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I'll just bet the well known Architectural Firm of Green and Green wishes they were still kicking....cause then they could scream Foul!
about everyone ripping off there name... cause their has been no
Green Architecture in a long time.

Mar 9, 08 7:54 pm  · 
snook_dude better be careful about visiting this site as all those lonely Chinese Ladys in the Banner at the top could be looking for
the right kind of company.... Actually I find it wierd this site wouldassociate itself rwith a introduction service or scam scam introduction service as it most likely is. I guess Architectural Related
Advertizing pays crap just like the profession.

Mar 9, 08 7:58 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Looks like yours truly will be doing the Editor's Picks next week... If you think your thread is good enough, bribes are now being accepted.

Mar 9, 08 10:26 pm  · 
vado retro

maybe i'll meet a nice chinese woman when i go over and work on the beijing deathstar lifestyle center. its the bomb.

Mar 9, 08 10:35 pm  · 

many many many beers later, going to bed. I should find the hammered thread but I'm too knackered. Puppy is running around because I just fed her most of my grilled cheese and pickle sarnie. I didn't go to my boss' birthday party because well I think she's full of shit and well I couldn't be bothered despite I know its good for my career and all. Oh and my mobile phone is being a bitch, so I think I need to find a cheap replacement before I go get an iphone. I know i know, I'm just a f'king follower of trends suitable for architects. And yes tunamelt I was wearing my architecture sucks t-shirts but that was about 10 minutes before chuck/cams came strolling through.

cheers all

Mar 9, 08 10:43 pm  · 

i know you've had some hard days lately, techno, but, from the outside looking in, your life seems pretty fun.

'course, we have fun too.

how i spent my weekend:

now, off to a 1/2day conference on masonry.

Mar 10, 08 8:03 am  · 

I miss snow...

Mar 10, 08 8:13 am  · 

Nam - I can overnite you a box of snow as well, but you'll have to act soon as the temps are set to be up in the 40s today ;o)

SW - I cannot get over how damn cute your girls are. Looks like you all had a blast.

Atechno - cheer up, it'll all be better soon. Happy Hangover ;o)

Mar 10, 08 8:40 am  · 

So its Monday morning, and I was greeted with many things one being "why weren't you at my birthday party?" The other and most worrying is that I have to prepare for a ground-breaking ceramony today. Talk about last minute, the guys only signed the contract on Friday evening....I'm going to need a vacation after all of this.

thanks for the kind words, and Steven if I had two angels like those my outlook on life would be far more at peace

Mar 10, 08 8:59 am  · 
liberty bell

Yay, I was hoping to see pics of the Ward kids in snow!

Puppies love snow, too, techno! Good luck with all the rushed events you are dealing with.

I'm swamped. I mean, super, duper swamped. So I'll probably mainly be lurking this week, and making one-line comments. Happy Monday everyone.

Mar 10, 08 10:13 am  · 

speaking of dogs check this out

Mar 10, 08 11:14 am  · 

the ward kids LOVED the snow. the older one was practically jumping out of her skin with excitement for a good part of the weekend. the only bad moments were 1) when her shovel got so cold/brittle it broke and 2) going inside.

we went to a nearby (olmsted) park for sledding - first time for both of them. a photographer from the local paper took pix which ended up online in the paper's snow play gallery!

a beautiful snow like this one almost makes it worth it that i didn't apply for that job in hawaii.

Mar 10, 08 12:44 pm  · 

zero degrees again this weekend - so very light and fluffy white stuff all 1/2 inch worth. When is winter going to end??? it's already march damnabit!

nice dog house.

Mar 10, 08 3:18 pm  · 
liberty bell

It's 42 degrees here, and for the brief portion of the day that it was sunny, I drove with my top down (wearing thermals, gloves, and scarf - and sunglasses).

I suppose, to be fair, and as a child of Phoenix, I need to stop laughing at "all those crazy Midwesterners" who put on shorts and tshirts when it's 50 degrees out, since I drive with my top down at lower temps.

For today: cabinetmakers rock, tile layers are difficult.

Mar 10, 08 4:54 pm  · 

my ass sat on the roof of our building shorts, by the pool, drinking beers. All I could think about is how I wanted to be back in Cincinnati in the 12" of snow

Mar 10, 08 5:02 pm  · 

oh...not that many of you knew, but i didnt get the job that I interviewd for a few weeks ago

Mar 10, 08 5:03 pm  · 

grrrrrrr. tile layers. i curse them every time i take a shower in my expensive-but-messy tile shower enclosure.

Mar 10, 08 5:03 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

You didnt get the tile people to reset your bathroom tile, Steven?

Mar 10, 08 5:15 pm  · 

yeah, i did get them to redo some of it but the result was only marginally better and i could only get them to agree to fix about 1/3 of the problems that i actually found. blah blah 'industry standard' blah blah 'on the screed crooked' blah blah. so now i'm living with it and gritting my teeth.

Mar 10, 08 5:23 pm  · 

Mdler, sorry that you didn't get the job... how is the LA architecture world doing these days? still trying to hire like crazy or cooling down with the recession?

I'm not sure which is worse, mdler's latest thread or that I actually looked at it... I wonder how long before it gets zapped off the internet.

Mar 10, 08 5:30 pm  · 

mdler, I'm sorry you didn't get the job, but that thread is funny.

I went to Disneyland yesterday. It was a very interesting way to enjoy the sunshine. I have a lot of work to do now, so I'll catch you all later.

Mar 10, 08 5:44 pm  · 


we need to zap those polops

Mar 10, 08 5:45 pm  · 

tile layers for me today are in conflict with cabinet makers. they can't both be right, they can't both be wrong, but the fact is the cabinets are not aligned with the tile. apparently they are both milimetrically incorrect but both their mistakes add up to a noticeable misalignment.

Mar 10, 08 6:03 pm  · 

mdler - sorry to hear about the job. That totally sucks. As for the 'Nati... Wanna swap? I'd offer to overnight you some snow ;o), but it's pretty much gone.

My day was GGGGRRRRRREAT!!!! :o/ Two panic attacks and counting. Yee-Haw!!!

My PM wants materials pretty much narrowed down by Wednesday and well... I don't anything set in stone, only pretty much basic ideas. Thankfully I met with my carpet rep (I HEART MY INTERFACEFLOR REP) this morning and will have tons of sample selections to choose from/show on Wednesday and tomorrow I go to the tile showroom. I'm worried about that one b/c the woman was a little curt and I pretty much need someone that has the patience to edu-ma-cate me. I'm crossing my fingers they also carry for Eco friendly solid surface countertops, otherwise I may hyper-ventilate.

Off to eat some dinner, review some LEED and drink a larger mug o' Bailey's with a little bit of hot-chocolate. Although I do have some pomegranate liquor I could open.

Mar 10, 08 6:35 pm  · 

mdler, sorry about the job. but you've also brought me great happyness with your colonoscopy thread. and a little loss of hunger too.

i miss sample selections... it's great in the states, but here in south america, not so much. samples are very hard to get, you often have to depend on digital pics and the colors don't translate well.

Mar 10, 08 7:15 pm  · 

the job thing is wasnt really my thing. I need to take a job that I am going to love 110%, not one that wont make me happy

Mar 10, 08 7:31 pm  · 

hi all just crawled out of bed to sketch a bathroom. How sad are we. Anyhow, going to send the gardner to my house next week to chop the tops of trees off to expose my view. I don't want to hear it treekiller[b] - consider it pruning! [b]brother mdler - sorry about the job, but they wouldn't understand your genius anyway. Better will come around. Ahh also vado might I suggest you watch "Dedication" - it has Mandy Moore in it and that guy from the uk version of "the Office." Its a rather bad film that did appeal to my artistic reason

Mar 10, 08 10:32 pm  · 

mdler - proctology may be your future!

Mar 10, 08 10:33 pm  · 

bah the first line should explain my bad use of code

heading to sleep, g|nite

Mar 10, 08 10:34 pm  · 

a-techno- hack a way (just compost or mulch the wreckage) and enjoy the view!

Mar 10, 08 10:39 pm  · 

will do tk, I may make the compost box out of the branches infact

Mar 10, 08 10:46 pm  · 

tunamelt -- best "Eco friendly solid surface countertops" = IceStone!. They performed best in our wine, lemon, and turmeric staining tests at my old office (when sealed with Stonetech Bulletproof sealant) also the whole f'ing factory is built green from scratch, right down to the captured everythings... also, their color consistency is great and the product looks fantastic installed. i <3 IceStone!

I had a shitty, shitty, shitty, shitty day today. SHITTY. Ugh. I almost wanted to just quit and go home. Literally. Preferably to a hug. From someone I like. ugh ugh ugh. let's all hope tomorrow is better.

Mar 10, 08 10:54 pm  · 

(I recommend the Alpine White in the IceStone colors, btw)

Mar 10, 08 10:55 pm  · 

mdler, your thread gave me a MUCH needed laugh!! Thanks!

Mar 10, 08 10:56 pm  · 

tumbles, maybe we can hit the wooden spoon next week when tunamelt's in town?

Mar 11, 08 1:33 am  · 

matnaray - I'm sending good vibes and a virtual hug your way. I hope it goes better today.

WK - you're going to make it so I don't want to come home aren't you?

Atechno - I wanna see photos of the new view when the trees are "pruned"

Mar 11, 08 8:10 am  · 

; I'll make sure I post those pics on here as soon as its done. We realised this morning that I only have until the end of April in my house, so I need to get packed up. I am thinking of moving the old car out (the house came with a car in the garage) packing up stuff there. The garage is likely to be the last place renovated anyway, and the roof is in solid condition.

Mar 11, 08 9:17 am  · 
the house came with a car in the garage

haha. so i'm guessing it's not an especially mobile car? can you reuse parts of it?

Mar 11, 08 9:42 am  · 

Hah hah, Steven its a late eighties Suzuki Alto (maybe I'll redesign in and add an a - the Aalto. Its carbeurated and been there for about 3 years but I think I can get it to start. I'm handy enough. I just need tools.

Mar 11, 08 9:52 am  · 

she looks/acts like buddha now, but when young my gramma used a wooden spoon hung by the back door special for disciplining us unruly chillen.

wooden spoons scare me.

archi, tales of princes and states of dress and parties missed and composting and car coming with house...all sound like very fine life is being lived where you are...

Mar 11, 08 10:37 am  · 

SW here is a picture of the car under a few millimeters of ash. Sometimes you never know what you'll find

Mar 11, 08 11:38 am  · 

jump, you left out the volcano, lol!

Mar 11, 08 11:49 am  · 


thanks for inviting me to the wooden spoon (even though I dont even know what it is)

Thats okay, though. My new financial advisor says that im not allowed to spend any $$$ on food anyways

Mar 11, 08 12:36 pm  · 

Ha ha ha, did you talk to Maria? The invitation of tumbles is an implied invitation to you. I thought that was, uh, implied.

Did I mention that tuna and I are renting a Prius next week? Woo hoo!

Mar 11, 08 2:03 pm  · 


I did talk to Maria. the 1st thing she told me is to not be an architect...she actually did!!!!

Tuna can come see my flowers

Mar 11, 08 2:15 pm  · 

After this week I am seriously going to need a drink, so you LA people better have a nice tall one for me waiting.

In other news, I found all of the restroom materials today at the tile showroom... floor tile, wall tile and a solid surface countertop. They ARE going to like it. If they don't, they have no taste and I don't want to work with them anymore anyway ;oP. Time to get the hell outta here and wash m'car.

Mar 11, 08 5:55 pm  · 
vado retro

well we had a special election today in indy to replace our congresswoman who died, i think i was the last person to vote as they just were about to close. according to the old guy at the desk out of 1000 registered voters in my district, 10 percent of them voted.

Mar 11, 08 6:48 pm  · 


i'm always forgetting the volcanoes...

Mar 11, 08 6:57 pm  · 
liberty bell

techno, I must have missed why you only have until April in your house? Then what happens to it? A volcano?

vado, I got to the polling place ten minutes too late - thought they were open until 7. Sigh. Angus had a science fair after school today so I was running late. I have to brag: as someone who is convinced, despite being a registered architect, that electricity is magic, I managed last night to wire up a simple circuit/battery/lightbulb/switch for Angus' science fair project, "Electricity Needs A Continuous Path". We mounted the little lightbulb on an Empire-State-esque little wood scrap building, on which Angus colored doors and windows - so cute!

jump, re: the scary wooden spoon. This sounds a lot worse than it is: my parents spanked me witha razor strap. Which is essentially the same as being spanked with a belt: it's a length of leather on which old-fashioned straight razors used to be sharpened. I was beat with an antique! I won't spank Angus, but I feel no ill effects from being spanked myself.

Mar 11, 08 8:59 pm  · 
vado retro

i just whacked my cat and in return she punctured my thumb with very sharp claw which no doubt was sharpened by her clawing my couch which is why i whacked her. i just gave her treats though. a razor strap? thats some cold ass shit.

Mar 11, 08 9:04 pm  · 

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