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Hmm, yes, it is. Typical! Luckily I enjoy it all. Also I forgot to mention, the Christmas Eve service starts tonight at 6:30pm, so it's a short day, too!

I already did laundry and wrapped a gift and sent 3 work emails and it's only 7:30am. woohoo!

Dec 24, 07 10:37 am  · 

I love vacation.

Dec 24, 07 10:37 am  · 

Wow Myriam. sounds like you will be busy.

As for present opening protocol....
My family opens them on Christmas morning....
Get up early, cook some grub and open presents!

Dec 24, 07 11:08 am  · 

Wow Myriam. sounds like you will be busy.

As for present opening protocol....
My family opens them on Christmas morning....
Get up early, cook some grub and open presents!

Dec 24, 07 11:08 am  · 

I used to be a touchy feely person but in recent years I've become adverse to it, which I find kinda sad. Although I must admit with certain people I'm fine with it. I actually envy those people that feel comfortable enough to hug people.

It's cold today but it's sunny and beautiful. Makes me feel happy. Have presents to wrap and some things to do around the house that I didn't get done yesterday. I haven't been to a Christmas Service in about 8 years but have decided to go with a friend tonight.

Dec 24, 07 11:25 am  · 

SH, we open presents with the in laws on Christmas Eve, and my family on Christmas morning.

myriam, I'm feeling for you. I've still got two paintings for my mother in law to finish, and wrap so she can unwrap them by 6. I also have to wrap all the presents for my wife's side of the family. And we mistakingly bought the thin paper, so I'm gonna have to either tough it out or run out and find more.

well the wife is yelling for me to get off the computer now.

Merry Christmas TC!

Dec 24, 07 11:31 am  · 

I'm the definition of touchy-feely.

As for opening gifts tonight, yes. We only open gifts from family tonight. We open gifts from Santa tomorrow morning.

Dec 24, 07 11:36 am  · 

argh, why do they even make the thin paper?! I feel for you in return, rfuller! good luck on the paintings!

Dec 24, 07 11:37 am  · 

Oh yea,


Dec 24, 07 11:37 am  · 

happy Christmas Eve, TC!

i'm also affectionate by nature ("touchy-feely" if you wish), and it certainly confuses or unnerves some (as you say myriam). it's tricky in certain situations, especially for a guy...

growing up in miami affection amongst friends was common. half-hugs for your guy friends, hugs and a kiss on the cheek for your female friends. the kiss on the cheek was also common, in lieu of a handshake, for a guy and girl meeting for the first time. i'm sure this is a cultural thing (miami/south florida being highly influenced by latin american and caribbean culture)...

every now and then i still find myself questioning what i should do. this manifests itself as me attempting to size up a person in that first few seconds, deciding how to proceed (handshake or hug or...). i love it when i meet someone and they just initiate the hug (as dubK did when we first met in person).

growing up we also opened at least some of our presents on Christmas Eve. we definitely didn't wake up early Christmas day, regardless of how excited we were. everyone in my family appreciates their sleep. on that note, Sarah, i think it's totally sensible for you to wake the baby up to establish good habits. i've always had issues with my night-owl hours. it worked alright in college, but real-world hours aren't as easy when your tendency is to stay up late.

anyway, i hope everyone is giving and receiving plenty of love over the holidays. due to a complex turn of events, i'm spending Christmas week alone in the city...but so far enjoying the solitude. tonight i'm thinking about going to a candlelight service at one of manhattan's many beautiful churches.

here's a pic from a walk i took yesterday, near MoMA:

St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church in the foreground, Citigroup tower above. cloudy winter day, a bit of rain, though it was still beautiful.

Dec 24, 07 11:53 am  · 

AP that's a pretty cool photo. I'm sending you warm vibes for Christmas so you don't feel so alone. As strange as it may sound, I actually love the custom of the hug and the kiss and actually think I blush whenever I am the receiver of it.

Growing up we used to open one gift Christmas Eve and then to open the rest Christmas Day. The biggest tradition in my family is eating Blintzes for brunch; a recipe my grandmother brought with her (and shared) from the Ukraine. My one brother and his family are actually getting up early to drive two hours south from his wife's parents' house to be at my parents' house by 10am just to get some. He's missed out for the past several years and is bound and determined not to again this year.

Dec 24, 07 12:18 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

That must be some brunch.

Dec 24, 07 12:25 pm  · 

They only get made once a year so I guess it is. One year, my mom didn't make them and their was almost a revolt. She didn't know it was so important.

This year's brunch also includes:
Center cut bacon. fruit salad of pineapple, oranges, bananas, coconut and cherries, coffee (hopefully french pressed), orange juice, and milk. Usually it's pink grape fruit instead of the fruit salad. Damn, my mouth is watering just thinking about it.

Dec 24, 07 12:37 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I love grapefruit. yumm. Now my mouth is watering.

Dec 24, 07 12:58 pm  · 

She had me at center cut bacon....hmmmmmmmm.

Dec 24, 07 1:08 pm  · 

Some years the orange juice is fresh sqeezed too. So I guess it's worth driving two hours for. Wish I could invite everyone, but unfortunately my mom is only making a double batch o' blintzes.

Dec 24, 07 1:40 pm  · 

didn't sign in to tc until now. Sarah, I'm working for another hour or so in central time, it nice that my office is dead.

present opening protocols when i was a kid were after the candles were lit... now its completely random.

as to being touchy-feely, I'm a hug and snuggle kind of guy, and my wife is a hugger but not a snuggler when sleeping. guess that means that I'll be rocking the boy to sleep.

haven't heard about any unsolicited belly rubbing yet, but she's not showing too much. I'm rather protective and might just hurt anybody who crosses that line. its her belly damnit!

Dec 24, 07 2:10 pm  · 

E-hugs to everyone on this Christmas Eve, especially you AP, I'm thinking about you! I think if there was one place in the world I would want to be alone for Christmas, it would be New York, mainly because you're never alone in New York. Gosh, I miss it.

Yep, I'm a hugger. One of my close friends is having a baby literally any day now, I saw her yesterday at brunch and I hugged her but didn't pat her belly. I thought about how annoying that was for some people so I just didn't.

I have to go finish wrapping gifts. Happy holidays!

Dec 24, 07 3:25 pm  · 

Merry Christmas TC!!! May everyone's be a peaceful, warm and safe one. Off to wrap presents and finish my laundry.

Dec 24, 07 4:24 pm  · 

went to service tonight here.

good service, older congregation, modern service without being too, too koreshy.

very merry christmas to all of you!

best wishes for the new year!

Dec 24, 07 8:41 pm  · 
liberty bell

My parents came to town 48 hours ago and since they hit the ground it's been a hectic rush of shopping, planning menus, prepping food, buying booze, afternoon Chsristmas Eve service, etc. We had a great dinner last night - my dad's barbeque chicken - and tonight had friends over for heavy hor d'oeuvres and playdates - four kids running wild through the house while the adults drank. Had chicken satay (I made it - delish) and lots of other yummy finger food. Been drinking Manhattans, which my dad makes. Bought rum for the eggnog, gin for G&T's, and scotch, but everyone besides dad and I drank wine! So I have plenty of booze at my house - vado, you'll have to come over after the new year.

Now I have wrapping to do. Husband went hog wild - I didn't realize how many things he was buying (all on ebay for a few bucks each) - we have about two dozen Lego boxes to wrap, plus a bike!!! I need to have a talk with him about simplicity.

I have to say: so far, since meeting my deadline Friday at 5 and getting full swing into the holiday craziness, I am in heaven. Having a perfect time - a full house, lots of friends, tons of delicious food, this is exactly what I want the holidays to be.

Lots of love to all of TC and archinecters for a happy, safe holiday. I am definitely a member of the touchy-feely camp, and will give each and every one of oyu a hug whenever we happen to meet.

Dec 24, 07 10:07 pm  · 

Liberty bell, have you seen Juno yet?

you must.

Dec 24, 07 11:55 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Interesting church, Beta. I've always loved the Saarinens' work, but unfortunately I haven't seen much of it in real life. One of these days I'll make it out to the TWA terminal at JFK, assuming it's even open to the public.

I went to my own parents' little Presbyterian church for their Christmas Eve service. The building isn't anything special, except that it looks like one of those nondescript mainline Protestant churches you always see in soap opera wedding scenes (not that I watch many soap operas). The service itself was a bit more informal and touchy-feely than the traditional stiff-upper-lip, high-and-dry cathedral style of worship I prefer, but overall it was relatively non-offensive.

I'm probably the least touchy-feely person in the universe, but not for lack of trying. It's just that whenever I make an attempt at showing my touchy-feely side, it always comes across as creepy and awkward. So nowadays I usually just refrain from even trying anymore. My therapist and I have our work cut out.

We got home from the service and opened the presents. I got my dad a set of DVD's of the Ken Burns documentary "The War" (highly recommended if you haven't already seen it on PBS), and I got my mom a book of photographs of Central Park. They got me an Apple Store gift card and a few other things. Overall, not a bad catch.

Anyway, I hope everybody else is having a great holidays. A merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

Dec 25, 07 12:11 am  · 

sleeping in on a tuesday morning! even this atheist can appreciate this side of the holiday.

enjoy all the presents kids!

koreshy is my word of the day.

Dec 25, 07 10:10 am  · 

What a great song Orhan. I went to a wonderful Christmas service last night in which the pastor spoke about the world working towards peace and harmony. Much peace and harmony to all on TC!

Dec 25, 07 12:40 pm  · 

merry christmas Archinect, TC, et al...

went to a traditional polish catholic service in a modernist church in the outskirts of Lodz (sorry didnt take anypics).

I am more touchy-feely than some but not as much as others... I am also a product of the Miami heat in this regards.

Dec 25, 07 2:32 pm  · 

Just in from brunch, about to take a nap with the puppy, then get ready for cocktails and dinner. Its been a good Christmas...I miss you all dearly, big hugs from the islands

Dec 25, 07 2:53 pm  · 

merry, merry all.

Stuck in Denver (6/9" of snow and it keeps coming down), did breakfast, drank 5 coffees, watched the little one walk (her new trick) and now writing the AFH Year in Review Boxing Day Letter.


Dec 25, 07 3:15 pm  · 

cameron? I like the name change...your Denver comment reminds me of this

Dec 25, 07 4:00 pm  · 

Merry Christmas everyone. just got back from a lovely walk around the Lower East Side. it's a gorgeous day, all things considered (in the 40's, sunny). walked over toward the New Museum and the Bowery Mission, had a beer at the Spring Lounge, happened upon a pick-up soccer game...

last night, on my way home from work (at the jobsite) i stopped off at St. Bartholomew's Church on 51st and Park for their 8pm service. i wasn't raised Catholic, but the traditional Eucharist festivity seemed appropriate for Christmas Eve (although i didn't partake in the Communion)...anyway, while thumbing through the program i couldn't help but be distracted by the fact that the general info page had the following categories, all with equal graphic hierarchy:

-Who we are
-Where we are going
-What we believe
-Our worship
-Our landmark building


Our landmark building
The present church was built in 1918. The dome and much of the interior decorations were added 10 years later. The Community House dates from 1927. Cruciform in shape, Romanesque in design, and Byzantine in decoration, the church's massive interior is meant to be open and simple. There is a wealth of detail, art and iconography, but the architect, Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue, created a clear, broad space where all could see and hear.


Orhan, thanks for that link, great song. tunamelt, thanks for the kind words and warm vibes, and dubK, thanks for the e-hug.

have a great evening all.

Dec 25, 07 4:12 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Glad you made it to St. Bart's, AP. They're a pretty cool parish with an interesting building. (St. Bart's is Episcopalian, not Roman Catholic, but the liturgy is very similar.)

I'll be back in NYC tomorrow evening. Are you doing anything for New Years Eve?

Dec 25, 07 5:19 pm  · 
Dec 25, 07 6:02 pm  · 

christmas started yesterday at about 7:30 PM for us cus friends and family was all working or going to school. oldest daughter had a swimming test at swimming school so she went to that, and we had an inspection from municipal office in morning. then we had christmas dinner and opened the presents late at night. with the kids an my younger brother who is visiting for the holiday. its slightly out of synch but its christmas.

off to work now. littel brother is coming, just for fun.

Dec 25, 07 6:40 pm  · 

Is it still Christmas...

Happy Holidays AP, LIG, Q, Jump, Archi and all the rest of thread central.

Back to work tommorow!

Dec 25, 07 10:58 pm  · 

Hi everyone. I hope everybody had a great off day, no matter what religion or non-religion you observe. I always have a moment when I step back into church after a long absence.....I appreciate the beauty of the place, and remember how much I respect the community, and then I quietly remind myself of why I choose not to participate in that community, for the most part.

I do, however, suspect that we all might have started praying to something had we been in this situation.

Anyway, I'm just stopping in to say hello, and I'm still practicing Pacific Time Zone so most of my communiques seem to happen at obscene hours. Sans tigers, thank goodness.

Dec 26, 07 2:16 am  · 

PS. I just tried that double-Preview trick, and it worked. Fantastic!

Dec 26, 07 2:17 am  · 

poor Tatiana.

Dec 26, 07 4:52 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Good Morning! Unfortunately I'm at work, but its better than being in the return line at some store.

What did everyone get for Christmas? Husband got me a stand mixer, with attachments. I can make my own sausage now. Yeah, I'm that much of a dork.

Dec 26, 07 8:37 am  · 

Hey all!
I am also at work Sarah..
I got a fully loaded toolbox, some records etc...

Dec 26, 07 9:28 am  · 

if I got to choose, being Tatianized isn't too bad a way to go. RIP Tatiana...

we got hand-me-down baby clothes...

Dec 26, 07 10:20 am  · 
John Cline

I received some needed wardrobe updates, silver serving pieces and a cheapy remote controll helicopter (it's awesome and the dogs freak out over it!).

It already started this year: baby had more presents than mom and dad.

Dec 26, 07 10:31 am  · 

I hear ya, Sarah. I got a Cuisinart from my manfried and I am PSYCHED.

Dec 26, 07 10:44 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Myiam, I got one of those as a wedding gift. I made dips and spreads for weeks. Now I use it for more difficult things, but dips and spreads were a simple and quick way to instant creativity and gratification. Haven't figured out what to do with my stand mixer yet. Maybe I will make bread, or pizza, and then I can shred cheese with the new attachments, slice my own pepperoni, and make the dough. I could use themeat grinder attachment to grind tomatoes, right? Thats all the attachments for one meal! Woohoo!

And, TK, I think I'm going to list all the baby gifts on the other thread. No need to clutter TC with baby talk.

Dec 26, 07 10:52 am  · 

Ha ha. I am a baker, so I'm all set to make my special pate brisee dough next week, and after that may try croissants for my first time... oh, so many flaky pastries to learn how to make!!!

Dec 26, 07 10:56 am  · 

whipped creme, meringue, soufflé, and bread.... enjoy the mixers!
(but then you have to clean them - a cutting board and knife may be easier to wash)

Dec 26, 07 11:10 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yeah, but TK, you can't make bread dough with a cutting board and knife.

And Myriam, do you have a meringue recipe? I can't seem to find a good one, could have something to do with spelling since searches all come up with music and dancing techniques. But I do love the crunchy marshmallowness of meringue.

Dec 26, 07 11:20 am  · 

john, how is the helicopter? i got a little H2 - surprise, surprise, it runs on rechargeable batteries - to chase the cats, and want to get a helio-thingy-amabob...

Dec 26, 07 11:22 am  · 
John Cline

beta, it sounds like it might be similar to the one i got! mine charges through a little wire that extends from the controller. i tried it for awhile yesterday but couldn't get it to fly for very long without running it into a wall, lamp or some random obsticle. my brother in law is an RC gear head and should be able to help me fine tune it. it's pretty cool though!

Dec 26, 07 11:35 am  · 

morning TC. also at work today, and the office is mostly full (6 of 8).

i received some Christmas standards in the mail from Mom - undergarments. this year she took my new geographic location into consideration, so in addition to the usual boxer briefs, she also sent long underwear tops and bottoms. winter silks! highly recommended...

the GF and i are getting IRA's for Christmas. i'm sure we'll still exchange a small gift or two when she's back in town (friday), but our primary "gift" is retirement planning. we have a few more days to start our IRA's and drop the calender year max of $4k into 'em...

i would love a cuisinart, but i don't think i'm at the point in my life where i'm ready to commit to owning one.

John - Rowan is a beauty (flickr), and those dogs are gorgeous too. i think it's great that they hang out so calmly with eachother (dogs and baby). my dad got a doberman when i was an infant, in part so that i would be comfortable around big dogs from a young age. he did the same with my little sister.

Dec 26, 07 11:38 am  · 

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