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Steve- good luck. fO isn't infallible and local knowledge may be key to winning. Did you find the urban design partner you were seeking?

Jan 10, 08 10:59 am  · 
vado retro

thanks techno! hope my comments didnt slow your recorvery. much as i say i like crappy weather, xgf/fw is at her dad's in puerto rico and is prolly hangin in a bikini at crash boat beach. or maybe she's at the library reading lyotard. no i doubt it. definitely the beach... #10,002

Jan 10, 08 12:01 pm  · 

I'll visit too LB if you move to Edinburgh. Always wanted to go. SH is right, no one is ever too far if they have Internet connection. Speaking of Internet connections, I just found this guy I hung out with when I worked in Germany over a decade ago. Lost touch with him when I graduated as I switched email addresses, and never thought I'd find him again. Low and behold last night I got a message in my inbox on Facebook. The world keeps getting smaller and smaller.

Jan 10, 08 12:14 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still dwelling on the idea of what to refer to this decade as...a few of you mentioned that you had no need to actually label it and i agree with because i don't really want to label it either. that's what i find convenient about the eighties or the nineties for example. when didn't need to label them, they simply had names. but this era of 2000 through 2010 (or maybe even 2019) is completely undefined. it's like we have a hole in or language. i don't want to fix this whole...i'd just rather that it weren't there. if i survive long enough to see the twenties without going completely daft it might be a minor miracle. maddening

Jan 10, 08 12:24 pm  · 

how about the decade of decaying war vets that no one gives a shit about or is that too long?

Jan 10, 08 1:31 pm  · 

I woke up this morning horribly sick. My head was pounding and I thought "maybe if I eat some honey nut O's then I can take some pain medicine". Well I did, and then 30 minutes later I ralphed everything back up. 2 hours later my head is still pounding but I'm afraid to eat anything else. If I don't get better soon I may have to reschedule my accidental job interview this afternoon, which isn't a big deal, but I haven't felt this bad in a while.

Jan 10, 08 1:55 pm  · 


I got some new flowers yesterday. Not that you really care, but I thought that you might want to hear about my flowers.

Sorry about the puking and headache. I got sick on the flight home from the Nati a few weeks back. Nothing like puking your guts out at 35,000 ft

Jan 10, 08 2:07 pm  · 
the word of the day ralph, brought to you by Honey Nut Cherrios

Wonder K, dry toast tiny square of butter next time if you want to take meds in a hurry. I always have that problem myself. Sorry to hear you are sick though...I'm still in that boat and also at work. I really hope someone here catches it here enough to consider it an epidemic in our office of 5

Jan 10, 08 2:17 pm  · 

Oh and for everyone I've told about the new house, all the previous shots were of the house...I decide to take one from the house towards the view.

when should I book your arrival?

Jan 10, 08 2:21 pm  · 

techno, do you hear that knocking on your door? it's me, open up!

Jan 10, 08 2:30 pm  · 

thanks guys. mdler, was your puking from motion sickness or were you just sick? I have to be careful on planes, as I get motion sick very easily. PS. Thanks for telling me about your flowers ;o)

architechno, if I weren't feeling so bad I'd get on a plane right now and come down there!!! It's flipping gorgeous!

I had a couple sips of orange juice. I'm currently waiting to see what happens.

"I say hurl. If you blow chunks and she comes back, she's yours. If you spew and she bolts, then it was never meant to be"

I so do love Mike Myers.

Jan 10, 08 2:32 pm  · 

dubK, I always go for some 7-Up. It can't be Sprite or Slice, they're too sweet. What ever happened to Slice, anyway? then if 7-up stays down, then try a little toast later on. Feel better!

Jan 10, 08 2:40 pm  · 


I blame Skyline + Greaters....

try some Bitters and soda

Jan 10, 08 3:14 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I feeling very strange today too, like the buzz you get from red wine. Drifting in and out of Earth, though mostly out. If I'm spoken to, I can bring myself back, but everything feels heavy. Strange to feel so heavy, but be floating in and out of earth. I may be slightly dizzy, not sure though......

Jan 10, 08 3:39 pm  · 

Atechno - I'm coming to visit too. I was pushing for March, but alas, my traveling buddy is short on cash at the moment. Stupid grad school!

When my stomach is upset I go for old fashioned oatmeal, it seems to help ease it a little. Rationalist, funny you think Sprite is too sweet, I've always though 7-Up was too sweet. And forget Sierra Mist.

For whatever reason, I've been dragging all day long. Can't seem to wake up. My head feels as though it's in a fog and I can't seem to piece any sentences together for a clear and concise statement. I just pray this doesn't mean I'm getting sick. I hate being sick.

Jan 10, 08 4:08 pm  · 

the funny thing about the Sprite / 7-up debate is that on the Rose Bowl float that I built, we fill the viles for the roses with Sprite. Apparently it is made with real sugar while 7-up is artificial and will kill the roses

Jan 10, 08 4:39 pm  · 

tumbles, I was thinking either London, Dublin, or Edinburgh....

Jan 10, 08 4:55 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Rationalist, from what I hear, EVERYTHING is really expensive in London, so even with the exchange rate, you may not make enough to do much good after bills and such. Cost of living should definatly be taken into account, but I really like your idea of using the exchange rate to pay back loans quicker.

Jan 10, 08 5:30 pm  · 

Arch market is booming in London as well. Former co-worker of mine interviewed at 8 places there and got offers from 7, including a few that were pretty awesome amounts of cash, even with cost of living considerations.

Jan 10, 08 5:43 pm  · 

you know adding your archinect name to your resume does help... we will have more gigs in October 2008.


/sitting in Toronto airport and haven't slept in 2 days.....

Jan 10, 08 6:27 pm  · 

Good to see Cameron back to being Cameron again!

tuna, when shall we try to visit architechno? I'll be in China this summer (presumably) and I'm tentatively going to Australia for Thanksgiving. How I'm going to pay for it all, I have no idea, but we should definitely slip an island trip in there somewhere :o)

So I ventured out this afternoon, long enough to get some cash and go to the drugstore, and to discover that I'm in no shape for an interview. So I had to reschedule my accidental job interview, but honestly there is something wrong with me, I think I'm even feverish, so I didn't want to pollute their office.

I love talking about moving to Europe. It is an interesting idea. Perhaps if I learn Spanish or German like I'm trying to, I could even move to Barcelona or Berlin. Or Belgium! Or Paris! So many wonderful little time...

Jan 10, 08 6:43 pm  · 

lol @ Cameron. I'll try that! If I were still doing the architecture thing, I would definitely be submitting for one of your openings, Cameron.

Jan 10, 08 6:43 pm  · 

Grrrrrrr... my head is beginning to pound. Sinus headache. This sucks.

WonderK - Well considering we've pencilled Indonesia in for 2010, I'm thinking Spring Break 2009 ;oD Anyone else want to join us for a jaunt in Indonesia? We could make it an arhinect group outing.

Cameron - sounds awesome, but unfortunately I'm stuck here until the summer of 2009. That and I'm only a mere interior designer. Hope you get to sleep soon.

Jan 10, 08 7:32 pm  · 

@tuna - Mexico trip is "<i>optional</>". Luckily there's one other guy not going. The prof was okay with it, though. He said he needed a couple people to stay and do precedent studies anyway.

@techno - You made my day. I finally made a list on TC! Thanks techno.

So now I've been to both of my classes. I think this is going to actually be a great semester despite my reservations. It looks like my Studio will finally be a departure from all the minimalist, multi-use crap I did in undergrad. And we get a scary amount of freedom in my Product Design Workshop (shop class for grad students). I'm anxious and excited already and its only the first week.

Jan 10, 08 8:59 pm  · 

Oh, I almost forgot, Tuesday was the 2 year anniversary of my seizure techno. I've got a sweet scar on my forehead. I'll find the picture I took of myself while waiting on my ride to hospital to show up as soon as I get it on flickr.

Jan 10, 08 9:01 pm  · 

remind us, rfuller, where you are in grad school. have you left texas? sorry if i missed this.

Jan 11, 08 7:21 am  · 
brian buchalski

friday...still alive

Jan 11, 08 7:46 am  · 

SW, I'm still in TX. I don't really have the luxury to decide where I want to go to grad school. I just consider myself lucky to have one where I live.

I could give you a quick little sob story about why I stayed, but I'll spare you. I'm happy despite a lot of other things happening that I don't like to discuss on here. Archinect is my escape from all that. Its kind of like my chance to pretend for just a little bit that architecture is the most important thing. With a wife and bills and medical expenses and a job, that's just not the case 9 days out of 10. I wish it was, but I'm always finding ways to be happy about my situation.

Anyway, its time that I go help on an electrical stack out on a 6500 sf house and then go to studio at 1. You guys have a great day.

Jan 11, 08 8:03 am  · 
liberty bell

Yesterday sucked. For the first time in my career I made someone cry when I reviewed their work. And I wasn't being mean, just honest, I even worded my comment delicately, and yet I feel like a total asshole. I don't know how people live with themselves when they really attack someone maliciously and brutally and then justify it as "helping them learn".

My fear is that the reason this person responded with tears is that I had hit upon a part of the project s/he was very sensitive about anyway, perhaps had the same doubts about it, which means I just affirmed their own concerns. Which means I should feel OK about it, but instead it just makes me feel worse.


Jan 11, 08 9:41 am  · 

LB, honesty and constructive criticism is required, at all times. There maybe external issues that led to tears, but this should not deter you from being a great teacher. I would welcome a critical review and take that as an opportunity to learn. Excoriating, personal attacks are not helpful so I doubt that is what you did, we all cry - yes even men cry Hillary, we're just not allowed to in public.

Jan 11, 08 9:52 am  · 

i agree with beta, LB. if you talk the way you write i can't imagine anyone more careful or gifted at saying difficult things in a nice way. so if crying was involved it was not because you were an asshole. not a chance.

Jan 11, 08 10:13 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Lb, if it makes you feel better, there was a girl in some of my studio classes that had such terrible stage-fright that she cried before she even finished presenting every time she stood up to present her projects.

Jan 11, 08 10:13 am  · 

@ LB

I think honesty is best. Better they deal with it now.

As far as traveling to the Caribbean or other exotic locales.. I love the idea of a Archinect trip...

The devils in the details but i would love to meet you all in person.

Jan 11, 08 10:32 am  · 

Also, Rfuller

Archinect is my refuge to.
I am not presuming that my life is harder than you. But it is nice to have an escape from all the turmoil of regular non-net life.

Jan 11, 08 10:34 am  · 
vado retro

lb, you are the most thoughtful person i know. you always think before you speak and your ability to critique in a constructive manner is well honed. you are in fact the best!

Jan 11, 08 11:05 am  · 

amen beta - I always tell people that whilst I'm not afraid to cry i will rarely do it with anyone around. Its not just favourably for men to cry, even if its in the company of someone special. Women, may say they want a man that is willing to cry, but subconsciously they see it as being weak. Unfortunate but true.

On the matter of tears, LB - for the next time it may happen, if you feel badly hug the person and share some tears together. Its better to be an honest and harsh critic that just lie. They are better off for it - you know this.

Jan 11, 08 11:08 am  · 

@rfuller my brother from another mother... I didn't know you had a seizure. Do tell. This still haven't come close to isolating what caused mine asside from al. And yea don't sweat it you'd be on my list no matter.

@everyone else in TC - pack your bags and get here. Whoever comes to work eats free. fingers crossed for the handover at the end of the month.

Jan 11, 08 11:11 am  · 

I'll cry if I need to, no worry about appearances. I cried more at my father-in-law's funeral then my wife did...

LB, I shocked, just shocked that you didn't experience any pleasure in making the kid cry! I always thought that critics got sadistic pleasure from being harsh and making people cry - or that is what I learned from Kipnis ;-)

Jan 11, 08 11:27 am  · 

@lb....what they said. I simply cannot imagine you attacking someone in such a way as to cause tears, so I'm sure there were other issues at play.

@rfuller, I've never met you but if I ever venture through Texas again, I'd certainly like to meet you for a drink (perhaps an orange juice if Sarah could join us!). Thank you for always contributing to the conversation....I appreciate your perspective and good luck with grad school!

No headache today. No wretching either! Hip hip hooray!

Jan 11, 08 11:44 am  · 

lb- I was occasionally the studio crier, and I felt stupid and weak for it. Every time it happened I asked the professor to just ignore it and go on, I could take it. Some people just don't have the ideal degree of control over their tears. And sometimes it's just feeling overwhelmed in other areas of life so on some level you're going, "greeeeeat, now this, too."

techno- I get the feeling that I might be taking such a deal from my dad at some point. I worry about him building things himself, and the place he lives is so gorgeous, that at some point I might chuck my stuff in storage and head down for a six-month construction break.

Jan 11, 08 12:38 pm  · 

@ LB - I second jump's sentiments (and others for that matter). I can't imagine you being harsh to anyone. It probably was a conglomeration of issues that caused the tears to flow. I remember a classmate (and good friend) of mine was brought to tears one day during a critique. She was under so much stress at the time, the critical review was just the straw that broke the camel's back. The professor was a lot like you and actually pleaded with my friend not to cry and apologized profusely and admitted in front of everyone that she wanted to cry herself for making my friend cry.

@ DubK - glad to hear you're feeling better.

@SH - Hope you are feeling better today as well, I know I am, my headache I think was due to a huge low pressure system passing through the area. I'm much better today.

Jan 11, 08 12:41 pm  · 

rationalist, go for it - when you were in your duldrums recently post relocation I wanted to suggest it, but was uncertain if I should. 6 month hiatus to help out the family and recharge those batteries, and get some fun in the sun. And if you want to do a test run, by all means come over to Monty first :) shamless plug I know

Jan 11, 08 1:49 pm  · 

hello tc,

my advice on making students cry at juries [um, yes, done that, never with super harsh crits though]

most of the times, as ppl said above, it has to do with stress, lack of sleep, nerves, etc. not only your crit. sometimes not even your crit.

also most of the times, once the student starts crying they really just want to go away. they don't want a big fuss. they want to be able to salvage what's left of their dignity [unless they're drama queens, in which case they're probably faking it].

if the crit is pretty much done, i make a couple of comments [for them to remember later] on good points on the project and then move on. no references to the crying, let the student sneak out and calm down in private. it's enough that the whole school will hear later that 'so and so cried.'

Jan 11, 08 1:53 pm  · 

<- just for rfuller, Sarah H and the rest of the texans

Jan 11, 08 1:59 pm  · 

techno, not an option until grad school is done. And anyway, the 'duldrums' as you put it were romantically induced... being around my dad wouldn't really help that. Find me a place with lots of single attractive men, and that's what'll help!

Jan 11, 08 2:00 pm  · 
liberty bell

You guys are so supportive, thank you.

Completely unrelated, but hysterically funny (in my mind): poetic justice.

Jan 11, 08 2:10 pm  · 

hey guys its 4:15p over here and I'm parched. I think its time for a cool refreshing cocktail and some good company. Be safe this weekend folks, i'll talk with you soon.

Jan 11, 08 3:13 pm  · 
liberty bell

OK, just had a contractor give me one of these:


Am feeling a bit weirded out. I really like and respect this contractor, but it really wasn't appropriate.

Time to go get a drink.

Jan 11, 08 4:37 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hahahaha now THAT would be funny if it turned out my linked image was to porn!

It was a shoulder rub. That's all.

Jan 11, 08 4:38 pm  · 

cake in 5 minutes for our co-op intern who is leaving to head back to school... slow day in the office after the huge push last night for a proposal in cambodia. today it's nice and quiet so I can focus on project management theory.

LB- did you look as peeved as merkel did? or do you have a withering evil eye that can burn through a contractor's soul?

Jan 11, 08 4:55 pm  · 

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