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some person

I'm surprised to hear about lay-offs. Have there been others, recent? Perhaps it's a regional trend. The market in DC seems to be rather solid, as the federal government tends to keep things afloat.

Jan 6, 08 6:26 pm  · 

i've been expecting the housing bubble to impact more firms - the condo market seemed to dry up last summer. We have been lucky this cycle that more firm implosions haven't whipped through architect so far.

clerestory - good luck and take advantage of the unemployment benefits. you'll land on your feet, it's just a matter of when. congrats on getting hitched!

Jan 6, 08 6:33 pm  · 
clerestory strip™

Thanks tk for the support.

DCA, I must mention, I don't work in the architectural profession-I worked for a place that makes vinyl records-and the entertainment industry has taken a hit because of the "digital revolution".
I was one of 20 people who lost their jobs due to no work. Oh well-I'm ready to head in a new direction anyway-I will get the chance to be with who I love and maybe even do what I love :)

WonderK, your post made me smile...happiness is infectious :)

Jan 6, 08 6:47 pm  · 

clerestory, if you need a roadmap of moving from entertainment to architecture, shoot me an email. I made the journey few years back.

Jan 6, 08 6:58 pm  · 
brian buchalski's 2008 already which means that we are noe in the ninth year of this decade and still no one knows what to call this decade...eighties, nineties = how very covenient for us...but what of now? I'm beginning to think that these should be referred to as the lost years or something like that. but it's not like we haven't been here before...what the hell did they call it 100 years ago? maybe we should ask oscar niemeyer or one of the other oldies...

Jan 6, 08 7:00 pm  · 
clerestory strip™

Puddles, I was thinking the same thing...heck-I just call it the 2000s...sounds dumb but I can't think of anything else!!!

tk-check your mail

Jan 6, 08 7:06 pm  · 

I must at you and Clerestory Strip's comment puddles, b/c in all actuality I ponder that quite frequently. What the hell are we going to call this decade? I actually think the "Lost Decade" is quite fitting. Good luck with everything Clerestory, I'm sending you good vibes/thoughts as I type. Better be off as I have a fewr more things to do this evening before I actually get to sit down for the rest of the evening.

Jan 6, 08 7:46 pm  · 

everyone asks my bloodtype in japan too. there are character traits associated with blood type here, like the zodiac. i can't remember what i am though it is printed on a card somewhere in the closet (from last physical). i don't see the point in it really. like any hospital wouldn't check before hooking me up for a transfusion or something. i also can't remember how tall i am, or how much i weigh, which seems to odd to japanese people too.

its heisei 20 here. the 20th year of the current emperor. easier than the roaring 20's, the me-90's and so on...but when i use gregorian and wanna get fancy i i just say its the noughts.

Jan 6, 08 8:04 pm  · 
vado retro

i've already had a lost decade...

Jan 6, 08 8:06 pm  · 
liberty bell

Even though it's never caught on, I like referring to it as the Aughts.

Here is a sentence for you: l0020,4l80.

Am I the only one who learned this in 5th grade?

Jan 6, 08 9:00 pm  · 

clerestory, back at you.

I like Aughts too, but then I thing of all the stuff I ought to be doing instead.

vado- where did you last see your missing decade? maybe if you retrace your steps, you'll find it where you last used it.

Jan 6, 08 10:16 pm  · 

LB and TK - As in 0000 sandpaper/steelwool? You may have something there.

Jan 6, 08 10:33 pm  · 
some person

liberty bell: I have no idea what l0020,4l80 means, and even Google can't give me a clue.

Personally, "aughts" bugs me because it seems like an incomplete word - it's more of a sound than a word. Once we get to 2010, will we say "Twenty-ten" or "Two Thousand Ten" ?

Jan 6, 08 10:33 pm  · 

Thanks for the well wishes everyone, feeling better now.

since the holidays ended the firm I work at has had a rash of folks cold calling about jobs...which is odd because while the bosses are looking for people, all the various job board posts are asking for submissions via email.

This makes me feel better about turning in my notice this week. Bosses are still gonna be pissed because I'm going to a competitor they hate, but still.

Jan 6, 08 10:42 pm  · 

I'm pushing for 'twenty-ten' as opposed to 'two thousand ten' because I yearn for the year in which I can say 'twenty-twenty'. I intend to only use a Barbara Walter's voice for the entire year.

Jan 6, 08 11:05 pm  · 
some person

HAHA! I didn't see that one coming, n_. Well played :) You can begin every sentence with "This iiiiis...(twehhenty twehhenty)"

Jan 6, 08 11:17 pm  · 
some person

ooo... I'm fiercely close to having 10% of the number of posts that vado has...

Jan 6, 08 11:18 pm  · 

I too think that by 2010 i will be feeling easy with the world..

The aughts however, have been less a flash in the pan.

Jan 6, 08 11:33 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'll be happy to see this decade come to a close. The shit really started hitting the fan in my life around 1999 or so, and now, toward the end of the decade, things are finally starting to look up.

I propose that the 2000's be called The Zeros.

Jan 7, 08 12:06 am  · 

twenty aught ten?

Jan 7, 08 2:03 am  · 

I enjoy saying "aught" and "naught". Perhaps we should go the British route and call this decade "The Nils".

Jan 7, 08 2:27 am  · 

who says we have to name it? let's just not. really piss off the historians and retro-dressers of the future.

Jan 7, 08 7:09 am  · 
liberty bell

DCA: I ought not to owe, for I ate nothing. Thanks for playing!

I have had a warm fuzzy for the word "aught" ever since Ms. McCormick blew my mind with that riddle back in fifth grade. She had to explain zero=aught, as none of us suburban rascals had ever heard it.

Busy week ahead, which I'm glad for. Back to the routine.

Jan 7, 08 7:16 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

DubK, I'm a giggler too, though not in the annoying girlly airheaded giggler sort of way. I laughed all the way through my marriage ceremony, which made the preacher nervous, and I think he almost cried; whoops. I also had a hard time not laughing through studio crits, but was always able to supress it to just a HUGE grin. Oh well, keeps people from hating me.

And I'm with steven, lets just forget about naming the decade.

Jan 7, 08 9:00 am  · 


I'm still sick, but coughing (up) alot less. Something told me to come to work, and got called in by the CEO for what she say as me skipping work. Despite being sick to the point I couldn't walk. On Friday I came in mistakedly and had to leave around 1pm - she was out sick as well but called me and asked me to stay because no one would be whilst the receptionist was out at

on another note...much more pleasant;

I'm a big big giggler. Which is odd people don't expect that from me for some odd reason. Stereotypes. But you usually see my smile coming before you see me. My gf says I laugh even more when I'm nervous or in new situations. Funny. Bit I like a good laugh even if at other expense.

Jan 7, 08 10:10 am  · 

When I get nervous, my brain shuts off and the inner incesent talker in me comes out. I'll talk about nothing and everything all at the same time. I think I laugh/giggle a lot too. Then after I tend to over-analyze everything I've done and said. Perhaps I should work on that.

@ Atechno - So did you hack up a lung in front of the CEO? Maybe that would have would have convinced her you haven't been skipping work. Hope you feel better soon.

Jan 7, 08 12:30 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm so bored it january 8th yet?

Jan 7, 08 12:33 pm  · 
vado retro

its 65 degrees out. ive been drivin around with my windows down and sunroof open. trex the slider blaring. bliss

Jan 7, 08 1:02 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I called in sick today. I've been having an upset stomach since 3:30 this morning, but I think it's finally starting to feel better. It's a balmy 55 degrees outside, and it would be criminal for me to stay inside and miss it.

Jan 7, 08 1:15 pm  · 

@ tunamelt

oddly enough when I got in there my cough cleared

@ TC; I've bumped the "name that architect/building" thread with a double post so hopefully we can get some TC'ers in there adding their two cents (please)

Jan 7, 08 1:42 pm  · 

oh I just saw a couple really amazing photos of Wonder K on facebook. I just had to say that, didn't mean to stalk

Jan 7, 08 3:34 pm  · 
vado retro

only a couple???

Jan 7, 08 3:46 pm  · 

Yeah, I know. She thinks she's unphotogenic too. WTF? ^^

@Atechno - How very inconvenient for you to have your cough stop at the moment.

Better run though. I'm in the midst of possibly watching a repeat of last year's game. Way to go OSU, way to go.

Jan 7, 08 10:15 pm  · 

What? What pictures? My Winter Break ones? You guys are sweet. I'm really not photogenic though. And for the record, a-techno, vado, and tuna are allowed to stalk me whenever they want. I will now go SuperPoke them to prove my point.

(Sidebar: SuperPoking has got to be one of the most fun useless activities ever created, and here's why: it plays off of our fascination with language to get us to interact. Literally it's a game to see how many different verbs we can use to engage each other. And whenever they give me a new verb to use, I go crazy with it. New Year's verbs? How many people can I poke at once! Election verbs? Why yes, I'll take 10, thanks!)

Jan 8, 08 12:57 am  · 

i stopped in to starbucks&noble yesterday at lunch hoping to find something inspiring to read (or at least something with pretty pictures) and saw keller easterling's book enduring innocence has a line splashed across the front cover that it was an archinect best book of 2005!

might be the first time i've seen archinect printed in a book and it was kind of weird.

looked it up this morning and it was from mason white's 'best of' list from '05. so now archinect is an authority on architecture books like pitchfork is for music?


i'm resisting facebook, even though the article in wired a couple of months ago made it sound much more useful than i previously might have thought. but 'superpoking'? huh? [goes back in shell.]

Jan 8, 08 7:18 am  · 
some person

"Facebook" (as a verb) was runner-up for the word of the year.

Steven, I would totally Facebook you if you signed up for an account.

Jan 8, 08 7:35 am  · 

i went to the facebook site once to check it out and i thought the interface was so ugly i didn't stay.

Jan 8, 08 8:10 am  · 
Living in Gin

Still alive... Sort of.

Jan 8, 08 8:12 am  · 

@ Steven Ward..

Wow, that is quite a bit of authority "we" have been given....

For everyone watching the game last night..


Much love to all TCer's this morning. I am grateful everyday for your "companionship"

Jan 8, 08 8:19 am  · 

oops I made the missus sick

WK you've been poked...and why do I feel naughty when I say that? Evil grin and all. Steven I so understand your hesitation for joining, and one point its a complete waste of time, but its addictive; in another its a great social connector without equal, much like (free) email when it first came out

Jan 8, 08 8:43 am  · 

superpoking is fun, but some times it just feels... 'dirty'.

yeah for archinect becoming a pillar of the architectural community!!!

Jan 8, 08 9:42 am  · 
Dapper Napper

I still can't quite figure out facebook. It's obviously a more mature version of myspace, but the interface is throwing me for a loop.

And I'm afraid to poke someone.

Jan 8, 08 11:51 am  · 

I also enjoy super-poking people. Apparently, I've just been "stalked" by someone too, so I must go respond.

Just got word today that I'm going to be working on a sustainable design/build project. Am quite excited.

Jan 8, 08 12:19 pm  · 

tuna, please remind the rest of the team that points are not the point. make a great building first, then tally up the credits.

Jan 8, 08 1:25 pm  · 

the above link is for any possible Ron Paul supporters....appears Neo-Con means something entirely different to Ron Paul....tool.

Jan 8, 08 1:47 pm  · 
liberty bell

tumbles, you might consider making a huge stink about this in hopes that NEXT semester the powers will be will decide you deserve to get whatever you want, either out of a sense of fairness or just to avoid the kerfluffle. That worked for me in grad school once.

Sorry you're not happy with your choice, but I imagine in the long run - 5, 10 years down the road - you'll be glad for what you're learning now.

Jan 8, 08 2:15 pm  · 
Living in Gin

What an absolutely beautiful day today. Sunny (but not too sunny), with temps in the high 60's. I just got back from a slightly-extended lunch break, during which I took a nice walk through Central Park. Days like this remind me why I moved back here.

Jan 8, 08 2:29 pm  · 


I sense a UCLA sucks thread in the works

Jan 8, 08 3:22 pm  · 

I will second tumbles non-recomendation of UCLA.

all they teach is how to vac-form...and the vac-form machine is broken 90% of the time

Jan 8, 08 3:28 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

But their admissions brochure looks so nice, seriously. Sorry to hear it hasn't lived up to expectations, Tumbles. I'm sure you've learned/will learn more than you think you did/will.

Jan 8, 08 3:31 pm  · 

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