/black, the least offensive color/pattern combo we could find.

it seems that there is a pretty direct good design/cost relationship with baby equipment.

Mar 17, 08 1:57 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

we got the flex-loc carrier, its black, silver, and with red accents. We like it

Mar 17, 08 2:02 pm  · 

Back from the beach and a little fun for the official St Patrick's Day event. I'm knackered but about to head off to the Governors St Paddy's Bash - I need some green beer in me

I leave with this image go green

Mar 17, 08 7:18 pm  · 

boy, even puppy's eyes are green. hello tc!

Mar 17, 08 8:04 pm  · 

that wetness mystery is hilarious. don't remember that far back myself, but maybe my mom would know...sinc i have 2 girls like steven can't say from personal experience.

the destroyed sofa and other furniture is something i totally relate to, however. also the vomiting on my shirts and pants and constant drool etc...babies re messy. we might have another so refuse to buy nice furniture til the last one is 3 or more...are now entirely inured to spills and messy clothes though. our child-less friends probably would freak out if they knew what has hit my dress shirts over the years. i figger it is their loss though. having children makes people better humans...

actually we know a couple who are very wealthy and have nanny. they have the nice furniture and priceless artwork...but also a staff to keep it all clean. for reglar folk like us is a different experience...;-)

Mar 17, 08 8:15 pm  · 

thanks puddles for making me laugh out loud while i was washing dishes....and happy st pats day back atcha.

Mar 17, 08 9:30 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i just finished polishing my shoes.

Mar 17, 08 10:21 pm  · 

I just walked the dawgs... and they were eventful...

On another note...celebrating 19 years as a connecticut yankee....think they might accept me for hanging around so long?

Mar 17, 08 10:39 pm  · 

Woot-woo- Had an awesome St. Patrick's Day. Thanks to DubK this German/Ukrainian girl feels one with the Irish. Tomorrow (or shall I say later today) we're headed up the coast to see The Sea Ranch, and my aunt and uncle. Hope everyone is doing well.

Mar 18, 08 6:31 am  · 
vado retro

kool an old gf of mine had a college friend who invested with some other people and built a place at sea ranch. it was quite swunderful.

Mar 18, 08 8:54 am  · 

Whoa, that "Hillary's Newsweek Article" thread...

Mar 18, 08 9:04 am  · 

hi all. Post St Patricks Day...everything is a little blurry. Spent much of my morning sipping green tea (as if I didn't have enough green yesterday). Hope all is well with you.

Mar 18, 08 1:22 pm  · 

What's going on today? Everyone hungover, why's it so quiet?

Everyone I know assumed I was hungover this morning, but in reality I got tipsy AND sobered up twice - yes, twice - yesterday, before I went to bed. I call this a very successful St. Patrick's Day!!!

Now I'm handing my computer over to tuna so she can say hi. Ta!

Mar 19, 08 12:37 am  · 

Greetings and Salutations from Los Gatos. We stopped for the evening to catch up with my grand'rents over dinner and to grab a quick 40 winks before heading another 3.5 hours north to the "Ranch". I didn't feel like driving Dramamine Drive (aka Hwy 1) in the dark. As I only got roughly 5 hours of sleep last night I'm going to call it an evening. G'night TC!!!

Mar 19, 08 1:19 am  · 
liberty bell

I just read this line, and it made me laugh/smile - at least it was someone who champions architecture:

Speaking from the architecture side, not as an expert but rather as a fan and subscriber of Dwell...

As for me, it's been all site visit/meeting/site visit/meeting all the time for me lately, so no time to post. Have a good day everyone.

Am I the only one who found John Stewert's Obama/race relation sketch last night to be truthful and sad (and funny)?

Mar 19, 08 7:06 am  · 

LB i will have to catch the video clip off his website...
As for everyone else....Happy Wed...Hope you are all feeling good?

My Boss's new boss starts today. Should be interesting....
Wish me luck.

Mar 19, 08 8:01 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Just caught Frank Gehry on "Aurthor," he was teaching them to design a treehouse. It was very strange.

And yes, sometimes I watch PBS kids.

Mar 19, 08 10:48 am  · 

sea swells are at 4m today hitting the beach - there is white mist everywhere. A solemn combination of danger and beauty.

the first of the archi-chicks arrive this evening - we are having lasagne. yum! Will see if they are willing to do a measured survey for me. I'm shameless I know.

new co-worker started yesterday

Wonder K, I am very curious as to what happened the rest of St patrick's Day (it is my favourite holiday after all). particularly as to why you sobered up twice.

Mar 19, 08 11:05 am  · 

Yes WonderK why did you sober up?
Staying drunk was i thought the name of the game...

Sarah i too sometimes watch PBS kids when i have a day off. That hilarious that Gehry was on there....Wonder if he has done other PBS kids or non-kids shows...

How did the treehouse look? All Metal and curvey?hhehehehe

Mar 19, 08 11:33 am  · 

i always found getting drunk more fun then being drunk, especially with a bottle of jamison or harp.

Mar 19, 08 11:38 am  · 

I ended ST Patties day pulling a LIG....Fricking furnace is on the blink
since the Last Fuel Oil Fill.....seems like maybe we got some funky fuel....anyhow went down stairs to the basement at 11:00....sober...and managed to tear the crap out of my right knee
when coming back up stairs. Today I finally gave in going to the doctor to see what kind of torture outfit he will put me in to keep it from bending. It should be fun driving home...from the Doctor.

Mar 19, 08 12:09 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Actually, the charette went like his...

Buster designed a tree house out of pizza for floors and ladders of cheese to connect them; Gehry said that pizza wasn't known for its structural strengths. The the girl (forgot her name) said she couldnt fit everyones needs into one tree house, so she made ten tree houses in ten different trees all connected by bridges, and gehry told her it lacked communal space. Brain designed a treehouse skyscraper, with ten floors in order to include all the needs, as well as bring tourism and commerce to their city, but it sat on the ground, an gehry said that it would be too expensive. In the end, they simply rebuilt the trehouse that they had before, and decided somtimes you cant improve a design. Gehry gave them a poster of his Bilboa project, and left. Brain then informed everybody that gehry was one of the greatest architects of our time. They did showcase a few architectural wonders, like Gaudi's church, and they showed gehry's binocular building. Still, very strange.

Mar 19, 08 12:42 pm  · 

Hey TC...mdler here

Well, after about 5 yrs of designing and permiting and the whole 9 yards, my restaurant project is finally moving full steam ahead. Yesterday thay poured the floor slab for the bar and kitchen...tomorrow they are going to pour the slab for the dining courtyard!!!!!!!!!


seeing your stuff getting built makes all the sitting in front of the computer a little easier

Mar 19, 08 12:50 pm  · 

oh yeah, Im the guy that looks like Waldo in the pictures

Mar 19, 08 12:51 pm  · 

is that tumbles too?

Mar 19, 08 1:12 pm  · 


that is Gabi...she works at our office

Mar 19, 08 1:14 pm  · 

insane mdler you are absolutely insane....great pictures though, and congrats on that project moving. Can we see more of what the finish product will look like?

Mar 19, 08 2:04 pm  · 

I've been loaned downstairs to another office this week so I can earn a few IDP units doing CDs. The guy I'm working with is now a one man shop (though the office has desks for about 10 folks)... He has a potential client visiting this afternoon and wants some more 'staff' from my office while the meeting is happening... I'm just wondering how much he is willing to pay for our time since my office is very busy (except for me). So I emailed my boss about this- lets see if he reads his blackberry...

Is this ethical? (guess by asking, the answer is no).

Mar 19, 08 2:32 pm  · 


I just posted some pics of the 3D model that I did for the project...I am a good modeler, but shitty renderer

the project is outdoor courtyard dining for an existing restaurant in Los Angeles. The building used to be a bakery and the part that we are working in was the kitchen.

We are creating a dining courtyard with a bar at one end and kitchen with mezzanine dining above. There will be a 6x12 wood trellis over the steel beams (which are going to be exposed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

We have placed the bathrooms in the existing restaurant (they needeed to be updated anyways). We had to approch the project as being a completely new building so that we would not have to update the existing restaurant. This have proven quite challenging because the existing restaurant is exiting through the new building....

Mar 19, 08 2:42 pm  · 

nice. one of my favorite architectural firms in la.

Mar 19, 08 2:59 pm  · 

mdler, i like how the sort of skeletal courtyard rises from the heavy mass of [i'm guessing] the older building.

Mar 19, 08 3:05 pm  · 

thanks guys!!!!

It is good to actually get some stuff out of the ground....I am liking this architecture thing a little more now


We should grab a drink sometime...I think I am going to lecture at Sci-Arc tonight

Mar 19, 08 3:06 pm  · 

going to a lecture or is mdler joining the lecture series?

I like what I see, & aml is looking at what I see. The transparency of the addition extruded form the mass has a ethereal feeling and good tension to the landscape.

don't sweat the model/render tension - I have patience for either despite knowing the potential created by both.

Mar 19, 08 3:41 pm  · 

I sort of like the autocad color scheme...I will propose it to my client

Mar 19, 08 3:49 pm  · 
snook_dude been holding out on us old do know how to use sketchup.

Mar 19, 08 5:50 pm  · 

I survived the visit to the if I can only handle the fricking insurance company. We have an accident carrier....and you need to contact them within 48 hours of the accident. So I go to the doctor and they take lots of x-rays and he tells me the good news is that he has found only old fragments floating around in my knee.....from
an 1980's skiing accident...skiing out of control accident. Every thing
should heal with a few pain killers, ice and heat and keep it elevated.
However the insurance company keeps 9 to 5 hours and they are closed. So first thing tomorrow I have to deal battle with them. Last time I had this battle it took them six months to pay the bill....which
today the doctors tell me they have never I guess the next thing is to file a complaint with the attorney generals office.

Mar 19, 08 6:08 pm  · 
liberty bell


Sitting ringers at desks for client visits is not, IMO, unethical at all. It's like putting on a nice suit for a meeting when every other day you wear jeans. I did it several times at my old firm.

That said, when i did it I was working on my OWN work, but at the other firm's office - so there were no billing issues.

The old firm also loaned out people during slow times, but my understanding is that the employer firm paid the emploeyers per regular, then billed the other firm for "consultant time" to reimburse the cost for themselves. Also, IMO, nothing wrong with that.

Mar 19, 08 6:15 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sorry ...employer firm paid their own employees as regular, then billed the hours spent on another firm's work to the other firm for reimbursement. That came out confusing above.

Mar 19, 08 6:17 pm  · 


Mar 19, 08 7:28 pm  · 

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