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LB - thought that you didn't have any spare time this week. Glad you've made it through the onslaught...

Mar 13, 08 5:52 pm  · 

why fly when you can walk, and see stuff like this?

more on my flickr page

Mar 13, 08 5:56 pm  · 

^^Puppy looks like she's enjoying herself

Ether I'm glad you and the fam made to Philly safely. Sorry to hear you had such a horrible experience getting there.

Mar 13, 08 8:07 pm  · 

A convertible can be quite restorative. Especially with some sunshine mixed in.

Archi...That looks so picturesque...

Mar 13, 08 10:57 pm  · 

did the 2.5 million walk thru today...schedule was messed day later than I thought....met theowners realtors agent...I think she works for Empire...what boots....(I know you women are all dying for them kind) black stockings in some hundred dollar pattern. My agent and the owners ancient...but likable and the very end and always right. I would say this existing house funky, funky , funky....and not in a good way...The Site is everything and It will be our chore to dump a million into it and make
it the proper home it needs to be. We will not win any awards for it....cause you have to look at the food served up on the table, but we will make things a hell of alot better than they area..well most likely will be in the market for 5 million in a year or two....after they decide they need a nicer place....oh the life of being a servant to the wealthy.

Mar 13, 08 11:02 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hundred dollar pattern stockings...the kind I have always wanted but can't afford...nice description, snook! Hope the project goes well, at elast well enough.

Mar 14, 08 12:01 am  · 

Has anyone else noticed that Hillary eating a live baby is the new WonderK's flowers?

Hi Thread Central!

Mar 14, 08 12:05 am  · 
vado retro

i'm takin friday off thank you very much...

Mar 14, 08 12:52 am  · 

Hi everyone, I'm exhausted. It's been a long week, hell, it's a long semester and still it's flying by. We are already talking about April.....April for god's sakes!!! It was just New Year's! There is no time for anything anymore!

I had a dream the other night, one of those long, vivid sprawling dreams, where I was taking care of a bunch of people and animals, and a sick friend, all at once. I think we've decided that it was an analogy for my life....I'm taking care of so many things at once, and I keep thinking how nice it would be to find someone to take care of me. That's not wrong is it? To want to find a nice man to take care of me? Who WANTS to take care of me, while I'm busy trying to save the world? Does anyone have a single man friend who fits this description? Because apparently I'm quite bad at finding him on my own. :o/


snooker, I wish you could have rolled over your post count from your last screen name, it was very formidable. Of course I am glad you are here no matter what screen name you use.

ether, I wish I had realized that you were using movers, I didn't even think of it, but I started a thread last spring before I moved to LA where we covered a whole host of moving issues. I'm sorry you had such trouble.

beta, were you just in Santa Monica? For real? And you didn't stop by my 'hood for an Obama Happy Hour or anything? Try harder next time!

765, that's so funny. I've seen the "Hillary eating a baby" thing a few times in different places, it still makes me chuckle. My flowers are so much more pleasant though!

tumbles, good luck with your end of the quarter stuff. The LA river is rather frightening, so I hope you were able to make sense of it.

liberty bell, cheer up. It's almost St. Patrick's Day and you know what that means....

tuna....see you Saturday morning! ;o)

Mar 14, 08 2:34 am  · 

oh i am sooo feeling that pain tumbles....writing is such a wall to climb is never like that, what you writing about the river anyway?

today ny times told me i am not good at IM'ing that i use internet for information-gathering based on interests instead of whatever it is that the rest of the world ot there uses internet fot...and although i hate it they are right...they totally know me demographically...

so i wonder, are we all using the internet the same or do we actually use this place in different ways based on our age??? have to admit IM'ing is totally not interesting for me...and i prefer to phone people than text i already old and passe?

Mar 14, 08 6:53 am  · 

i get to see lb today!

Mar 14, 08 7:34 am  · 

Oh tumbles I completely and utterly empathize with you. Writing papers can be a painful experience truly. That's all I did with my first degree. Five long years of writing paper upon paper upon paper. My Thesaurus was my best friend. My last year though I never turned one in on time, got an incomplete in one class because of it. But I survived none the less and you will to. Keep it up, your almost done. BTW how did having to be in two places at once go, or has that yet to happen.

Gotta get working. DubK - I'm eagerly anticipating my tall drink. Check your email.

Mar 14, 08 8:16 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

Mar 14, 08 8:36 am  · 


Persoanlly i am quite comfortable writing long papers as that is all i did for my undergraduate and graduate degrees. I still remember with dread wondering how i could possibly write a 80 page (or thereabouts) paper for my MA thesis.
However, i got quite good at it and Tuna is right, your thesaurus does become your best friend...

Jump as for the whole internets things. I have never been into the whole IM thing. Although many of my friends and in some co-workers in previous jobs have been all over it.

As for the LA River i did know it existed, but i had never seen old photos of it's re-engineering into a stormwater channel.
That photo really gives you a sense of the massive scale of the project they completed.. Ah the good olden days when massive infrastructural projects were easy to get done...

Mar 14, 08 8:36 am  · 
liberty bell

jump: My internet use has changed significantly since we now have a mac on the kitchen counter. I use it to look up every random thing that comes up in discussion - like if we mention parachuting, and Angus asks what that means, we show him a video or picture of parachuting. I also never open my cookbooks anymore, I just use whatever the best-sounding recipe I find online is.

I rarely IM, though it IS useful for sending model numbers of light fixtures or whatever to contractors on the fly - that way there is sort of a written record, though if I had a blackberry I suppose I wouldn't IM ever.

Steven, I was hoping to drive down with the top down, but the rain, the rain.....see you 6-ish, hopefully a little before.

Mar 14, 08 8:56 am  · 

i don't ever get home until 6 so no hurry.

Mar 14, 08 9:01 am  · 

Wonder....I keep coming back because I enjoy all the things brought here on this site. Some of it so off the wall I could not even have thougth it up.....some of it the Holz checking out those
gorgous modern buildings...and guessing at who the lucky architect was who was able to find a client that let them push the project to the level. Anyhow...I'm not counting post...cause if I do I might have a Mdler attack...of multi posting and then be in trouble with the big guy...paul

Mar 14, 08 9:37 am  · 
vado retro

takin the day off just chillin. drinkn some coffee. maybe goin to a movie of course nothin good ever plays here. exgf/future wife is now a doctor, so if you are feelin ill about your knowledge of kant, the sublime, emforster, joseph conrad or jean rhyss i can give ya a referral...

Mar 14, 08 9:59 am  · 

way cool mr. vado, future husband/exso of the dr. please pass on congrats!

LB, yeah i totally do that too. i have laptop at home that i move around constantly and have a niche for cooking over the sink that is beautiful...any fancy bakering being done in my place is done to accompaniment of my pc...

apparently it is common for our age group (35 to 40 -something) to use internet that way though...we didn't grow up on internet but apparently have learned to adapt...and tend to use it to check stuff, but not so much as extension of daily social life...anyway, until recently we were assumed to not be online at all, which really surprised me...

the NYT article was all about ad campaign for new drink from pepsi, btw. it is aimed at my demographic and will be founded on ads online rather than trad media - apparently they feel comfortable with doing this now they found out us older computer literate people use internet too...;-)

in my home we feel the demograhic divide sometimes... cuz my wife is totally a texter. dozens of text messages a day at least...i am always suggesting she just call and talk to whoever it is she is texting so we can get answers right away and she won't be splitting her attention between her phone and whatever we got going on at home, etc while the conversation plays out ...she thinks that is absurd...and i gather most young folk would too (my wife is 4 years younger than i)...just one more thing to feel older about i guess.

Mar 14, 08 11:11 am  · 

tumbles- send me the paper when you're done, i'd love to read it. I'm a minor expert on the LA River and almost got published, but my editor forced me to stick to the topic of the LA aquaduct...

Mar 14, 08 11:31 am  · 
vado retro

forget it tumbles. its ChInAtOwN...

Mar 14, 08 11:52 am  · 

Jump and LB I use a mixture of both. Use the Internet for reference, but always prefer to have something I can hold in my hand. For instance, I still go and pull out the phone book first if I'm looking for something. Just seems easier. On the other hand, texting is sometimes easier to do than call if you have something random you need to mention to someone.

Alas, always a 'tweener. Not a 20 something (Gen Y?) but not a Gen-Xer either. Sigh.

Have fun LB and Steven tonight. Drive safely.

Congrats exgf/future Mrs. Retro on completing the doctorate. My hat goes off to you.

Mar 14, 08 12:19 pm  · 

Hi all

today is officially the retail therapy day.

Oddly enough I think I needed it!

I recieved some in the mail, others I went looking for. I think I am a little overwhelmed by it all, but hey.

The is goes.

I got a bunch of books from architecture & technology (more about that on my blog in the coming days), and also from Amazon... two on pool designs and one on latin american houses. Hi aml. Then I was about to buy an iPhone, but went with the clone it about $250 cheaper...and the gag effect was there (I'm buying an iPhone in May nonetheless...more on that if you ask). I also bought somethings for the office, and picked up a mini mouse, and a rather smelly pad for it (new car smell gone wrong). Uhm I think that is it, but we'll never know for sure unless I check.

Also I found out about this book, but am disappointed an architect didn't write it. I have dozens of sketches on the back of napkins and think that they have a etheral quality unachieved by traditional means.

Its Friday I wish I could meet up with other archinectors that aren't having such a good week and have a drink(ssssss). Tumbles I'm not from the US but I knew about the LA river (think Terminator 2) also I once heard that much of the historic divides were made by the river, and when new city divisions were made the river was diverated - I'm not sure how true, but I thought that funny.

Wonder K, I found your dream analysis entertaining. I was advised by a family friend/doctor/shrink/dietian/overal comedian that dreams for creatives, are using far more fluid - he says its because the restraints that are usually tying us down aren't there.

Okay folks I won't likely chat with you all until Tuesday, its St. Patrick's Weekend here and well its a public holiday. A pint of Guiness for everyone

Mar 14, 08 2:57 pm  · 
liberty bell

Be careful on St. Patrick's Day, everyone - I recall a rumor that our lovely DubK once patronized a bar in Cincy for three consecutive meals one Paddy's Day long ago...

Steven, hitting the road in ten minutes - see you soon! Happy weekend everyone!

Mar 14, 08 3:24 pm  · 

I forgot it is St. Patty's.
Must drink beer. preferably dark and thick stouts!

Happy weekend all. Agree with Archi, to bad Archinect TC is only a virtual meetup space!

Mar 14, 08 4:35 pm  · 

I am pretty depressed that I will be stuck in studio over St. Patty's day... I'm contemplating bringing whisky to studio to make it feel festive, and possibly some sort of green-colored baked goods.

Mar 14, 08 6:03 pm  · 

Like this rationalist?

Mar 14, 08 6:24 pm  · 

our studio was shut down when we got caught with booze one weekend. hockey player drunks got to fighting outside the door and security showed up...they confiscated my very expensive booze...lesson? no hockey players allowed at drunk architect parties...;-)

happy green weekend all!

Mar 14, 08 6:28 pm  · 

hmmm, I was thinking of green cookies or green cupcakes or something. But I bet Panera would sell me some green bagels and that'd be much less effort required on my part...

Mar 14, 08 6:34 pm  · 

Rationalist i would totally have a flask.
Also, anything (baked) with green icing...

Mar 14, 08 7:06 pm  · 

Day 4 of the SuperFLU!!!!!!

My past four days have consisted of sleeping, sweating while sleeping, getting cold chills while sleeping, and coughing while sleeping. I finally got myself to the doctor today. She stuck tons of stuff up my nose and officially diagnosed me with a bad case of influenza A.

We need major healthcare reform. My little bout to my general physician and receiving my meds cost me close to $150. Fortunately, I have insurance but my pills still cost me about $15 per pill. How on earth can non-insured individuals afford healthcare?

Mar 14, 08 7:36 pm  · 

n_ I so understand, I just some national healthcare myself - granted its in Jamaica and I'm about 500 miles away. I also have healthcare here in monty one hospital and I know all the doctors well. I couldn't imagine it without some form of national health service though - its far too expensive when you look at it without that kind of assistance.

Mar 15, 08 1:03 am  · 

canada is very nice that way. most ironic is that canada healthcare costs the govt less cuz of negotiating power that comes from scale. whatever the downsides the system is very nice to have...and it means employers don't have to deal with the costs and can focus on making the company succeed. nothing else makes sense to me...and we canucks owe it all to kiefer sutherland's grandfather (he was socialiist politician who introduced the bill for universal coverage way back when...)

got news today my daughter gets to go to school and wife got job too. latter news came first so we were wondering if she would have to call back and decline job offer til an opening came up in one of the daycares nearby...but we were lucky to get into 2nd choice on list...and only had to exagerate our status a little bit to get beureacracy to recognise us...having gone through the experience i gots to say i understand why no women work in japan. it is a huge hurdle to get kids n daycare that doesn't close at 2:30 in barely seems possible, really...

Mar 15, 08 1:49 am  · 

Does anyone else see the ad of a very muscular Jesus on the cross? And it comes with a free mini-poster! Hell yea, my Saturday morning is complete!

Mar 15, 08 10:24 am  · 

speaking of muscular, just came from the market and say a very muscular man with the face of a baby. No seriously, he looked like a baby. I was almost wonder if he had one of those facial defects but then I kept looking at his muscles. I felt weird! It didn't help that I was at the cashier...

Anyhow so's making eggs benedict and hash browns...for uhmm brunch. Where are the ladies that brunch?

Mar 15, 08 11:51 am  · 

we're gearing up for a day of baby stuff shopping. the nesting instinct is kicking in for mrs. TK.

happy saturday!

Mar 15, 08 12:12 pm  · 
vado retro

i am a very complicated guy as proven by my watching sam peckinpah's the wild bunch and the jane austen book club within a day of one another.

Mar 15, 08 1:37 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i think that the only thing i'm doing today is waiting for dinner...i think i'll go with the ribs and a bucket of coronas from the local taqueria

Mar 15, 08 5:54 pm  · 

i am very uncompicated - just watched 3 episodes of hannah montanah

Mar 15, 08 8:04 pm  · 

today's trip was just a scouting exercise since the world of parent oriented capitalism is very, very scary. We visited Ikea last night and enjoyed $1 frozyo cones.

we have acquired over the past few weeks:
3 dozen clothe diapers
1 infant car seat
1 changing pad
1 play mat
3 nursing bras
1 pack wash clothes

we've already picked out the stroller and getting a hand-me-down pump. now we're looking at the sleeping options and our heads are spinning between crib, co-sleeper, 'moses basket', and traveling bassinettes. also in the decision making queue is what dresser to get: Malm or Mandal. Diaper pails, bottles, and all those countles gadgets that a modern kid needs are on the list too. Just really glad we're getting a big tax return this year - hope the check arrives before may.

Mar 15, 08 8:11 pm  · 


a hand-me-down breast I the only one not grossed out by this???

Mar 15, 08 8:45 pm  · 
vado retro

don't give me no hand me down pump.
got one already...paraphrasing the guess who.

Mar 15, 08 9:17 pm  · 

tired, slightly hungover, hungry - but I'm still here

Mar 16, 08 9:01 am  · 
brian buchalski

i think i'm about to vomit

Mar 16, 08 11:00 am  · 

Made it to LA in one piece. Was up for 21 hours straight without to much trouble. Only the last 2 hours were agony, but as we were at a St. Patty's Day party I couldn't not just brave it out. Now we're off to have some brunch. YUM!!! Have a good day TC.

Mar 16, 08 1:00 pm  · 

I'm sorry tumbles. I had major printing problems yesterday, too. It took me almost two hours just to get a 6" test strip of my stuff printed so that I could color-check (and of course, the red came out all lipsticky! grrr). The arts people in the lab here are incompetent, and won't listen to my suggestions, because of course, how would anyone be able to work with plotters better than them, in the infinite knowledge accrued through their minimum wage work-study, sit-on-their-asses-most-of-the-day job?

Mar 16, 08 2:30 pm  · 

oh and tuna, have a mimosa for me!

Mar 16, 08 2:32 pm  · 

mdler/vado - the pump is used (thanks sis), but all the tubes/attachements will be new. the motor is the expensive part.

tuna, enjoy your EL AY-day trip. next time, get some sleep please.

Mar 16, 08 3:47 pm  · 

so I just came in from a walk along the beach with puppy + 1. It is the most active we've seen the beach, there was a family with their dog, a group of snow birds bbq'ing, 3 guys fishing, a pelican watching the guy fishing, and us. Came home and had jerk chicken in pitas, and are now watching Dirty Sexy Money episodes with a root beer float and popcorn.

the archichicks arrive on wednesday...I need to arrange a schedule for them...suggestions?

Mar 16, 08 5:12 pm  · 

I'm sick of highway signs and it's been a while since I've been the top of a new page. so enjoy.

Mar 16, 08 6:17 pm  · 

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