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a vendor left a case of wine for us today. for an office of 6 people. Free Booze!

Dec 20, 07 5:39 pm  · 

Merry Christmas All,

I am leaving my job today for bigger and better things. All the best to Paul and the Crew, all TC'er's and Archinecteurs in general.

May your Christmas be white, and if that runs out - drink the Red.


Dec 20, 07 5:55 pm  · 

yay, diabase. best of luck to you.

Dec 20, 07 6:03 pm  · 

Many congrats both Rationalist and diabase.

Poop Orhan! It would have been nice to have lunch with you. Hopefully next year.

In other news... think I'm going to take the entire week off next week. Figured out my comp time hours and it turns out I have a total of 53. That's on top of the 11.5 hours I have left of vacation.

Dec 20, 07 6:08 pm  · 

e - good idea!

rationalist - nice job!

tk - check your email!

diabase - good luck! Don't be a stranger!

Orhan - say hi to Daisy for me!

(Did I miss anybody?)

Why am I watching the evening news, anyway? I haven't watched the evening news in years. Weird.

PS. Is Bush still President? Why? He should just go on vacation for the next 11 months.

Dec 20, 07 6:39 pm  · 
vado retro

mr. fuller i used to live in albucrackee, and may someday move back.

Dec 20, 07 7:51 pm  · 

I say hello to all.

Did some christmas shopping today. Easy peasy just a little left.

I hate consuming, but loving gifting. If not time than whatever,

Dec 20, 07 8:18 pm  · 
liberty bell

Orhan, I am jealous of your week of bachelorhood. Though if I was alone at Christmas I'd be in tears. Hope your week is fun and you have friends close by - meaning physical ones, you always have friends here on TC.

diabase, yay! I hope the new job is fulfilling (both emotionally and financially).

I'll be up late tonight, believe it or not I'm still wrestling with sketchup, I decided to soldier through and see if I can get this little drawing to look good enough after all...

Dec 20, 07 8:26 pm  · 
liberty bell

So, a question: did the Brad Pitt Charlie Rose thread get "disappeared" because it linked to copyrighted material, or because Cameron and Paul had a tiff?

I didn't get a chance to see it yet - the film clip, that is. I'm ashamed that I didn't watch (drool over) Brad right away, but sometimes, *gasp*, work takes precedence! Maybe it's on youtube.

Dec 20, 07 8:31 pm  · 


I'm living here with near death of my computer....had one of those ugly visitors come knocking! So it will be only a short time before it
all comes flying apart at the seams. So I will have to dump everything and reload Architect that is if I can ever figure out how to
get back into the place.

I'm sure your sketchup drawing will work out just fine. If you get in trouble it makes for a great backdrop for a trace line drawing....then shade and catch the drift.

I would recommend you try to print what you have at this point just so you know how it looks in hard copy. That is another one of the
areas which I felt like a dork!

Dec 20, 07 9:06 pm  · 

there was a real inappropriate post personally attacking cameron late night and the thread was closed probably by paul.
i am all for discourse but the post was more about attacking him for personal reasons and that was not fair.
however, cameron answered to it in a very mature way and sounded very reasonable.

Dec 20, 07 9:09 pm  · 

i clicked the 100000!!

Dec 20, 07 9:33 pm  · 


Dec 20, 07 9:37 pm  · 

i feel fuckin' selfish though...

Dec 20, 07 9:46 pm  · 

woooooo for TC!!! I was # 100,006

nam - glad you joined my linkedin network.

r- you've piqued my curiosity about ecological viz - can I see it?

shout out to Q & dubK.

I just invented an new sub-field of landscape/planning: Hydrological Urbanism or how water shape urban growth and structure. This may make me more famous then stan allen or mohsen mostafavi!

Dec 20, 07 9:50 pm  · 

I was 100,011!

Team Lachey, aka Team Cincinnati, just won the "Clash of the Choirs" on NBC. Now, in addition to chili, ice cream, and sports teams with criminal records, the Queen City can also offer singers to the rest of the world. This is all we're going to hear about for the rest of the weekend.

Dec 20, 07 10:06 pm  · 

I can't believe we hit 100,000 posts. Seems like only yesterday we only reached 16,000.

@ rfuller - I don't know what made me think about this but how are you doing since graduation? I hope a little less anxious.

Dec 20, 07 10:32 pm  · 

quest for higher learning!

*today from yahoo.

Dec 20, 07 10:41 pm  · 

damn 100033 always late to the punch. damn you abra (shakes fist)

Dec 20, 07 10:53 pm  · 
vado retro

just you knowing about the clash of the choirs raises a redflag wk!

Dec 20, 07 11:05 pm  · 

She's right though, it WILL truly be all that we'll here for the entire weekend. That's one of the dangers of living in a small town that likes to pretend it's a big city.

Dec 20, 07 11:20 pm  · 

Still alive....wishing I had an Architecture Sucks teefor Christmas...
there might be an occasion to wear it, in the coming year.....actually
more than one...occasion....but my clients might not agree....guess I best be paid up full before dancing about in my tee!

Merry Christmas and all of the other Holidays dancing among us
as we race into the New Year....and welcome to winter in the the northern half of the world and welcome to summer in thet southern
half of the world. I say this becaue it is important to understand we
are a world of people with alot of ideas about how life is to be carried out. I say go celebrate your life to the fullest!

Gin your not hanging in NYC by yourself over the holiday are you?

Dec 21, 07 12:11 am  · 

tuna- Doing much better now. Got some stuff figured out. I'm only going to do my MArch at TTU now. (I was gonna do the dual with the MBA.) I think I need some time off after that. So, I'll work long enough to get a license and then I'll go to a more reputable MBA program after that.

As far as finding gainful employment during grad school, I think I may have found a pretty good gig. We'll see what happens, but two of the three laser cutter/model shop employees just graduated. That would be a great gig because I could basically get paid to do what I already do, spend all my time in the model shop waiting on the Laser cutter.

We'll find out more about our baby making time frame at the end of January. Either way, if I only get my MArch and then go to work, we should be fine regardless of whether or not my wife has any medical issues.

And after the A/V guys install my new TV and set up my stereo tomorrow, I'll be all caught up on getting the inside of my house where it needs to be. Next, on to the exterior and finally cleaning out that old shed...

Well, I better get back to helping Mrs. rfuller with the Christmas cookies. You guys have a good one!

Dec 21, 07 12:46 am  · 
Living in Gin

This time tomorrow morning I'll be on a train headed for Raleigh, North Carolina to visit my parents for a few days.

Dec 21, 07 7:13 am  · 
brian buchalski

i invented, or rather concocted, a new drink last night by adding a shot of tequila to my dessert and...behold...the tequila float

i should have taken a picture

and yeah...i'm still alive

Dec 21, 07 7:38 am  · 

i was always a sucker for jagermeister over vanilla ice cream myself.

Dec 21, 07 8:21 am  · 

rfuller - good to hear things have gotten a little more settled in your life. Nothing worse than not knowing in what direction one is moving toward. I hope everything with your wife turns out okay.

Yay! puddles is still alive.

Did anyone hear that blurb on Marketplace this morning about the 17 year old girl who died of liver failure? Cigna declined her claim for the liver transplant b/c they didn't think they procedure was necessary. They finally accepted the claim after much public protest but not soon enough. GAH!!!! Yet another reason to add to my LONG list of why I hate health/dental insurance companies.

Dec 21, 07 8:30 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So I saw this watch in a magazine, and thought Husband would really like it. I hunted for a price, figuring it owuld be around 3-400 dollars, expensive, but you pay for quality, right? Well, I was WAY off. Try 68,000 DOLLARS! Talk about disapointing. Anybody feel like spotting me the cash, I think I will buy two.

What do y'all think of the watch?

Dec 21, 07 10:09 am  · 
Living in Gin

Jesus Christ, that's a down payment on a condo.... And I thought I was being extravagant when I paid $200 for my Diesel watch a few years ago.

Dec 21, 07 10:23 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

But you have to admit, its a pretty amazing looking time piece.

Dec 21, 07 10:24 am  · 

found these recently:

your $68k watch would be great for a performance car guy. but, while these don't quite say 'racing', they would still be great for a designer's husband.

Dec 21, 07 10:42 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Steven, those are crazy looking. I like some of the square ones quite a bit. Turns out, after looking at other watches on the luxury site, Richard Mille has some watches selling for over 500,000 USD. So 68,000 is relatively cheap.

Dec 21, 07 10:54 am  · 
Living in Gin

I'm very 1980's retro-minded in my preference for digital watches. Here's my aforementioned Diesel watch:

Dec 21, 07 11:02 am  · 

i want this one:

Dec 21, 07 11:06 am  · 

sarah, that watch is the watch i have been lusting after for years now. i plan on getting it, when powerball blesses me.

Dec 21, 07 11:10 am  · 

Those are some awesome looking watches Steven.

^^I also like that one.

I haevn't worn a watch since my battery died October 2006. At first it drove me crazy, but now I don't even think about it,

Dec 21, 07 11:14 am  · 

Liberty Bell, if you haven't figured out how to make the shadows work might I offer you some simple advice. However you will need to let me know if you want accurate shadows, contrast, daylight savings time, indoor spaces, and/or geographic location.

Dec 21, 07 11:18 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yeah, they should definately pay us architects and interns LOADS more. We can't help that we have discerning tastes, its a casualty of the profession, and should be covered under insurance or something.

Dec 21, 07 11:30 am  · 
liberty bell

As always, it all comes down to plotting problems. Went to pick up my drawing this morning and, since I have never sent color plots to this print shop before, didn't realize I had to check 'color" on their output format. Sigh. Oh well, there was a typo anyway, and some line weight issues, so I tweaked it a bit and resent. The print shop people are patient and helpful for me, as always, bless them.

Now I need to eat some protein - going on caffeine and Christmas cookies since last night. how quickly can I get a project narrative and budget together?!? Deadline looms at five....later all.

Thanks for the offer, a-techno: I may tweak this drawing and specifically the shadows alater, so I'll let you know.

Dec 21, 07 11:55 am  · 

well I went to the lawyers today regarding my new house, and things are looking good. On the checklist get my valuation so I can secure my loan, and pay my escrow of 10% - fun times.

Like vado I've had enough of the Christmas music, this is the first time in years that I've put headphones on - but the holiday worker next to me is blasting the public radio with a few bad calypso renditions of Christmas classics.

How far are we in Hannukah?

Oh and I had a day off yesterday - how fun! I spent the day by the pool and had drunk chicken ie, stick a can a beer up a chicken's ass and bbq it. Brilliant!!

Dec 21, 07 12:19 pm  · 
Ledoux's Eye

This is for LB.

Caught my teenage (barely) daughter walking around the house the other day belting out the opening wail from "The Immigrant Song" (she was doing it rather well, I might add). I asked her about it and she said "Dad, that's The Immigrant Song and it's one of my favorite songs..have you heard it before?" Kind of brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it?

I proceeded to show her my rather extensive collection of LZ music (most of which I had not previously played when she was around because I usually only want to hear LZ when it can be played at the appropriate volume - my sound system goes to 11). Apparently, I am now officially one of the coolest dads around.

Dec 21, 07 12:32 pm  · 
Living in Gin

"Let's shove a beer can up a chicken's arse and barbecue it!"


Dec 21, 07 12:32 pm  · 

Atechno - Chanukkah (or Hanukkah) was December 4th to 12th this year.

LB - I'm thinking good thoughts for you and your deadline

Dec 21, 07 1:05 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I wish I had a jewish friend to celebrate Chanukka with. I think it would be fun, although I would probably annoy them with all of my questions about the culture and such, so they'd have to be a very patient friend.

And with the spelling, and pronunciation of Chanukka, is Challa bread actually pronounced Halla?

Dec 21, 07 1:12 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, and who was it that did the Noah's Ark exhibit? Its in a mag I got today. I feel like I know someone famous.

Dec 21, 07 1:14 pm  · 
liberty bell

Ledoux's: aaaw-aaaw-aaaaaaaaw-AAAW! That story brings a tear to MY eye, aprtly for the age reference, but also for the fact that you're now the coolest dad around! What more could anyone want!!!

Thanks for the vibe, tunamelt, I'm feeling it.

Dec 21, 07 1:17 pm  · 

Yes, Sarah you are correct. It is pronounced Halla

I'm not actually Jewish but most of friends in my high school were; as was my high school sweetheart. I find the Judaism quite interesting and have always wanted to celebrate the Festival of Lights too. From what I've learned though, on the scope of things it's not really a major holiday for them, so those that I knew didn't really celebrate it. Hopefully one day I'll be able to experience it too. Anyone out there light the Menorah? Maybe we could all celebrate it next year together :o)

Dec 21, 07 1:29 pm  · 

sarah, if you are referring to the noah's ark exhibit at the skirball, i did all of the wall murals in the place. olson sundberg kundig allen did the overall exhibit including most of the animals created from found objects. chris green did the puppets. what mag was is in?

Dec 21, 07 1:43 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

My muslim friend sends me cards for Islamic hollidays, and thats cool, though they don't write them in english, so I haveno idea what they say. Hmmmm.

I will have to remember its Halla, though I will laugh everytime I say it. Holla!

Dec 21, 07 1:54 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

E, its in 'Archetype'Journal of the woodwork institute. It won Best of of the Best - 2007. The only Mural pictured is a rainbow wiht birds and mountians as seen through the boat door under the lion. If thats what your murals look like, wow, I like it. Its a nice mix of graphic representation and realistic painting.

Dec 21, 07 1:57 pm  · 

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