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treekiller, i'm emailing you. if you don't get it, email me please. (i never know where my archinect mail will go.)

Jan 4, 08 7:42 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

My mom lives about 45 minutes out of Bisbee; I rode the copper mine tour.

Jan 4, 08 8:58 am  · 

I woke up with a splitting headache, and I have to get to the office and print off a half-size set and take it to a quick 10am plumber's walkthrough... aggggh my head is KILLING me... I'm not even quite finished dressing yet. Shit shit shit. See libertybelle it's not that great to have unlimited apartment heat--at some point it crosses the line from cozy to "stiflingly unbearable and searing to the nasal passages". I have turned all my radiators OFF and they are still SO HOT that I nearly scalded myself accidently sideswiping one with my bare arm this morning. My apartment is an absolute sauna. I woke up literally gasping for air and had to throw open half my windows (it ain't doing much). Every move I make has me sweating. I will most likely get dressed and go outside and once again find myself completely underdressed for the cold, as per usual, because it is so bloody hot in my apartment. Oh and the radiator in the apt above my bedroom has apparently sprung a leak...

Feel better about that 65 degrees now? ;)

Jan 4, 08 9:42 am  · 
liberty bell

Thanks for keeping it real, myriam. Good luck with the plumber. Speaking of which my cabinet guy is wondering where the hell I am right now so I better scoot.

Jan 4, 08 9:54 am  · 

by the time I got home yesterday my head was pounding and my throat felt like coarse sand paper. I am sick again

I paid my escrow step closer

doing a measured survery and valuation at 4pm

did I mention my head is still pounding?

Jan 4, 08 10:28 am  · 

first to post for 175

Jan 4, 08 10:29 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

Jan 4, 08 2:27 pm  · 

hey of my favorite architectural threads "Name that Architect and Building" is starting to run out of gas /// p2an, holz, simples, phuyaka and architechno... are still keeping it on life support /// right now there is an opening for any of you to post a new "challenge" and catch up on some great architecture/architects previously posted there;

i would like to keep that thread alive as a purely architectural oasis amongst all the political threads out there!!!

Jan 4, 08 5:18 pm  · 

good call simples, i wanna see something new! please...there's a whole heap of good stuff out there that i just need introducing to.

Jan 4, 08 5:33 pm  · 
vado retro

just got back from the harrison art center where mr. liberty bell had some excellent work on display. saw lb for the first time in 2008 and the little lb sprout as well. yay!

Jan 4, 08 7:55 pm  · 

architecture is little moments....of pleasure.

Jan 4, 08 10:16 pm  · 
some person

myriam: I totally know what you mean about the unlimited apartment heat. My very first apartment in Shorewood, Wisconsin, had unlimited heat. I clocked the indoor temperature at 90+ degrees one day. It was unbearable.

And there's something wrong about opening windows during the winter. I know it's a tradition in some parts of the world, but I always seem to get the sniffles when I open the windows in winter, no matter how warm it is inside.

I'll pay extra for a thermostat any day.

Jan 5, 08 11:55 am  · 
some person

liberty bell: You're missing all the fun on facebook. hehe I just read Susan Surface's song lyrics on WonderK's wall. Salt-n-Pepa....classic.

Jan 5, 08 12:01 pm  · 

something y'all will like: trajan is the movie font

Also, has anyone else ever wondered where they get all these big, "cool" houses for the seemingly limitless parade of reality shows to film at? Is there some special realtor's listing for realityTV? "Edgy modern spaces, concrete and glass, features funky-shaped pool with convenient ledge for skinny-dipping jumps, indoor fountain and palm trees, comes pre-furnished with large circular poofy furniture and twin beds, sleeps 18, come see today!"

Jan 5, 08 12:22 pm  · 

I wonder if there's some architect who has figured out a way to capitalize on the reality TV need for these houses.

Jan 5, 08 12:23 pm  · 

myriam- they usually find them from the books of filming locations. Most filming locations are only available for up to a few weeks at a time, but there are several in there that are uninhabited and only used for filmings. Additionally, many people would probably move out for a few months once they saw the scale of money offered for such a venture.

Jan 5, 08 4:40 pm  · 

whoa, did rationalist turn into treekiller? ;)

yeah, makes sense. It still astounds me every time a new one of these shows pops up though, with a whole new location and crazy interiors... it boggles my mind how much money they must drop on those things! plus the sheer numbers of how many houses like that even exist.

Jan 5, 08 5:02 pm  · 

I agree Myriam, it is astounding. Wish I had a fraction of their budget to do some fun things to my house... although I'd probably spend it on practical things like putting in updated plumbing, installing a tankless water heating system, adding extra insulation. figuring out what kind of alternative energy I use for the climate in which I live and maybe rewiring my whole house.

Anyway, speaking of redecorating, better run and get a move on the final phase of my bathroom repainting.

Jan 5, 08 5:27 pm  · 

no vulcan mind meld happened that I know of.

to add to r's enlightened view into location scouting, most film commissions maintains libraries of potential locations with contact info. the biggest is the california film commission in a hollywood blvd highrise. outside of cali, scouts/reality tv producers also place ads in local media, contact local real estate folks, or just ask their friends and family. everybody wants a piece of hollywood largesses. so if you are willing to surrender a few weeks of your sanity, privacy and wellbeing (and risk having the house destroyed), you too can pocket over $10g's per day renting your house to the next spiderman, or get $50g's of free renovations. Just don't expect the craftsmanship to be up to par or that your neighbors will ever talk to you again. Filming is very, very disruptive, destructive, and something that I would never let into my life (after being on the other side of the camera). You loose too much for the little bit of cash that you can make.

Jan 5, 08 6:40 pm  · 

So I tried to slice off the side of my left thumb this evening with a utility knife this evening. Did a pretty good job of bandaging it up myself without help. Never realize the importance of opposable digits until one has been compromised. Now it's beginning to throb. Poop! So much for finishing the painting project.

Jan 5, 08 10:41 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Ouch! Be sure to get it looked at if it starts to swell or shows any signs of infection.

I think it's only a matter of time before I become an amputee... So far I've managed to put a chisel through my thumb while doing some woodwork, and and put a large knife through my palm (same hand) when trying to dislodge my then-girlfriend's burnt brownies from a pan.

In the former case, I went to the ER right away and got some stitches. In the latter case, I didn't go to the hospital until I woke up the next morning with my hand horribly swollen and in the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. By that time it was too late for stitches, so I had to just grit my teeth and wait for it to heal while taking lots of antibiotics. I did get a kick, however, by telling my girlfriend that her brownies had sent me to the hospital.

Just wait until I start my M.Arch. and I'm playing with sharp objects and power tools on a daily basis.

Jan 5, 08 10:50 pm  · 
vado retro

dont get blood all over your keyboard stumpy.

Jan 5, 08 11:04 pm  · 

@ vado - HA! Keyboard's fine... it's the bathroom that took some cleaning.

@ Gin - I'm going to call the doctor Monday anyway, as it's been one month past the expiration of my last tetanus shot. Funny, the last time I got one was when I attempted to slice off the TOP of my left thumb with a utility knife...anyone else sensing a theme? In any case, I'm sure they'll have a look at it and prescribe an antibiotic if need be.

Jan 5, 08 11:29 pm  · 

you keep up with tetanus shots? are you by chance a type A personality?

sheesh, i didn't even finish getting all my boosters as a kid. everyone in my family is pretty spacey... we don't keep up with all that crap. (yes, yes, i know it's important!) i don't even know what blood type I am, because my mom can't remember and I've never had a reason to find out (thank goodness), and also for a very long time all my birth records were lost so we used to make up all kinds of fun stuff for my "real" origins...

ah, it's fun growing up in an alternate universe. but i digress...

Jan 5, 08 11:42 pm  · 

tunamelt, i'm still amazed that not only do you keep up with tetanus shots in general, but that you ACTUALLY KNOW WHEN THEY EXPIRE and schedule re-ups! that's amazing. wanna be my life-coach?

Jan 5, 08 11:43 pm  · 
Living in Gin

heh... I have no idea when my tetanus shots expire, so I usually just get a new round each time I end up in the ER with some horrific flesh wound.

Jan 5, 08 11:47 pm  · 

You all are cracking me up. Tetanus shots expire every ten years. The only reason why I know and remember this is b/c 1) my father is in the medical profession 2) my mother is the type A person in the family and 3) my brother spent half of his childhood in the ER.
The last time I chopped the thumb off I went to the ER for fear of needing stitches, instead they bandaged it up with instructions of not getting it wet for a week and gave me a tetanus shot.

Jan 6, 08 12:09 am  · 

Oh and Myriam... I have no idea what my blood type is either.

Jan 6, 08 12:13 am  · 
Living in Gin

If God exists, I really hope there's a special place in hell for spammers.

Jan 6, 08 12:32 am  · 

Knock knock.

Who's there?



BTW, I'm O+, which means I'm a universal donor, so if any of y'all get hurt just let me know.

Jan 6, 08 12:36 am  · 
Living in Gin

A+ here

Jan 6, 08 12:38 am  · 
Living in Gin

Oh God, he's starting multiple threads. Somebody make it stop.

Jan 6, 08 12:41 am  · 
Living in Gin

Besides, does anybody on Archinect really wear Air Jordans?

Jan 6, 08 12:45 am  · 

has anyone read the new Dwell? well, there is an article in there about Daneland, and you know what, not one mention of 3d-h or for some "legal graffitti" wall...i am beginning to think this Per person is just some lame ass usenet robot.

oh, SPAM spma, maps, pams, smap, amps, apms, amsp, psma, pasm....go away.

Jan 6, 08 9:26 am  · 
liberty bell

tuna, I had my last tetanus shot December 1995, in the emergency room, and I recall they told me I would need a new one in three years? In either time frame, next time I go to the ER I'll be getting another. I actually did some accidental manicure work with a kitchen knife the other day, but only a little blood - it could have been MUCH worse as my dad had just sharpened all my knives when he came to visit.

Ahh, flesh wounds and tetanus shots on a Sunday morning, how lovely ;-)

Jan 6, 08 10:31 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh, and the added bonus of Bud and Clam juice. ick.

Jan 6, 08 10:32 am  · 

LB - just looked on several sites and they all say adults need a vaccine booster every 10 years. No idea where they got the every three years thing. Who knows. I realized last night that it's been 9 years since my last one. In any case I'll call the doctor tomorrow and see what they say. The idea of getting lockjaw doesn't really appeal to me.

Hmmm spam and eggs anyone? I'm off to have some brunch.

Jan 6, 08 10:59 am  · 

When I worked in China, I noticed that Chinese people commonly would ask for your blood type in small chat.

They would ask the general questions upon meeting me then coyly sneak in a blood type question: What country are you from? Do you like it here? What do you do? Do you have any siblings? Do you like Tom Cruise movies? What is your blood type? Do you like our food or do you miss American food?

It always shocked me because I can assure you that I have never asked an aquaintence, friend, family member, or lover their blood type.

I plan on doing some extensive travelling this fall to many third-world nations. I learned that they Dept. of Health recommends I need 13 immunizations before my travels begin. Damn.

Jan 6, 08 11:36 am  · 

I always equated my blood type (b-) to my gpa - LIG you got it made. it was hard to overcome this self-esteem issue till grad school. now I feel that my blood type should have changed to A+ (but that is just wishful thinking).

seems like I missed the fun with spam brunch, at least there is one left over relic on tc to enjoy.

Jan 6, 08 12:54 pm  · 

So classes start bright and early tomorrow morning, and I've just now come up for air after a 30-hour party. I think I may be getting too old for that, and by hour 28 or so was pretty beat. And we STILL don't have our house to ourselves, but I won't get into that here. I feel like I should be doing something to prepare for school tomorrow, but I have no idea what, so I'm just catching up on DesignObserver articles so that I'll be somewhat up-to-date on the issues at hand.

oh, and I have no idea what my blood type is either... I can't donate, and it's never been necessary to recieve.

Jan 6, 08 1:15 pm  · 

hi tc.

maybe the blood type question is because of this?

i'm a+.

Jan 6, 08 1:42 pm  · 

you all are slowly grossing me out. After watching BUG this morning I don't think I can handle another route of blood talk. My tummy is woozey too as i just came back from the escrow smells of wet I need some tums or something.

Love to all

Jan 6, 08 2:17 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Blood type was never important to me until the whole pregnancy thing. Apparently your body can reject your kid if ther're negative and you're positive, but you don't form the antibodies until after birth, so the first child is seldom at risk. Luckily, I'm O+, so I don't have much to worry about. Unfortunatly for all of you, I'm stingy with my blood, and have never donated. I know, I know, but I hate needles, and find the whole process very painful. You can have it when I die.

And speaking of knife sharpening...Does anyone know where I can send my knives to be professionally sharpened, not just honed? Hmm, maybe I should post that on the Ask Mighty thread.

Jan 6, 08 2:26 pm  · 

If you are prone to light-headedness at the thought of needles or having blood drawn (as I am) the Red Cross won't take your blood. Found that out last year when I attempted to donate.

@ Atechno - sorry to make you woozey. What's the next step with the house?

Jan 6, 08 3:15 pm  · 

@ Sarah
Instead of mailing them you could go to a local commerical restaurant supply store, they usually do them.
At least that is where i use to get them done before buying my own whetstone..

I think i am the AB blood type which means i can take anyone's blood right?

I had a recent tetanus booster after a terrible bike accident my last term in grad school.

Jan 6, 08 5:13 pm  · 
clerestory strip™

I think it's type O that's the universal blood type.

Jan 6, 08 5:32 pm  · 
clerestory strip™

2008 is going to be a very interesting year, as my life has been totally turned upside down. I got laid off on Friday and will be moving out of my apartment next month, but I think it's all for the best. I hated my job anyway and want to do something else-I'm thinking about going around to some local architectural firms and seeing if anyone needs some help-just so I can get my foot in the door.

I already have living arrangements made, as I'm getting married on 24 February, so having a roof over my head won't be a problem.

What do you folks think?

Jan 6, 08 5:42 pm  · 

O+ is the universal donor, AB is the universal receiver. So nam, I can give you blood but you can't give me any!

I have a headache today and it's not because I'm hungover. I think I'm smiling too much. Seriously. Maybe I should watch a sad movie.

clerestory, good luck with everything. My friend also got laid off on Friday as her position was "eliminated" least you now have the wedding and newlywed bliss to look forward to! My advice is to definitely ask around at firms, and use this time to develop your portfolio and computer skills. Think of it as an opportunity, and look for the best possible opportunity that you can find....

I need a nap. God I love lazy Sundays.

Jan 6, 08 6:04 pm  · 
clerestory strip™

Thanks WonderK...I've got so much I have to do between now and next month it's making my head spin...

Dang...I wish I smiled too much...I ususally end up with headaches because of my hair (it's so long and heavy) or from making ugly

What is your secret to happiness? I certainly could use a little right now...

Thanks for clarifying the blood type info!

Jan 6, 08 6:14 pm  · 

cs, I don't know what my "secret" is, or if it's really a secret at all. I'm just a naturally happy person. I'm really easily amused, and I laugh constantly, when I'm nervous, or scared, or even annoyed. I have to work hard not to laugh at inappropriate times. I'm not like the Joker or anything, I just giggle a lot.

Also I had an impulsive blind brunch date this morning with a guy I've only known remotely until today, and that was fun, so I think that contributed to the smile headache. Maybe that's an indication of something!

I have to work on my portfolio too, as I have an accidental job interview this week. Doesn't that sound silly? But it's true. When you have silly things happen to you like this constantly, it's easy to giggle all the time!

Jan 6, 08 6:25 pm  · 

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